Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1972, p. 1

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lineiiv obeyed Icourt order to return to so not onerouscontrome lire its the ilnhhlns room In Idloinlhx urehotne eon ot tisutman maltose to on hiatus sbeat meow worth oi Unpuood early this moraine diminishes but Ilrelsiis prr may reeult in up to it mil Vented spread further throush iliCTOitY be back in operation hi svceh plant spokesman said Story on pen rcdilnrwoodhn prisetiniietin Photo lion damage litre eprsad to the buttons The plaotshouid Challenged t71lAWA it AS inp Uh ersl election planners met in to erect sceslon hionday to theirstrateyymommnnv tlen spokesmen harassmentout irctihad mum sileld has brden its mandate Inn has broken in ialth with the canadtsn people and it is hl tine it went oto leader David this door that the trod MONTREAL Cll Props th lion vcenirei ports at onoday sene theOininderlt oi NI irmsdaminvaim one or van sccorsv vern orcd slime hinndey les idents denimtr atlas highrentinpomctsl the whichququ an Quebec Federation iaborl tideyxstrite=hy room he doubts his ovoid public service workers hil tenders om not the Qiia getterttinithe stint with Quebecreaehers strike May id Quebecs uniltei that th Hittermew 0o wereexesctedt shows her ie bodylil1 participate tbddyrsi Illegitimatecommit because thereissnot enmpb tee heliinlonthsdissxle which tiritetoprepaeeinrit mulled ini the pub sor The strit ever unsealed by rstrite Econosnsos in than taxes mm rue lThe satlonmhs edeastI Nil his sessmutt plain Ihidt covered the entire minty in mml to cover the per cent oi the pores in it owns cone0n in total expenditures willpayisss him mayhem indium toessiiiriseahnoetto scardiu entacosia municipalitiu steers rcorrlsitlons tor the in unused mods ior ten and hiinemlnt trun Irbttrati sets government are within the mhm Md svslocial limitations oi use the LIN respectively rcquisisttens have riseswa Emu um pmVidi tneem hilny boards in the province ll mimicipaiitiu Ire Ilieded by Iriseietheproposedrnliiretn mmov hrnnidaie Tbsnship is seasons Theatre Brown at Or my my to in my Sim the input ednco have been shore the multitude provincial ceilings and must oi the county will pay thehasdelt hit with Inlncresss tilts bullet eomrnittee chais pa em trons oi me per rent in the retina nssn said the board has made in whim lhlzlpmvirhclal etsd rate Toenvontio Township Ivrry eitort to control costs in mm ya the mnty main us hersiestupavrrwtthpro lscee bibs oi possible use market per cent mom laces probe tiers tam tnnisiil stu per cent trducation costs in creators still rise in pa cut while Bee by the provincial sovernmtnt Space Walk Planned POI Apollo 16 Pilot HOUSTON CF The three day is due to splash then in nauts blasted out at tuner orbit Apollo id Isissmluts tired and the $th Pectttc near christ divty were on their way both lo mas island Thursday Ittcrnood earth today alter the most eaA Casper oted by liattlnva sehisvedbymsn lint they one radio contact when the astro dered whether they reeii tossed slipped around the edge oi the nmn and Yarn happily re hanstlve moon exploration yet was behln themoon Intoutoi grid iOorrtlnpfuury tits than unwed noon iir in below the srtaxlmurn1ho roasts ls Township ssld dusinp Wm mention it my nulljy he siiowed to ncresse oi was necessary to delete many buildup to the $535 and him items in order to remain within my mmuveiy he rxprnditure rellinss imposed an on Wm ceiling ior this year and tor the lutuxe the budset committee is recommendins that the bosrd Initiate studies in the following areas obtainins optimum value txorvv its custodial operations de trrmlninp the most practical up froarh utth srsport to recover ny the mcsintin rests ems ioncd by tumor use oi schools hyltlto community the report in adltion tho rummlttm uill be rccommrndiny to tho boerd that esrnirrp school tees and slritrr education lets he turns cd In ms with tho latter pro Eleven minutes later they rm it added DlilhElt EDUCATION iiurn eom nominal pram bmimlns reileupposnzin Iusilov areas at the county and the year at threeyear bullion ilnas in rooprntion with the department oi education the sen arste school board and CTN Borden LIBRARY FACILITIES library resources centres csnes the minty are where ieeslbie In existing schools and stzcable amount Is been attested this ear to expand this ion ot in ty hir said it is woposed to continue to uppsdo schools end pnaut ihmuyhmtt the county is more rioeer to the entrailslion ot op portunities in all areas will be maintained