AIIIIIRoIIIrRIonrs nor cello horn the public the centre nil bo II uml Itondey on tho tloor ol the new oIIIeo hulldtrr It Ire boylleld st story on role mother Photo Yroleedry IIu inole dry tor the Bottle Cuede More or 0mm end Irrllrlo eon WIMP Ill All white Irrlnl tovfnee VANme ICPI Entt Innment Idlntrter lrek DAVlI Ielol Ndeynldt totelbenen enumeran lIobInr ot Attrntle mm by Cenedlrnr III lent III to yIIro or Intu Ibo pebnlr tlon roeohoe nIIIIrIl level magnate Inneullelephm on Inn utmnn red to Lebndm New out rout Illl not be Ioetrdod In tho bur The boot Ind Iborobeud In IIelletlenI of 1000 llehornren llooted by the hon Illl be put obered tor norm Imonnu the Inlnleter eeld llo orld be wttt nIIIe more loto rulernent blender In IrIonI He will to the Ilerltlmee lhIndry be In epppolnt Inont In Noweertle Nthor Ineotlol Ilth tlebennen to dte euro the hen llo odd bro reIerIbo Ibo rovommonte other It ternetlvorexoletlon which would tom the Mormon to orleh lower nob but Ioovo thorn wlrh thelr eepltel lnveotmont In borte Ind oenlomt WtIh the government term leer Ileher be her teed who return on manual The hen not come In llrbt IIIIIAAyIWlIIn Ilr Dertr Ill OUSPON AP rltte Id torn my Ibtto Inch mend lodey to drlrohrtreeyupemoonmrn IIII Id enotber ouut tor rol eenIe renInentr Ind rodent lunar edit on control told John Ybunr end Cberleo Me to dot Ibelr Ieeond when or enron InorIthIII one Ir until them booruro thoy lottohedletohldeynldht both were In nod IplIIto when they note We both rot Ihout rorm how deep end tool reel odd but IIoIt Duke no eleot III bnhy Ind Ire ldInJIIIeteII onetlrrro Iwumldend Idtoput Iloeplnr hey YIN end DulIo who booneodend loIod over the Inn pletoru tor roren hor IIItrier allotted the two whtle rock on IhIlr Ilrot loner ho troportent In Indore thornoonrturrnellnn Motor terret tor the record eovonhour dllll III Stern rlountetn Leoolnot peer Io nrlleo onuth ed the India Alto Your Ind Duke hope to oIoor tIeIr moon oer Home horldero Ind enters Ihoul 100 toot In the termed mounteln to ether root II rerloue leveto Borne ot the meterlel rrrlIhI hm been horned up trorn roe loot bolorr tho rurlooo by voleonle rotten lhI IeItvIIylnllorIo bury Itret deyon tho moon during wbletr the moon men let up ortenltlto rIIIton rod erected IlIIh v5 lle on Ilreeurteeo boloro rtIrtIny Iholr drIvtIII pedlllnlb lhe retence etetlon loot III lorlI oxperlrnent 01 on now robe when Your eeeldent otunrblod oror eehle yr Fortunetelling Cards Used NAOMI CPI toetlone lIonI nroogeetlvo lIrrtyoor otodenteirt tho Onterlo lloeo ot Art IrIr looped by two thlta more epotloeru Iro rent loIIIrnoIettlnx cords Ind lIttle uptenetory IItoreturo member oI tho eoIlrroI lovornlnr equr dliteld ltnndey rillorh lllad lolmprove Piotrerel lltENOIlA on or um and ranI hunleler Leo run III may on doorrtnrerrt to noble Ivory oIIorI to lrrooovo lm IIrhIIIeln northuertrrnnnurlo The Inlnleter Irld the rlon betchon rt thunder Bey wtll produro eloeo In to rntllIon AMEN Merl Germans follote Sunday IMNN Itoutert Nerr Ill Inlttlon Weot aonnnnr Ire due to Into Sundry In In elo on whloh chancellor WIILv ltrrndte Demonotle prrty bu oreooeted oholeo between pure rqrold our lot or Ieolrot hlI ortepolltlk or at European lllptainlliconlteseued llllerCollision lDUlIBAN Iltruler lIIo deptnltr Ind loo other oIlIrorr pl 15 better tanker sum ceItlo llrrt leered or here one In rolllrlon between the terror Iod Irolrhtor lhurodey tho been reoeued reId rIdIo memo rkolrrd In IhlI South AIrIoIn eIty teddy Clubs Used loDirpeIIIe Mob WELLINGTON NJ ruler outnumbered potter drew thelr rIuho orrty Iodey Io lrpori Ibout so youthr In the deep toon me It wu