Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1972, p. 4

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v7tMdkes Bight Mov icipcrl marl Iegleletion to er vote to Ill person It lid over elep tn the right dir iIIie Winn liren Idopled become ededlre tble yeIr All muni dpelui will eel the Ilrrl Noodey In II polling dry and every two are thereelur wlbm ere obylotu reuone tor the leg not In Ilirroel III their revenuet INITI the Elections on Ih Ire honvllyeub mud gage constitution education More end other expenditures The Iuheldlee Ior edloole Ire dose to 80 per cent or total Clpelldhlllhn end there pronto come lrorn generIl provin dd tendon Consequently property owner Ire responsible Ior only por of roots 90M there the Inrpiot oI muni eipel eleottons taking piece on the same note throu bout the entire prmlnce The pubic WIN eioctiomnecioue Ind entiy the turnout it the polls nboul be heavy The government hopes three will no longer be 30 to 35 per ml the electore erercirino the Irenan stie the reel ol the people remain ll me The municipal election will be Ior DOWN MEMORY LIINE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Bumlner r1122 1937 Der rte Colts were In It Junior li mien Ontario Hockey Amodnllon Funk Nay wee runner and Gordon Neeklng eoedr Teern personnel Goel Eldon taut Torin Gerry IeeGoIr Defence Ink Dyte vIn Duck Jones My Red Storey 5er Dako cor Ibm lterehetl Poiwards Heroldt Sm Bill tony Dori Bowen Roy Brock Perl 5h Ver non Bud Filmer Druid Whitey Welk er Wilton Dick Uvinerton Town Council mired reorder andvrenee III et ric one oneee ventured new works trunk Latter Otto Moone other non 01600 Innunr perm Moron Vac In hour up Iran minimum The Electric de partment rhowed not Iprollt III II In whoa Sohoal mm Royg m1 pit or II Monetlortsmeoecemn Tmmlrlll Womenr Inettlule IieIr lonIlI clinic ttndcr mpervleton Dr gent Sirennegii ooh Withdrch Aid Soot oom year or no or Ir ere TINdIl Ihout 010000 mniel re rereeled Frank Hammond NC ol rrle prertded Ind Introduced new II will mperlntondent Gordon II Footer Dr lIIroId Smith rnedIeel oItlcer tor eootely Al Ilorry William Powell end It me In Ilhe Tdn Men At Gary Ind IrIndrot Tom Uveo ol BenpiILencer At eriei row Poet muMI movie to urtny hire Dunne AllentIonee Poul Robmn IIeIen Morgen Clutter IIInnlnper Now combined Birrle Ind Allendeie ctIi une bendr oove IiiIt concert Sunday ridth In Ilorry Therm with Norton IInox birltonc ueel ooIoIol recompen Ied on mo by ond Itrltord Prolenor hIIoIrI Angelo directed Men Nontrpu Ieede reelected reeldenl Wo mens Ceman Club Ird Shortt oI IIIrrIe will reprerent University or To ronio on rtudent debillny team on tour INTERPRETING THE NEWS Campus AntiWar Activity Lacks Fervor Of Past By PETER IIUCIILEV WASHINGTth ICPI The pm or InlivrIr nctltll on buloni Columbia Univerrliy lily cImpuIeI were closed Ind Amerlcen cempuree IIII NQIIJII etuderite IiII rernIIned IndlIIer No rnl or Ipelhetle Even It New York We tur neerly ere collere end univer tL the mbmrh withpopuieeeodegfm returnBltnntltltt nrpeelntendent Premier Mitchell Ilielgllurn died two ablnet minim Hon Arthur mum and Hon Devil thbll Ior IelIure lo mpport Ltherei Id mintetretlon In IIan of rlrlke It Genetrt Notorr Oehewe ted by Iorelzn emetorfeocordlngto Hep burn rryuvlnpstonhevlngcm pteted dairy couree It Guelph lrInIIer red by BordeAIJIndeIe DIIry Hodge Bron lo cottonwood cre newl ecoulred by local tirnr ohn Merrick oi Blrrle OLWMSILI to Iod sltn Wan DMrIot mm In Illlton Stolen ere twine In world need on do Rb Ilrcetre errte Brdml on Nu deterted Gerricon Chen It Town Hell Mire