Ser in uaed er tho tiL oi waa do it and on your re but lie lt ex ll 59ml Prat thvlr aura It Ip at we appear tor we John who ole that and whole and We II and in reapen Dorie to germs ei Sig Cottntli Ctttti11ts WilllMeei Tomorrow prom report mm the Mame advance IN tih iii totem or ad to Stancoe coldly culprit at It Collier Street United tomor row Buildin Ina were epeodod In to cold the provincial gov ornament to male ronrreatlm to meet haildingln llrtlo loi extenotva damage by tin lIIl lottery in the meantime the one ia planning on held We at varioua place curatewide nIItuIi aid to ride commutation am to elated or donation vdth Italriaiut oi tlnanre lot the MIDLV item term will oi Toaoaontlo no there would be only routine re meni itaApeilna idimllAi Aln daiogltion Iapocied perta irom hta committee Arepntaltomavbaaiveneo the regianai government work glaog hold at the legion tiali In Irriaonltrtda under the whip oi the tattoo oi Indlte andStmcoo eo Reeve Lloyd Sinanldair welcom Whit tier aetabllahloa tidbit did on until where they have been Itarted were dikeuoodai the worhhoo in addition tortoi iooln the diacuaoiona with eloae atieo on the deiegIleI alao abowed horn lotereai ln dhtrt CIunty The Pridharn oi hiithh billed reporte ntumnrr blueprint ior local govern men reorganitatlon and tlrrea ior action which ora lined methhdr oi updating admlnlrirn lion were given particular Iiten tlon Another paper on model tlocat reiorm prepared by rectal covnaitittoe oi theII ecuiive oi the Anoclailon oi Countiea Ind hegiona Ilao weI prerentod Simone Oeuni rrninldelillea repreeenicd at were ialrly the eeaalonn wait thch to ilaieai to hear the vim oi oihera ro plied Reeve tamer Water oi ioa oronilo slime Coime chairman oi ilnance when arked hi tril overdone oi the worbhoglieeve Waloe ralth wouldnt mak Club lit lnniaiil To Hold Carnival smoun istarrr Plan are now undeme tor turnover car nival by the Optimlat club oi in nriilt with Ernie Pucoe lh chairman Other coming ttnailrod VI eyentv inchade dance at Savannah lodge on Saturday April 29 and tide in derby Dolor tor the derby and carnival have not yet been lag any mutation on re gional government to Simone may merit It tta coming meeting in barrio on llaeeday In not on that committee With ion eeve re also attended the atth hornloaoronth Reeve ttarry the wee apohrn Ia reportI were van on re onal gov nl cuarloan in alien count and It Kitchener Aehad how ocooleot Man aoth tell about it the reeva Imlled broadly We talk eboat that aome other time he commented hriaily alter Ionae thouht Reeve Ochm oi Sterner New Lowell heads To Be Improved NEW WWEU Stall Abe noumment that bannldaio coun cit haa included hardtopplog oi New lowed roada in he ma road romtrucilon budxoi waa convoluted hora kddvphthmph the village ml reoo trunnion oaet on more In thrower her come oi the newer bornea Othera everlooh tng the totomua Now Dwell eoruerva on par Ilao were noticed improvement are planned It the peak which to place tor youoxaure dur the anrnmer the duo hu been re gutoling the tlevr oi water on an per po New towetl hire to to be the rite tor the planned are intent dale tlro hall which it to be con ttruotod either lhiI year or In vim the people oi Sterner ha Iatd glt it not very dlitleaall tell ya that they voted on roar an turned it donbyma agin ei abort tour to one They were med ioeentraliialion haeva ltd ar mania at Not trwalaga no vote wII held in NoitewaaagI but the