Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1972, p. 8

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hiriea tear the Stolen trier prceeb Religious uuonnum Int piety much so quietly ihrt tIrcer Ic StateChurch Friction Ind heeplul honith creel hood Cities Across Continent Jy Mm untilth number oi people who Intro to to mote peymeot tor IioteI Wt Well Inuit llnrrleca Ibout to been Weir rule mtrnl tn Mom 14 rm Mr tel unioer the convention were NWI mettrd In the Irvtvnt in Iprendior north ItI WW Imon the iodine oi Ellhltilv It Glitch The crowd to to him drinknoddened comw Mei will town mun oi anm to lltl Molly only the in auditorium tutor revivni nu mm but th round to Mod the Iltltotlt meta oi runriomue crowdc tocntdeprrtmrnlni Ilorer were Iurprtred by thI record ltev Stepheor oi thermio cortnl much In Brnmptoo Irk Idth lent to nine him too do readcasts rinloru It Cartel II 1m To dole the number It opte deetdiox tor Britt to hit ournbm it God in nine motion to little climb II tinnan tteIch The ruler tier Dow SIrcIent Inked WI It recent prlrr er ve your tied up Ind thI ed the1 lord tor whnt tir III dolor in his home tty tniber not noted No he deer not Imote or drink my more tiy mother not need no now my pnrenir dont iirhl Inyrnore Everyone cue to the loudly oi cried Ind now our Become CoOp Effort nonouro ICPt lleticiont with talewa Ind rrni interme in mode once lion hmdclotlrr mennt ry morIlnI Ierrlceo it it it MEMORIES RR out It me Intent re cm broedcutiur oittttt to he done withItI churcher WI hnvr IIrioun deoornioniious Or it menot minieennorte oi two dunner urunily teteviud ROM em when the union wnn Itnlnc oti tor the ntpit hNow Meime he on re re Ir bylrrmtnc Iwny irons denth iItIrchurdt tormed to tilt is eoeperriirn All IntioIIi rodio Ind lV broIchItiuc in to which tIvetrer the en mntI rilrrtoher canes tronn inter churdr II done much but re uooni MOVIYMMIM to RM doen the new type II nlldoun hrondrutiny lnvotvct Dorothy Porhcc lriectrloo producer tor the Anlltcnu divi nloI oi connwnntcnttonr Inyt reildour brondcnnttos in my protrIrn thnl deIiI with lemon or community thIl trier to do it no Booth won only ttIpttrtr prendnlnr ortnorI nurorou rIdio brondenrtlny tor the In And ltd Clhil come WI Itonr thnl AtlIo BeItIil to churn or In Grouch divider rettfoun ordcnnti lute TillR rel inn Ind little rIltdon gun my Itllyutlrhe tttett rntistoo II to lengthen Fruity Jenn PIuIey Comments II III oi the cItedrndto ieItureI prod by tnierchurch Ench week Jenn tIuioy hinnircrl roelIi wortrer writer nod brood tr Illelnyibpdm tle twomin utr commentnrtrn on the world iron hrordty reticiour point view htpit reilclour broodcuilnl in not drnd llorniuI devotionn IbIndoned by Motion to most parts oi CInIdI Uli brood cntl In Nowioundlrnd ecydIy event nhort mIIIIIII wrinkled throughout ench hroIchnt dry to concentrctian on one menace to one hour on Sundry Doroth forber Inyn church centre rondcnrtn Mind do voted but ImIIl nudiencr Iddinl they llIve place within too It community lint Ilnce reiidonJr no ev ntruorly preicr ihur Interchurchr tielt tour Telclelou AnnocIIter dintrl ten to IM oorocond televinlon Ipoi lime to hunt nutinnn Thou they Ire monlly mode by re gown lo thI