Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1972, p. 9

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Police are inaertlgltng the ri leenee ot the char wtthlnlll mlnlairy oi lure lll To Seed RightsOfWay dill hlIt powerrelation loathe use oi herbicide Ipraya mt to noon in growth ol on oearlIroealinlnNortllernon oran all hull leatrohl lion 0o tario been uieellre elurld team There 2none will prevent II many eornoetihie true the mmih ol undesirable tut Mk II pueihle lander the lhhh ill torts rer or horn motion rIura power all irInernllrdon line men when they Ire tall omenioeonlaelihetondxiora Wad mmucm am in combination with the more mg mp Irnothrr one lhnuld provide II hlrdrlool treloti crown WWI tor arnatl game retell and hrttmeylu arehelng planted on iiydaoI riIhtrotway to nduee the need Loctlntn Gillilllllii maroon nnrvnro Va mil Street hl at It mart saturdey at no no Hummu Nil room heldentn oi idiot in over the weekend dtlrena band IIdld rlII Iolen iron the Earl ko and Hall BF earrch elation on Blake Street end one the AND nlm ea whmheluatmckhyaeu IIth mashed hie motorcycle Ilond itoeI Street Sunday to the motormle ellith CAR ACCIDENT Dorothy llerrlaolt oi Glertwood Delve rm aertoua injury when veh lie aha wu drivtne ml on oi control Illdlltlh the dileh on llirhwny rl one mile Iouth at My lload 21in Vuora lirwnrhtp at it not Sat ownedzhy Brian ERoheon oi Ml ltaornlae wen reported Itolen Ii llornthelioetnidllou in Jhndhnn ll worthstloet told police that WM broke loin Ind bullied her apartment while Ihe me am on Salomon NLMWIINO 100 CLOSE lrayton lteodoraon ol Painl wiek wII listened with tattooing too other tattooing lJllNll Reddeot on lllghwey it to treat in on pm damage was eetlmated at lot as mull oi the collision which Also hnotred vrhtoiee driven by tltrmite llegene oi Nevins henna Ind ltou ltwnley reenli cohrorrunsn Dormtu Iro esllmIted It let in ion In arttonal It the hintlion ol litIhwny It and lo hearty lioad ta tn the villara oi oratrlrmt at one om su urdny the driven involved were Juno lioCurdy oi Steele Street tiorrtee and Donald Sweeney ol lllehrnood lllll Inage woe estimated Mt llUSlLlItd homonon ow eat me mien or Charged with ihelt over till IIDI Glen Goalhiar ll ltlehaad 1M Pene tIn and allloed Bottlneeu ti ol ort llellicoll DAMAGE who it Sohut ol Strotalluli ered minor Iterations iotlowlng In neoldent on Sunday IllllW Inn at the interaction oi lion ordI ltood and Little Avonuo ln lnnIItll township Damero was estimated at noon to the Scout vehicle and oreeond vehicle driven by Dorothy ltay George oi tlarrte nlvrlort An accident on superior Street day rotated till damage to vehicle drlten by PM Everett ol Toronto the mood vehicle involved hr the Nillllttl driven by John tlerrey oi Staynerr war not damaged Staynerlt torso and Satur od rm Euro Ilrrrail whlrh will operate roan ertlnat Ild ltldierrd lor the southern section the line in inun llllirASorav hlllnfrywi 0ro Phonellates Woman Dies In Collision him ArItI Damp or Inrevltiewu tilled at mMutlllaIo In eul Irona more hesetgutthl nr more at Orengerllle or my itinerant can re dirt IhI was driving III Itrueh form the roer went out oi control rod down sleep eml lira ChIrnp in attempting to parse the nude in tron oi her pulled out introol oi third vehicle whkh was in the pro tau oi phasing both Iehkier Emilie in the neonerd rolli on Beavorlilverlovol Starts To Booede BEAVEIINN Ont OP The level oi the Beaver liiver has Itarted to recede iron itr llood peak alter wIIthI out Go Up llprii 22 Growth and development in tho urn Ixehanre tout calling em