bRADMiJ Distrtt him odtool was tits suds sl the us mm mm Joey tubs Simon with the coup Irtinx swud Peta Wintrreorn store mm Don llch Georgina lily Denna itsti sword lluy hell lrdlnksl yen director and Gunter Source Idisst Pivot Bradford Wins Regional Festival iiy Until Him The tbsoedny ctsnprtitlons tor lhI Goorgisn tisy Drums Fro tllsi Ire oro the aunt hsrs been pro noted Brtdlord District high soiled repsruto go on to the re lion in tindst Ind the othtr some rmdmru edJy ore olrendy contemptsting the type ol play they intend to enter next year the no sent sudrtoriurn It antral collectrte was tiniest tilled oruy ML not only with nspportrrs cheering thrlr town its school but with more serious oourm thenneptsystromthssrcs would mainly be repscsentstlvs lot not ooiytbe ooslityoldnms coIchrs and lots tItoot but also ol the opproadt to drum that is bring nurtured in our schools it is the lppronch to the theatre thstltourti dsturhinl Baylield Mishap Damage is $600 twocnr collision on ltrylleid root It 310 on Saturday rr ted in two damage to cars or considered all nine plays on on on or yum tyeors lls always been the ycon oi hope and optimism The world is $1 than Ind nothing is inmos P3511115 irrt looting It the ot the nine plays the oversll picture is pessimism hoyiessrrrss philos oohy that lie troll is messing lrs Dope the till spots tor less yetooolpstroo with do prmiott in the lost play pmrntod Dope the title speILr tor the drama iiullstlcsliy the stage is littered with return Ind garbage can Ind throurhotlt the out sppesrs in the slorro ty dress sod nnnncrlsrrn at the smash No hope hers no horn Not Enous it Again 1th irttrolly the set three bsmn Ind msttrsctiss rooms in mnln bone and the stay is olthe oodlntssolsyounggiri In torre city Agsin no hope and In emphssis no selfishness sod disinterest ol our iriiow mill Simon given live awards by initial Idhsilcstor Brion lilo tout had In excellent polish by llrivin lhompsorr riorrnsnc Ind eol no erwmw owns 51 Davidson St The lhomoson the was renor tcd southbound on ilnvlleid Street and the liosowso rsr was rcporitd turninglclt trons the and parking lot to go northbound or eur it was wrll rehearsed Ind directed hut min the theme was one oi tonneni against an shoorrml ls spostlse young rnsni No sign oi lose or opilm ism in this play and no sign ol hearty other in script costume width were drvsr Ind striking or arts it was superficial in nreanlng with me lrrudlIn overruns ltldrrs to the Son is beatltlv fut lnyln on him suiting Yet the entire theme is one oi sadness and depression hn humor hero and little hope Song tor Prtrr wrttcn by In ihstview secondary smool stodroi realistic pisy and train with dupiesslng oven tours the donors as well writ too the dran er wdl writtrn itsnm Well my trip ertt Adm as plsywrldlt butlhooothslbowilllookon trtIhtor tide ot litmnd not solely on depressing them In so may oi our eontrsnootery uritms do BELIEF it us relirl to enjoy the Fire itsisers Brothers in Arms Ind ticlrns tlrsrhend sad to see isirly good Idaptstloo oi lio mm Ind iullei ihe color oi rostrum and srLs tn the lost were delight to the eye Ind the play set to Spur tI was In excellent choirs ioe students there is question that must Most Plays Good But Lack Hope libero are the young people who boilers thst man is upohts ot woodertui sets at tindrrtss love and courage sod tint man can rise shot his environmenti Festival Awards lBl PLUM Simon Bsnd lord District high school over sil production acting lidsthsg toihnlcsl dieds rte Borneo and Joint lirdlsnd secondsry sdionl the Attrrptrce rm the Fire iterrrs OriliiI District glows Ind socsttaort insti Originsi script Simon llrndtord Steve Corbett Song tor Peter mslvirw gluedm school ltIndy Camps Best Sit llelrnas llushsnli lisrrie District North Ollltlllit battens Romeo and told liidihlni Technical elitcis Ind lighting Show Brsdlord stogo nranasrrSsmoo tirad Best student director irrry liiils Burris Centrsl collegisir Group ding swords Sim on ill Alternieee from the linkers gl min tum WW dhgpllgeourivmgl