NeArItrur ten dered reeignition from Boyd ViolorII IIospIIet etett Dr Erneet Ilrrnhull euth Iooiioou end IthIiIIredI bout the ortred to like neccese Itepe towerd oe ouring mcceeeor ennen lVIIIinm Gerneryounneet member Torm Council eled when hockey moon endr hevlnl added duty In eecrelerytreuurer herein Colic Brotherhood of Locomotive En neere held banquet et Allendeie ll rtaltlon rotteurnnt when retired member were honored Duncen Ito Oerlo Itc IIP Simone Well one Ipeek er Borden RCA bowlers com eted moon with bouquet It Wellington plot Joe illerldn carried oil merry home with Lee Hook runnerup In Beiele Ion lor Ieegue Dixie Corbette teem won ohrmpionehlp trophy otth George to Get top scorer Deiton Widte Bred lord St rerrico rteilon operrtor wee vic tim ol Irmed hoidugi Old Werren 0r rten Corrotory on role Ave In DIrrle oonrldored Ior boye olubhoure by Kim nit Club Kenneth Gordon long men Iewyer lhII Iede poil might or Wish eoldter rottiemenl houyin Iron in on IIIIIn St well olBIrrie re Ieo when IIIIed troopr nveded CemhodII eeuu Intlrwer lender perently thourendrol Incident at Irrul lu plck up In Ilrp with the In telledto etil illcenIru port endinqu wuereportednotto cremd lhlllI VIEIMM but teem IN ride or their eIorIe mention the death at Iour IIu IIII mere Ippeei end tererod to clone down eome oi the Hall denII It lteht tltele UnitorIIIy Zpilch oI Iormcr yeerr hu yet to llee devclop LIIUI JOINT STATEMENT In Ohlo One explenetlon tor the dlIIer lid to herdly whohee been eloee Io Intern Nile or come It the qucr MIN the In Depertrnente here been been not NM ternItortworouonnrohuecI cotter eonenlttee meet rtmenle In uelnnleleemrolee My IpInt It There hero been In public dunonetrellone outside or col Ieye unundr hlmtol the die IIIilllC on cImpuI hm been Ilmlled to ehoul helldhrcn miller end to herd core ol vet lerIn protertere trim the bullet Ind prolertlny veterInI mm VletnIm Antler nroupe have been fubllclnlnl peir oI demonetrr eelieduied Ior Saturn ew York Ird lien Ire wllh emeller proterte heny ltnlerd ehewhere But Ihcr wII rmblul to IndIcIIe thnt the IIIIIII demonrtrollone eoiiid hope to mulch the marine prolcrtI oI Iormer your heportI lroen eererIl or the tumour which here expert outed proteele Io Ior Inllcetr their the orernhciminr hotly oi The preIIdenII oi the cteht Ivy lennue unlvereltIeIIneiudv Inn Iic Columbli lIIrvnrd Ind Princetonu well the IIIerIehueeIII inlIIlule III Tech noloeyluuedIrer Iolntetete rnent do lhrIn th In oI orth In the debt to nwnetrete hut deplorlne Ittemptr to Inter tere Ih othere educetlon Their ellort thI run It In Ilteinpi to heed ott IrrIoue dlI Iurbencee Illhoueh then we tile evident to runycel the proton ennventrnl wruld eIIn ground The reinllte IIck ol Iorvor now cunIrIIII vivid with enli er oIeIlonr ol err er yuu tn Novrmber lite Iome retool yereone tethered In lutrlneton to proteet the oer ean rney Me In the tent thIt two your out there were newly moor Amerlren ound Iroo In VIeInIm onlye te lhlr bl thel number mneln th theuh recent veeke heve reen en nmue In ltd Iir Iorce Ind nevy etreneth Ir comhet eetlvlty expended with North Vtetneme mIlor otlInIive ueinet the South Some ol the InlIwir recline In an fem credited to It or mey be Illtrrln Into lbw current election eImpn In Wermer weather Ind the ter mination In clnlrel could brine darnedup prntert next month Iiu the Inllwer movement Iecee Iorrnideble ohilIoIe In the Ippnrent weerIneIe ol the modem puan lneludlnn the New with both the Ito nrlIiIenl opponehlI LII BELL PROVINCE oorrus than Latest Scandal Is Hardly News DON OEIAIN QIeeII