means rate locum lol Orv retention eileetlra April The Ore loeIl raillt log area now toehalet Barrie and orilttr John Mu Bell eornmtlnliy relItloos manager in this IreI said today persons with private line home phone will Iy cents For theater with mulllporty IerrleI the tnrroun will be It rrota per month Aha on April oro exchange utornere will get twowI too It editing with the Id neent Moonstone exrhnnret This Iddi tion does not allelt Ororalre BOWLING Kempriew ltlee Alteraoon Ladies league Ieettorn at road in illoth renal AanhGi lhwnrhlo on the weekend The two part at liererton roller southeast oi OrllllI wII iloodod when the river overdowed Ila harsh and one nearby eonoesaion road was olored when Ieetloru at it were washed away Canoe llaoer Drowns In River KlmlENElt tCPi Dlll rind operationr were to resume Iy to recover the holly oi man who drowned SaturdIy durlrr one me on the tire ltivert Bdilmllmttmolmlillllw hortholltltchener We Brown Bears tot lilrlte Gulls to Pumle Panther t7 Oranre Oriole it etiow lioroets Blue Beetle tit lllack last 60 Green GIInLl lle lllIh Slulelt liarwey ltlieeretltd tIy Perry nu Doris Edgerton 2th Aileen llltrttrhm 2th Mall Dllrry lit hlurlel lluwt ltl Enid Demp rter no Doreen For no carol Tanner 2111v laahelle Otter 10 Fun llollaroo Dorothy liu man 22 Joelle Gram tot hill think 119 June Built Ill ttettyvhioBrtde 111 than Arm atroog no lleien those too llln lrlpln Aileen tturtuhtre on DorlI Edrerton ell Enid Dornnslrr tel Nlneyiltllttek ell lllrallodt Iona Wilden Mutatde Gordon and lPm nelson ol mama la WWM mm where he has worked hetore ltr Reeve attended Centrol ried with two riuidren ateter llelen titre lohn Vrhbrell mm rum yummy ltd We The Fallen Sam liver in Toronto ihe Gtrudo Cotiilltll AerdI this year 31 artists his is by all octnowhdynl tri er hm mlheillfllrremenbllllvwlmudvehaslgvlrorn MW in ever hnnned In Boston among Lil IrlJILt who applied 0n ll Sunday Swim Man Says to no tillzztttirtllrtnt Ils Police Attempt liescue CtlAiliAli torn When John Anderson picked up in wet roll Sunday and told his wtle he was golngawhnmlnr in the homes ltlver rho didnt realize he meant in the tIunila Itretoh oi the lhIroeI lrorn Chaiharn to the riverI mouth to Lake St Clair Nor dldpolieemen liremen Imhulann atlendante and nndrede ol motortrtr who saw him in the liver and thourht he was drowning when the ltyeeoold rwtnr rarer passed under city hrldge Ieveral passing motor iau railed authorities to no EltucdtiOn Not oath Department Official There is not educational rousi lty In onlarle Don honor rerlonal director at oduoItloo with the de rlrnent oi education said Batu aynlrht lit llounr was operating at tho annual meettn ellhe 0o utIrlo Federation llolne Ind Moot Anoclatlona tlteglon It the Lhnilnentel ton Although the rrtlnlItry til iteItlonhar tried to betonro in opportunities Ivailalrieto ehl dren in both the urnn Ind areal by Mons oi the dltteren ttol grant payment IyIiem he mm It mm ml to es headed by it that Inuit there lI atlll not equal llr ex lIlnedtn the go roele lallvleruo the liome and on roan Slime trey tlroce and York eountleI rotnttlnI iron the Tusk torro on Edocrtlona lepoi lesuod 9n htIreh ll lie the leeward the null which lllm eompi let all daIl with lha to net oliicoe and will aoheh glowed hormdaryehvangealy tides fluently our other oldie reItoro are nollrlrldod lroro the rural reIIona II hit at then loaned he raid Even now very oilen the run reboot houdaviow the ur nrdt as something eilil ho hold and the metro hoarda tend to ignore the loci that there rural 0n lerlo it would he Irent