on two Ioe not In 15 355 RE reel well will in tilde Ia II will um about deIIItrdt In whip chore In time club which when owner beam pulltn one III um ot othertbttdnednmmup mdd min Ir on into dliticuhylut week when It tune to abate onion we mil ll ill new In II IIIItn done not meet tn MIX Ninth mer WI teem thI pinned in Itain Gives Hill Tourney Win Innuenm an AP In vIritIxe Dore IIiIl MthDmYpretty nodule momrum lduo Inoooe um om Badly Nill dfdhtd perteettonlet eonIlden rd the detention rnenunL ope be IIld Id rIthor pIIy good Iothnt III reIdy to win Itd mm you lit the my bit It won II with too It tool Indebeer uprIqud Irin Ied end ed my hm od up III the tort Ill ever lure TlII tIyeIroid retIIIn blew who end II Jerry IteIrd ebIrI Irom Ieven Itrokee III the once Ind built tontroIe therein Bu IIIII rIIIled with blrdIeI on two It the tInII three hole end even his ninth tour tltie with tti ii on coupe ol Ihend It to bed the lad Ittnill he weotono over per on the hut hole booklet hie driverlntn the beer III hedI llroll It Ill under nor on the PemeeoII comtry Club retiree Ind III Itcond It 271 mil won It on the IIII hole Soviets Humble West Germany 70 lllAGUEiCPl The Soviet Union rerIined litIerlIEI tie vnlth OteehnrtovnIiI In proupA ot world too hockey champion Ihlp In the weekend doIeItlne Weel Germany to the Soviet victory Intruder night Iooned the heel Oroeho IlovIlJIn trImI III win over SwiIIIrIIId Tint win hItI put Ihc0teehe Ihend In SIIDOAYI ponies Iinlnnd deleth West Germany Ltd Sweden downed Switzerland the Ionian Ind hecbontn vnIlI Ire tied Ior tIrII piece nith II polnIr Smden to next ullh elehI Iotlowrd by IinlInd with tour Ind Wool Germeny Ind Mtreriend with too errh NEW TO lIIn lett winrt Vle Hallie tilt in treppod between alone Bloch IIIIII otter tiring shot on real In 01km Sun In lilllh ilIwkI deieocenun Keith Imam Ill Ind pel Io Ihny Dpoeito II more In neon Imihl try New York look the mIIob tht Pho Blues Eliminate Stars quth Overtime Victory Braves Oust Providence IIIm vIct me Pml denee Seturdey in on gold Item the Colder Impptny lthe BrIveI tooling blind In Monk Qtllmllltlll IerIeI It WW noted the reel III Ilret oI the Invent them we not out on uromble luel lo the tett ot the Prwiienee here The lied proteIted thII Tummy none with his hand Reieree DevI NeIeII tenured the printed hetliodt took I0 Idvdn MOM utility nn Gwmnovmu III II the mend period IIIII IIIrllch put iDlBIIVII IheId It 1301 It the Iecood Ind llorriI SteIIan tied it It end Into the Ilnnl period the three Ire Ichedtled to meet Note Scott In the penult IIII tor the cm DIP Poles Stun Dukes tile Edge Othowe hr Till CANADIAN PREH Pelerboroueh Pelee In one Arne Iwey Irorn thI bluoet upeet oi the Dntulo IlodIy Au Ioeletion Junior Ieuon The Pole Itunned Ibronto IIIrIberoI It Sundry It Pelee borour Io IIII lead In their MIMIIm IemtIIIII rerler In OsthI the leIIueI III IIIr oettender Bunny IA rnoue ed Otim III II It victory over whom Geneth end 11 load In their butoi Ieven remittnnl Iet llIrIboroI nianI durtnr the render to oduIe Ind re er not win In Toronto tonith it they to my in contentloo tor the htentorIIl 01p emblmutio oI letnlor hockey