f0 AlIyIIetlnexrlIeonInlnlIrII rehellnulnoeuoltheeorno EMMWdW illclulls TooNeeiyd Pom Ind hlnrlorle Volley Ieoond memo Mm Mr goonunwell minnunnwr rntuuo woanovho hlte her your dInoh would hm hnnbood two My lhI but mth then II Keane Ulleo my lrl KoonIl lronttMIbIlI Dale HItlml ol the human on MMHII Idtlu when the solrlthlme llnlhllhllllllhlm Ion oer Mole tell theslluetlonlewllh ether they yoluyr hItlerPlel ll up out It onlolloo me love triumph over don club on velorm My lo bIthe ltle In IdulL roturnod hr the howl the move Into the room Alter utenl IoelI sloulntlon Ind lonellnesl or Mlnmwllolohllbodeller one turned out the not He Mod me so My the vowed we Iuln to ll Iurh Itlon You theInt exerted lnlo hlI ee In hu leaneodoul unlue 1th It hm opens rne eyes Inn reklndln um llImeI ll mlxhl Ilro en mum eouI oupleo who Irn llvln ls lrom belrrr held lm mum help Your huohnn obuloluly mm IN ME leIrs Iex beeIuII ol hlr IWWIWM Ittuh we doelor rould WW hm the set him Ilulxhl PerhIoI ocqu ol our hyrlul lwlI lrorn one Inth there lI WWW llllle lell ol what led to be WOULD LEAVE mmtInI We no volts lien on Ludenr Everyone Ind Mull lo lnvlhn Ml how IrrIn Ihould not hll hlI there In ouch lerrlNI mom who But thI Ibout lody who MI MN ms 31353 tdrIthtloun ll hInnl Ihl mhnnym Womble rIlIllomllo WI htrn Ina on hm lb nun to dieIN WW my Ml bell her hm There seem lo Ill Wm be some dlllerenee ln orlnlnn ln TM mutt 10 Nth nlIeeI Ind wed lke to 11 mlle 090W Mil Flu know whet Ann EJltdlll thlnhI Plot my letter ll you thlnl lt am map II munan amt Deu nntx Ann hoderr tlrlnhI 1M leelerlt Your letter men Ith nol belt lIdylnr 22 nt surge gig urn suns on nonqu on Mes runnEn ltilhortl Iron omnigmtfthlnr the Inn IIneIr eIuIIeI Im heln you omlrnolIllnn wont who lhlnl Ietlled let olhe tell let more lIelI room belor ou null Coopernllon thelr whole Ilorv Ill gum mum on If then now Wt Vim nu lJBenl rm Con Idll Iolldotn your reIonrceI allow 23 your own Idvlu Frlcodr hm thelr own tour Ind llI worn Illlv loryuuthennu help Ill Ev on out Met lllr Ure urn Ind golden In May Wlllll ll of Vhllllth nuoIlronIlIbclnro nuIlnn not IrulIIIo ME IllerCIterto lomy neodI BeoIoII Del HINDI lllx Ito mnn todIy re form you know well Ilent WI lllely to men with our PlInI WW ntltInro rIptdly delI lI need lo hollllerl ln hellllIrlnI tNov llllee lllr lny oopoeltlon lI eIrIer to con lrnnl when you lIy Iihln per ronIl IInr Properly brlnu no normal lllly Conrlonn then We llll Anklnn too much II Ihout pIr lor the rouno todIy Chock ne um Inl erooel lnlerrupllonl Ind obIlIeler lnr nonnon Jen rom rm Nolhlnl eonlldenllnl IlIyr lhnt my lndIy DlllWllll ulllclnn It once wllhout Iddlnx lurther lunar noutlneglr lnvomt Flues rm Morel zen Unnnuel or slow Wrehnm Ilunrld behooltponod An old Ilory II to once more noodt no InnaInuit Mammoth on your no end wIlI out Toll Illernlen he well be book when IhI ll TRUE WV Den In honour Our lem Pluulnthe Muham rlel vv Women Enter nznlrwnnon llvtnuron Inol hon steurt no led AI lIthIekIIwarInnrremefrIberwe New Era AIlhlenneeollheeeylonIl It leul loo lo the house content Mn Wlu will no on to couple ol yem Ixo our III REGINA Women Ire compete It the rm Mlmlr Tom dlod lerlnx only enterlnl In on ol porlunltlu mum to Inmnlnon miterlyr low monlhI go Ind ehlllenlel Inll ouhl uh yum mm ley been to lIll Now III lhunbecenu they me never one In nu Vel In her come InIln Cherolte VIme uo lrInIlIlel lnlo humIn ol llontrul IIlll SelurdIy ternu ls Iboul In El The nIllonIl