ho prorated It limo tinltrd Oturdt on iron Snot host It yin ttIeIdIy thrqu Stormy thh week truth to mm Munoz or ImotrletStI auh hoetoorieo Itth winnerotthIM Paloma tam Monounmor mum niIItIhIInInIIrIIorLy Mmedoithonmor hid These Things COuld Mean um titilo hot lith Schroeder II eotrher durtIII tho dml rohenroIi oi Youn Good Iiu Chulie Brown to our mm to not Srhrned in non IIIIhinr Ir ll tooth oi lento rm Photo Dismal Stamp ii Jo lilioihonil bonthot Iwotdotlhtlith Inouololh motlhoaorrlo MM Gilliam Iohtortlt Ilioosuurdoy IiettIodonIIdwupnIeriIed whh thI Dr Scott ior III otitrorno him don trod Intel troo pang1 htotory cued iron imrrntilim Cilidtitlldvls Ior Crummy Beer Parlors In hie ell dell oi mitt htrtoryIiotteewIIIiIrmdoo thohochoithooolel ineIth lm hwatithr until ll toothed III on It II thIIIpoolIlroIrhIIodnottho ietornothot rnIXotheIo uretopuwlnterootim Dr Poul Scott ot BIrrII wort the Royal Phltolohe Sodety oi oorrlr Ptooue tor ioieorno throin oi not Dortoortloi ItInIoI Ind dIIlrrltlreI to rel Int IhtI ohm II II II ruIIIIy tor exhthlt whith dim tholrnoet phlioteiio know ledu 1hI Ernie WIrd Irooto tor the hoot novieo Iidtlhit wII pee TOEDNTO it It EIIIIIIINIII Ironree III Into ohtd PrIrolIe Viti litm DIvtI Ontorto hrIw erI SIturdoy toe thI poor eon ditloeiI to mom hoer pIrkxI tnth province home It them Ire hretlr rnimmy lnu Into It CIIrlo IeDonIId Ion drinker Ind noornio er In In IddreII to thI itrrt public meetinr oi new urohhoordylu Ioid tit dunnoammo drtnhtor II teen to Mo to low or very low toorruheooireti 11 Ire prov puor or them toltlrirrh then they should not to the duo drIIry plItoI thol Itmoty drt tho duooirlnr to ozone drooIir Certrtnly when hit DIIII gives the brewer In un oIIredtor honor It did rnItv lion romooody Id Iomoihtor Ihou thlr renlod to New litholo tor NI dttploy oI JunIeIn rtIertoI In Idrhtion to ihooI top thm met there In Iold Iltver Ind hronto eortlileotoo Iwrrdod to exhibitor tn the oi merit mlr dhloyl In MINI Ioe phllotelle hooliedre neIi nou Ind ronoaieteocoo Ind riv eoornlrhoulotlm Gold eortilierlto Ire liven too nurh oi to to I00 Ittvor eer titlcoieo Iro dim tor It to to Ind hrooIo Mute ior to to Ihtr Li the tint on lnthI history oi the erh ttinn thot od with em NEWS fill BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY APEIL ii in Peterborougli Choir To Visit ItIydri on April it 1hr Ierilor rhoir oi Centrol iiultod Oiureh to hrlntlnl tho Irinlizotinltod hutch Choir irorri Petor routh to II In OenlrIII church It pm iho Peterhorounh Choir to outdo the preseniriloo II pitt vtow they will he INN the owinl do Crertion in the wrote in their on tree DlInI hey WWWW Periods or Rain Ilnd Cloud Forecast For Area Tuesday IodIyI runny rtleo wlii cloud over thlr ovoritnr hrtrnl dou rider tomorrow Width rolo In the horrid IreI turnoorotureo will neo dorItI whit In omrnnt love oi It to to with It tomorrow Nah cloudy with Iew Ihowero todIy iueIdIy eloudy with Ihowerr Ind oerlodo oi rIln iIluhI today oiltI thietdIy In the the tour tonlxht it to to CoehronI wellerrt IImeI Boy TodIy cloudy with tow Ihouerr or Inowilurrie with ToIPresent Hoydrts The riornronro in In three Pllil nvoIvInl the IhIrIrterI colonel Uriel ItIphIol Adorn Ind In With Ilternitlnl tedil ttve chorus Ilr Ind Into the Iiory oi thI eIrthr erortlon It Iourid In tho We to told the turtle II molt otten lltht Ind rlorlouo iho Icoro ruor lull test then In hour Iod Iii Ind close on the tort pulse the Lord Utter ihlrtlu Jeho vohI Pulse Forever ShIii no dure In order to Illow entry or poIIIhlo to here thiI Itill uI prer entIltoo Gentrot tnolr II topt the ticket root ot minimum itehetr my be ohtIined It Idooelectedinoeo Gold eerIiIleItI windero wero Dr Seott Int to II SIlvor eerttileoioo were rated to wItItIrn Irvine 0r ItiiI ioe htItortoIL