who my aItd podIIItrieIIBIiHlll rlnI Ill Soo Id Min Suture dIyI fourth Ierneot fFlyers Advance Inf Eliminate 500 rl with Dell MlllIIl In In III winnlnl Kohl turn ItI herd Iron more BATTLE rm much touyher Ihi omd run on beer theyre WWII eIob They by much urne Iter It e1II we do Well Ind out It wevetzot um not In or not III II IIAIIIETT number but Editor The Berri REPSIntact the Dob third to plon IIyevI to the IIIverere with leuttnute ltIt Helm Ame Int Itllto Drlper tinder Toriier Ieorod lrleI Ior IhIN ItACInIdIIanlthIiIur will Ior Biron Itan the other 113 ram next weekend boet the IIIMM ol the Newtoundlend Ienior lame IIIII min the Grend TIIII CItmeiI who out It Johne thII weekend the niotetdtend oblivion will either two or three runee hopan turn 1rdth to men dill theitIIInd vInre II the heel two urnee note in Terrierldetoncernen IhmJeI Inic hammer Iorwnrd no he er led loryrythe ltpm tut the lydil All but Wayland the Boo led no the nod to Mt the tint we unite IIIInIt the New Iound nd chmolene Sty In pounced IIlurdIy While thI Soo did not 8ch tween III to pro vIderuiI tor butidlnlihecluh In the More CIIIIIIII earth the It Gimrltht IIid SIturde ana IIIer picking up the re The Boo turned hellurI tot oi Don OroIeo Ihot III III the II III PoIInio Ind tirII out wrirt Ibet Into to net We ate In the tint to mln um the third allotted the the Firm lmwo igloo trnrnbeblnd the net Ind new the one the mood peer Irom WIan Inrtio on woonone breIItIodIIrIn IIhothItIlIr rlInItrnInder InPIan In none lull Iound Item the but It Biron OIoIdIIuI heel In the Ipllt or the IlrIt merit be red SundIy In while reminder III III played in th out deiordIrI won thI doe ueet ol the then who the the Fly erI In preetotu IIIIIII the III Die chtb hld token Ind OI Meteri wbtte IoIIII II to the Media In the opener Nobody Iould let up Ior title he IIid We IIw th aIerIu BIrrIe pleyercoeoh need In order to build eon DIrryt IeId In one IIr tender ate dreIIII room IIde hurtee ot red line pipht We It Inithrd too by club loud dont Ity IIIrrII nnII into too lune tor the IiyerI liItrd rot rt ItuIIInlillnthIIhorIIidIInd rIIewithI nee ruin lentomild tIlobInIonl BIrrIIAcomb IIoIIIle Ill Quintin toll SooFortler OIIIIII rttte Penet xBIIIdtIl lawns trio Wltevt IIIrd till route tn roth dnuu wt to routb mm mm on GOAL not By Boo Nlld Sr Title In ennd rout OIIIIIclI vented to the AllIrI mo IhII III Imllh St John ern Crude IIIII IIturdIy by downlnt It JohnI to the beltedI In NlotlIIl Senloete honwiomhlpiotir WM to IrInlt Ion led the Cut IrIctI wllh wo IlI white teImmIteI Terry Ioh Jim Iernple Ind tun IIuncb Icored III tour In the IIIuIdIy loom with end the no Ioor IorStlohnI Cotonou open the heel oIeeuen AIIII cup IemIIInII Ior IeI wtth the turtle FIyerI In BIrrie Iridly nlrht ntert ddod theSooCIoIdiInIIIin thetrv Iromtettaretlouo Nd itqu uWnlltolote the Allen Acomidotleird Ind Ilerryt Ileulttho Cu uIrterIlnoiterleIWItb stytEumlnerIhotoi Viburdohectloo wheth whit EIIuhIiwntllepnoe threttI With not tlliehl IooIIIIIo 310m ounnt Deity IIIIII lmy DIneil illltili tlo rimm nun ploe term Good littlrIn am no loom Potieyrd mm time It 1th too nlneiII Hi led III DANTAIIII LDIE FIOIIT SAULT STE liAIIlE Ont liitdtlhttd ooey oletion bInIInr chIrIplonIblp onuhlnr IIuti Ste ItIrII IdIIn lepton It In the tee end one It beetolthree eIrIIer rune lI horde Minor Iiockoy extent on thy wIthI virue Inioetlon third Iturdey Toronto won the trIquerred to IttIntI the $33 EIEI gt3 i335 Iiire El 35 Port new In chool reptured thetum lootbl It the 0mm FederIIon hoot Athletic AIIoeiIIIon Elma held slit dIy It ntII eriIIbIeh IdoootlnmAItIIlonm Wlddlil td IeteIdIry uhbol oi Nwth DI Ilnlnhed second In the turn evente white OtthI Brooke field III third dd ihiit no men turdka Balm total the mood WIIII III School Anocletton teen entm