oroeldenl ol the outed thIt we put her Iy CenndlIn FederIllon nl hull We not hrlnl onrrelvu to do one Ind Proleulond Womene Ilrn lI Iweel old lrlenol The am on Wklnl It hen lI Iy hu weed to let her go quot at her uouoe Summ lnheroln llrnet lleroI lb rohlem but In Ilwonderdluuyourunheldli glut vnndlntemnld llaho put lenwu Inyour pen or noucome nun um Indhln ler Manly hI Ilawed eIll lronn tho royIl eornrnlulon on waylain Wm Gm mm mu lnn She on very upset When the ItIluI ol women oh by In ollldll vIIlton blon Aleo Irnoon enneIlI olhoo dIy we leIrnod tho 116 um Il She IIld lho report is It lerglc to our Shoull IhI cIll eleIrthIt rhInro lo eIlIlus Eom hlrn up Ind tell hlm the lr ol Inmon cIn bo brought Ibonl mm om 0m so not lnnl lur all world Ind lo ml by mrtumlnr Ioclelyubut mm who Terml Ollice pleIrI comI hull $qu ne by lhe Ipolleetlon ol sens Ind or lull 1m to In Ilnolhhflhlln 5331 ChangenVrewo Deer But No ll lhI youn eonnnon Imo My ng Ind MI to the meetln Id ma In tho tederIl on noun or nonoo hInk llllll ol women Hanged trolls Inelu Wl LAKE CF JAE loomer In eebloet mln ter told Hocanrdrrll nnnnuortomrunxnror when Mmhy zrnrnntn who eonlermon In oInIolIo Replace Gamo looh to man no hell can run could tIlrI Iver lrnnr the or dolled olllee 15m nl lru or the summer ol manlygauegnhgyuy Dusting Mltlo Ehey lull dilncovexd more Come lnur yeIrI Io lhlI Newer then on lrend lnwlrd lou nl Ikln Ihouln ln dreIIeI tor that On oltho but llntouvorol arm hm mu men More llrIn onul lll ollloo our the nItlonnl oreIltlenl rl Pllre Broch Iddm mm do olgmho would hover the become OlInd untrn or on Grand anon noun Iy not no arIod PIlron rullel Ihe Id ol onln to Ineoourm women to crud Cluoloyr ol OntIrlo the eiblhet undernlh looonlollllh louno onl when Worthy OHM Wuelrul ol thorn Ihe IIldln lhth Generll anon anon MI Mom um Ilthountr Aodenn Tomb lwnhl my only then GrIrul Conduetrouoltbo hlIntleIl bulI II the other gag woodwind members Illll not no ed llItohes lBCIEhlM arm cnmJuqm mm to no no roomy mum Mn Yull mun urn Wm IenIon Ind the on lollowllu ll own II pIIr ol ourtln mlltI mm we rm Inked Wnlldo lhI women thlnkl ll would thI IIlted Brn mIn women we Itill nhlchlym olenan mlnl no the trend towel To melrethnuniul mum WE Im lhe orlme mlnlrter WhIt do the never mll an In Iowa annen him more mo deuce to show 0ll ol flesh laneEllrIMlnlnl 3E lmmnmrmmw my and who thumb mu mmrhmmmwuw Inen thlnhl he would the tended llnrerr don no WWW thouxhllleroulolmyrnlnd Why am mum 13 in all tlrIno nunlrnn Mn Flu rt Mod lhIt men end wagon hm lollboreloly turned loony IIyr Tomnlo neIlmr my In mm mm In am Ml lumhedovn noonmen Pnt lleDonIth uhnu some Imnlorlnhlo llt lIIhlonI IrI leIlurod on me women hm browned lot In thelr elrenre Ind clotheI the out llw yurs wetrtn more In eorwlwnuI II hIrobIckod oxen berIueI would than ol them comes lnlo lhn mulertty ol hIrehIelred dreuer lodey ll concern underolnnlnu No yIIrI I0 womln wouldnt buy hIler on Mon Ill Ind women ln the lIIhlon burlnm would weer helter om wlthnul on but not very men olher women ltI loo on ten or them But todIy there Ire hIlter hrIIon the nurket lo we under rlIeIIeI revelllnl lou at We Ihln Do you mnomber when the mill lent cum on Ind you nrlI ounllru tlmo ln lull You sound muonour Iurlm ol the lurnlture CleIn Dlrlrl lo Venellenbllnd II Bela Ill lnlneorneroutdrhfm onEum wenhlrh lloll turo Ind onnlnn outollhmy nrrI memo plum lo ml hum no WWW Wk mlllr no lnlo tho hundry rogu Thernr Inolherlnelor