Iemra owneriruoaterredneediaolliokotirrborno mun rendition IIinry Ior thie one DRIVE at II more ROADand eall tie to inepcd title MlNiAlURE GOLF SNACK DAR building Me 110 Id 11 pool YOureilrifThe wraorltlis uroaaeraraniron durumremember ireeori Midaewlpoatbemebeoataaionldeal ummwlum Nortltudottyuoeelreehoolt llirtnxlbdtllmhmno Inbound Attedred were with payed minnow tmoer min oureeandlekeSIioeoeAeIrIag Bi1ndaewlbodrorenapilentmea bungalow dodala garage large reed lot hith mommmlil genre end at In meleot roeidauial are untrue OTh minor anoint Street June to mu ieodatldRMotliLPrieedridlmlmty on tomorrow AND milsIn Dlim Beach ill arerlleni mu unmounnrnhnennm and grieedwilreal below onrkrtveloe It 018000 MOON BRICK NONE In momma eoiIilIIm eeparate din room to roe room lit were Iuily taedated IIxee mint Full price at and we ran oboe yoil dorm Inn slutty ROSE AND ROSYIN bi We here bedroom Ipllt entrIaea All brick with were roe room erd fireplace LI Iret War If beho entrance brrnralow Oinoietely redecorated Al udeedmll ballroom dole in mi and Itiopoloa On tele rode lllutledlaie ooewaney Try 01100 down and Die owner will hold one Stilt mortnge BRADFORD STREETlovely older bedroom home broedlooirl eoloriui kildlen baeeaeent nice little yard 031M loIItI mame bedooma Llielieo Itvinr room part boaemeoi NI wire euaoo IPL uretleot 0171103 let Indium It 07r takayourdowllpeyment Allbedroomlerge aIIer now peter ll metieble Call now too viewing TBEDROON NONE in lmialil 00 lot only 011 Llrle dirllIIl owrerwlli 117wa MW arroyo only IIoolIoeeoutle oiBerrie with race Eorl vetoes IN THE il interesfere rim roe orehraairli Excilralve Ior SAYFIELD HOMES heated on Jane WW WM Well OPiEVIRYDAertPJLANDAILmD MWWLWMNMWW loungmmbw All MI GOG mmiiwwmwiuriwdrmr In ioroino Ittlltl er Dir Barrie 72 tail WHAT SHOULD REALTOR KNOW ABOUT YOU Eooueoibetbebuameotetpirtnreot tbebonreyouwlatambvwliwilliulitli your neede llr rboiild eertIliiy know eometblny Ibout your llmndai repblittlea and IT you ran new lo the way oi down on on em all beoentnooneeaetola aoreryota llowoldareyrnreitlldreoardebataretbalraebool needat Willi Ire oirpereoiialpreiereneeltnthei otoel boodapd Inhiieduret Do you porter lane eoty oi lawn and trout garden proetire looIlllyt will tbie Inlornllatlonbtye all I31 lyou lo we me your the on Ill 1W re liliyourneeduodhewillbaoniletookwttorellebpropertlee It rlh 3W0 WWW We auiayooare ng ammo erme In podilon to make better ludrmem oI ram more likely to III the rilht dooice Intorniailon Invtiea eilone Io welcome your liealiore Inoiilrlee Yotr Iiiewore win he him era with your eyee Ann yea aeae JONN rota rent Nil 9571 JAN KLOOITINMAN an OUIIILI 7111 It WITH RC FORD to PM AL MI IMAM NNAA NW IEN MILL GO SPIN ILDIID CUR Mill A1011 11M M11 IOU FLI ILLTNO 4W NAIVIV III 70 151510 ST PHONE 7261405 APPRAISALS Ironmrloao Frank Neilei Broker Robert Bob Saundere Broker 01000 DOWN btlya thla eeenie It eere lunneeiie on pavod road Realtor LLES uanre am room ereelent oondtioo newly reumted Gail ml awnoou Iridx noun lot rm like Ivkiy bioedoomed reunion rarer lrll Ila will In aadoeed tub Ml hilt bleernmi oar are Iron Horeeehoe Valley with ierernile view WM Wmeooaodtuvaalookettbielbedroom Letitieooetarieooaiarrriooxieotootlotbroadoornin Ito room howled in tirepiaee Attached garere Excellent armadillo Sill mire balance at one year wairIrAy Aaklng an AM INVESTMENT property on Hwy ll north with room Iioreu Ditrarlea parenlle BRICK BUNOALOW on Iarae Iaidacaped lot on Grove Iii Colllil be need In bedroom with Itiedied rerere and ree roont Only mm with own nwrtaarr 011500 