ruprernIey In IIIIIlL IenderI In Peterborouph two IoIII within to encode ean In the third period dId It Ior Pelee who were outehet MI by the Toronto club Pelerborouph led It IIter thI Ilret period Ind Ilter Icono leII Imnd rot quick feels irorn Doug Glbeon Ind Net Korreeh Ind the tlIrIieI never reurht up lien Intonde Danny Illoor Ind itlrlr Chittlek Ieorrd the MINNEAPOLIS tAl st louis itluel in Iixth 91m in the NIItooIt IIoeIey turtle lAeIt Dilelon Lhrislrnu boy thI ulned the Senior mp IIITIHlIIIll IIIJnrt Boelon Bruin bouuee It IitIIeued heother Iet mi lteyenrdd rookie IoIIteInder um the blue line wllh put ilut decided the reventh pm It the utter tI Kevin Ind hIrent played that much toleihor IIId Donny linhe this rim oi thing to come The Blues who Ilnlehed thlni in the NHL West Divinion Ilter Kevin OShu or In the wln poor ItIrt tlnd out when they IIiIII Ion It North mu SunlIy wideneduth ouertkne Minnesota III rhle brother Denny Iprun him meet the Bruins reenter Ieuon Eastern DleIInn ehnmplone It IloIton Iueedey niebt Jeeouen Conn the rookie NY Scrambles To Down Hawks CHICAGO it For waI It IppeIred Now Yorl IIII rerI were Ibeut to Idmlntster hound hockey IeIIon to mime ItIeI IIMI here kindey nlpht But udIenty to Nee York Ieedwuredmedtotllnthe third perlod The IIInrerI wound up Ierlmbllor mI hilly to uteri with victory we tIItIIIII MI It otIevIn Stonley at Iernlttnrt Ied Irvine Imred the third then two ropIdIlre route by Stun hllhltI Ind Chris horde teen brought on ronrlnr III III put on pretty ntronl it minutes nlid Emile merit the tuner penerIlntInuer Ind conch tuner GOAL router the live minutes rnlninI Iron IhII IIIrIIrnIhl IIIrted with Iiluley IoII It 1130 It third period Jerry Kereh Ind IIIIIII broho Into the Ilenrer zone on In Innocenttooth rush IhII suddenly rodurod hllkltll lit the tint rlod Ind Bred IIrh Ind Welt neruh In the Iecood ml the Route wound to be well In eontrol until hIINIy tirmm Iocond roll at this yeuI pier nth Ihe purl ohInxed room It tout twice IIter lIIVlDl III IltII elite beIorI whininl pent Eel Glxomln oil tho book It Itruro IIIcGreIorI Ier Irvine IIId the puck Iho hit III In In trnnrit lint two ndnuteI end to no bode bledmkw hie thlrd on ML we Ilren tho puck cl on gee trotn Doup Jorrett It the IueIine The Intern who pIIyed nee ond Ind WM period without de Ieneernen Jim Nelleon Ind Inch ed Iorerd Bill FIlrbolrn in the third period Ibo bed thelr OIL loeper Gioeontln knocked out oi Ietlon temperIth NrIIIIn Ind IIIrbIIrn were hit by Black IIIer robots Ncilxon lotto blunt Irom Dennis Iluil on timer on his ritht bend there woe only little more than minute Ieit In the lame when GIIeondn wu involved It pileup to the toil ot his one Ind he went limp About three minutes later he III on hie ieet Ind nished the nine The preylured netmlnder ted nnieeoeckonhielettledu he tell thicIIo Idiom HOCKEY SCOREBOARD or run mentor PIIEII eUnoIv BtIIley Cup New York hch oi tFtrIt who otoetoIeoven Iendtinall St loule hllnneeoie St Lorin nlru brototoete quarterIIIII It feltnl Total Fort Worth Tutu nine bertoteevcn rernIIIIIIIII Intern irIrIotII Syrlttue lmIrIotte lend bestoIIevon ttIII to Allen 01o torlIon 5t