Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1972, p. 10

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by hi In it EE E31 gr er it it an git Ir 55 EE ALLISTONS BASEBALL WINNERS etAbhtenhelIIlrmtur me It shortstop when not on amt Gery blInked Int lnldlnglowlrtgtermehndttoulnbnegmlennd tile with with rie thededttottnInother duel lender to one hit plIy In pitching only wtnnttheterlcstlootrml wunntoleIthewaIndrolh ed up It Itriteoute In the requ leIgue ched ulI thIt rnernonble yeIr Altit Beehive Ion tlnIIhId In thinl III will Iiidtlnd lth It IO letter Ind three ItrI Wilt store Beeton werewenlrnod tor the bl Iet beam ttIr pertorrnett Ilhl inelder Jttn Ituthettord end pItchlng Gould hrwhen hid qrtwt tor hockey duty in beck to till Arlileton are your ego ab Deter iurtlor wet the bale Ire ot IhIt tine testn ted the lergue with rind wtnr Ind three detettt in the limit IIIItttt mod to Ilene be but out the lneotnptr Iole Gordon Dynlent witlt two blitertopoItItletrlctery In nu game tie Ibo bltnted the tndtInI It to In toddler Iuper pltehtngettort eIII Ivy tlIlI ltnIIhId on top with OrttllI Itllvrl mind The Crouch rIn Into tough tlon trom Ibornton lndIInI In the eentHlnIlr where they met tough pitching Iront Don Johne start end Don Shannon but nun Iged to toilette thrount three genre to two In the nteentlme ths CIrwtckI upret the beeton Beehive three llrnre to one Beehive cutter knockrd out the then detendlng etumpion OrtlIII llIiarl Alon with Doner Ind Smock urn ptcher PIuI bitten ttrtl ncter WIyne Storey third brternen ItIy Ihlbert end In tielderouttlelder DIue liortlne er were lendert In tItIt allotted In Iutonlorthethtnucerlien rrwueoIrhotthtt lino Staring rnIier pitching honor ct which wee heeded by bob wet the vertrttie Gory knock um who the Mod hnngtrp mormon MAD Ihop It toorolon the ear mutton topic wu bIIebIh mention III nttds oi the pub lielt tnthetecolurnnr mm let its northern tote Iete ORA winner Ind other out eItIrrolonIblp ctubt Irorn thIt welltom IItt tportr toni ntunlty It perhtI thnddnt but been mp ring thIt the hilt soon turned to creek thornton tom of the pest the tile letnt which beat out Allillttlt ltrIveI In the limb tor the South huncoe league honore wtt Inohg the exeeptlonti Thornton aggregation to recel tllen on Don Iehruton the pitchtnr Ice ut that ttlrrlng teIrn Ind wet the hero ot the deciding gItnl byhuriing thrrehltler end tlugrtng homer in potting to triumph over time Home Ind Denrdt lInlrIln who thIred the mount nutter tor the tint hormnrt IIcqtter war the the teller toe that mentoan gtrne replthnI tillt llunier who had done mart at the ctlehlng tur Thornton that memortble temn Doner renter Alllttun Inrunncov run end Iporttrnen CRACK TEAMS tou blowout Itntt Smith on recent llery tirole II third Ind liab tlroteey It tort Bill tchnrlr tlIrr In the outfield rnIkIng terne reruntlonel uh rheI on long Ailhton driver in the budtoutbt limit The Thornton teIm cttrrdnntrd BIr rIe then known the PIyerI In the semltintlr lltll PA or wet rItcher Ior Alllttun yl while WIyM storey then l1 rat the young tint ticker AtlIn tAgIr me It teeord ttr tlItelIn II thert Ind Storey It the hot comer Outliech included leter Chm rrutt Bill Grty Ind Colin libel Ill the little the had their ebtncet to enthure In the drill terlet they trampled the In diInI it to In one game Ind thttod them it to In Inother Ailittont other win will by to margin ihomton ot rourrc wen ItnIr gather to win the ctttttnplmuhlp nithrntgh mirrored in the new gate score the ihomlon wlnI werebydttt lItot7toJ Ind to SIX TEAMS IN RURAL SOFTBALL sit tetnu w1l ttIin compete In the Simon rural Iotibnlt len gue Iilltlt will rtert ltr rm Ire tun on Thurnluy itny it Wye Wye vote In IpplirI tion the with received from lien ctttngulthrne but out tet abide tor the preterit tenton Inltn ltroun ot Hintinle herd the emotive which eiro lncludet Ferdinan