at live loveLs ior all positions In the boards toy so that the same high fatality oi truth and scrvlre personnel In provided in IN parts of tht minty hir Brown added The bullet rommitioee report ststrd reserves tor worhhl loads at stronoo In the elemesr tnry panel and 10030 in the secondary psnel are also is the precious volcanic soc they had mm ldeanvhtls thehix event on tsp todsp was space wait by the pilot lien hlet tinsly crudal cosine burn hiondsy nisht thrust the Isisonauts out oi lunar orbit It Izit pm ass and on course tor earth storm miles also tbe NW ship Prime Casper separated trom the on vases rare Politician still in Uruguay nortrnvsnno Neuter Tupsrnsaros urban were holdbss too Uruytrsyan opposition politician today in lurmed tinnontery sources said so would hear ehersee vice that police were involved in In snttoturriila death squad Hector Gutierrea Rois speaker ol the harnher ot dew tested Imemhrrol throngs sitlon Bianca party was nabbed it three armed men It Maedouaid ligainstSolling Water mnonro ior Fneru Minister Duneld blatdonlld hlondey he is itrrniy eiust selling CenIdian water to the United States ilo told st tartan he can soeno advantage to casted in settiny water econ tho border ziiiriines Show Charter Flight innitek PlLC dl Iiriinesshowcd enel OTTAth and en ohm um creases in their theater traltte It the bottom In decline pt cent in passenger treiiic on re shutter reported today STroightltatelncreaselleni WASHINGTON AP The intervals eonsnem foundation denied the Massimos art immediate teoonout increase isoitt retention the N30 initialed an investifeihn ol the sail molest which could lead to approval thol eeyesd moths Grouptli 2i Nations Formed iItOlili Ihetrierl the six Diropeltt Comm et countries and tour entrsnt cotutiries have agreed to create more ot to within the Intesnslionai lioneth to prepare world terl loom Ultltailweysltotgum To Norm rot his Montevideo home Monday tho sources ht his party said Grenades Kill 17 lnlhilippinee hiANlLA AP hand ensdeo tossed in rrowd town square eeriy titled 11 persons end in nesrty 1W includine overnor oi liocoa on mince ed Omes eiilcisls Relatives said the attach vrss an attempt to assassinate Gov tadvthavit Stetson the inn store he was elected last Nov ember lils teit elbow was struck by shrapnel TORONTO it Freer sishiltinpl Clency never won strap as hehirereet tweiphi National Denmark Blamed For Salmon Ban errandca robot hiinisier lsch Davis Ind Diet asi Atlairs itinhttr Widen MIiemmcd Denourhhtore innuendo dathtianiiemintesim Canadians Onservailre erltle llovd crease math Shore also blamed what he termed the blind greed oi the Danes but added that the Cenadi sov ensneot should have taken ac tion as tons on as test hit house said then have been re atcd warninps since then the the nirnnn was beins endeuered by ttshinx on the sees sites discovery in the early it at an ocean ieodins sound oil Greenland Mr Davis said In tbpercenl decresss tn salmon returning to the hilrsmkhi llestisonche and Saint John rivers oi New nouns workis the reuon tor the ban which would died more than too ilshermen in that province and the Port Ius Basques ares oi Nelloundiand hl JACK DAVE Salmon taught oil Port aux Enquireabout 12000 pounds last so horned tor the spuains rivers iiiheria Conservative Govi To Tax Crude EDMONTON CF Alher if Prorrmlve Conservative mononan Pi Northern treisnd administrator Viniiillnrnl Whitth humnconae er assess pm strons action to regain control oi toanan Catholic strongholds dominated by the outlawed lrish iie bilcan Army rump oi ministers in the tormer provincial overnrnent hionday criticised Whitctews policy ior duties with the so called nose areas oi tendon derry where the army and po lice do not petrol lhey claimed that since Brit the sin toot direct control at North on irelend last month the iiiA has tiphtreed its hold so areas such as the Crown Estate and Bedside district and suerriiiaa were publier taunting their presence Vshltelavv visited Woollen Monday and Itsrtied his secu rity men by setting out or his car In the city centre to abate bands with residents Brandtlacesiioto WW MNDON Artytirith were uncdtenormsliodey ot chaos Rebel cocinrer to thee otter more then two vveehs gr onditim are mlon the tide servins tendons wocrmu altictson itonrnnsp tort More school teachers vino boyfotted QuebecTeacherniiieyiaceLe AMI IMO honed nquv id rot in on GoIdHVe hundred OlNoContideneo norm illettierl Viest on man Chancellor Willy hrsndt te teeth eocontldencsvote in to hours whlrbcoutd end his no years in