umhirptrcmourruhhusr Elected to the exeeutlvr oi Ute Breretotn Field Nntunittlo Club oi Bernie It the IIIUIE millrn lIIt him were FROM ROW limit to Evelyn Smith secretnry tree liner John Elmira uryd Smith prulderlt no In ltnher IoeiIl manner BAG IO inn leitl IN directors Gordon tAwr eoeettoopo min Bank Robbery Probe Continues Prottocini lien Il Erediurd uterIl leIdI but have little do II Itheuc turthIrIIIIho tiItiIlorrpocl the Roynl llnnh brooch The wdtocribod II he It Cootrtonu blondny my be tween ilnieet olyhttuuhuhtnd too proctor tire teet to under to heteht ecu It you dont celeb them It tered tho but throueh the irornt Iwa ttemhenloncniow door It Io utrnnteiy moo thorn don IIid Set IliL anudln pintoi he or ltop tron oi the Indian OPP tiered the mount to Iecornp deit nIy him while he elenoed out John net up mbdhloctl lion three tilts Ind Ituiied the money day but Itlil dont luow how into while piutle bu the bendtt tell the recur lio Ill The Into In antimIted It clone Ieeo NOnLtil thrwnh hnch node to 000 Potlee tleuclptlohl rny Ind police an only Income he the hero er weutoy hery hrd IMM Lind oi vehicle Illt plIld lumber inlet tenor rod in nenrby wII IportlIr reddish beard Oitlcorr Ire now loliowlrry up Ibout oootoch luoy SPEED LIMIT ON THE till WILL BE OUT TO SO MPH Icw iIteIcIIIII It DIohIIrth Niel Duclrx the mtroettor period lrlilln will be rrctrler ed to circle IIII II eIch direction It rIrlIuI toeIlIIIr rill the with wool new Iver tle Incl both north III In lid Illl be not tell IcveI eoIlrI om II weehenh Ind rioto uItIed It more then It mil tory hItilIy to mrento the were Ierded to wider heIrtertrInlo IlrnneI this notice It Diphwa till the Innieet in rehedIled tun luludlIc the eoeotrwetloo It newsletter by December County School Board Budget opecd nutter oi ttlany too he tlreI litany II III Gown lttllwttl be reduced to mild per hour rltretirn htIIdIy JinnAnette IuilIIJhiiI the cold In belu widened to six lIIer burn leer Inner To Be Presented On Monday ltnyvtcw public reboot in Mill the tin current operating budyet tor the strncoe County board oi Eduention will be pro rented It Ipoctnl meetlIn ot the bond Monday It pm tn the Education Centre lurrtn Leno no honrd her been preparing the hudtet tor Iovernl monihr LIItyehr the tolIi bud et Irn ornied to tumor wt the cty ot berrie pnyiot tenures The provtnclni coverument Is litth no per cent ot the nut buttret coil hi the reprtnr meettnc oi the bond Wednendny eterdn the baud vIItl diocun tilithOlTl tloI rouio tor Dunlroon public school Ind casualty Ind property lnIurIIcc The bound will hear repnrir OWN the tender rerultr tor the Idditloon to St torepho ptioilo uhooiiu Peneieopuirhcae Ind Mod the Wenchinn ope odvlu ory comrnllireo committed on Ipeetnt eduentioo report oi the men one butldln month nod educniion conic tor vntiou homer Both Iho itiondly tho public EMERGENCY NUMBERS mill tty were mIIl It the dinner Ind thI owlemoi carverution cm II Inn on the rerunwutty morn urn Unity win the theme It thurdnyr meetlnc ot the Arlllll dlotrict lions club tinny lerdcrI ot the common the Id hoe SlItt mornberr will report bout review ot technical pro yrnnu tor the Uihtlluitl ones committee held eIriler IludeniI in detention Ind obler Ind Wednes dny ntIht meetings Ire open to loom others wen 11 we on on Elm titrated ro Iourcen mnnnrer tor thI Not loIIIIxI VIitey theorervnttoI Authority Ith rpotc Ibout the blind SwImp ihnmlucc otnl ltIlclo Ind View WWW oriliiI III III Ind eouilhuoi Itteod tart Ilrhtr medley Greet Ipuhec It On meetiny Otto Merrie Examiner WWWS SATURDAY APRIL 11 lhlt Manpower Centre In New Quarters There no to pecoio on the local CtiCItIit IIrthir Stuart told they IIILIM In