ltuteeu ut WyeIIie It Iituprteldenl Ittd Mitre Phi that at tIIrnvIln trcrettrytren rurrr tltnr tor the cooling reason will he mIde II meeto gauntlet 9gp rd Ing IrrIngrd tor Monday ltIy LATE IOII GAME mrnwn err Attlnt Prime itintttcr litichell sharp told in the Common mm the government It my ntth in km at hotkey grunt be tween the Soviet Unitn Ind Cnn ode to tee with to retlty the but In the world but he wet little totethe Souttt tlntnn VIII knocked all it world hockey ehtnpimuhlp pinnIrle Thun dIy night by CwehottoVIlrlI GMND rtur CateMI nude mi Number It In nttto Jenn Guy llaleette Ii moneyeenthspochu thepIIthtrrIIetlentrnIdtn thott uhetllymltohllirdotdol taride petlemme II oi tit Itll Bertie IttItnt ire Mei chill Wright Cataracts Goalie comes C1659 To Beating Flyers BrHimSlij Ily tut tttettrrtr bIItnIIer bprrte Editor the teIlWI note In at Iny the limit Him entered II JeIn Guy ltorrtsette In gull tor the tilted lIttr CItIrIctIy tut right he were elbow to ring iiimhmlewh to gene ltn Cup Eutern tIoIdt tlnIl It the Barrie Irene tent night hob OhmtnIhImtIecvnd eel ollhentghtet olthe Ird Modlytnte theliIyerI win Iii Newlinuodi Senior true ntponI thornp ton got other Bertie while lbn DIwe notched ot the CelerIrtI tIItler without ttorrtsette the were oodd hm eIslIy been hood with bull ot II ltnrl oh the MM ken It some mute mdon the ltnteette Ind ut II no titIt lemod IIII Itirt The CItIrIetI mm Id only it on tlIrrlr he tiltth II the ers eon leytrotntltrtmtohnlth ol the boot tkIllrtg to eortte out at New loundIIn Except Ior brlet pertodt the cm were nuthuttt on Ill nuht by the horde teem the tort tor the CetIrIeII us the tint In to ptryotl nrner um mdlldut hie The guyr re thny tnnlt OIInd II eoteb litre Ptchette uid Itter the gems We didnt Ihoot Ynt eIn wtn hockey Inner with only it thott on net the Newtoundlend club IllJ didnt torecheetr Ptchetts Idded Tit rum hId little dlttteulty moving the poet out ot their Motortport Club lioidt Gymkhana The hintcee tioterrport Club will tponoor IynttrbIne Sundry elternoon It the KtrtIrt Ihu ill plhtl parking lot on ItI Mt um The even ow Ipee eourre on the parking lot thII emphatlree driving Itlll over tpeen II open to the lie he rltlrttlon will um noon Ind run the In hour with the tint ear Iwa It pro Severut etettet will be run In cluding American pmdwtoe lroni wheel drive end reIt wheel drive will the II on end Ill night but the GtInd itttt torch tlgures the Ilerrto dub eIn be beaten it theyre torocturted the Ryan were II expected Plohetle aid 1th here good hocte teIrn Dude Ika Id better we did looltt they Ibot more 1th were toro cheehlng welt Whimtltmli If It OI toundtInd turn in lonkhtt sec ond content III the bettotseven terlu they were tirodtrorn the trip ttront trend FItttl Sir utd thefts rot tot ot thtere out there You could oer they on visit better then they did tenth 1lu Putrr rtn Into pentlt problem In the tint two greet ol thereto tnchtding er tn the Itrrnututre ot play but the BIrrle eltttt mulled it into In Idrnttt en thompoeo pkhod up rebuild oil tton Roblneon Ihot Ind hinted wlooter pIIt Moe rteette It thebtrttntttemut with Tom Poltnioolllor hoohlnt him in the Cunnln hIm delteeted tilek bleCIocI ttnto the trend II but men In the penelty box It the time Dewegyt htkImttrtsimgoltl on or It no oil not IIulkner thot with It urondI tell In In tlrtt trune OOAL CALLED IIACA In the record period the Fly leyebyd torrent lied carom one Into the terutI net II we cItled book It Robin tort htd been whittled It ths other end ol the rink Ier rough In eou lo oi secondt earlier lo the third with PelInle Iitt lol It the reminder elty etlted It the end at he second Dent got hit second powerpr goel el the night to tie the beers But the Hyert eonttnued tn pteu end thtnrtlngtttm got the winner II Sly thot turn the biuettne deected ott hie IIIte Ptthottr we tlltle lumpy the In were thl Ilter the