poster but he is so dent he cen aversive ty conlident oi toppllhl him are the opposition Christian Democrats The tires on this tiret ldenee vote easiest tierrnah Ihonnchenceilorin postwar history blindly him only iew hours alter the rvssotn victory in weetend el ections in the key state oi lied enthtoritenahers tr outlandish sovernment unwillins to breeh contracts which limit royalty rates came up with new idea idon ior selling more money irons oil industryI tax on erode oil reserves still in the ior ground The oil industry normalLv ec tounie ior more then one puarter oi provincial revenues ed tax on the Is hi to sit Oil Reserves minerals in the provincIboth on ireehotd and Crovm landis designed to raise $50 million to 690 million in im No rain oi taxation is men tioned in the tentative natural ill ii Wt till on paper in the lesismtre by Bill Diode minister ot mines and minersis there will he no chance in the existlny oU royalty structure established to see axo by the previous Socl credit adminis tratlon rd in thdhtidiehlhalw will serve to reduce the cost er education lens to tho ior rm WWW i0 01mm MIN99 and increased regular night HOM Ind 010 beint The boasd later that night Ip provcd motion lucressinr driv school tees to ilh Kuwait and Additions to Byn riltzernhtp rouvsts will be or naught ptthiie act are uhiie cottrsrs ior senior sltirrns tinerrccvi tom current hands to will restrain tree provide savinu The realest portion oi the hud Trustees spent little time dbs fit rose toward treehers salar cussirts the behind hloet had si es Indnsetlrlrpiiee The board has tended sin previous budset spportlo titlethts ior this rncctlnu and spent more the area rt hours delermiainy he the Dehenture mcnlssndor may hansptetatim exped been meetinsiecs the beyinnint ted to cost overseer oi the year Vietnamese Tanks Smash Deiences In Central Highlands SAiGON iiill North iet by the North Vietnnmcse The nrsuese tents headed south to tail oi the two positions trit ward Keotum City today sltcr um City exposed to test mutiny down South Vietnam by the see delences in the central hlsh Ten Ame lands and puttios Salsuns ndtanro down the road by the troops to ight North Vietnamese hitittery entrees here quoting Ten Americans were reported latest reports said Iarths he killed in the aming crash oi been sighted It the Dlrn Binh US heiico ter one at three re hrldye three miles north at ported sh down htonday dur defence line hastily belts in ihhe South Vietnamese re thrown up by retreatistx rovere treat lrom tan Canh and DI meat torces It Vo Dlnb To The bridle wIs destroyed by South Vietnamese toops vlere government lighter pilots lion reportcct to have evacuated two or alter the military broilers hears the test at string oi sis ters at Ten Conh and the alr government positions on ileid and base at on To were Roster ltldxe dominating tho captured in daring tank sweep hlyh aortnd north at Kontum McGovern Expects Primal WASHINGTON AP Dome ocrete In Pennsylvania and hiss shachdusette use may in double es er pre en risrtari ectleu with llllltoil tin ext llump ind Georse McGovern torecest victories Senator Edtnunh htushle was the un dots in both elections The dust primaries benn an intensive month oi Democrstle hailetiny with hiuskie oi hielno hatUinsJo remain contender frets White House norninl on Mutts put his carnpaisn em phasis on Proasytvenla and said pected to sin and nit begtn inns victory trail is the White blouse McGovern isr shred in the polls in blussdtusetts said be greeted to score je clean sweep ere The votlubelan st Lil tn Pennsylva end sorts eorntnunlt es Polls were to close at pm 1151 In both states in Pennsylvania iiumphrey Sweep htlnnceots bistable lchovrrn oi Sooth Dahota Senator Henry is Jackson pi Weshlnzton and Gov Genrys Welisce oi Alabama were on the presidential preter ence ballot That contest is not bindinscn the teevote delete des lion in July While prImIvlce mesa little in ttto llnol analysis stars the con ventlon must plot the nominee they do its an hsiicatlon oi the strength at candidates President Nixon is sure to win the Republican primary in bias saeiusetts where Represents river John it Asth rt Ohio and Paul McCioehe oi Ceil toreiI remained on heiiot littleskey endorsed htctiovern tn the Democratic priestly and esid that even though be bad quittheeans mheho lor someeheptsh can as pro test the renewed mbiay at North Vietnam There is no lie bticen resi dential preterencew conteei in Pennsylvania tantrum lanai beiiotst tile

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