momma no hope in themselves their tutors Ind in their countryl Ale on tendon giving them Sussn Undue hoe Simon splendid perlomrsnse hisry Delaney Juliet tild little tollh in themselvrs or Ire lsnd we stressing too much see rssliy oi sealrity irorn credit to the galore sin but odor liot lhourit ltope Central Adiodlcotor itrinn ltinlotlL res oi sow entrants last year Family 0i Four Hurt in Mishap isrrsly oi tour tron Toronto Iii sdltrod minor iniortu when the on they were riding to lld olt itighway re nest the tar rtto Road Sablrdsy night th drisrr oi the rrhide wss John Donrnrrnrh inltnrd Doss rngers were his wit Sondra Ind their two children Trevor Int nely All treated Ind released lrorn Stevenson llrrnorlsl lion plinl Alliston Polite aid the cor slid oil the road and trash ed Into ieoce bmsge to the vehicle was estimated at im in NIURED hurnssn tlsre oi Collingnood sod Terrenre ltighton at St nee sullersd ntinor injuries Sua day him Is result oi It two car mlslon ori lilrbusy 28 north ol we listless ltiver bridge Damage was rstirnntrd It soon to the clue vehicle Ind to htightons Vehicle TilEVthnltml lilmml ot the thin whicntodinthonoe dsy cbrtsl wnrtshop held in Barrie on Sstlaldny ihoy pro scoird one oi the nstnlconccrts during the harbour break their run Enthusiasm And Pleasure At Ont Choral Workshop Saturday was In exciting day in Barrie tor singers oi the re gion Is the Onuro Giorsl lrd rrItion held wortsirop st Cul llcr Street United Church There was In sir oi enthusi ssm Ind easure that errran Ited lrvsn too musicians who sllrmled the workshop Is mem bers or psrticipsnu in thr mint toncerts Alsi there was good moon The three srmrstr workshops were directed by experts Lloyd lirsdshnw writtan to sit nusldsns held exciting ses sions in the church sarsctusry The siternoon srssion consisted demonstration oi youth shots wor using the Large choir trorn lJsirren secondary school 1hr 75 young people tboruoshly ioyrd In exhausting osesnds hIil hours oi hard work under the monitor llr lititdslintlL lle csiolrd them msdr them lsugtt din idiotic Examiner itY NEWS MONDAY APRIL il rm uweW CountyiVHistorians Change Inventory In Effert To Get Federal Financing lhe Sirnsoe County lilstorirsl Assooistlon sorted out ylon ol Iction tor the tonsinl yosr Ind decided to undertake an in ventory oi historical sites oi Shires booty under the lrdersl system It the associations lint workshop Saturday It Gcorglnn Colie wt the std olresotlm lo molded by the llrrtrcrsty oi 1brontos estroston division the uoclotlon decided upon switch ing irom provincial inventory and also established gt at action tor runes ot the vsiusblo buildings the county willile Gouldlng ialnea Ab nd and Anthony Adomson were re resource contingent supplied the unlitrslty trust Ind Couttlrs no it mincnt in the iisd icon rvsney and are both IichiiQO rsl historians Both so riy rngsgcd In eliorts to ssve to on station to Toronto which nusrur oournrvo rr srshitectursl historian is throatsnui with donrollllon Adssrsson is the chairman oi the Ontsrto Council lol the Arts and is torn planner AilIn lronslde ot Ordilo wss siso part at the resource itnm lie spoke on the historical do vsioprnrnt ut Smooc County dur ing one oi the sessions the workshop drew people irnrn turoote Ostrsws me on sllle It well Is about too SCliA members irorn Barrie Oriilis Penetsngulshros sod Midland lli TO Mllth The resource people ileltied questions on topics like the best method at toting inrentory and how to lobby lor legislation to slow down rncmchirrg derel ope Judge James Cinle was named ehsirnssn ol the meeting Also in Ittendsnce WI Dr Rynnrd iPCSlrncoe North titer listening to strict mm the would people the SCtiA vi to our one ol the resource people It the Sim County dislde to swltrlr to the lateral sysicrn oi toting inventory and to discontinue the provincial tern Under the Ontario wry start rd three yrlrs ago the asshole Itlon managed to tote inventory of about per cent ol the his torically valuable buildings in the country Idler weighing the pros Ind cons at