wortl chariot owner Butt nh gin htoNTRlALlXtObpllcher tiontl mm barbell tnrtpnmtneart lsInd titll Stuntman Ietr Iet to tire IhlghhlrtloneIIIStNLt won by lluntrett It II III StonemInI Iecnod win ot the It ten the borne cluot unbut en ttrin to tour IlrIIgItt gnoten better In Why nlIhlI NI young rm nelsonboth rotn Photo Nine Stranded Runners Give Expos Fourth Wini Plant Own Game turn rewritten rnrne Gene Illnct target to touch lint hue IIidIy night Ind It tool Pltlehirrm Plrtttu run end limotte Ilgrmetlultlto Off over PhIItIeI in ttI Innings lllck Wire oi St Inuit Cordi ItIIl unit oi thnghutrhllttng yltchrrI In betcbIll ttcd NI tortIl heme rmrtl by letting nine rttttbern eIrIuded Ind wind tnguponthesharteodolItl lots to the Expat In ltontreII in other NItlonII tearue garnet Irtdty New York ll rhul out thlcego ththe to City rintuttl Itcdn thetkd AtlnnII heme toe Aogciee Dork err wheeled Sen Diego Pedeee ltd Ind Ilourtort AIIM dumped Sen Francisco GIInte the PIrItes bourtcm truth be hind to bet the Phiiiiu tying the route on run with two out xas Rangers HarrieOpener uitu Assortmentu The eyoeul leIII were uM thcnt end the ruler Iettguet newest barbell tend Iound lt nice to be borne on the renge think weve tound bottle sIld Texts ltInger Short Ilier hlI elub route would debut to AI lington lrr tridey night with victory over Cniitorttle An cle Not only won it lureesrlul It was Itso tpecttwuter Some reIIIlto llInIerI Ihuwed up ylnyere were cowboy IIIL be ore thounme end the mod totem Icereboerd tlIthed Howdy to the crowd at mot It Turnpike Stadium Short whore term was trun pIIntcd Irum Weehlngtun during the winter tecclutd ting lront the min ot Texas Ind rutnnger itd tViltIttnte got rt pair ut boots with golden Iplkes during the opeobIgnlght Icrcrttordet then tronk Iiowerd chrip tread the pinto with numb moth tlrttIuntnu home run Into the newlnututrurtbd centre lteld bier err it who greet when tluwtrd hit that that told Short Dirt you tee haw It ellrred the crowd upt Id try this Is pitrhert putt but when but guy hits rm the dlelenre oi the tenure doesnt mean thing ORIOLES WIN Daltlrnore triplet dclenlcrl Cleveland iodine to end trot tnn lied Son touuul New Iqu Yettle in the other Anterl can LeIgue terrier lleln wlhltttl out two Detroit nIblil ranked and humor City It Chl who ter losing three ol tour gemet on the road the lighthit ting teone took to lead on lluwnrtle toutortl that titrn rode Date Netwnt hunter end Mr Itltl by second buecntan ten Itttndlu port the Anyrtt The Angel IEII nlturi it in not alter storing twice til the eighth Inning when lnda llruutt noted on In error not Art ltur nyer the home on Sandy Alo rnert slrttte Boot Powottt lrlltlIlilm homer cltnuud titrIrun DIltttnere telly hrtho rdnth In nlog II the Writer Ito uereIInrl on Deer it threehltten the good one tIid Cleveland Itrr Ken AIprotnottle metre one rnhtete Ind bem lItey till you You bottle them tor eight Innings nttd then tome obohltsonemlnthontruhn krust like the old New York Yen reel WEAIEII CONFIDENT Wthe only my we wont win the pennant to It somebody breulre leg or we get sore Irtru IIld BeltItnure manager Enrl Ieeyer Well here 20 mm winncrr going every do until we run into doubtohe err Itll be tough to hit us itrtlllly Ind Cirlulnttdl lillt Wilcox who pitched httiess bolt through dbl Innings were loch In meeteet duet until the ellhtb Then the OrluteI plotted error the winning not on Paul lttelrI tibt Ilnle Iunrlls rruehlny bother cu cnnto en Inning Ier whittling Into the lower rl lteld reels lel Clevelands httnlelilhl Sled urn Record Purses At Orangeville lurtes totettlng neIrly Mutt reeord tor it elm trotk will be uttered It Sundayt meet tor trottrrI Ind paeerr It the bungevtiie tlncewry no larger than at the money will be altered in the nlrtth rare 12000 invitational mile peeing eyrnt Contentin the me will be Guy