United Innoniler intherInr the Punittl Ind mime reli rloun Internthere tn quItly proproductiou pullripntlon nierehurch No new npotr IrI rent out Ireft it weeks Inutln Mil in chaotic tocm romI hulmnn experieurn or relntion interchurch door not produce recirtnbrl IIJIIIh tor teletinlon but cont ire prnurnmr to the ChCr him All ncrlcr Int neuron tntnrchureh itodio trnucl tutor at mlnltmenrnnerto Ire ondt to minuteon religion vnlunr in everydny tile Moving Into New Areas New You turn between ItI Ind church in moviny Into tome touchy now In in the United htnlen Sonic churches compinln oi prennurcr to niop ihcr trtln limits on public issuer Ind It vtntIien cunrnntees oi cell clone ireedom such rovernmtut invent tion Ictlvlty onwndnyn in flair with crIrnpieI at open It nvnnlon into rcltyloun nrperu novermnenl Ipylny on churnh ot noetoty tour tlhilonll reli petlTIunnclif It protrnt eIrne hrloi llled with the US so preme Court rmiendinu the military Iurceillnnre hot in flour orunnlcutionn nIld in riend oi thI court brict it won tliorl In rnnnnrtlon with one hrourhl by the Iimerirnn Cile libertch Union Intiny tho Tanner Television Comic Turns To Lectures On Faith FRANCISCO lAit Lncomle Alon Yours who used In lulit with We Mr Ed thI hone rww Iocturnr to church nudiencer about his Chrlntlnn Science with dont icoi All creul rhtnuo tn corners Ilil Vounr II who tell hIIuW hurlnenn IIVI enn no to cite iutl time to in reilrton lliI urn in lion Prnncinco crew on port oi mention tour will lnnt until June rod into him Ill over the VilenAtcm Ind ptluinr Intnten In merinner nurn doinl your hlubcrt Intern otytny Youn Inplhlned Welt im It my ithenttden It to now ontyd thn with betirr pro direct Ind director Young who we born In it not rm rooted to Vnncnuver with Mr tIrnIiy II child not hit hlr bulk in iii In note replnco ntent tor EddiI Cnntnr ltI Ip ponred in mm turn but known IoAIrl1l lilo tlihiill up III hm IWII pInoe onut tor church work in loot Your he rolled but they tnittod me into ntI inc Inoiher mr not other nitorr tor tow porn but not Iny more hnve no denlrn to hnrtr now he more this in thin in thebty time Youan tnrnli converted to Gtrtrttnn Reloan while hI till teenl or Ind he croditr hlr tntlh wt ourtn hlinofInthmn it dry hiinlntry ui lent tte tIyI be nnt vi doctor in 1th yrItI ma libel crut or urny Iller ieinr In Inter You hive to be nerdy hernutc you enni to into your Alnnrr you knowhut Im rendy WORLD BRIEFS RAVI CAPITAL lAilt WASHINGTON iAll llin countryo rupitnl lnhclled Ihn notrnlrl crime rIpIIIt oi the world in itith prrrhlenllnt ittiiilIOtth tllchtr Nixon now It one oi the uteri rtlior in thin country tor the millions oi iourllih who comr here the president IIyI iiIANV Alli routuis IIINDUN iAIt RrIthIlll unempo mrnt ttcurrn at tho mlllIon mrtr ior thn Milith ilrntsht month in April the em ntnymrnt ntlnlrtry told Tltttiic iclIlt iovo however there war lit in ric crrIiI in tho tobtern tolII cum purtd Itlllil hlnrrh ilyurI POPEYR COUth illll BOWONA itIi tntt iinrr Cnrln Monlinl cnunln oi Ean tnul died oi been It cit ihurrdny lI thIrIthIy lion here on he wns bonrdlnt irIln tor Rome The obyenr ntdprotnte wnt protlcnr con mi oi the rtiorene oi ltrenctn whore iope Poul