each system the Issoci Ition agreed to the switch in part because there is better chance ot obtslnlng iinancisi ss Iistsnoe irom tho iedorsi govern ment Ind hecsuse the plan is more tomrebrnsite than the provinces llr Adamson the luncheon speaker outlined iivooolntyro mm which the association rould adopt to rush beginning It in troducing srcbltectursl eon servhnry to Simcoe Countv lie urged the SCllA to seek improved legislsilon to delay or Iron stop the demolition oi val Wyn than with ltoss Itdcorian 00ith SIhtrdIy lit tbs University ot Toron llistortcslAssocistionwostshop manor Irlot ot the II ushlr holdings until either the munlelplilty or the Issoclstton ltseli sttps in in time at crisis SET UP FUND He suggested thst rapiisl turd cool he set up at some lttll oi government whereby munlslpsiity could secure lunds lo purctroso and restore throat rncd buildings lie said thst public Iworrnrss stimulated by blstoricsi Isonrlv Itlons is prime requisite The close ol the workshop hrrsrght the biggest indication oi the success oi the venture Four committees submitted wide rsnge ol recommendttions that varied irorn setting up trust iund either commercial ly or tbrouiil sovrrnrnentl to sponsoring community planning meeting with town planners it was inhibit that such meeting on produce rounty wide plan tor architectural con servancy Dr PB hynard Guest 0i Honor Dr liynsrd tPCStm one North will be guest oi honor at the llusonls Symph olo concert April at It Central collegiate Dr llynard will also tote port in wine Ind cheese re ception at the Continental inn ioitrrwing tbr concert Guest artist tor or concert will be hlsriory KnIsp soprsno with Ireolrlplnist iltien Good rnnn Both are members ol the lting Fdwnrd Choir liltl well known in Barrie The April concert Is the scc and ot the season tor the lirrr onia Syy Orchestra under the baton oi Barry Devereus 1hr ordtrstrs Ls made to st 82 area musldsns Ind eight to to string musicians trout out iidr the rounty Ire brought in to tilt out that section Tile or chestra is hopelui tint music training Krngrm and tha Youth Ore rstrs will it pro vido enough locoi musi as or itlli ordtestrs Muriel lorpor rluinmn ol the lide Symphony Orrhrs irs said Dr ltynnrds presence It the contort will be In litiit ttorr olthr interest this rr orchestrahas generated hero She his rise rxtendcd nr irr itailon to oil municipal clocird oltlolols in the ma Tickets are Ivallhhle front monitors oi the orchestra pom ens romrnlttre Keenans llw sic Store or by phoning wow lirr Jun 19 Ivyer Bruiser Photo or MM bill ltlLilJ Jrriurvllolioen oi Ourn htrrct Barrie lost control at its whirls when it on pntds ot lolth no Stensdown Stdnnod to tie donts Tosnshlp It 1130 pm on Slitldznllnnuxl wos estimat sdst made then solo drltirult sections and urged them to be more no ticulstrs is their rows sounis they turned great dent in brie that sad so did the ob srnrrs CLARlTY Frsneois Prorrnrher took over sessions in the ouditorirnn giving Ipeeisllsed lessons In the art oi loilr singing lie emphaslsrd the need lnr clarity in diction and the art oi slrtghstic heat It took ile bad the large clIss oi shout loo directors nnri musicians singing with rlsrs Ind enthus iasrn it was music in Its best iorm tlrv Pmtmrher then con red the art oi eornmurrirair this kind oi singing to the on nor Torso were rewardins so While all ths was iskinr plorr Gordon Greene wu holding ses sions to mother room and was dimming problems In choral technique Dirtion breathing the voice the noan not the conduo tor were the ruin topics And In one brirl day the psrtlcipants not borne much rsiuable loosi at mini concerts were held during the hmtlteon hrcsk Ban rrs Oennsi Collegiate Glee Club under the direction oi hlnry Was ssng pleasing program lI Sensrlts oi God by Psderhorn Nocturne by ltlchsrd Johnston twn roofs by ining Berlin in torny Day Tomorrow and Plsy Sunnis Melody tsughsn itlltisrns Mistress blinr illn sells the is It my Window Who Ind final Sullelt Folk Song arranged Britten Accountant tor the Glee Uttb was ilelen