BEDROOM 111 Ilorey on Mxliio tot Dun down payment Dining room in very good rordtloii in Allaildete IleneII Iieeanaded Redenearoma room all in Aleoria erra moo III prtee rnlnlmtorl down payment malieayoriyourownboaeelltedeyl AKEFTIONI 101 only minulee 1mm Barrie Ieei Drilled III Three Iro earn on dont delay Aeklng 010000 will Itirutlva 01000 DOWN buye 100 atrer wltll i000 It corner trontare mama rnalura birth It Iinarlelnl make In otter owner aruloiie WV illilii mun maul timerl leeLhuiille llln MINIMUM etaer Dull NWT lollnlooltiwtmorllie nlliii CIIN mli drilita erriiliNo TITAN Wlih latent INCLUSIVE AGENT IAYCREIT NOMII LORNE HA neuron AllllAIllriLtl our our 7281566 PERSONALIZED oznvrcro OPEN HOUSE CUSTOM BUILT level aide rpm our gararr bathroom reerrallon room and pantoe room Nldlurat IreI St Vincent St Wateh tor bigna lrlca All Good llnanelnr SAT APRIL22 SUN APRIL 23 0011111 Timer mo pm In tho Iplii lilree Eateanren On Duty WE RAVE GOOD BELEDPION oI holnul irolrt 010000 to other Alto tow Iooti biiiidlir Ioli NEW APPOINTMENT Reorelerltellvei ior IIaIIIday Ilomer Ltd the my method It ptetab Outline Give or rIIIl A21 CAMPBELL iii Dunlap St limit nea mutt OPEN HOUSE Solurday and Sunday NEW BUNGALOWS AND SIDE SPLITS ln liltliuret and Bedroom llomoi PRICED FROM $23000 10 $27000 On one lilda ol vuoliy no trrlrrledleieiy out in tiny Tl rim to eoo illitlvey mrr nonunion euroo GrIelwaI run we unit Monro Situated on iIrge let heady to downtown Iireplaee In living room 00 An 1A1 mom Mildew area Iilli Lava lrll Little it llti IVA Lyrde Worden 71A In IInMMyI in MI CHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR lillilllro colllrr SI Barr1a7RBMOT We Anne at Barrie roe25in DlrIet Toronto tine 3006625 OENERAL INSURANCE BIO BAY POINT ww oowu IAYliIENT zle lei TO IOTA lent belch 5000 Muriel Per lilroe bedroom tnaaaelow on let elre 100 150 NW iIlliI ted home with dining room liv lna room and kitchen Stove re Iiigeralor leltxtl dlehee In eorne Iurnliure For In appoint merit eIlI Oord Weldrt cereal YOULL WVE THIS yaIr old bedroom brick bungalow lint outalde oily tim III mile In reeidentlal aetilon Featurea dl Iago rooml iully plaatered Ind lam lull blee merit rad ledrlo eat Ittaelv ed oerage paved drive hilly broadIoorned met to toe Priced to tell Call Bob Weet tottiuilt It or 7001510 HERES REAL DEAL Trio complete bedroom bun Ilowe mind by good rewall etilnl on 110 It ill lot In quiet town near Dor deri Buy them both let the tenant lee up the ex naer For more nlonnailon on Ean murmur at Tittilt or ltd 1105le MINDED We have eeverel General Storea In arena Enet North and Welt oi Barrio Some Include Peat Dillon oontraeta and III ihowlno eod return Ideal Ii Iamlly Ineea with living quartere Slalenionle available all lilDW Ina food roiurh Ilrono loan tiarrrir TIDBITS Vendor Ia aruiloua to roll thle lovely bedroom eoet end homo lle met more and would like to err yourolier Prieed to eell Driva by It Roilyn Road and Ilva me eat to view Elelna daetieori 7108100 BEDROOM Waikinr illtaller to downtown Dorrie liouee In immortrlala condition Large kitchen living room dining room den two butrroome IIrIge litre garden Aektnu err 05000 down Calllloii Allen dill ST VINCENT ST bedroom IrIme bungalow lull boiemenl recreation room gar ate poved delta hilly Ieneed yard rider to edroola Itorei litir let mongere What one do you needt OIII anyone It mono or drop Into 11 Anne SI anyillne zit ACRE FARM ON MUNTY ROAD room borne blaniaf rorid ineei Impe we aupp liom 100 ieet drilled well School buiei It the tale One at the boot IImu In the area call