game thIt relerre RIIIr Grehetn bed Illmd the tort Ito eisimtd Ornatnghtnt hId ticked II In the mere plIyed one at their tlnrrt periods ol hockey in the to they nuubot the Cttt Althoth him With the Sir unhappy the number penIltler the time drew men to three tor the creed PItlr term We test eoutdnI get In Itteck going be tttd III good thing we rolled on hitting penttttes lIIt week tie wII pleIted with the work at the ornntnehun Dotti Ammo are ucytunlyye men gwe thou Iitthreeworenetoed to the it ItlrrtItIoterteern Ind toortng thrset oi one In our yet merger tint Short uld the pity ot ttorrttetle wutrhet he expected Ive teen him pIIy number It timer ever the yetrt ltes th Ickbene ot the II we cut keep tbtnge like we dld in the third period well betl them he ended WOVIBIII to go out at here tbnrrlel with two wlrtI It the Flyero win tonight then the eerie will twitch to mod IIllt tor the renteinderol the Irnes Iterlln out till llut ItheCItIrIe wintont third gemewtilbepie ed nttIc rle bundIyttIIhtItIrt elm mt wlathe rametindel the II III lounthnd next weekend FLYEII let Betore the tome euh ot the trend Fellt plIyerr yrerentod bottle at Sereech rum induction to Newtoundlend to the Flynn The Ibert Ire yltnnlng In metre presutetlon the Ctteuett In tlrnnd lIIII tiedockiln Sty Ind PolInIe were etpeelelly ettedtve en the hereto doeener Mortitette tolled lion iroth live item In the tint per ted ttckett tor tentpttt UM went en IIII It the treat but other It ti noon itll remain open until gtrne time ANNOUNCEMENT IUIIIMAIIVI litrst Period tttrrto Ornrdnthlm titt uoohllo Awnbt that trend IIIII Dle ttultner lItdhner III Penettler PotInteItai unte tbughrttzs them till Hi PI rtttl boot Istanir tottnttrlerence all lie lit in 1I ml Pertrd No IetetIg Peneltter Robinson tttl mo It mull BI Itil DUCK 111 Stlttlly tot hoot tnnt PM BI Illli inn MM emblemo Imp Mother huthteri rite ilatter OInnloghInI tblyt PenIltl Noun tango 10 II In trend FIIII It SPORT IIIIIEIS PLANNING FOR IIAIII IlAltLIbTON CPI ump out by Ibutt glow tecnltler Ind or ttng org me Intro lheI Icltvltlu phoned to Intel the dr oyyogente here Del IIck ller nIld Grey org committee chttrtneo eeld tbs litters contoderetton Perk will be not utde tor the ump ecI Null DIRECTOR OTTAWA CPI OIIIII NI tioeItI oi the new termed Wt twill III OttewI dtrortorso Fislt MUFFLERS 54 CIIIII Pilllllllii AS IIIW AS inobI ernsuhtdrm Er reefer Itcbcrt ltmt Dixon and two PourlII it Whl ttu ml Im Ptttrd um em or rum lmmhmu wieQuInel1I rm 11ml thsoo Ptt Proiogue KAIIIIN 1Iomllirlmiwm thb wood tee sortlnervtlte re It mom arm Almi Irlety Blll lint gamblmt roommate ripaan noon the $35 brother Noble til hemmed mail It bleed logo Dillon lilqu to Intent IIII tilde II lure ontnttuott ttethelt SALMON INilI Itcitttntt trui uilhni with SPECIAL SALE glitchebodlleyttloti AM trxru Inc her run maa One tilleOpClmIttloottihl tDIroIIUIIVIM Preetodtuleu lseottIDornInIonLTolhurtt tlrttnu Iorrll Seetpodr room Veliey Borne lltooteIIndI me more MM retire ohm in II turtle nu may Ne Mm teen Ind ltoetun nod not Am Youre mildsmhead with tut no It Riding System Service towmeow andth VIII Wunwhetmm not our ill lllilil Kort tthl Merino ltd oi Gtttord It proud to commute that rt 01 April 14th llr Doug Brown will be iotntng our otett Doug center to or with It yetit oi experience on Ohio ptoductI Iuhnton Ind Evinrude melon Alter having tpent 11 your ot thlt In the ttIrrtetnke Simeoe tree Doug It loolttng torwerd to reality mutt OI hit old Iriende II RON ltt MARINE LlII III FORD ONT Cell lttm anytime otter April 24th It lbtb 283i it Till AUTO OINIII grit noun DELAY CALL nowr ALI entree tore construction rtetnotest alum 005 EQUIPMENT VINVL LINIR By Ridgewey LIndmping SUPPLIES RIDOI ROAD SHANTY HAY Hwy 26 II 27 boyIIeid St no rnut imroneeroero 88 During St 1266585 Iinyrir Ont lintrie an

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