topic hid been dimmed ihera Ia ateawhere We are here to get intimation to veto Deploy Reeve William ama loch oi Drillla townahlp warned any local autonomy and HM it an not been oppoaed to rhnnlo which made improve manta but cautioned ohange lono did not guarantee pregreea th warden told the workahop about Simone Counlya rnovo to update ltr wdrninlatratlon by lO ticth monieerahlp irom hi to it tpolraiad out wane rat the meme oi arnailor municipal thoughta abort the bill ProvldokPowdor noousroun Stain ioi lowing notice that loin would be no provincial rubellaJ or the pur llodronto the court ell II decided not to engage warble tly hnpoctor this year We powder will be made avail le lorattia iarrnere with ouiohareatvertouaplaceain the tow including the mun iclpni oiiloe here At littledalo the powder will be availIbie from the itiltedaie ilourandirodrnlliJorthcon venierce oi othera there also or once any Woodrow Ind iiartln lain Return By Popular Damond For quiet relaxed ovenlrip loin ue in Charlie Irowna Corie loll Lounge VWIN Ll CONNIE it AND ill toe lNUlllWiSlil INN the chi arlli looth int mm the prnapecta oi neganlilng bond cirrus tiOWER Coming Apr 2a 29 Central Colldoloie yrllh tho Littlea Hill Ployara roam onto Avaltabia at learaon hhoea lIIva lialtoaery tuteoaa Drill Ilkellhd litnaled pleIIInt iSnitante drive loll Ii barrio they ll Thta Wealr In our Lounge UUDE Coateieneo Noon available II II eliarga Monday Friday rroo pun lite pan Call tor reunaiiaaar ialephoao lotWI or item cunt Ni nearer Altldrdtireetiv mmmms that rerlonal government tetra yin cease For are ii if Eiw fit it Eat resn ii is 51 ii 12 E2 a5 w=zv E5 E3 E5 35 IE Etc EEEE 23 er E3 of II ad gig egeE tram lie at Canadian Dragoon begtna rement leave here April ii vappln up re and hail yrIra run centre to Canada No ta tiaaier Warrant oilleer iohn Blnna to training more rrI warrant otncer It headquar tern cra boaden liigNtrhilrag hie interaction ArmorodCo career III III tour in tho Deaeri in loot ol At the time he III dree goon troop Iergoant among iIo ei hit area patrolling the irootier een larael and llfypl II UN peace hoping on John hollelwaya Drr oon however Following bla Ig panalnna in doliara the luv tree and iaeeoach year inlletiora yloida more revenue tor iha nmmrn hlrhu aIl Irlea and higher area on than hlgyutarlaa wage remote were re celvlrafhm lo Mo per week when ey lint alerted to pay in to this melon hood tome your ego but they were lhl Dr Rya ascribed hard dotlIra Today wage where three or tour Ilanee In Ioii dollare or dollar whore WWI not to cut each or AI raiiIllnn mu lla loll tho prloe oi eenattmer good goes up oar by year he laid crttlclr Ith overnmeoi on two eonrnla oyiroxathaoooto thou penIlonere only receiving old age aonnity and only ahea ed the two per rent to penalon on receiving aueplesnenl retard tolerate he returned to rlvvy atreet ahort time Recall Sleynor liegionalVote arIanI ratam colt raltaatien lei adradnlatratian murmured tool hi how hint lhl coal at liv tonal vernment la not rinialwvnoi retirements trill moo item wiu unit it he bored DION LNWION torn chmionnrsramo more branch oi the horal Caner on New dtan Legion will hold liI annual or ten the Stayner volera election at it meeting on three MM mm by day Maytl Via Iimlier vote In Veaora ODE IAiltTolllt ltlllltldlllfn It the name time iOllY ilth Islalii One the vol gwent to ill in oppoalllon Orlllla Mmhlp voted too to tho against veg iooei