hellovod to both rot IInIo olnee Non heelerde 113 doerIIorIrrr otrtIo thet poIIc bed Irod done when tutor vIno uAInIIrIA 1er Illeolorl Pellet IoIrrlIlnl the sled bIlle ot thlr routhorrr llelIrn town Inr two ltIIlIno rented IIde lor murder end error the lnrrl polloo ehlel Id today Ind Io ornbrmeo Iho Into toilet etnIIIIr Io llenteb shermen country on tho roIIthIrI top n1 Green lInd hevo been hlrmnd er drullorlty redueln Itoeke oi AIlroIIo HUME So ohlch In In both mourn end 0th Amerlren rlvero onero reto In the one IreI dlrrov end by tho no noelerr rub rnerlno IIIIII Deal Mute Tarred Beaten In ll Ireland nmmmr derl mute vrer hoIIen end Ierrrd men we Ibot deed outetdo Invent In lrleh rt enmod to Erttleh Intdler ed to Enrlrnd end peornlnent Britten polltl elrn mod the lrleh Repubtl ren Army ol Ietlny Itlo tho Null eI lbolr worst The polltlelrn Ionner thorel eder ln Grlnvznd told borrower odlton In It tho Brltleh reeert bl boom mouth onltldIy Nut IRA thuy oery II ceurln Inch rowloton llllml the hrtlrh thot nun1 went to worn tholr horde ol Northern lrelend IIIIIA nun Ann hlblnd women end ehlldren eooouruo ehlldren to throw rtoner It rol dlere wlro homhe to the hodlel murdered men event one rent women Ind IIr Ind leether rtrlo he told tl lhle on on tho lltlllelt Kooplo rotor to try they Ive had nth At no more the toyequ deII route or horten In Bol tuI rent the border at Cethotto ehdIPIolerlent ereu the II IIIIeoeI lII over him IrIdlt lltII puntrbment tor those who vlolnto III rodeo Ponce inner ehomlcel II the Unlverrlty ot 1hr them out nl the edmlnlrtretlre nIIre entlIIre dernonetrrtnrr nrernrldnltht nldly 1o eheII butldlrrl AP Pbotot Antingr Protests olVlo II It Donnertrotoro errlnrt ro eurdgtloh o1 Uotted Stetee born In ol North Vletnern rlrnnod to move their protute roIn oollolo crmprrm to the rtreete end pIIhIlo Ionrrno todry AntIIIr erlIIItler Ilnoludlnr rntltn In New York Ind CIIlIor ntr were uheduted InIcIIIee mm the 05 While most remporee oulet FrldIy end moot Iot Ir were elIehoo not Ind polleo II tlro melo unher Iltleo lenderr ot perch more bed eIltod too OIMll anlonIl rtudontrtrltotrldry utlorthe Inert port the ll nu Ignored Columbia University to NM Yorlr III the only motor reboot where deem were olltelntly conceded the Netlonel Student Moncletlon wordlnetor ol rempue rIrlII rcttrttlen re Loans Announced For Publishers NEON CPI 1bo 0n lerto oovornnunt bu on bounced loo 1qu totrlllny terror in Cenedtrn ptIhlIIhero to protect the Industry lmrn lor oIrn dominettoo Iohn Wblto mlnlrtor ol lndur try end Ivurlnn told the table luro Ndey Ibo publisher were unehln In llnd the fund in tho Curlew Placed On Community llller Shooting HARRISONVILLEE blo AP Arlen woo olIcod on thlr eonununlty ot 5000 otter yourr men shot up the oily room with or III Inrhtno bllIIn two pollcernen wourdlnx rhertlt end three other rr ronI end then Itlllne htnue chutes II Simpson 2t o1 neIrby llnlden end the llvornlnuto terror rpree Frldey nlrht the olrln policemen were Doneld Alerter Io Irther At one ehtld end In oltleor nno yerr end Frenclo WIII It on the po lteo lorve leoo then month IIIN duty In Vlotrrern ert rm rte llir See Search Engine For Ship HALIFAX CF CInI dIrn Force IlrrrIII Ind the CI nedlrn Cnut Greed ehlp hert lett heeded today to point our Sehlo lrlend to reereh tor ehlp IhII wrr rendlnl dLIIreor the Ihlp oer bottom to mom renter Noe MI meet III that tone the Arm rlrorett Irorn Ironwood Ne Inorooetodluroreb the or rnlloe out ol here It Mr broom est IIIrtlo III Iteee In the to IntvI Ihortty IImoII the more eontro roId prleIo Irotor Lent you the oouernment loaned herlollInd Ind Stowert Ltd tornado