Itonltnco fl IWeIIern beIloIIevrn Ienti iinaltievilhl Quebec Iunlbr Quebeotllmnrnondvittot rbrc wire beetoIIevcn IlnIlIoi Onnwnll Shewlnknn Downhiller beetoIIeven Onlrlo Ilnler Peterboroulh Toronto Peteeboroudl Iced beetoi Icven IerrdIlnIl tII OtthI OIhIwI IOttIuI teed beetoiseren Iltlelillli It CollrnnlIl 01p Guelph mitotteiown tFIrIl unto oI eutcrn besi otIevrnIInIII Ilrltern CIIIdn Neginn lIin llon meet wtnI beetntoevon euetern dtvlelon Iorrdltnnl 31 two when tJedI Cattery moonton Itret ante ot western div Iton beetolneveo iIIIAl IIIernnedIIte Cllnpixlllon Iothver learn iton wine rentern bettoi tee IlnIl Id lloydmlneter hoeriown Iloydminrtor Iced western hoetoltivo III III World lloeley llnilnd ll Woet lemony Sweden Sutherland IitI III outItInvnx In the tout net In wtnninx hie Inurth tome In the beetotoeven worterdtnnl rerles He no It hie but In the doll ti Icde oI muIItIon ploy when be titled out It tout three Ieenu IanyIure not Ind In overtime when he Ilopped polnlbinnh Ihot by In common ALd ALL EhIIIUSED Jerome wu luIt IInIIsIIe to thin Irriel IItd Al Arbour who returned to the bench II Itluee runeh Chrletrnu dIy Ind tour doyr IIter rIIIrd CIron Irom Denver II It oetorn Hockey berm III mode mIt mu reputedly to Ieep no In IhII ldli nine Arbour Idded You cInt believe how reu Iylnr It II Ior thII turn to come beck tile thin They worked Io bud Ior ouch long period WI In IIter the recent Ilene that we could bounce heel Ind The North Stun who Iinlnbed ueond In the tint won the ttret tun punoI hero St louII then won two It home Ind Iltn newt Ind be but will the next term to let up an duI IIIIII Iddine me The St touts victory Itunned IhI IIIIIeIotI crowd It thou the North Stern outohet the blue m1 In renIIIIIon time Ind held the momentum In overtime unlit Icrry cup Ilred one to Donny DShtl It centre too We hove twoonone break Ind hit KI It the bluI line IIId Danni III Kevin bed room Ind bit It Ilueh There VIII no renrtlon IIter the reel thou ht they were rotor to cell oIIel Kevin en Ihot IlIIeed III noel pipe rIromod oil Ioelto Cesare tIInlIroI Itteh Ind lInded In on bend it hit the poet IIId Kevin and went In Ioohlnp tor the rebound Iiut then III Denny with hie IIIeI In there IIIan the poet out Inew lt III In town in non or sr 55 E5 egg En thumped III Anxelu Dodxerl tor rtmorm Pinte Mum New York let III III SI Dim Pldm nned Allin ItrIvu Iiitr teeth 51 in Ihl IlrIt II doubtrhuder In other opening dIy Ian Summer no In Itopprd Pitubtrrlh II III AIka donned melonti Sn undue blInIed Newton 50 nid San Diego edred the Inter as Illll DOWN Ki Royals Win Three Games To Start Season With hush by rue moron new Cievetnnd Ind Bunueml 15 gr aggE rbrd my hat ThItI when tell the IanIIIn Item In III etth bINovlIhIEehhib AT DOYLE mt III the lIIIllIIl In which Itontnn wIIIed Don Money und Itite Andenon with two out but Illpped celled LhIId Iinle put Denny Doyle III willed urea iindreiti lckx Guide Ferrari To 30th Victory BRANDS um BIIlInd iAP hIarIo Arlinttl Ind JIcIl lchx Mllllllhd theIr diml nIIion ol the world wort enr rIeinl circuit Sundry by win III the MAC hmhilomeire root In Ierurt HIP Yerrert else but won the there