Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1972, p. 4

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titanic vermin tssr dinnerware Integrating CNCP Trains Solution To Boil Problem integrating the transcontinental trslrrs ed to become convenient ilrrt ot Coosdhn National and CPRIII dust ngbl liq toward complete admiration oi the ntiaeoson as orrtltned by the Ian Theropott Commission Is re lrrnsconttneolel passenger tntus ides The wells obiedivc must always by this year the continuum setuut be provision at good trmotincotal to In sperm to the probtenr ot how train service tor Csnrdtan sud visiting to reduce losses on both railways with travellers alike It the lowest 5possible out elhnlnatln the service site other cost to the Canadian syet beddin CFvIAAIII oadtsn 10d ti million lng Caosdlan National not to ob In 196d CNI Su Continental tlt ttonable not only became It has million In 1089 these ddlcris were but also bocattse it Is publtdyowned entirely due to shoddy service the cone CPRaII on the other hand It tivetel mission would be obliged to compel the owned Moreover it has melted 1be railways to marten up CNs tom million to cash till million In lrrtd and however Indicate that they Ire largely mtncrul rights end untold millions worth utributabie to the changing habits ed or benets truth the Canadian sin the Irovelngrsblic rolitm tor committing the my Ind Ii any one erervea merits lot lnnovr tual service It Is the publiclyowtred promising perps tton and tryin In isirness to Canada and Canadians CN Conv yCPitail Is notorious tot frat 7H is is lambs program must tbetotoro not so 33 rig E5 owl Dilllr Happy birthday Is at April It next stubs Pepi will nut ever Shshly Bay ltosd with bone lists you read the City oi the rter booklet on dog etiquette wbldreomrauabonusonpur dine ot llmInnrtel to With out lumped by tile otrhlp It does not opoly to you We brrt there are sortie not let Bert For lotteries Dont let your dog tear up lam or new Glsnt by Potienan Prediction oi Montreal which rovided thet trdtloiri trying many hard to dLscourage plstcu or we gen Tish brings us up against the single most glarln first In the pooling arrange or ii in tutly JPRail might easily try to with drew irons the arrangement permit ting Its contribution to the joint eervlro to deteriorate turtitcr Tits oilseason Budeness To It you dont know where youre go ing get hit the road We was the vehetneot about that greeted one American visitor to Owen Sound on Wednesda siturrroon when he hesitated momenta before putting tell hand turn The shout toliowe raucous blast on the born by the same client driver Incident noctuch obout pm It the intersection ot tilt Ave rrrd lids Street The American writer drtvr lug east eventually made left hand turn onto tilt revenue alter ilrst making certain oi where he wanicd to go The Impatient tollowlng driver blow Irtg and shutting as ll be Ilorro owned the sheet passed on the rigs hand dds While he buttered his momgc be was battle Examiner April 10 1957 Meet log in Oran ilsil st Itinosing ettonded by about heard case tor Federation ed ure represented by Roy ilich Reeve oi Vesper and argu Inrcnt or Ontario Farmetr Union given Sam Bowman mullet oi Toronto rtn point It dlt erence seemed to be poiittcsi approach common factor was need tor organization Jack Crblc named dirlrman tor YIICA tuttrt cam paljn Barrio Collegirlesonior Band it took top honors at Kiwanis ilurlc sslival star wiggenome who headed classes wet heron Slut est Ted long Judy Craig who placed 28 in clarinet Ted also won open ulterior that instrument liarit Fisher wort oboe class under 18 Joanne McKenzie was ttrst tor bassoon Jotrn Ferris pltccd third In oornct solo under 21 and his younger sister Ruth age was tltlrd In piano solo rirss among 1S entries Syl via Syntth end Srndtr King were 23 in clarinet solo order It and Elspeth Currie third tor tlute In junior band iItIon Barrie pitcod sixth In 13 it cs New Instrumental group corn red at Titty Sinclair trombone Snclie lore French horn Norr Jonson end in Trlhble trumpets placed second TERPRETING THE trrvvs Ictuitrdud most carc vest end lucrative Cl empire CPRell cottld only