Peri hereII Ill The lumber lhe IIieIt lovernenent Icon one to mm are the Ior Wee ol the Itidttore oItIce ItneItheendollheIiIceI yur deputnrente the been dont believe In hunterbeck etIlhy Invoieee trorn Iuppilrn Irene Second title reect loodt whith hIrrnt been on delivered It liu been quite well dblthin IIelileuuon their by In yeerehlttobetumed beck HippieeBelmted By Kenya Govt NAIROBI IAPl Mhlr III trip to KcnyIVlcePreo ent Denel Arep Ital my hip pin up your to he Iilnhod The druu Ind decIrIenI were oI lorelrn vlrIlorI Ire thruterr Il to Ihbmeree the notion dlnn wlorli heblte bI nelive eoyene In The vIcepreelIenl terelIed the other on to lIeru coltoe town too rot to north at Nelrbbl turnwt IID rid mt beck III pier poopl Ito name to Non IreIool loo In II II they Ir poor IIIIIDIIIII they Ire not Not nid SometimeI It II dIIIIouII Io dIIerenIIIII between mIIe end Iemrle hI pie The overnrncnt oI we re IpeciI IvIduII rIehII Ind will not Irrce hlpplee to out all then heir Mot old thouIInde In MeuIStIdIimr The only Ilter relive It to on them lrorn cone In Into the count be onto We do not be them here crowd IbouIedbIck RENEWED CONTROVEIIIT then htol ruetomIrlly ele In null tIIlbrrd Weil ernrlyle buelneir rutI wII given monkeyIII rioIk up end eer durlnr crre tlhe Turn bonito II BIyIIeld Street ltIrrlo onterto Telephone norm Second CIIII IIIII Itedilretion Number WA Return pollen nuerenleed Dellyy euhdeye end Sletu ory IIrIldIye excepted Subeori Ion rIteI daily by cerrter weeklyJalhoyeen niner copier lllc by mill mil who yeIrIy Slmcoe County Irene or Cenede tieoo Ii other counlrtee mob onrI liolor throw ell tenor yIIer NIIIonIl Adrerttrme Olllceei 65 Queen III Weet Toronto lit tIIllr eto CIIthrI Sin Nontreel Member at the Cenrdlen Poole and Audlt Dumb oi throuin one the Gemini Preee to allow Ively entitled to the rice Ior re puhlleeilon eI ell howl dlrpIthp Ihe Arroc Ited Prue or Neuter Ind Ilio the heel newe publleb ed therein The lierrle Eremlner clIian Copyright tn III orIeInII edven Iii ne end edltorlIl rnIterlII cro tied by tie employeee Ind produeed In thlr newrpeper Copyrilht Itertelretlon Num her mete reIIeter It my IhII mIde hinthn cider ol Ieru tribe IIu vlcefreeidenle remIrkI renewed onertendlne conlro veriy In Ilenye over the den perr proud to lrIdItIoneI Atrlcen culture by tome Wertern rte IlorI hlol recently Ieeured Itiner Ihl volunteer workrrl ot Inlloduo dnrp lo Kenyen children No IIId dru use we IIrIy exceuIv mu NIirobI end enamored thel Ilrcle wrild ereok down more Iueh ciglhehevm mm or yrnen moIhrI bIclted oi In the letter clot urine or NIIrobi newepe err Ihe Sundry NIIIon edito mm er tolucceed IlhomI In Two Strikes Against Them In Womens Lib JONANNEDURO IAPI In the Ilrht Ior womenr lib bitch Soth AIrIcIn temeler here two etrlkee IyIInrt them lhelr color end lhelr Iex lele thlI dortlle dlecrlrriI nrtlon uye Deborah Bebiietu hleck women no mouth to IibereIe themeelvu Irorn th their IrIdiIlonIl trIbII role end their Iml porlllon II mlnon IIIIIe or Iornele however there not much AIrIcene here an do About lhelr muted paellion under Ioertheid The AIrIrIn In Identi Iyln Iiereell MINT worldwide rivet eyelnet melodomlneled rorleiy the welIIre worker union on block llb It htlwelmrend Ilawever the demand oI other women often turn Uto plrn In comperlion wlth burr AIrchn women Ire IiilirtIIIIIed by theIr inlerlor willed to term or South Alrchn low All trmecthne hive to he ended birth meter to than women Ind her Ityeerold Ion Illl etrenylehold over her heceuu the hour It In hie iiIme BIBLE THOUGHT inorh IIk IhlI rny um III Job