Iprnl his hoy Friction eluded church letdert and lint court In hm mllltnry Invertl tlonr ot penuctut iniui ocivl licn oi pontoon ouIIIdn tho Irmed torren TAX THREATS CllATttlEli The church oruuoltnltonr ill try the brtei Ire the United Church oi tnrlnle Council or ChriItIIn Social letter the IlmericIn lricnrir Service Conn miitre the UnltIrinn Unlveml tnt Annoctnilon nod the NIllonIt thunrll ot Cnurchcn mrde up hi hi trotenlnnt Ind Orthodox de notnlnutionn they IIltl Iome iocnl contro rollonn members not mIny church tenderI thI been run iecied to rnitilnry Iurvelillnco trncclllly thou workinc with In interdnnomlnntlonni Inliwnr ncrnry Otery Ind Lem corned rbEut Victorioy thI ilcmll honrd oi the NItINiIIlyCohngll complained tlint uovemrnenl lot prenuuo wen bctnu need to keep churrhcn trom Ipcntinl out on nortIl concernn homo church urwpr hnve IItd internni revenue nortch Ilenln hm uned the titrenl It tore oi tIr erempllonn In lover Inninnt church nrtlvtly on it nuclei IenorIl public concern our in mnrrrilour nod mrntrrtron hetnn when culled torthr cnltinl tenth Ilrentih tendernrnn on cum on in him pistol Ilie You In united iorth tI hIrI communion with Hill itilliN Cilitlll BURTON AVE Ullllld Church it Im the homily ot the runner home in hany borne it my poop which on cell ed by my name IhIIi humble tree Ind prIy Ind neeh my tree Ind turI treat their wtetnd wlytl then will beer horn Metro nod will tor vn Id their nin Iod will heIi ctr loud tmirltd Trit THE SALVATION ARMY to connect on tiller IId him it Godirry Com Olticerl ml Ion entry khoet ii LII ltnrninl terrier Repenl Preterm Iue It DrIInI GIFT OF NVthlT liveryIII Vietcch Oel Vour IdIIln tor Molhere Dry Mny it Also mIny other pill Iirmc CROSSROADS DIRIITIAN CENTRE Open lion tied ltlrlui ht mun trust clutt min onto our ctuiuclt It t1IteIt It iIIlor RII ti ttIttIniI ill CodrtIItoI It Pineal menu WORDIIIP lzllVlC ttrlu nIr llornlIc lenleo tilt porn Atteme lenieo Ererynnn Welcome sunny titeruiul Iran ttnnlr to tiod ilour Clllhl lM III Mill It Ian CITIC not till it In ALLIANCE CHURCH in Cook It iierr iInlIr ltu anlly hordeylehoei lliN Pntnnlly WOIIIII Childrens Church ltlrInIuet WITNNAEINO lN TILE SPIRIT trod pro itprcIIl Youth lmieI tiunio testimonies IhIriII ilIoniltoI IreI youth in cheryc ALL ARR WELCOME lhotHEALS dill Inn IIIdny OFOII till eyciI tilt are tunrdIy hPTISTCiiVRCH Bltlticlthlll CLAPPERTONI Il STORILIT Ipenttnl nilwen Jihdllll MISSIONARY CHURCH 28 wool IIqInnrr lulu All Nth Svodey School lerO Im Mornln Service III the Power It little Err ii Cecil Iron llierll Proton AMI ALI WELCOME 5T JOHN VIANNEV ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LOWER INNTSTTL lALDWlN LAN Contenrtenri our tunes WEI SIl iii to Iii pun lion Mumt SundIyi MO Inn to Im llrlO ctltr it Ll SCHOOL Cirrus tor IllIcII ll Ill horror Ion ouran It Creenrrrn Iril thch CilRilTIAN WITNEII Nurnrry lIcltlileI II ltIeIIlr time Everyone lictocuII WESTMINSTER PBEIDVTERIAN CilURClT lib HEEL NEAIt PUOIT hiiNlhIEltt REV IitllM root not nonumo WORSHIP IIOD VllTll til TN US TllROUOll Church School Ind NurnIry All Welcome ill Collier Itront thurch lentee luIdIy Ichoei ti AM mil MIItlIl In oh month ITM crutnnruvnunnttucu St Rm IlrIIi