vernment It the time and Itohodleb towmlilp lot to lot Reeve Mgar Currie reppri ed vote warnt held in or the trend oi the oldeat OrInIa lodge in the county Tory titli lodge wee irmied to tilt PLAN OPEN HOUSE MIDLAND Slaiii An open hoarse will be hold at Midland aeeoodary eelaool ior parenta on tawuaga alth tburadlo April it ivomi to continue to he to In interal out New ONLY rackoi roruuut DEMAND lHEillSlE Dine and Dance irom 9M elm Inloy Our Luncheon IUILD YOUR OWN SALAD ilii Varlollea 0R HOT IUHIT WITH ROAST Ill $200 troovour PARK qu till Dunlap Wu Barrie i105 norm Irelooiuo THIS want DAVE TODD oooo DANCING Livravanv Nlour Nightly mu boat in Polio and country Muale uutiuorou Horn Dull Ne itll Edi iiE era has Es it the or III pooled to him World War aorvlce lroan ii ego is or Ea gr it with ii 55 git OMMMMT news Dragoonilietiresl At BdseBorden IAsa oonnvrt well Dererrrber titdhe tom the Royal Canadian Nov eon eted new entry train It tics Nadrn and to loll INN horn there he III rent to tea on lihics Alrevaii Carrier lief olilcent it III while on to date that be be In to yearn tor the tile ha prev the MAC ilo applied tor and received trarutor to the hit terlc Dragoons lia returned to lend tor good About title time he waa araarrled in Toronto to the iormer Edith Woolrott hit know with liia lira porting with tho Dra yours was Camp PelIwIwa in my tits There he wIa promot ed to Iergaant and remained no it tide when he war pooled to lworp heighten Altrr year and halt he ioined hla regi ment in Germany and returned to Canada in November iii and healing to Gagaiovrn During lha lotto ha aerved in the Middle Earl did tour In recruiting arr eani in hit home teen thaatnteiown Pill and ported to the Royal Canadian Armored Corpo School in Bor den ln toot that Irhooi he wuanlnrinarorotDrlvln Maintenance and Junior NOW During unlitcarlon in me be Egg P5 35 Egg EEE it or tied 5e Charlie Brown 000 PM by an investment national ayaiorn oi uncmpioy nient lnruranee and democrat ation oi tnhaatry ihrounh grant lng worhera Ind rernunven iIrger IhIre in mint NI Ileo promised restoration oi rem PLAYING PM PM Winner oi Academy Awoada Cteria taaohmen Boot Supporting Arlvoea Ion lohnaoaa heatSupporting Actor Gma United Church Grove St THIPLEAWAHD WINNEHI Busch summer oitthIIal SilPPllliTlN ACTRESS iiiian IurItyai BEST SUPPiilitlNil ACTON Ben Johnson ok was promotad tn alali IrmaI and to motor warrant otticer in yearntaomlta continued to arm in what became the Corra bat Anna Sehool until June me when he wu potted to Head quarters CFD Borden Ia range oiiirer John now team the form to work with Allan Cool one oral contractor in Barrie the blame rraldo lit hlcileorge St Ahrua IIIADS llDPSllAl BOARD WLLINGWOOD ISlaiit Slayner lnwyer John Anio haa been elected preaiden oi the Coilingwood General and iiertne oilblted with her ital board weeding hlra ley irwln oi collingwood VISIT THI QUEENS HOTEi Into warn or ran TERRACE ROOM BILLY JOE liUTTERFiELD TRIO Air Celdlllanel Nightly latrrtaianaaal Well our llllll AWAY lAlUNill Dull It more the LAMPHODTEN DOOM My Llroaaed Ilalarunaeaa Leach damn it it The dynamic aeunrla WILLS FARGO run to one Nlllttl on an Mon thru sol wauoson HOUSE Victoria St Tl Aliloiol nearer menoemmamnmuqmom gtyowdmmuiw wwunmwmwamm murmur SIMCOE HOTEL Nannrtv nuranrttuiiauo not PM To noo dill TRY OUR bUPFIT pour FULLY LlClNllD VNDllt LCIO IN our touuoa lit Homeless MOTOR HOTI DUNLOP IT NEWYUHK FILM EHITIES ll