eIch otherr tape to the Dunlop Street other These people counsel Ibout too pernonr dolly iir Sluort aid the innova traction con dttlonr oI Dryiiebt Street rhouid beneltt everyone by pruridtnx more proiemloui Itmorpherr tor the mmettlnc service IMIE NUMBER htr stunrl rid the phone number tor the new hultdtnr will be the me not bn hIn been mined the phonen will he in operotlorn hioIdIy morningl there it not chin both the lot behind not buildlny Ind oI penrby Ilr htr Stunt IIid arty cone ptIintr heI had nboul the more come truth In lrnie IIII Ibo child the cue ottlee wItlIIlll to him why III the govern ment olticer Iro moviuy to the new building xurrn en ted that ho Somc oi the cottmeliocr will color you work or the cover be Ibto to tort out their titer merit you nrrnt nuppoted to Friday Ittennoorr not the mt turo decent wortlay conditions willittuntncortlhern out Mono but there Ircnt mnny lite rtuy morning tint Youlh For Retarded Group Is Goal OI Barrie Students cslcd In wortlnr with the re tnrded or lhlnh he miihl be inlerertedr tr invited to were In Thurrdny It 130 in Cot ltrr street United Church inoulrlen cno be directed to Debbie uthtioot It Centrri tollexlIto lelneAihenI It Norlhlibllenlntr Debbie Bruno en It IIItvlow SecondIry School and ilioIIrle Cutbbcrt St Joe pehr llicb School Bernies Comte linopower Oentre moved to no Dnyiletd St on ntdoy Iiterooon Ind will open tor burlnenn II ttsuIl bion thy alumina linen rnIIIucr Stuart cold the more errmde be more thsdoperitlon needs man to onprovo wo nl minor tor the ninth mewCoiticI itl be or the MMIRINBMRIMIM there who Ibo wish to visit the Uuenploymenu Commission ott lee hrvI out to to up iloor th new lice will lecture to tertor iIIdruIKtoy modem room at dtv in other nporo with pocthlI Icourtleoltynle Tied partltlonr ltr Sluurt sad the new ottth would Ilnc pruvldI tor rpIeI tor IpiitudI tedloc roomt Ind Irnnl rem tIIrroomo ilo decont Intlcipnto prob lem with the move Ind ex pected the mover would have the deelr IId titer into in new bultdlny by Friday rnlyhle Ono ol the main aims oi every Isnoelotion tor the mentally no lorded is to Iehievo totnl Ittit lento oi lino mentally retarded by the public the relented person wnntr to be Icccpted No one wontn to be tried out Is diitcrent yet he Hotter the butt oi cruel tIInls houih Across CIIIdI tor the ttentI Retarded Ilro tnown YA MN is In oruunlnntion youth who help the rclnrded Itrtve tor uh Io undeninnd in Imooy putrs ere Ie neverIl oi those troupe IcroII Cnnodn Ind froup It ntudenin in Barrie now trylul to orcIolnr Ilndier lroup IlIy your pcrrou who is toler TIVO VEHICLES lnnisiil Tuwruhlp ilco tnvee lluuicd one III oltht on ttsiueroo Cornerstone bout lirll lirtverr tnvolrel were chnriee CIrr RR Siroud Iuliohuiioedlootito Im Icewuerltrnntednt In continua now at line Borden Ind Cecil Went over chnlrnnnr oi the honor hoIni oi trutoer main or lbotol iJoyd Prldhnm county unr dout loom Otter rnove at Eton lp Iy Bullock ehletuonttCol hi Terry 70 Burrian cit I5 rt g3 gt or tth the cit rod other municile ttiIn an ulcer or the Upper Omt we milIt InntIil recount nutrient content rye In It Innn pivots beioce Dee St out you the more meal will rubsldlu troIlIb iilt ridden primer hunt on Illlieo Ind Beh rtI Ind other IrmlcipIittlen bIrI oblocied to thin discrimination htr Torrbe Intd he didnt know it other late hlutcoo Ireu Iottld It the cunt roplld by the ORRC Environment eddies ter inch Dnvln told PIrltIment the tederoi notIrInnIIt couid be wiillnr to rich IIother moment to cover their new Ilr IImbt rt cold the cool oi the treIthl ty Itrrlier here Iiorn lut Aucurl hnr been our uoolhdthtstnnbouttlpercrnt oi the totnl lhnt bu been rpent over the put