previous rIeee bound the world chnmplonnblp when Are dretII oi the United StIIu Ind rm II Belgium won the III bour me It DutonI red the 11hour Sebriru test while Tim Schenlen II AtutrIIII Ind ttoe nII Petenon oI Sweden Ieeond In Sunday we no hllonttre me It Ituenoe Aim IerrIrI now he no point In the ehImpIonrhIp ItIndInIr with AliI Itomeo second with II Peter lonIon oi the us Ind IlotI Stomrneltrn of West Gor nuny were thlrd Sunder in In All Romeo NI Andrettl Ind Ich the only toeoeootelo the Iulllli wen tinned In live been II mm 21 It In Iverue oI roent miles In hour tor the Lt notice Wm Emulde etDetzolIIIreererIiodotL Ior In oihctIl pnmt Irnelll In Grime White Sox In the Roy III plIyrn Ipnlied their boIIeI pIInn with three weekend victo ries over the Sex The llnylln plotted III were bued In hiebpor Inre II In AmerieIn lemo order bone hint player notice uslnnn It rluh part III hIIeinl opener dunner mo put ouund edred liillnlddl Irtd Olli IornII bIInhed True to OTIS AIIIIJVEE Arno Oils who was the hill drtleI irom his home In Vir ItnlI to pet In IIqu thI plIyer Itth which delIyId the Itertinl lineup ol reoeoo ooenln until Seturdey opener mIde up Ior int time Bel the lit te Sill workoue Stdey IppIrentLv dd them little good 0th drilled ler of eluted the limit edxed mime It In the tint rune loin In the lnthonpmSetdeyIndIoI Royliellrslrtntlndlbenlcer plowed up with 21 III II vkto in the winner on In Suminye doubleheader The White Sox beaten in II It Kansas uty Inninrn SIturdIy IIIer towel Dorothea in the Amerleln homer in the bottom It the tenpue SundIy IIInneootI Idnthby Itob OliverhIdttedIhe Mn lowed DaIlInd Alldella ererl inr NC look the eerie 19on RIM trinuned lend behind htln Dahm lit CIIttornlI Avueh LI Itd BIKI SturdIyI opener more Orika deirnled New Olin lth ine Utd it In Yorh hnnhece In the rein thlrd Ind then be opened the Ihortenediilntwneotlnthed Iitth vim Inother hll Ind MI uled doubleheader no mood mend on John llayberrye dott New YerkBeltlntore rune IIII hie Ind In mantel out tor the wurltee BrewerI doubtobeldrr decian NI BUllDlRS ElECIRICAl CONTRACTORS Iho tloueo II Tomorrow BurlII Itret LI ht Ingmonn now wait Ill your Iighdtzlg In II re eter Ilhqeo In ourWho Dividolhu We invite you to step In Ind seehtrs Shirteydrnn Irun our Home lighting Consultant Jim dinner of Junienow IIIrrteI rlnt unnunI Studio do you NW DEFEAT ILDWIW NRDNN ICPI 1hronto Wenlord downed Stdbur tttno hlill SIIndIy to win but It three Ierlee tor the IlWh tIrII midret hockey rhInthnn Ihlp Sudhury hId trounced to ronto It SelurdIy to even the et It It In tomes Sixtyelm Dollop ht 11le Corner IIIIry SI Ind Ilnnlep St IVJ HIIrIIyIIng SpIeIIIIri I9l BUR ON AVE OPEN 365 DAYS AVE DAYS WEEK sIerhonEwnr Iineot DUNLOPR VltTDR LEND Meet The Proiesslonols Till ONLY NEAL nonstron MENI HAIR mum lN Tllhl AREA IhI Froleuiooet tIroI IInir Styilnr Specie IIII It WI Iro experienced in every lath has InIIy yeorI experience In the heir Ityhnl proteulon 1th III willie to DILS DUNLOP CERTIFIED SPECIALS TS mu Drop in Iodly Ind in dlIIIretxe In your Ippenreneel VIC OR IArrIetoMIttlrieezzI IIor nouur note to In no um marrow nonmoron random upset oI bIlr cm tn