pictortrt Ind eornrnernontlvo ItIrroI oi Corr IdI Keith ttmn oi Burto tor Conodiorr Doy coyote RM Voted oi Berlin the Glit IdI booklet moo Ind hoohiru Itohort Prlnro oi hIrrtI ior Brio liIh wooilh Mill And mi Nlrighury oi AiltIton tor relented ltr Dry Govero Ind erolivo etIrrIlI trout Amtrltto we tortttioolto werI pror eotod to Front Jone oi hild hdrl tor Dwell helm Itemr John tor Owen Sound Ihruolou corr IrIl Robert It OrtiIlI tor non or rumor lterh Eernho ol Enroll tor Smith III IIIan htro Dortrioon oi onan tor tiottod Notion rtIrrvI hire Iolooo lioon oi Orltilo ior trio no iioworIon Iteran hirtorieti event on motor Bolt limit ior oi 0n ellIt Eoo Othello tin iudrto Stuihe oi Iqu atroc tor oi Itoydt Phtldlohe Socl ety oi Grotto IIId itooort ihoduoti oi VltiorII IBM pronuoent in photou more In Ind mo Toronto tor nun onrI 1herI were it ItImII deIIeII It the exhibition Irom mono Klldtoner Peterhor ooJI Iod lino Bordm rettinl rtonpo Find In rIan Im two cent to ilohert Prldce oreridrot oi lo Ilnrrto Diotrlot Stomp dub uld thlr yeIrI exhibition wit the most timeout yet Interan oi erotth Ind Ittendoooo 1hI eluh meet the record threw at mh month except July Aruuot It 130 mIt St Goorror PIrhh IIIII lilo lhll you Bill INIICI Iii Id rnIrIlItrItor It Georgia OIIIelI will it the pro In him then toil perIqu II It roIdy rumored toe the threI piolilitln tor whlelI tnItnIetIon will he iron on pennant out by Ihout id CInIdiIn Vlthtlu lion ouotiiied Instmc NOMAin IllniIiil to SIII tr tor nonortioro Ind thoII hhooo hnowlodro Ind Itiil II limited The room IoilowI I1 Ston dIrdI one to me which to eludt hulc rittlu theory to loot Ind terroinoi Institution is given on the dock Ind In ihhllolid with III Iver III II tour hour per dry wt orlllru In rorteiy oi boon An Improvinl Your SItllnI room in tor IIIIorI who no iImIIlIr with hoItI Ind Iro IhII Io nil but would 1th to III mo mildew Ind Improve their hooltodxo oi terroinolo theory notIIIlioo min to Ind otrohrcttod to rot Dov SMII ShtIiI count to toe II III who to II rutIiIr with It Ind tom Ind Iouid the to Innroro thirty II technique IpioIIhIr Ieilinr lttll pertorrnrneo tro ileo Ind Ippiicrtton or rules IridiutdIul lhtttuttlon will he gen by Irnlor rolling lructorI Ind noted IIiiorI IhII mm II exible rooth to IIIW roouooiI hoot etudentr on lttlid Ilto Used Kito In Try To See Hughes VANCOUVER CPI George AthIrtI it IIIItd on tile to within hot yud oi Itoword iiutheI wIteriront hotel will SIlurdIy hut IIiIod to rIlrh timon oi III III IionIiro recluse iio hunt below Iltnuy IIu ntinutn Ind drrron hltI pulled by hIIhIpeod moiorhoot Ir ho nude teen trier It Ilthtlnl when whose IultI II on the mom tho hotel the nylon ton Ittrrhln the the to the It III the llrrt run dumglnx Jun stItIoneryor irom Cen rte ItoIh hertrrnen Ind Idvooo Alhoru into the mom trrl church oiileo Id collation In welcome Iter Good Run For Charlie The lighthth lo the Ipotlleht burned out the lIIhttnl men tote heroine hII rm wero drop hind eotreo Ind ten lines wen mumbled hut other that thIt tho dreu reheorul Sunday night tor Youre Good Mun ChIrIiI Brown no Micron El lren yeIr old onro lion who Iyr lorry it hound In ItrII Iudleore when the play run It GrIrI United Ihurrh on Grovo Street Edit ItreIdIy It pm Joyoo II wont ll In no tress Ind her tutrt rxprtsniorn Iiono rIured widerpmd huh ier Alum the writ crowd oi Idiiltl children who ether ed It the thurrh Ior preview The other plIyen who In roptlorut toe Inuteun hotter III to Che Bron DIII Ruexr II II linuu tie Art Storey II Snoopy IrolinI Potion it Petty Ind lion ilIthrII Ir II II Schroeder Ilr Storey mounted the Ideo tor the play to robe money tor Iood use to horn good time end to Iniolre tome ol the older youlhe oi the ma the out decided it would like todomte thI proceed oi the