litartln Beyer at LAKEFRONT llOblL bedroom blinnlow 00 it late trout treed lot boalliouee boat and molar double rarofo Itill rlro 031000 Pleoao out Betty ewtun Ior iurthcr InIormatlon 012100 iCompleie General lnsuranEefi Service FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY Cali Joe Olrrocoio 7260567 or 7204401 All NRA are View ii or iii timid Irenli Ooei Illtl IIII 11 IIIIM helm teen hoe MOORE lil CIIIIIOIU 160110 Ill broth Me rrla 117 diluti Iirilrglrllwleny Oon hen II VIIIIlarn neilvl A21 soon equINem1rHveu 11 lira lleIllor 7252602 Ree 7205187 01 Vi are LI Irate am lm ACRE FARM 1io3in till earn with teed lot bedroom brick bouee with pteoe bathroom 01000 down lie in an Good value hereatm IIIII mom GROCERY mile PLUS EQUIPMENT we or re re Imiudloa bedroom living and dinIn room kllNren bathroom with ateragidttnw doen Ven doe will e7 mule gawk eetrI Eva 11111 720 room toot well Turner lot in quiet meet umlahed tilneo Dorothy Col bouine 601m No S00 SUIIIIILII AND WINTER FUN bedroom turtle heralded cot me on paved reed oioee to Simeon with Iiteelaa well Only it mlloa lrorn Metro 01901 orotby Colbotloe 001301 Anal nunumrerivae Elelilllle mm DIIld lleCultoeit tilM01 Rub Petelio more Evelyn Meirten moot Elli little 1100151 Tom Titerimmlne 600120 llo DUNLOP auntie 7260422 SWlNOLlN YOUR liAMllDCtl For caauel weakioda iida ruirrnar plena barbecue or tool are your intone In thla woodey eettlnr Thle willie trune cottage eomplitely Iuinieiled II located very clone to re and private heathen Want to bare look title weekde It roe now Bill Brown milld PRACTICAILY NEW AND um OF ROOM TOO Illle eideepllt with in gum in the eotrttl end ol llIrole Ie ready tor lmnredlale money FeatureIIarro kitchen III bathe and ienllly room with walkout Stilt nonzero no morttrre IpplotII needed Allow me lo eliow you through tbli borne Bill Brown 201330 RELAX NIMII IIOIISBSIIOE VALET Ihlile right only Thain lam Itde imimu goo ooirl tarm me piilliy tremor located inpbeaulltut nettle Ore Twillhip in ertlent recreation properly Vilil 1201001 ltALIBUItION LAKE 150 lakelrollt modem bed room eottale Almialiod emi aliaon mun No lid 11 KEIltt LTD REALTOR llurlrl Ferruron titN11 Earl Babeork more Dorothy Ooibourne 0161101 Ed Green 1104111 Anne Spencer Rell Dorbe Fllriiniriilae 00020 Lillian Itoberta new RT LIMIT ALI gum For brother Irlonnatloii rail Dourlae EXECUTIVE ESTATE Item relate with motleulouely roatored arm home ioIiurinS eenira hell plan elegant living room adjoining room with IIrrnlaee piece th dowieialra located to baaul Orr on paved road For Iurthar Irilormetloo ploIra eoll Dorrriae ViIu midi MAGNIFICIJIT COUNTRY lie atrei borderinl an mode room Iirm houu Loire barn plua drivino Ihoii to aerea oI bueli Oomoleieiy Ieneed located near auiet village ioroied In plotureeouo Oro For further In IormItloil plenae eall Dourtai VIII rteieoe moment WRITORT home truly built Ior lamlly emerloit Each room Iromrlhe petulled IImlly room with atone replace to the erudite Ind millIn eloiot oil the mailer bedroom relieeta tba warmth oI illn Ily llvlnr See ior youreell Cali Oeorge corneroo new IIUNGAIOW bedroom In title will entrance bungalow Lorre living room dlnlnr room and torn tiooie kitchen large lot battle on to eehool property George Cameron norm DARRIEB BEST BUY For eiotoo you can own home oi your owni Brand new three bedroom eenlldetoeirell homer with low low low down paymenta 01ml hotter daily on Adelaide St or roll George Cameron Ii no hm FAMILY ROME leeoted on quiet street In the real erld ol Berrie Iiili bed room will entrance birorelow Ir