yrer lho explode worth lee Ito Ilrht recontneodol retIinIol cumultinr enrtneer lny ltrm to ninety the result oi the treniIbltlty experiments nod denim Ioeot incitity Coot hi this cIltty will be home it it Shirred ST IOES PRESIDENTS AND THE TROPRT Rex tIchnIee dirturn ot the winter euatvnl th nculp lttriol canton eonuulttre yen tnrdIy present the tint print trophy to the pu ot Jute ephr high Ichoo represented by Emeline tIllnnetir the elected yreterdny 0mm err elected yuirndny Ire nine prertdert tim hlIcDonIld Inc relnry lullAnne Denr Ind lNNISiIL PONDERS PROPOSAL Sewage Treatment Plant Would Serve Subdivision townyo lrentment pilot to ctuded lI piIrnI tor new derrl opmeot ncIr Prionlet would be torn enourb to nerrlee only the nubdlrIIlon Icrordiux to IIILnlti Depuiytteeve Bill Oil htr Gibhlns wnr commenting on thI prxoenl which wnr out that to urrdlyr edition ot lbI Exrmluer lle IIId people my true ol the Impression ihnt the plant which the dotetopcr plnnn to build would tom the Iuhdivirlon nod the noun or Pnlnswich St Pnuln IDO Stroui the develop n7 wku or sold the pilot valid lorvo the IuhdirirIoI Ind could be Inpnoded to no other anII becnunr thI Ierenrr in In cnouuh Gemini the cite oi Iinnmt to remit llwllnhndv ie townrhtp pilot Irld hit Glhhlon but In enytneedul riudy would be ocrern to determine it this In the rite tor We could end up with Irr rrol Imnll partn mo ttuotirhout the ton to the expenro oi thI drvelopen laid ltr Olbhiru bid we dont rusrrnsuroucmmvutconpruuo the men once to oil the buy This threemen crew ot Couples Son Dies In Tnmmnns lunerni Iervlren will be heist blondy irom Stectiey Funeral to who died yceterdoy in It voo tied yesterday In st lllIryI lbnplin tlmmlII tol iowinr cor Iccideul ltI wu Ute non ot Mr Ind hlrr EAll ltnltey 51 ouridteI Rd Curt hlr Dolley is man ner oi the new Saycetlr Itore Stlvltln besides hln parents In Iirters PIlrtciI htoureen nod lityilcn Ind brotherr hlIcle Iel Ind Juoo nil It home Rurlnl will he in Barrie Uinon Canoetery PERSON DIES ON ltIGllWIlTlOO Orr omen wII tilted when northbound cIr roiled our on Mt the III the Rich IrIy ll interchnm Ihout me but Illhl ProvtlclIl utter It tlrnotrcd III with ltlLIl the IcruII thenilty utlir tri III in Newtonrd IIId III to IItItted Alle TOR EAL itrrelred but to title the thrill IhehihrIIto onI icycie hit it near bite nerd minor rcpnitr ltodtum brown rt Ind new brown Ind white nylon runrec to ot Telephone FOR FAST ACTION CALla EXAMINER WANT ADS limit Clayton Vin no Ind Gnry Ayrcnworn Iilweek pulling the ich up rolling It Ill twin it to chore behind the III lcrrnin vehicle lrn the lore xround itiey Inid there on no problem removing the posts Ind tonclnx become the Itll milled no ice Innnnd them The three were hired by tho ltlnler tIrinIvnl Corrurdtteo to remove the teman which won turch Into the ire hrtorr it could be removed It Cur Illttll time Examiner The to Part OI Servicemens Rent Could Go To Retirement Sum OTTAWA Cll lcdrrul employees who rent hourtnl irorn the corernment Iro bnv in their riturllon roulrwerl to see whether port It their rent mtuht be put Iride Ind presented to them In retire ment stint in Icouiro other hour loy thI Comnronn won told IhurItIIy tinston Clcrrnonl pnriinmrn tnry secretory to Diur treasury board provident Ind ouch rouucits have been mode by reyrcreninilven ot public service nod nrmetl nervlces em ployrer lilo board It rcvlewinu in policy on tho attention llnwrver ho rIid there Is the diiilcutty ibni Kit Ichemo would violate the ptInprIh oi uiiy public Irrvonlc and intro rcreottncl were litInt chirped nlr rennin Ind tho uvrrnmcnt believe they Ire then puttinu Part at that rrttl nniilo tor thrir own iuturo the