hltIIItrt tier Donold try hl ID hnnoetItI MlIlnter Ron Chnlr nIrIctor OeuInlIl li otloett ErIritt AIhtoI lit Mr Dnvil ntuhrnn tin nutu Medliollon BUILDINOTHI KINGDOM Nurtery tIcitllt Thn church Ichootn meet II Irnitnhte Itil our Ini tt Ieloctt til CREATION icIII ioreph llIdyI by lrintty United Church Choir PeurhIrouch Il Centrrl United Church Alrli ARI iNVIIEIlI WELCOME TO JOVTUL CllllTODNIRID companion iurIIc Ethic School IId Church Iiiuni ileumhleyleheet it Intm truellhelrtlernko Numeralde IrIltIhie mushroom truenay er inan caved Roman Catholic nunoounw trawl In more surlon messed one no mom Went Ind Mums ML lonth snorey MIII mo phi mourniv ltlEiltNOl rm Inner notwwrn Iv norm DIVOItONI no honor or out not or promote new FIRST FRIDAYS ST ANDREWI ruesuvrnnlnu cuuncrt new It mun CIuVIIOIneIl alert ltlllrlert tier lrle hour Church lehool leIlIr 3th khocl Int III Prtmnry CIIreh lcberl llill In All church copy chen pes must be at The Ex aminer office by Thur doy at pm VilOlttllSiDt In Pool Irn SUNDAY SERVICES lttd III itennernbrnnee lmieo itrot Iuo PIInliy Blhin liner It to ell Ortltih luiny lcbIol tilt pnn Irrntnr omitI III Oriltll tiedncndey trio nun PrIyer III ttlltlI ltody Ii WEDNESDAY EVENENO ALL The Anglican Churcho sr onerous Intro On in Iimu It Cool htroet Rec DIItd Am itreter tilt Iron ileiy tommutnr Hill Inn llIly lnptIInI Church leheoi Nursery ltceranI ltIrercty Welcome mm to counter Rev RI tier nm In Merlin liIthtp run nrrnutr none Ceeto lcrnhlo lliliUI lrnuitiuirntisin StVineIntSl Berrii one not IMPACT clan torn out 945 FAMILY hlILl SCHOOL it IIh Rely ComanIItuI mimrinnnuoourunm mu Inlin It where mun nwnrrn Prostitution Ctlitittii cnnnpn nonqu Merlin lrcrhlo on UliNtl otnr turret rerun nu Hermite tr lenier neuroneu itlyurl IIdIot not mm III tutu try to It mtgi urnm YIdlitteIiprovtded tlnllirI Wilma 00 AMI ronuv wounuo noun ounrr lPitARIRr nnv oououin thltt anhretc errant Mrlero AND rite orient 700 PM EVININO SIRVICI OUTLET lPEAItERt REV DOUGLM BLAIR Motel hiItIIn It you Wit POWER wrtconn condo It Collier Itroet Nut le Poet Ottiro Irtott VI to Itntttov into In Help County All It HOLY COMMUNIOH Ino Iny ltheclr sr ottes crtuucn mm Im Antl Rllfllll PM till uh HOLY COMMUHIOH It IVIHIOHI Church School IId Nursery gt Littlriiti EVANGELIST no it PARMENTER on record in Toronto OInorII Honeitni Pronouneed dead by tour doctorr column AsksWiiERE IS YOUR 60M PLAN TO HEAR THIS OUTSTANDINO WOMAN OF FAITH SrSO Inn SUNDAY SCHOOL ADULT IIBLICLASSIS OUIST SPIAKIR MISS thhttd with OLER ST UNITED CHURCH Corner Collier Ind Poyutr liIiIlIterl REV PROCTOR IA Asnoctnte hllulrtertiilil ill HillAV Dell OeneoneIIt itlIn lhnroo DIrtn OrrIIlIl Ins cesirmnon hlr Llord tutiord lttth 0cm Preludu tirdii Im Morning Worthip run Iucutenurs unrun IP01 It mop ironn tinnitus Edwud Choir will min to mom Grnort hiutlh hieudulIIuhII NEAR hlV PRAYER cuuuou coupon it your Ind up till Im it your lhrl order II III WARM WELCOME TO ALL PARMENTIR ROWO Tuntiri5rslor LINWAT PENTECOSTALHCIIUREH Grove It Iut hloeolIy berrloenr Reyulnr lllillttl Worship tltlt Inn lunttny Ichoolr when It Over Or mt hilulntert Rev Art Itorey IA ID The hierdly ieliolrhtp TI

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