be reloon born this ermine tori orrsngorneot It It were to trend over some oi its pmtilablc Islets This last roviso would be very imminent tor CF all would undoubtedly most wiltinii to let go oi 35ng trains and retain eyerything ldrnonton Journal Visitors not walehlngthe road ahead at trim and became ving menace Ills hurry was instilled He drove all the my to 2nd Ave West end lttlr St betore stop plot and goblin out oi Iris light truck The Owen rtd truck driver did nothing to help this citys image The licence later on the American tlstlon wagon early Itrdlcried thti this was victim to out rlty it wet on traiu ral that he might be bltstovver an ills live making turn at busy Intersec tion We hopeiire Americsn viritor sees this editorial and tocepls our apology tor the vulgar Not all OWen Sound treatment accorded to him motorists are that boorish But even one to too mtnv 70wen Sound Sunday Times Ducttot Alien richer was plesscd with showing at both bands Sen on In vited to play in Instr Concert rt Itas toy llsll tlrct salary story meeting Stall bsd to non minimum and Irrcress mortally Collegiate board made tur olter to icadtots otter explor yested ti ttoroment First Christian Island Indian Girl Gruidcs end Brownies enrolled by North Simone district commissioner tits Kiilorsn ot Waubaushcnc Trinity Church congtcgatton decided to build new rridr ed hall IrcIt illtolrlrtron nsm airman tor constructor James Popplcton herds tiltde committee Tod Giddcns reelected commander bat rte Power Squrdton slang with oliiccir Dr Ernest Bllkcy timid Todd Charles Read Country Club directors put Itr cileci dresses toyed is meeting Including res and membership Innual mprtvved requirements Clrslrmsn Amby Rivott Frank Taylor and iloilix Robinson were lsltltts vailcatlerrr First Baptist completed two ycrrs shead oi schedule Charm renovation program itcv luck presided tor meetlnv oi members who chose ss directorstier man Tomilnson Wilmer Nowell Russell lirrmswortth II Wigs Wilmnt Evens Ilertrrrn Cruthert It irwin It Urry II John Brettrtrtr chosen Cli Iren ot the Your $232me US Strategy Is Challenged By The North Vietnamese Ry HAROLD MORRISON TAMI Ties ltlil Writer Tired ct North Vlelrrrms umesslu tlnuat Into South Vie ese territory may dampen csldcni Nitone negvisitor wet with Grins out the Soviet blot std loves him illib shsro reappraisal It hit Asian otlett the Cmmunirts rIrIVo wed hint to political sll India US strategon alnln the Smith Vietnamese lie the grand under an ericatr Ietlrt umbrella bu putm yensitstter by the Colman littlest it has raised the old too It whether the SouUt esswillevrrhe rupabie drtetrding their eternity willy Atncrlcon mllilsry sill Nixon mods his visit to the conclusion drove by observers was list the so were restore to reduce Amrslrsn Itolent and por uroNixoosssbItrslrIIg dent tho grnvnd Mi tum ttrmvdt Virtoutilroliolt wtrlrlt IelINI largely on lonll demo but weilisslrtori Ruth Vlclvtnmese troops could hold lover sIntt Soviet pressures Ind mitt my power There was new vlsll might usher in on ere oi pence Coltlll yIt re iron was odd world prestige Ind Inuence list would strengthen his part tlan In his talks with Soviet Irsrlevs next month Unrest pl home had ciehtly Indicated tits the Vietnam war Itan term increasingly pulse with the Americun pct to it unlmlrtediy oorrirttuied to the retirement oi tanner rrsiv Lyndon Johnson In ctldtnllnl election deirot oi Ir hrir lIubert llumphtey Nixons wn popuintily scorned to rise with It to withdraw the bulk DI Ametl In Wrist term in South Vlrlr lye IMIlIsd bro Perhaps the White Ilours viev hope that the nod log with nddzd the division linked with this sitstsgy use that the two Arlen Itpowetr probably want to ucs AslIrr tourism because at the continue grrva dillercnrer between ltlnrrow end Pclln in the white at new North Vicinnm otterulve it appears thul till Contriunirls have con cludrd that Nixon Is in per tIlrrIy winetablrr position II he li vesicle to policy or mi it RIIWII It rrrt lotccr Into the hettlslield in ma um himstli In lttlcai dlillrutlrs home due rig title presidential election year And ll he decides Instead in malnlrln tho stirtlny