would ylvo lltlitl Ill intiiunlnuo otrr itdctul tltt ployocr not llriny tn turnrte rnent bourbon roll over the pub lic in renernl LOCAL AND GENERIIL MINOR lilUllllih It louru onttern on 11th wa lilo mile south ot the unrtion wItIt tttrhwvy rt iii no not night rerultulin toinl unm uo eetlmntod II Poich reportl tndlcntI eIrI driven by llI liebbc till liltiburrt Int ohm tteQuI hto little Ave collided ltrrt it to police were inventiroilnc the Iccldent cIrI driven by Dovid hicNicholI Col llnywood Ind Arnold Scott lino Tuwnehtp nnze Involved in meal IoctdeIt that Included thI tlcQuny err Only contour to IurIeI wrrI reported OWINMELLINOTON City ltcelnvuiireiodrnum bcr minor mum over Ildil but oy oII with report but only one with rrportublo dnzrp nbtc dunuge At IMO yerierdIy nllemonn ours drtvm by John Schlortnt tll tunn st Ind UIntel Dowte till itineelnle rolilurd It the corner oi Owen llitl Wetllnuton Ilreetn tlnrnnco cor estimated It lilo PAINT DAMAGE There er only point demnco In In recidcut It not yesterday Itiemoon on tlluhwuy it are Conrrcrion It Urn iowrrrtdp threo carer oi point icli oil the but pt lntch driven by iteut Verboeh RR barrio not con driven by Allen Grover Ortlltr nod Elmer Woodr till limb were Iplnlterod by the noun potion Itmurpnlmcowrlhmem cite tum lithe Smith All OI mentor until In Credo Ilne Itudeotr heather the reboot trill hm only Grade rod to rinses next you itin Imhner Pbotot RuanthtltherlcthIyto hp bit mob sodoeer Citer rnnhrm It lhrdnerdry Ityhtr mutiny cnilsd thI pnopooed IIhloIIwhlrbtnhou wt out otthcItIlo II eouidrnthcnn iedlonIrvleI thI entire tomhlp Omnucil dortded to ponipr mutiny doctrine on the pro porIl until it rocolm Iomo titre ortlvo from the Ontario time The lulu cod Int iorce noon to he let up which cut coordinate runner to the canal to contacm with the tomato Itercd Rollo Choir The Enntvterr choir will learn the Iehooi It Into modny morn toy tor weektony Itny in Arb lend Kentucty The on choir memhen Ind live rhIoeroIIr will pmrot ilvo con certr doctor th tItI port In church It the hint Ir rchooi They will be billettrd with nttuieuls truth the school DIvld tlittlch choir director rnid Arhinnd er chosen be cause ht Isrlrtnot nontrIm lioiIo bud toucht there Ind In no ed to tbe virtt lot ot people Irovnd Wit It hir Wittich llld th ileum Derby will tIhI tree echo Ind Iiter the choir ceturnn Ind the me tInn would pnanth not wnnnt to come back he Intel the rttndontn will do come trI vIlllnu Iourwl ArthId duriul thrir week Ilr Wittirh rid 1th here now chisel be money needed tor the tour But It one point It touted title might not mttI it Innislil Shelves Change in Name The proponrd name chno tor Conceulon it oi lnnl ll Township to honour illl Urine hon been hell in runs by the towruhlpr pubic wort committee until the bch cry actually builds parlr 11in eununltlce lllCL withh delegation oi rntrpnrrt trout Concession it cover WHSI nyo win protested the name tlmnge touocli itrnt renounced the proposed riioncc Inverot intention Ku Altitl Intilcgbfholrolepugerr tore Iny tune mluhl Into tlhcn notldmt wan hentd Eleni or see mural decided to note hytnvr Inuitrnwntiny the name changer Rotoro the hyiuvr pruned min drnlr drew up titlon obc Inn to the chancem Now colon her opted to hold oil purnlbis rennmtnl oi the runeennlon to mono iuturo dnto but ho unornnletul tho pelitlooul ers tbnt they will he Ultrtllllf when the proporol come on Kenneth Darling Not Ken Bowling morn rnruleel leci be writhing tor Kenneth Oeorc RRl LIUed VIITIIIRIITILIRN dry the hlxltriiner lrlentUled him lieuteth ltui In previoue in Illlttlll wigs lhhle tumor no or My lleOormIeh mow there but It Alltnten 0t Toronto ll red theitleim ltthlltnton