on art IoIhorI lieti II no the Illrlwnd lndividtill title with Icar II III In Itx evenie Brien Euer ol Fiddl III lllld III end with one while nomad to hoop BroohItIId rm Capes Gym ream Title III the Iitrouod phenol lop nun on Munill compean Ior Bertie Willi In the Initvldul evIIII noon oI Peterboronoh Ident rourt wII top run In the Iloot erertlIo Ind seeper oi North new tilted tutu Robert IooII lien on the edit In Ite mare hum Ind In Bellini Elie while Benito DIvtIIIorne vnueond Mthebonmodedmlhe Hillier oI Port OdbeenI Ion owe Ill Itlooedte In the pummel bone event white teunn no uencinrannnitonpnnn third IIIIbIIll in new the em nonetun the It ItenI Inth tongue or Wang In InluttonII rneellnl Ior outmummy memento rItIIItlhesrotnIdIIwnrann IhIqu Intro Ird herlee on noon out It the Inter romittl he ioilnnlnif no intern Inner turned Onelieoe String Itlleoommended The belt for rnoet alien to run their loving in In piece verythhxmeoutoeetberyyoiu dub heed hIndI Inne Irui IbouiderI Such IIIIIIwa heIpr Item peed tempo for your owing It IIIo pro older tow Incite extn width to your line IreInd few yIrdI extrI dinner to your IbotI lIyou mine onopiooe blow Iwey youll find that your left ImInd etubebntt form might the Itnoet lrnmedletely lumin tion It You wIII retIIn thin Itlllllllllh relItionIblp until your trend In Ibout hip high gben tho olubheId like the Id If your oiubliIId inlet the ieId too Ioon IIIuItntIon t2 your IWlII will become too In row Ind too tlpht tIyour hIndI Ilene ItIrt the airway little tretlen Iii your ehthheld It It ll It tint Youll hello minty mo tion It the top oi your twin thtt will iIoIen your grip Ind ruin yourtenpo mMHk ONCE OWNED lllAVEl WISI PALM IEAOII Flo iAP tout Itohert Ierul ll iormer owner at the old Burton ItrIm bIIebItl club III mil tIonIIre builder died In hoIpttII BindIy Ierinl mIdI the nut trmler It NItIoneI 1M Ireneth In modern timer or he moved the ItrIveIIo lIthIo lree In It Inter they were teImI present home Anocielion ptane Annual hientinj Ior tIondIy IlIy non tort 46 or over HAD problem in Item IIWIiItni eon neloplu IIENI NAIR mum Speelliitinp In stun Auotonof Inn suns too GIIIeI with II yeIre eornhlIod bIlr IIyttn experience In Toronto Europund ImII Ind bio highly method not Inno you to leIt to Ihop non noun Itltted noun will Mylo rut or trim your heir to Iult you bent Come tedy Ityllete to nerve rout JOE GAllES HAIR STYlISTS WEST END BARRIE SHOPPING PLAIA l6 Wellington St MIMI If you re size you our reuse Ityou hell line or toll Irltnd or rotoUve do them Inror Ind tell them Ibottt our llr III Ind In Tull Dept the turret Ind moot complete wonr 1n rolu in addition Ieleetion oI ntenr boyI Ind ItudeItI the dirt on Allen Oweliento hunt EIIIIY In Win TitleW lint ti Adm bhllfot IIIIcIIeIIIe ll IlttIlIttI hdglterm Wmvnllr rent 1110 mm Nthllmmgllu name not helmt my me non iOImIIIll NWT iLIltttIhI mom rump mourn Poplee PImotI II ItoyII IroIt Illolmctt eoo mm mum tIIrenner wHIIIl mm MID mm Ito MW WM Bee tuvionl nnotnolno mm TulleWit rnile peer TIIIIIIM ZoometlI Itoherl IC nut Home In Iccordtnee with ConItitution Ind ByIIwe now In Iorce memboreere Invited to Iuhmlt Iny Notice oI Itoiton or Amondmonin to the Conriilution Itttl ByIIwI This eheil be done In tyrtiton lorrn Ind mailed to the Secretary prior to Aprilttth itll RWOIOROIn IIerelIry IIMHA IIOWoIdon Cr xll riIOnl on MAIL ORDERS WILL iii FILLED MIt oroo north Itlceneentelttecetteu helmet nu IRAIIIILOIHINO IIOIII IteltylrIohtItHl totem runeom Millet hunt molt nynlltn throm Gibboan no yum nthOW mile here WY 10th halt tGIIIIII hit Im Hum III MBWJM III oVIo III aideadildmm Indynun to Dore too Ion big Em pull IteII IerIIeh tlienrotlir MieIIInon met on medium on Ilulnelll tetupnu Inn nnon IlIndlIt moot thIIIIrI Mell tiddlll IRAII OLINN LTD At the Five PoInII Downtown