mistake to dlvlde these boards even more he said heoame there is going to hate to ho loop erotlon oi ntind and heart be tween the rural and urban school boards in the lutoro hleooy alone will not tlo Thr is nine not to have to bee tree liow ol lnlormItlon tghldtlll hool hoards llr on an Flue have to work totether The lab iI too hip to approach any otherwoy euid matierI each It grants Mr Young Ield thh Mellon would entail teImI independent oi the rtltnlslry out to the indle eehool rde at their pro rams ere ta ryItorn thiI one in New York hI Ield And their teams cannot keep up with the demand lrorn aehool bends CURRICULUM lEitVltEti Also under Deputy ltinlaier laldntrrtwllt he department dealing with eurrltulunl SIM leather lrorn York County asked htr loan it there wII notohnaleeontrealletioo between it the curriculum division lime and the lInInelIi branch redder Irltl Iehool building Inprovata lrta tho lurid available wmernholh the ministry and the individual Morris llheee ntattere willl he llltllltl new rue arurur by Swlrdlrector oi the department ol Iohooi grantI Ital gnawwunler Dgprlrzyllthrtrter Iltrum lion Idrdidiatntlorr tAiae under htnWaidruna new department at eupervisory Iervieea headed try it Nudist el lllJI denition will deal nitn new dalion ol the luhr Form We recorder that there is very dollniio parting ol the way here he Ield We are mnwtinl lotoreri In the deret opulent el new program which ennnol be implemented without more monoy WI Ill loot lorwerd totha dll when tax revenue will in ueaeelnlhe point that the lands will he mode Iveiiohle But an ill that time we hope that there ldeu will he uxeiui to low halide or that two boards will it able to Iitord these new it At lids point notation ren Bailey ol the Yoelt County Sthoollioard Iald other than the metro bonnie ntoet Ichool request and eveiuelinI varioue hoards Iro not roItLv allotted way WAS DECIDED Air Young IIld he did not want to dlaeuu the isaue ol pro vlnelal than but did Iay that two lyran irime hilhleter John ltolrarte elven um and his IrtlnLtler oi edu eotlon celled meeting rl Ill the rehool hoard ehrlrnlen and directora and told them that than provtnotal eeillnu would lie to be harmed there were strong ntduuree in ireer education tor IttldentI hu thin we can all he Ilwd theyweretehen he laid hie You wu then and ii therowout ho In theme ireni towardehlhitm urtrrlnl nod touring later lie sold thehraneh on tur lnnmllly routth loo on re term trend toward more clearer the younger chit dren because very often they Ir rlve It not with Emailed ea would reverie with the anti idea and wood It will But he llltl thin would to he done on dlerrlmtn ory heals heenoso Irran elulliren are ready ior school It lee three and others are not with regard to Itudents louv lng school It In earlier me he oiledrthe example ol th drop by the provisxlel eelllnrn Iny in naturally enrolment lIIt tell do not think that thin was had thinI he rIid We had some to route university education with memorial lot and that Le no ionter necessita lly true rterrn cursor Thehre larejlhnlal not1 hav nI line while It thI Iarne thrre loll try in hiring cemrnurdty eelleoe graduatu Iometlmee in preter enre to persona with higher llwv oom olrn II hind the lraneler oi edndniatra Iloet oittetale within the ndnletry wal that the Tllk Fem thought otnnrt utnvt ntcnvrrs ll ClllllDll COUNCIL GRANT mates WI hie Win and shell to ldexlro tor Iome time More ploy to ln1llodwhere hehas worked with heroerd heath lor more years It Ihe Farrrlrm Semi ol Art ills mother IIId this morning else had not heurd lrorn him