neroisttrxeotudteootont pin loerd huIidtnr renew rtreeu Ind lion eentro toe Ientor lured to who BIrrie IhIt no lost Novemhe Ind Item then they thI been hIrd It worh roheurlnl ior thiI In ll ueehe perlonnIrruI to ho held Neath thmh Sliurdoy It not IuoI stationery oI StIIeL lhoy will II he told It the door ll runiron itretdoI III SoluIrIIy with Ill poriom EMERGENCY They Ibo out on tho money nerdtoi Intro Still to III the royIliirI ironr thI New York rornoony Tormtwttrnorr who on tho Mail to the ploy they hooe to rellnbum their relleI tor thlI Imount Ind rIIlo trooI tor the senior rttlreno whkh director IIIIor lion th hrn said would tote Ioiiout errry nleht So Ir they hm rIIted leoo In Idvorm ttelret uleI thI behindthereon peoplo Inlthtd in the production Ire icihotor dileotor Bruce Ipoe on rector Illit John Itehiord when designer Sharon DIle mini eII director Ind Moore peremionist itrketr Ire IIIliIhII It Keen Iur llusie Shoo on op St Ilrrpern Dru Sto It the rote tItlhIppanw ttrouohttronr tttrruuomn 1m our cnntrrnn roro horns 39 DUE LOW WEEKEND FAMILY PLAN CONTINUE FULL lIlE CATALINA IMPALA Frill NIOI to II ItloIdII IIII ito per tulle Iiu III uteri Pitt 55 iiuroor Froneir Moo onilolti It IIIMil IrurIII tilith runny olloI wind northerly is to 25 VnrlI Iro Ioroeut tor touthern the bio eIoudlnoII IuordIy Iilxlu torlo today domidernhio olouhdodoy Ind ilrerdoy to to to hero on well IhowerI IrI cochrirro rerion rod here It Ioreout Northern Ontorto An wutero June Itey region other dIItuthIoco II proctod to Um torritht were to Iivorhoworo Ind period oi liontronl otiowo ton to to thI GeorIIIn iin Ind runny periodI tooy Ind Alromr reIiooI itrerdoy Ind timer or Ihower thlI Ilter couItdethlo elourllooII oloe noon My Iuooy bech where it will be minor todII cloudy Me In tho dIy Ilirh octott routhoro outIrio duo to todIy Ind ItreIdIy to to low the ruruhtno Alternooo temper tontnrt to to to ItureIwiiIhIinthoidI0n thI iii In IIIII other hood it will be cooler In todIy ToIIIht In Northern Ontoilo with temperw whom to to tum only rerehiot the to tiItI trunk to Ittornoon St ihornu Now you can CInIdI Trust III ooovenient new way for Ihronto Sunny looy minty Imdon cloudy unity with ohoneo oi Kitchener Ihovrtr Illuh lodny Ind NII hiount Iorril dIy In the nth too low tonight Windtom In tho low tor Owen Sound Wirrdior union Noodlle Nuslrotn Lott St Clllr lute Brio lilo IIIntiltori ll 30 lit 50 30 ll you to enough IoIn ItI celled PhonooImn And Itl just tliot Itdtpie You phonoWo torn At oompotltivo rota Typicalmonthlypaymodtt TIrI but otmrenumII hon llmo Nu ltlli tit llll Dim int 32 31 ll St to 25 3t 30 the mom for borrowing Iro younWoll lend you money for new cor poyinr bills homo Improvements vnoolioo you me it All you do to roll lll Thitmoouono Ipoetol trip uptown or down tomorroroootownjuot to metro arrangement for your low So call no from wherever you like Canada Trust Phoneallow Service orountopatMemonuSq72otots Iiuroo LIIIOntIIIo Nilfdll it CIIhIrIoeI hireroy todIy hirlnly roudy toronto itioIdIy with chum It irroton Ihower Iiipho todIy Ind Tree itineoion dry In the to except one to Peterhorough indoor our tour toolIht to Itlthioo thoiow to mldtoo North th Itllturioo Iouthero iieorrion sudhur III Todoy runny with me EIrIton 23 IIImoon cloudlrrero therooyilrnnqu It cloudy with period It rttn KIWIIII ta IilIII iodoy Ind ltreIdIyoi to limo It to wrtoolrhttitotd mrpieru to North Iin Sudlrury northern whie River 21 Georriut hoy itinlloilil Al iterIIdton it Iorno White hitort Iiolniy tiooronoo It 25 um mum unto IonII Wttlt1mt1en room trot out tomorrow KHAN IMumul1u Mimiom Sssssaazssssgzzzss gzszzaassssaess Woothor Ioroeoot brought to you dolly try MICHIIIINX BTIEI BILIID RADIAL TIMIFOAA CHANGE chrnoo up to 7x Novel PARKIAIID TIRE lMuleIIiIrSI mono