Brydgrs The ocILaircs lront OrtillI song short prozrsm the or girls were dclitrtiui Is uni ed rout group tnd sang pro gram suitable to their trim They opcncd with so Arnorchn Folk Song Con and allowed with bounce ior Bach trsnsalh rd by Marti William in April by Wetbersld Ind itre nightingale by Tsohslhow sky won applause The group lioshrd with Web sters the Green Leora oi Suns mer end otdtedovsslsn Dance Sons by ttsnney The ion honl Workshop was doridcly success sum was learned many rmlsicisns met old trlrnds sgsln Ind direct on tact with the three lino mini cisns who led the workshops will he so tospirstton that ltii last or long tinsI rr Yr our premium and time or todo little singing don Gmnl rm lrsn Dob rrctors ot the three seminars It the choral worbdlop took themselves moss LEIT mucus Proventhor in Gor soo John liodglns Ind llord Bradshaw iEsrslnlncr Photo Too Cold For Sap To Run the weather was btautilul in the maple bush It Elmvnle inr SaulrdnysrltiopleSyrup Ftsil vsi but it was lost little too cold tor the up to run the producers bod stored up stone son on the days it was running so theyd hsve some to not through the rvaporstor but there wont much sop made can tell you that said Donald toornpson chairmen oi the Elm vale hisple Syrup Curiosities the number ol people at the festival was dour slightly irnrn last year but tire toot urrrthcr had something to do with that but year it was on the Ens ter wettend sud we had rc ord turns ir monxson ssrri The crowd was prol ly down is little because the Elmira tes tirni which normaliygoss wees btlore Eimvsie was out ahead and also ran on Saturday Bill ebout people did turn out to enjoy the spring rites and about 1500 took the bus ride back to the near Whit unire trams ontl wagons carrioi them around it was really hreotilul hack in the bush lot oi people went basis and stayed lot longer than 000 DhllAtiii Danny was rstlnratoi at tron totlooinz tnIteidcnt on ill bury it It the lultttion ol moot load on Friday It prn Dnvers ol the two vcbiclu involved were Dalton they might batc otherwise llr llsontosoo said For those oho stayed in town the women ol tariotn church groups had pancakes syrup and entice ready and waiting and 1952 at these dinners were serv ed up FESTltAi QUEEN At the llaylr rup llail Sat urriay nishi tsss ltlnolnzs ol ltit Etmvalr was crowned Festival Queen and presumed with cash and silt certicates donated by Elmvsle merchants Princesses were Johanna Col unsbus and Linda tinyEllis both at Elnrvaie who also martini cash Ind gilt rortilicales Elmvale Scnror Citizens ruld boots oi tickets on liople Draw and list prize winner was llerhiey nt llidlsnti received halt ol trstrm nod gallon oi sy Bull Bow But Turnout Was Not Bad man oi Eilnrsie won lrsrn sod Velma Argue ut Elmvaie won gallon oi syrup lr llsoutpsnn said an eval uation mttLtltg would be held as soon Is the ronrrnittce has paid its hills and plans would start or nest years lesilvsl lie said the committee has made corrunitmcrrt to donate ssoo tor lights at thr Elmvnle ball diamond it it makes Ipswi it sort he expects there will be surplus We made about its last but we wont mate iht your Anl our ospe re up But well in money its called the lestival real with the 15 no the act ties oi large number oi voluntro have plenty pl he said Fourth ilnnual Whippoorwill lsWonByTeamOlliotarians Dr Peter Dean and Jerry itll lrsms segmenting the Rotary Club oi Barrie won the tourth annual iihtopoorsrill Quit Sun day at St llonlcns school Duty llcioriund and Stewart Comrron representing Urn lla soos were the winners pot the mood pong rostert 1hr ltotorons dcirstcd last years champions Tom Meier rr toss the lirst time in tho los years oi the contest that sites om sllowtd to attend Toe lions Club at Barrio the liirvsnis Club the ltnlory Club the hissonsltui the Knights oi umbos troldod two sompcth tors reels Adirslteaiors tsrtho contest were Dr Alan llavsnsoroit Al lsgsn oi Eirnvslo Ind Robert Ind diaries lingers oi the lite demon Al liocmillon Ind liar Smith oi Midland aunts unis ry licshllt