The OrllllI Playhouse hon an Prpperieighherhurnhltngwould since the award was Innoumed thtIInd would lonsider it treat honor lleI plannlnI to tome back to Ontario thle surnrnrr and set Open llouee up pottery in till the Ield She doesnt know exactly where Th hank llyelory thelthtrlwlnd he hopes to establish but said it would likely ha nenr Vnneouver ux 33 Liertlon Cornpelur 0112 horrid Examiner MONDAY APRIL I1 117 ll we Centre Hinges On $18000 Grdnt Th narrle Social PlanninI sooner pouthtr Corned has applied tor an The province has indeIted that oooprovincial rent to hunch In it will decide what ro ta are intimation one in Barrie thI lipva by April lo ut It is thresholdi1 tr theid Innoltllnurnieotuwlll Impensooeentan oeno on elm ray ay the planoln round Ield the it the eounrti receiver the pplieatlon been forwarded grant which will enter only to the department at youth and Ialarlea the rent will open recreetlon under it Youth to tiny ti and will close on Sept Action promm II The premm ta rirnllar to the The reotre my be located in lederat orernrneota Opportun the thlle no Centre vlticea itieI tor outh Program not has on thttier Street There is not received murh puhllelty pouihiilty the rily will help pro according to Alrlioemper ride better loentlon downtown lira Ink this will improve The projret will employ are our ehIrloe ol getting the proalmslely Ill poet monthly money hI aald Itth Irnduntra who will Ins lhe inlorrnelloo centre lint our phones help hulld up to proposed reverol months ago lorrnalion lite tondurl luxury 71 anB Ihnuld apply tor the grant Ir year hut Ield he has worked hard tor honored three enmedies tor It be Iullut Prior luntin omi her lnaururIl season in the 0rilliI lIther the iudre Share tho ex citement ol the root hlnriuusa 5mm On July ti the worlds best Iouryiule in llarrlr and is man mil lmyng known melodrama lhe Drunk Stephen knock opens to rm gm Ki Will til low Edward llirldlltun Inherits tdiitll to the depths ul degrad ulion as he atolls to tho rqunltd bars at New turll or ho ant mlu climbs to the demon drink lhl mm or the film allg lthtlllrr til gonna uy ooturerlra lmy Iioprneil esoIpadrr ot lloieroI mm mm Aqtrittm to gallon light pump my ltltrr letter level on Send will When the rescue attempt tllm lunrllilld ehowe will atarted htr Anderson called 9mm Re pegomred in repertory until ou ug the hraiterl Cant PM MST Ame CALL EXAMINER wt zeozrsnssr on llehenrsaLI lill Lorin in Orli rrrntt lelrt when he wants tnl pm ADS lie on June the me company the heading tor the Ilgtlthorae ol li Itll and production at tho rivers nrouthl Hm aonnri So polite lure rat bark and watched htrn driit out oi the ttlllrtl Todd lleads lnnisiil Liberals lrirnda who watrhrd hit at torts raid the lormer Cana lrank lhdd ol talroy wax prerhlentlaJlrnilenryotlnom dlnn navy diver wanted to elected prerident oi the loateill my mm 5m 01pm llnd thow quietly the eon uberairAIIoeiatlon lot more rent Qtllluld carry him to the It the annual meelln held Prl mmmmmm rivers month day in thhelands iIlL tiee new odrnhtisirntnr would not the educational ayale tether trio Thahlom hell that good Idmtnla Itor will do too no tier what deoartment he is in he laid When urea 11 all no ream non room on the II ol the DotIrto election hlr Young told they were intendnt aI longtome otoru let be in tilted lot In lndeilttli lehrth el time tonal director oi edueliloo oi lion Ind ior ration meant the Ontas Iodalltne incorporated Hondnbtndedumtllll Donald Belle the tollnDavldJlI MNMM regional vleepmidentoire

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