policy at iiyiir on South leirturters trov lorcet It It likely that the southern driences msy itsrluelly Ire demolished tie spite till serial lrurnbrrrbrtcnt Put Nlrrm the hurt dssprrIta test it vhrlher the Smith VIII nImrrs can mount III ellvctlve WRIPIIUITIIII lsllure at this risgs may weight hcstriy on his pollursl utura 14 Of All The Train To HopYou Had To Pick Itll Toke Us Month To Get To me One Carrying Groin Wcst Const KIAath 1w nJtIl CAPITAL COMMENT Dieienboker Takes First Place As AgGooder Oi Government Iii FARIIIR TISSINGTON OIIAWA li now on more tun out oi lltlrs than that prairie wild John George Dirtrnbrirrt Ill be very sure red One ol the retort populsr cliches Ibotti tit Diricnbaker is that he was the best mosh lion leader the oormtry has ever had Unlike me other cliches this one comes very close to the mark The Ctlel as prime min later had his problems As older ol governments he rents the stem at myons we have lied Heiovestoscrolnonoosot met Ignisters rung rm hobbit is es nrlnletetr trons Quebec II no sure pure colts eldrnco Al the moment he rotrldba secured oI shooting pi scorn out oi season For his oincnt target is are bodys II vvrile tItgeI SoilclotGcrtersl IIIIIHIIM Covet Iii Coyer ma be line tet lovv Blittte ilileult or In Englisbapcrtlng Canadian to know bocrrtts be consistently returns in any on hint In the Commons except it his nulivo tongue IIo bends dcpsttmentv oi government tbnt is rolling Iltlilu hit at unlavorsbls pub Irtty It the moment And llr Oleienbrtcr it not It all rcluc tent to take sdvrnlngn oi the tact The Latest Olclsnbalier tutu and enter some vhrn he tore In tul righteous wrnih Iuoucr BIBLE THOUGHT And Ire Itrrrrrr list all things work together tor good to them thII love God to them who the called recording to his put Ire Ilqu Iris its an even take the litilv able mistakes that so mrkc in tax RiliMil wcsknrtvcs rind Ills divine iotglvencsr rrnd gut slice male thorn work to our ul tLrute good its tales tho re verses Ind uses them lot out toturn progress msuwanr truest tilts Turtle Exorritttr id usyllcld Street Rlll Onterlo Telephone nsruv Second Class llaii liedIttatlon liulbet MM Return portsge gusranteed Dally Stlrdsyt and Statutory iio IdIyr excelled EudeiICilO me daily by settler our weekly llltu yarn ly Siego copier too by mail Ilsrtie titre ycariyt Simcoe County tllbb yearly Ilsienco oi Crntda tittb ycstly All other countries error yestl lioior throw oli limo yer Natlmrl Milllilrni Oillcetr Queen St West Toronto I110 RIO Catlltlil EL liontreat Member ol the Carrdlatr Press rlnd Audit nurreu oi CitruIIv tent The Corrodlrrr Press Ir exctuo Ivst etttlllcd to the use lot so pub Icatlon oi sll news dispatch es In this proper ctcdllert in it or The Assoc pied Press or Router and also the locsl news publish ed therein The limit Ellmlner clrlmr ytlglrt In all vrlgroel rim ilr ill and dtiutlrrl motorist Itod by Its rmpluytrI and produsrd to rob newsprpcr Copyright Itrglrttsilrrn Nomi her tullll scgtrtrr st lion Its Goytr about the prom to allow let to live In teeter cs oi old age pensioners The theory belt that this would no the pensioners toms extra money std ve the prisonen latte ot stable Issnily Uta bo lore their eventual release Into the cold cruel world think the best my to de scribe the exchange is to give so abridged version oi the lien urd report his Oletenhaketr here teamed ltorn pcrsmrl conversa tion that people Its Istlng whether or not this policy It tom ot retlorslltrn otbnprerr compleer voluntI baIIr on either side We war to meet two bruic needs the lsci thrt retired II are otters ldls second Ictthcyotlenneed etlrrintoms QUEENS Pilth Davis Wit Ry RON tiliEARN Queens Perl RIJJIIII CI The Examiner lrcniicr Doyle hot nude it clear that be red his govern mtnl lrrlcrtd to continue to use goiotnmcht Iltcrstt and In lut will moire more use at thorn in tire Ivtore In stating his Intention the premier gsve sortie reasons pity bib wns to be done There reasons malts at IeIrI partial use but not cartrme one lot very nolnhly there are some questions unlnswstod Iho nurtn points pill Iotward osol That bolng titrt minister Is LETTERS TO thllII FREE TRADE Dear