Mirrouildeti with landscaping that will knock yolir eye out It hIi IatnIIy room and Illa place with iv brine and relate Arline Mitt Call George orroll 7201010 NEED Ilnllt NEITI WEEK Better have lookIt thle lirlrneeulela bedroom batk eplil wltll Iarnlly room and garage located on Itorehalt St with the Separatr Seth and Public School within walklar dlaIanre Call Ooorle Worrnll 1001010 llANDYNAN SPECIAL Clean up paint up and you will have it high return on yrur Ilvretment with Ihla duplex located in prime area in Barrie Aaktaa Illfloo Call Oeorga Worrall mine MAKE US AN OFFER And It nlirht Iiiipriie you on Itila bedroom Moralow Ioioleo In the north end at Barrie Lola oi rliature ireei aurroumi Ihla homo You get builtltn dlihwoitier itove oven Iii battle and ow recreation room Aiking 025000 Call George Worrail MEDGNIE 1111a 100 am term would make termite weekend retreat room homo Ii completely nlodernlrrtt The barn and oulbulid II are In rooll allope The property line rtrellma and overowing world be liieul Ior hureee It you had plane you out malto your own landing airip Aaklno him with lined Iernu Coll George tlorratl norm so AGREE lrnIiee all the Widmveywtmloauer at It trim Aaldoa mowulwaeorgewmellmtitte 10 ACRE iu DUNIDP or oorosira ARENA tubal bloore lzoroir III Irrae oI built with eireaioe flowing throurtr it Aaklny 010000i Call Oeoraa Woreaii heme UNITED TFIUST rilonorieoeoo you rename LINE more are ammo or AT oivriam MALL dotSlit ESTATESterile view oI IIorieeIioe VallryLarga Irlrlly room with iiatllml etom Iireplm Ipaetoll bedioone iorlrrot iiian room with rItllorlrai teltlru to reaper ballooy torn built oiiolie deetgn it Altamira mm elreet with One Ilu lot it no Qualitlee VIJL Attached Inge lood aired kltrhen ooondeal to heat Bill Thom 1100000 OllOS1EPSTOLANEdbedioombriekblrngaloelhidr Dallmtlli laroa lot lair boo liaeter bedroom it II with lsmile Good water now H000 down Boa lieltlonon 0500 DOWN VENDOR llUlDS MORTGAGESolid biork room Vittoria St Welt to time my to carry alartrr or Ilnlaent home Nora 110mm oolmi oroAnnroounorlmw Irooo down Ilepa lo AOIMWPORMNMRAUW ameliorationoiorunneaeoo hOquLmWNtilmyn mm retirement 1mm ml WWII hill bloii rky beeemrnt well Iieed lot it let enumertuge 110500 WATERFRONT GOTTAOEIo it iivntege on Georgiln Bay Electric Imii Ineulaiedrt rare old bodoome large lng room modern kitchen Qule area lined open you mind Andy light llldlaild MIL ROBDY FARM It AORIXAND HORSE BARN010000 IIved road It milei lrorn Barrie Geek pond elie etiitomlrollt Pembodo elm lite in It eatliorhl more fireplacee nlodnii kite nuideek nation new barn every eonveol eoee lIy Ipoolrimeot only Paid tbonipeon meeoo 011000 NORTH OF BARRIEdlriek aide will lovely Inmgotow paved ilrlie carport epatioue bedroom dining room Iivlnr room laron pirtura wirdow baeoinini IIree eeeptd tot Iiyyouedowapaynieoi Sheila errrnordooilie 01000 DOWN DOWNTOWN BARTON bedroom eoild belek one booted Iood parlour Full price 00000 Vendor will mortalgo Stuth TENN ADVANCE SALE OF 111 pARNA $211495 H0 All Detached Wlih Attached Garages 816 $122475 NHA DOWN ON BEDROOMS and BAlllE OSIDEBTLITB DACNSTLITS CALL UNDERGROUND zmnov SERVICES IFAMILY ROOM OFULLY SODDED 1MB CHOOSE YOUR 1m AND YOUR NEW llOllll FROM OUR FIVE NEW UESRININ NELECT YOUR OWN EXTERIOR AND iNTElllOR DEOURI Itl INSPECT Drive north or tooth on Blyileld Street to Terrie Leno it on Terrie Lane to model home look for High Chaparral llnme Arrowa llooUNlor BARRIE 7260422 1i STEIN arhtreraraiiuirio GARDENIIRB DEUOIITIMOAOR Sbedloolli lnlrlgelol on Vendor will hold mood llalpb William manor or may