IlIh provision tor on really In tho romneny Ilr lIIbIIo reld there to no Inch equity provlelon In the loom Innouncod htdey The Book Scoler ol Cenrdl Ltd Is to recele more The New Press Irrdo oltrtolon ol Iodtroy IlnoSklrnnIlnr end nerquo red to reeelvo 8112 Peter Ilertln Anoo rtrtel Ltd 111000 Iod ClerkIn wln C0 Ltd WIN Ileenwhlle report hy the Ontnrln roInl rornrntsrlon on book puhlt nl Iebled in the house ended thIt the Ymvlnrlll Iotornment brook up no htx paperberlr boot Ind mryIrInI dtetrtbutlon ryetom controlled by Iorelmonnod vrhelernlm uh It meet depertmentr bed In normal IlendIy lotInn ol lrpoe nt Quebeer ttdIy pnblie rendeo rIrIII result It emergency lexlehtlnn proud mm The end ol the Ilrth by 1wa 100000 Iorken were with In lIIbbour all FIIdey nlxbt Irene labor leader for nbedrenrn t0 the ill parsed eerller in the dry otter Ilmnrt It hour It trout debate In tho nellonll rm lh on mereney le llnn elleetlvely ehnrlneteeuf ehrnto el ember lent etrtko helorI luly Im becqu it our rontmt will be Impooed nr IIn yrrrr It none In been nerotlnted by June but on deyr lronI norr The moot rerloor rerull ot the elrlholllunebod April II III III rrInIInl etleet on webeee bor Eltelr III the oonvtneoe A0300 erpItIl beds were empty lrlertred lrrnlrurtlono In ten nIlnIte the ute bronrbt Ibo three lender ol unlon eenr men trout Into line run the lee LIIIlon It the last minute 11 else upped tonne de el expense In wblrh Ibo bltter unlon tendon eerller bed roe ornmendod thII Ibelr unborn lo drly the dknullef omen renry lIwllbrned In Iron ohron rlubhlny tho unlon more meet in tbelr rhetorlohy eon Irnrrlnr Ibo vrrlkout The low ordered return to exert II 1201 In today LEAD ON IV the rornrmn Iront leedero Ilereel Pepln prerldont ot the lm Minimal IltePorConylihpo end ouch retusel Premier Robert Barrera loohtnl rellnvoel told one antenna there should be no IurYdrIsI thrt these oeopto bnre dee Id In resped Invr by the leztrteturo The romrnnn lrnnte rorurel It It declnlnn In eontlnuo the IIth ebnvrod there III pro lound rrtIiJ In the Weber unlon movement he rIId Ibo unlon opoleunen totd new contereoco It mldnlebt lrldey ntrht IhIt they rorerred thelr dodrion bee they dtd not hIrn enourb Ilmn Io enuult representrtlvo number oi membero ot those who did role on the return In vorIee lnvr Io to per rent ol rnep In oorne Ireunbwt so oer rent voted to dely the tow the common trout IeederI IIIIL COMPLAIN or TIMING Ilr Leber end Mr dun bonneeu hltterty tbo Io rrnnnnt loetrllon In onymronmtntrytmt In exoreulon ol the rim ot the 93000 rtrrlren Ps Speculateon renown en IyIn lornle no ItudenII rrero rested durlnl their daytonl II tempt to close In Inpur Ind block Irnlllr Ind the Ublteb DllAWA ICPI mob IM elIy ol Illohlyen proteotere ulrtlon Ibout Juno elootlnn hroho IIIIn lteeervo otttrerr dominated perllemen rerrb mlntnr Corp bulldtnxJnd don Prldey but do the rnrnrhed turoltrrro Ind window Common IIIPI resumed trod lollce unlon IrIr routed Ilorrnl hnrenruo Inetcet the It Unlvenlty ol Tern eludento roIInIrye trenepnrtntton oyotem Item rempu edrolntotrotlon may an In burldlnx bIIl hour otter they In common new by he broken In Mir mutt Prtrno Illnlrler trudoeu VIII About er Synequ llnlverolty lnlerutlled thh knotted 0w student Im mum III that In rteettnn In Junetone trylnx to block rnlrnnrer to en ronsldrred prohebllllyInust Ilr loror reerultlnr elIIion be rllltd by Ally to em pub llc servants tlIno to preprre vot Deloliantsllsed Guerrillas Say LUSAKA Zunble Neuter Alrlehn netlnultrt urrrlllne bero eeld here that Porturel II ll Vietnamese urtnr ohemlool drtrtlent to try to reread lnrnlnn In guerrllte Intiltrrtrd tones