Sir Present trade negotiations bo lwesn Canada In the should II down Itlmetsbis over plrl oi live to It years whore our two touniim are to niwiilth Ill lentils and stolen in rludlnn the auto part from cer tain tints on II this objective II testbed utilcs Is planted to much the hotter tor both coturtrlra Ind lot the people TIrIlls Ind quotes are not the only hunters to trade std blrtdtettco to Increased prosper try on whlrtr action Ibotrld be taken An IIICNMM should be tetclb cd whereby all purrbucr trout nvcrnmcnu and public author lits In both countries sbutld be rpm to tenders by svppiers irorn both nilibtll We should concentrate on work lng out arrangements between our two Nations to reduce and to eliminate dliierent govcm men not Industrial standards which they often rsuto negative prutdeun Tire early tntruluttlrn ni rttrlrli Iyxlrtns In weights Ind in measurement will IItanIty this process In both toiletries It Will Inrrelll our competitive podium In world markets and trill rrtrte mute esprit mrrtcle some stunt III the umdtthldl olol to your assure trust lie err The protect is on Air Dlelsnhatesl Ios expiln Illon by the minister is worth less Ilu he not received corn plslnts about the number oi eld erly people who bsvs tottod thatrrrettes In the emergency deprrtmrnts oi hospitals in this city In ontuequenre II this ttale merit Ilatrrntni which Ivl egregious nonsense has never been tmrellrdl lit noyert here no knowl edge oi this out tail to sea It will this would wt to st or why the right mots gentlemen would worry lick over the Ides tAt thtl point term vct Sun columnist BIrry Mather new the ill to Scur ryyiltlts hock rot Into the art WIII considerution ho lien to maintaining the diet vi prism rts ville they Ire strtloned In the homes ot pensioners or II the government cnrrsidrtlng in lribbon day tsidry you That security conditions toriey soaks ti pteietrbto that public tlgurcs imvot In noncompet cllmtitmit groa merry corpus item today hive their own ott mll Ind night travel Is sc ccpiod its erretilrl In modern buttress Thrt there his extreme de mands on the time at tile load In ol the gdtcmltlclli Some oi these It site can be challengrd in elt applies tlorr the provincial govern ment Ioortldrrt ltIieadm bciler orrstrite their thirst but gcnbrnlly they run he so eeplod And stone with title It THE EDITOR tor Insditsr menutsetutcd pre dtnlr nrsto IN number oi Cantdlllr lrvdtutrlee which estr nol pertlcl to in world msritets the insures the tacit ol metric measurements or that products Ind parts Oltcn these rodurtl enioy rtltlvs pressliver ilon Ind con till greet do torrid but they Ito not Irrepl table to the tteds In teeny two tries because of the alter etrt mcItutemertia which Wll proven to be obsolete Tho lututo oxlttcnre oi Ull lied North American mIrkel UNAIII will enrich IIIII the western World and terms to be natural cutnlcrhslertte to pre sent Furopcrn tcrtdcrtclcr Econ antic wider trading Investments should root temein tact tor lutopo alone The European Community and the ETTA curin lriee did not lust stood still Ind were swelling events Their suc ccttcs are let us lessons tor the pretence and lot the iuture Do we have the same courage Iver betel Onolblog is auto that the existence oi tho rimmunlly Ilkl oi the FHA ruiutttlcx hire rrttlrttod ha tile In Western Ilur iris Sim It developments here In North ill here the same long lirrrtiord the Inn um Continue More Use OI Plones UNIOUI WIREth Tbet tree We Bed is Intirtlio Vsrlet preserdod by Simpsons on Visit Tuesdsy creasing the Irvcomee oi pension era In order to enable them to art It well It the prisoners Liter be an interview outside the Commons Irre pmsihil IItty Tobe asked the Chit It As uvrtld be willing to have Air and Ilse Yves leciton to hit home over uttistmss lit Diel errrrulrr declined the liver and rurttsied that bit Goyet mlsbi like to hate the that opportun check with OliIuIs hoaob lIlr tidied the lototmrllcn that yes the other they wards were very stood and there hwmrhtorns eurdttiu be it is also true tht the emergency wards oi Ottawa has this are slweyu crowded the highcrthrnIvctegs In cidence oi heart certs mtsbt us