LIrtte toeutl Don who tttI but eonIIderIblI ntcerrI in tire Invitttlonel tixture the tart two week Illii Ilettwuodl Cretlwood Ptdl Don Fiercet lteedow Lite Don Brennert General bush tlruee Clemente Ittuddyt lloy Ind Bill trryI Itotel IIrl In the nltult lrtniog when yinctt hitler ltnnny Songutllrn Inglrvl nod Irorcd on Grne AlleyI douv tile Ind that winning It in the thin un lcttdutt own We Udllllir toe home run Until the ninth the Phil hnd protected It lend built on ler ot rutly harm by tlnt lerorver rrtd Don ltoney Pittburgh thought it but the scorn tlcd hr the retenth when CIIneI double chased home bub Robertson but the run wttt ruled on In Ippeol plny It tint been where Chm hnd missed the lug ESCAPE Ilttll dont here to line him sntd tnrneter Dill Vttdun think IteI Icrtrnui lesson ritually telt torry tor hint Who nnd tiontreI llllt Stuntnun were locked In tronlet duel dtto north to stuncntens Ibttity to htrtdle tVIIe one ot bttIehuIiI bctt htt tloz pitchert It but three timer the um to tho pitte with the hate tended end eoch time Stunemn got him out Stuntmen nut In comtnnl trouble nlluulng blli hilt nrld wIlklng reten belle helped them get on Iger Gene llnurh wouldnt help the glel With the gems Icorekte in the eighth ttutllit pinchbitter Jim Inlny drlilnl tworun doubt that won It tor the Expos expected tie to throw me Insthttll end he didInld IIirey lie throw the braking btlh when we were In st tooth tut urnk end hit him Bolt Gibson tell me out on IIIII built sg ii E52 i5 Ed Spam Till IAIN EXAMINER MTUIIIIAY APRIL mt tt Against IlDSTlAt Clt We have to go barIr home end deride thIt with not loin to pity the ltruhu geme nnyrmre the Idmonlilon given irIdIy by Gerry Unger The Itntentcnt followed 5t touLI other to trimming here Thurtdey night Ind vet plrted up by ternmech who Iound IunIe hope win their plIonl round Iretrut botton We triet to come to here In berrei up Ind down led with thetn llldhllltetu tiluee your ren eyve those three Iolld lines we We rnnt thin with them yenl hr Inld oi the Blurt ettum in the openlngtwo garner ol their stInley up IetnIttnnl It tloe tonI Gerderu during which the tinan tkIted It ttrnee II though they were merely In brttk workout Now we have to IlItt check btgthemolereuvltrylowtn tomethlnr Illn Unger IIId We not let the germ open up or theyll be too stronr tor tn TWO GAMES AT limit The htttce returned home early Friday The next two garner in tbobeetoItevrn NI tlrnet Itockry league Ierlet Ire bedded In St tottlI It pmt5i Ind hteodey big in the two IImee It the tier dens St tattle hIrdi retent blrti the treat lhIt ntlnIted ltlnneItotI North sun In Ieven getnre at ouettertlntl round Theteerrt we the In III et torte to cunleln vuunted Bolton IltIck Ind Ignored urIgII net IItne pIIttI thIt ceded tor McCULLDCH MAC 1010 with Automatic Bar Chain Oiling llhnttlrom pernttnulttm rtttktrttrttllntl otth OBtter the rlIlt 5r It BOBBY MITCHELL hints out ot turn out to the thtb hole at uni Luunlry Dryden Signs 2Year Pact lIDNItlEttl CPI lien Dryden liontreet CInIdtcnt outIIImtlng rookie Iuettrnder eigued lwoyeIr contran IrII dry with the militant lloekry IIIrue elub ending enrlier re WIII he not deetnrrl tor the new World tlockry Astoriellon Nu llnInelul Irsntn oi the putt were nnnounrwt by the club Dryden It trtlrtt Iunttendrr In tho NIIL It HuuN iotnorl the CInIdletu In tiltth Mi Ind wee cited no the rrtnln tee tur In the llontrrttl clubs to gnrne rush through the ployotle end to the Stuntey nip Bruins win erI to their bulh wuyt at test IIIylng Ihreut rt their dtectl Berton dnntlnItrd pin to both amen here but there we word ot reutlon tront Druid centre End Stenlteld the IIIIIIJMIIM tor depIrluto lItet Iyiorbttoult ttornero BIIncII ntItchod MI ettott ItIi III tied with Jerry lteIrd Int Gudner out tneon tor and It end took Ierrnd martin TI Ind the It etoid Dir who thIred