ol mole lIIo nrtlonnllrtr ln tertlrnony hetero tho vhttlox Untted Nee llnn committee on derelonlre Ilw thlI work Ilsn Illored In dlmlrnlneln benrhlnl both In Irnroln end In llonmbtouo on the eastern Ildo oi AIrloe lhn errtlle repreoentettuee erreeeeeuly sought the remit Ieeo edoplloo Al molutlon eIlIln on Portutrlo North AI Innllc treaty Orrnnlrntlon rnrt here to Itor provldln wrrpooo to be IIan celenlrl were SAIGON llleulrr North IIetnnmese Iroope Ittretod In other proutnetrl repllel beer the bestryed town ot An boo Frtdly utrht II IMII IoIernroent one out loll to doreloplno cone nounlrt thrust In the control blyblrhde rntlIIery Iourroe here repertrd todey The rooms erld Pbuoo Blnh Il mllne oonhnortheest ol Selo lob wer hll by IbeuI 1000 roeheto Ind mortnr rhelle So lhr In the teddy otterutvo by the Cornmunlstr rurb In IItoub hII herelded Ilene The IItuItIon In An be It Election to the Helm IIPI need do bets on the eenuel bill Authorit tn CInndIIn Nellerel Rellllyl end Air Cenedn to borrow money to yoke rook ntovenror IxItnst but they rolled bed rIlI Ind Ilr oervlro tn thol IRIS The two lower Iere reletod ition blPo lulu the III electlrn thII could turn out the leerrle rnw boneddown Common no one wry to one vote Ilr nuderu Into rein to the people or new Troops Attack Provincial Capital llgdt lln Loc miles northwest ot lhuoc Elm remelood xrnve end we anert orntlru further with onetterod Ilsbttru mooted on the llltrntthtllrrl rubber Ilene Suoolteneero IIIll beln dropped by pereehuto lo the A000 government del In other development In the but no houro Arebnen not enroll dlrlrlrt town Iell l0 North Vlotnrmeon troop In the trIl hlphlende IllIl U5 bourbon undo new rrId on In lmpor lent trnnrwrt junction It hotel lIm only on roller enuth bl IM Wants Bath Breakfast Beer After Rowing Across Pacic VII BRISBANE tlteIItrrt John FrIrloIr Brltleh IrIIIIPertllr rower Ind blr IIIblond III Cook teered toot It It eyelono Ilr went eye only turned up lodIy II men to lrnd on the Queerrlrnd rout Exoltodholtdrymeton on Noymrn lelunt roe nIIIeo north oI IIrIehIno mobbed the couple otter they rowed Ihelr hlllll tlotdttllllld Ibloot hoot IIrl trnnle I1 IlorIoelrlo the telly to oomplet I000enlto trro emu tho Wed Ilto the rorno hreIIIIetend Id III beer eeld relrlex II he Itoppod erhoro bled only In rhortr III III nurelnr In Ier eehed by then to dry doctoran oumlned tbyoorbld Idronture Ind hII thyerrold rerIlrlend pro nouneod then In one Ibo nun IIhon mlnr trip which been on April 15 but nor from Sen Renew Alter herrty brerttut end rbewer tho couple tolemnned tbeLr perentr In Enrlend MY lllll ROUGH It we reIIIy rour but no mode It Felrler IIId In or plrlnlnr that they hId rneneled to rIdo out IoIIr cyclone notch thr med olt tho QIIeenelInd rout durlnrutho tut two months the Intel codenernod Emily IIrurk Iround lute Ind It rIIr Ilter Ith thel the couple were loerod dmnoIl rooy bed leet been Ilrlttetl Feb IboItI 200 IntloI north out It the Solomon lrlurd wlth Ihout lmlllltl rttll to or For leIIlIx tho Irene IIr rowtnl trlp II record men In July 1W he the tint men to row the Allen Ik elnrlohended when he MI Inbore nee Fort beI HI Th mm or at the New IIII holl Iy retort IlIerIrIecI Irld FIIIIII Ind Alter book were IIylbx tn lllll bone IIIer todey lll Illd Brltennln ll MM llto blt o1 Mum ten peoole on tho recornlred them end then donly everybody on the Illend ruehod downbeeeld Both ero on worn In wobbly on their leu Ferbepl theyve lorrotten bow to well NIT It Irtrtu eeld btr boot Ivor blown on In the amt Burler lleel which rtrotrhee elnnl th Queenelend chestAnd the tint blend themrd IpottedIrrII III1m ammo Woorpm