thIl may Ind nor ll Webb SIM theemore Gllhd3M0bM Wl hm been IrhImod at ml mi hlnd hllllofhnhhnlnw Wmnjo Inon rub hath hIndI over the EV mm be In In nolhlnl the worl lhllro llhllllll uruo women ll the eonlerenu normal by Culboo college to hop tele ol lllllrlcl tellou ol lurecommernlntlnnl rouldnth loo Illoln weIr under In II It won awn yenu gllhllrooleeh roam one mum on II no nos clossyou out unnnn Mun non nnmnui no mnln who noorcn rmrnn tn meaItuernou IM how to tilt llmeIIrunIoontI reoulml Alno vnrlety ol veryerdmlue PANl 10 wllh orlrI Ilyllnn Ind newlnn tlon We nnpolyJully lllulutod lnnlrudlon hoollotnl ll Huclll 0n hon lom wlth 1M DIV voodoo llbrl norklnl wlth weld lrnlh omen Ind bow to some he to DJ hem neck Ind ununole blodlnu rewlnn to elude lhreIo conDntBluIndKnll wtornnlsnnduunordnlnrol ht letrrunlnyuhmmonrpleesldlulenlnu ole on InnmnI mm oleleeveet nnono framedmgy lyin to IewlnIleoveI eully III an Ind lnlrreellnx Iowlnx tlnrl Fully Illustreltd boo who no end ll wlu be molten to nerlho no mum THIPLACIr Hlollbny lnn Hwy 400 Eton Rd TH DATEStWId Aplll lionlehunqAprll 20 THE TIMES Afternoon lnlo to lr001 lvenlnel 130 to l0r00 CLASS Ill $400 Ineluoel Ill lnIlruetlonIl melerltl end Free Drlwh lhe Ilnse lutruotteu lI omtm It both IltomoI IIt Illll Iluo Milled Ill HIE HURON WWII 07 310 Holy IXEIIIE 0N1 Item lrIde Inner one norm nounnunrhnu In muse to the Ontario stem lunh wennntlongwu mun hlurny Roberta owllve dlroelortol IhIZDnltrlI lleIrt Twndellon HIM mne Inrooo mm mil Wlnen Il leInI Well rIlthy members eontrlb urn Weller 5min llrll lled Mg bled Mummmry uhleh III In hum IN CITY Ilrn noon auran at Peter boroth VllllId her Ilelerlolu llrn Atlhnr SnlorrIl the am not none Wednesd nonan Dummy nrogl Compellnxln the lhlrrl um othI lroellenll Cw reel member ol BIrrle moltenle Bridle Cluh one Il Button Avo one unm hunch nuLvnn nets neroz Nodhmlohn Grnhrnl Ind nlllhlellodm llru nm For lloee Iool hlrr Sue GthIm Ieeond the More llelelllnl Ind llrn Flew llu thlrd EIIWISL hlrll Iry Woodoloeh Ion Joel EMILllnll monsoon sltBarrles iBaWieW OES lnrlhnreloy no preeldln antrooI Ind pel lluhel wIIllnI ol hlnnlml none from Ieebnldee PIm llnl Mn Pol llon Ind John unto Ind dlIlrlet lleoetmond Johlltlllldllnd lint tnIlronn Ind pelronn ol John GthIm lhlrrll blrI Sue Brodrvllle lllnuten town GthIm Ind llelno lenulue Brunotoo IIIInIlII For Erle lnurlh or PIrry Mend Bruoheldee lor ontnIod dlrlrlot IICHVI Mlhlllllhlllll llonorlry manhethloe lrnm nun Inn member at heyelow motorwere presented to lln Munth wmnwnno hlll hy orthy hhrr htlrnereod to Plhe Worthy anon lIlron hlr lIlInyer WorthyJItIon Prlor lo the Ineellnl Illqu Inn entenuosd It dlnner ll the home ol blur Wllnone llsomlon vlee hater ol lleen mm the huleu llro ll mu Ind her controll leo were In an ol IrrInn montetorlhe rolruhnronte Ierr on don the well hour It the ooneluIleo ol the mentlnx for women who not enonn more or ddvh odd the neon ol women but the not got men ln IMP mom ol women re nortebtlloworilorknblomen Hui El Gllllu ll you turn henrlng orohlem or trouble with your presen hoIrlnz Ild see no clues to Barrio thlr onmlng Wednesnny eonduotlnn rogullr Hennlng Alo Cllnlo nIprlo Innunorleneerl lleIrlnl Mo huoelellon hlr 01 meet the moat tn hoIrlnI Ilo cannon Ind oerlorrn IItooI one complete hurl ut numnteed reoIlr Ionlns eIrln Iloe no lawnulonnno reyutIllon lor cornlomhlo IIr Phone 1mm non lor IIVIPWlIlIInulE ulth llr aillleI It lnlono CIreln mm manholes otnee or ll no