tilt Ilere II blInk check on tree vrn with to be Illled In b5 men pull on IIrth with Go Ill thlnyr Ire poertbler NIII MIMIDIM rent their love PltAciltl unit There Ir hothler IcluIII die lionell Ihoul Iii hlnuenel There Ire no not eetedrooirlnl lhdr Ipeedlnwr me Irro tend the eovernmorlk Deplrturehte end It Ieut tome rnhrleterel elr we yeIrI bodeele Trennny boIrd In IIeeIIin then boom Iooke em do pullout yeerl in Iron utmon It not III the rut proeneod or term or ten ordinar Ily wotiIdnt be bought It thIt mean my elm it It In Ior Iuppllorl to predIte Il II Or not In or lined that Ire known oi but It certrlnly tr bed prIc lice The government ruler on ro ureln Ipendlnp Ire reld IbII III Iround them At euch II hIturIIIy Ir deploreble then it encoureyee exlreve noce Ind elIo undoubtedly II mponetble Ior come wute For tourlete end come Ioreln it uncovered Undoubtedly now it will be Itnpped Alto It ehould mete tli tidi reuon Ilone II II yood Io oldie more etIectJv 1hII oIIIeIhulonebcenIoor ed the yovernrnent It would rep practice Iuch II lot It the why oI IIII Now It ehould be more Independent IhIe could ll Ion up on yovernmeiit eIII eeney eenereIly thel Dr John IIIe Ieerned thl WW nun their More In order when membere ol the it gee 25 fat on or more whereu CrudlIhI Tomeremoredenreetle width the Unliedstetee Ire lorirlillrIVIlIndlolrytonrets pennIIIIdonIytulnaitylm roeneeorneoithehIndIprenl tour Ilrneee you an cllmete lhe yorernrnent there lien beat let oI lilo ereller empth tIik Ibont thle up In tom of dole the development InIernIllonIl trede relelime lipieeue winter mono cut my IIttie Ice with Our repld numb the populIrIly dlenotrldIIIbecIure tienowan II oran elotnthItrnoItArnedeeanI portenl eln client ItorIIoCehedIennetIpend There Ind Irirportence the enytbt like their Illoweble our tourlet Indnrlry eeh Ilmlion Ihorl here In thoIIct thIt eIl government The Cenedlmt lamb IIderIl end rlnclIl eellrrielelhetllelltrere rein Ipendl Ibout onrlllloe CenedIIretekenhrIoIccomt nuIIly on bingng brute down III Ioe Iood CIbIdI romeo to Ibort too Ior Immodelion Ind 820 lion Inhuelly end by Ior Iei oil no other Iulo eerv trout other eounlrlee ehout kambIIIneuoeetorenbilllon CANADAS STORY Fronklin Ships Caught In Ice By BOB BOWMAN For men Lhyeegnmn dirIp Dllm ditlon wee myrlcry ol the Am hm lie The Humanoid gcr rorweee teen Iy in no me wee IM until mm IiIllc Northern Indore died on the wa The bidrnm Iew than IIIIIru lo the Ice ri the the tour ol the horrible in 11 IMIIII In the meenttme ul wallvfuiTEJBHmM neutronom VIIbIIImur trom rude to try to rescue mm mum experience In the North he Cnnedlen ulenllcele lnciudlny me no me me been till boiln Bumsh here rudely Arctic eu derided WIIIW II elm In mm other cipiorere Ind tcientiile MI lm when III 1le aIilrluStIlIze The IrrInklIn chi were Hm oeuyht In the toe oil In nu mt wnmrmm Item 1de In row Ind tiered mu Micmd there Ior IvIo ycIre Sir John Each wheer Franklin died In June IotI Ind dread the neceuity oI mm like Eeklrnoe In order vltw Orbiter Ihendoned the eiiip on rII IMI Ind lb lur OTIIEII APRIL EVENTS ltlIIiylot Ind IinIIIn then to Victory Point were born England to ther loll ah the intorrrution lind they could under Icelrn1ben NITLe Compe nie g2 tried to well to Greet Porter beeen woe Ior Brecht Itlver but they III mince II Three Itivere SPRING RUN IN IRIISER RIVER An houri work hrinu In no pounde ol riivery oultchene liiehernren the tub awnuuu owem Ior IIeroId herIr DcIII IIIrtcd their lplIhl run mm River Dr Photo The Frenklln expedition PodIM

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