tintround teed hunt 11 NICIMIJI more it IIek Nirtlttu rho tool the butters crown two week to club during dill Ind wII beevit lIroted lo It the Toumtment ot memb Ions bllteheilr that lnnded mil Witcetlrotnthebotu he we Ible to tire hie put tcllm to me pIr Ind with Super liter bee Trevino me ma notod Into contention with It him the record dIy leader by gmhhugdmgg tour Ihott AP Photo The SInIoniIInlulilwing at ORANGEVILLE RACEWAY Onmritle VIIIri teItIrtIg IIIIlIIr ultimo HARNESS RACING in mere event wrote Mdvueel Pregntn ash II lyrn Gnhl MM lIrrlr AlIleI III tum POST TIME Aearsoadvaneeditonntei thats nglttorwrongwith Remadrablenowinvonlion ineveryi972VolIrswagen all been through It the agony oi an automotive cherkIup You tit nervoutly thumbing through old mogoziner praying that somehow you can get out at then tor lett than $50 Then the moment oi truth Service Manager telling you that one ol ill beet mechanic think you need new generator that doyr will be over toon It you own I972 Voliuwogsn Ior Instead olomechnnie telling youwhnt he Ihinlr ll wrong with your car now your car can tell you lot lute Sound nmnringt It is cor wired like spore enptule When Mon went to the Moon the soccer of each rnitrion depended great deal on highly technical computerized ryrtem that told the Attronoutt the exact rendition at their space vehicle timilor Iytlem It now built into every lIIZVoIII wagon The tyttetn In the cor Running throughout the car it uotwotl oi seniors ench reporting the condition at variout ports oi the cor Mort ol these tensor points are located in key oteos lilre the engine or the electrical tyrtem but many on Iound In teemineg Inrlgnllicont pincer lite the heated rear window Iormotlon Iron all event It channeled to one control roelret locnled In the rear engine compart ment the toeintieoboutthottze oin packolcigorelter We mention the size only because ol whet hop pent next And thnttwhal this amazing socket can do Mten your VW Denier plugr our new computer into it Cheett wheel alignment in IO renondt In to reeondr youll know it your boot wheel ere properly aligned In minute oll brow the condition at the com prettion at all engine qllnd tr Youll brow II your battery need water ignition dwell angle generator electrical Item 60yilolclloclttlnull gt All checked out without hunter mot In ellect your cor will be telling you how It ieolt directly From that one tiny rocket built Into the back at every IP72 Vollrwogrn Iletullr printed out In pinin EngIIIIL Onehull oI the ryelrm it nlrrody here Built lnlO every new Volttwogen the other hell the computer it on its way lmngino cemputer live leet nwoy from your ear print Ing out In plain English but nbcut everything thatr tight or wrong with that cor When all 60 teryleo thrclrt have been mode the printout sheet is yourr to new way to look at VW It tlotted with economy beclr in l9t9when it wornt lurhioneble tor on automobile to be eeonomleot but tincr when hor VW been Iothlonnblei Since never Obvioutly the Voltrwogrn Beetle hasnt made it on toot alone But then that always been the plan While everyone eire he been woriying about how their core looked weve been worrying about how our ocintl And now eller oil that time weve even odvonced ii to elogo where it can tgeolr Only 184 IIIII ourndehht tItt rutttII tttIItIeItI woven annouan our all rnllllon III tl IIII em htttli Ind Ioldl Itqu enouohlor IIIdIy work on term reach or home the bell eomhlnellon oi tier trelth Ind price on mullet N0 HEAR THIS MONDAY IS APTAIN SIIBS HEAVE DAY PIy REGULAR ForAtty Submarine Srndwteh Ind get them tor HALF Ptler SoySoIIoninto CAPTAIN SUBMAIIINES ON MONDAY AND MEANS DneNnrlhIIMlllldlImIIuIIepW SEE YOUR LOCAL MCCULIOCH CHAIN SAW DEALER ncsttertomttttrcttowrtoct Alweye built on McCullecIt chItn butIrut Interline Korv Johnston Motors Limited root noon At nonnn mtMIIIItnsutt