here been the result oi Ot Iwens digging thornseivex out mm In unexpected revenrindt late spring snowtall or gardens And this Item Dont let your trlrbien or bite the postman mittshart or the Examiner paper cIrrIer TUESDAY NIOIIT Still on ctrlirrrsl putnrlts Toronto ItIple testes will pity spin to isos Will WEDNESDAY the Wells are hit to Toronto and the itoysl Alexandre lot nullnel pen Iermanoe oi Cent Second msws lupteln tsubouods Conversion lied to write tot dun ot seats sorrra time ago uh tor bcst possible In or chain TIrsts not In the motto pit but abuser We got two in Row dose suburb to ex change conversation is th Ingrid Resptron THURSDAY EVENING AI Central Collegiatesudltorlurn tor the lIIiIonIJ Arts Centre Orchcse Its oi CanIdI nnsi oi the Set rte CoilegIIlo Bands ecrles tout truss concerts The NAG ork recently plryed In New York read our review which started oil With an tnlectlous ultssatllotsncy Ind persquvo orslity that belied its youth the ITIIIIDII Artemomeotu bng may iEruvy kill heathn li reveal ullth once and vitIllty oubllontill more Is oondrxtot liqu eroltdi sort enlbuslsstle response tom the Iudleoee And so we ltrvs this direction in barrio this week with Steven StItyk Intes nstiorttlly known Violinist guest scolrt mu ov curruus rlre Sporting News reports two items at possible Interest JIrlt OItee has won position thirdsttitrg catcher with the SIItirmts Orioles And Jack llarrtasy but been appointed conch ltblrsl In two Irosonst Suitslo Brsvcs oi the Nationel hutetball Association Wallet I3 Wells is publisher oi the weeks by DuIdIlk ltlilld Victor Wilson grnetll mrnlget oi lies to begtsnled that ovum lirrtle EtrmIrt Irom libido merit todsy docs regrdn some privsie sir lscttltier But where the line to be drownl Are we going to attend the mtico so that every triple let has his own plans Ind It etch now her his ownl sine Ind dietetth has been eppolrrted Git RIIilAII Community Newspspets limited ol Eimvato in community was born over years sen Suns age II Jack Benny Which links up the Walls at Durham and dispute Who Walter El billet about tuvdly lssvoll Are nutrition to be able to use their twitter slung with thorn And will they tell their aircreit on vacation isurrlrl There were strong its over lions ttiat veto left mannered In tact though they were Iskod In the bottle the premier dldrtl reply And so the uncle rut oi the timed ouudon still Is contro vmlrt When spending erttevrgrrcs comes own to matter at de me and the public cant thew trin utrsvs recs Is involved here until It rows the rsltcrls ill try that the gotemment will be lollowtrrg Drrn NDEtt Do you remem ber when Joltn Ins bad lumi iure riots on Usytteld St hilt Clarks pretest ompurluml Next doord rs Isspc lane grocery quot ore Perkins used to have grocery store on Burton St std resided on Mary St next door to Walls lumin shortly alter Iteiv st item Ilmvsir to tote tits ctIrIt used to be Settle rent lot the Vicktts Express to Then there wIs leltl drug store end Christopher llsrtlsonja dtysooda store on meter street This community torts been commercially and slim oily Inclined lot years THE LIGHT TOUCH Columnists Mail Brings Surprises Ill IlAlr BOYLE new tottrr rivi tbtnu ecolurtrnls might never tum tilte dldn bursitis mail Some resealthlil It tied about Impllltg blood trout donors who use lipilill regularly Aspirin has tenth my to prolong blecdltr time and till Interim vi the proper clotting oi blood Jsparr It in nu dsnget It held drpopulrted There wee birth ll thalleounzylgvcryl it seconds on seconds Thu mighty Nile lltyet Brittle menus Ind srvlrur tot centuries ls slowly being trams Dams and triltrtlor rIrteLr pow enrblo II to wsler more than eight trtlllior deteri arm two million more ltmdlerrln ballots the raver to rcgtsm clan Itlltlons cl people have terel colds but no one described the allccls oi be er then titular DI di to tilt letter written till out at this moment derl in the sets hoarse throat red in the note tn the gills dump In the lullchy in the to his and AS itidrmti oer on slvAo cold matter ut tongues Ilsh is on the way to brownqu the Itrrt world language the mother tongue oi milllednlpcbpis rerun rnrurre too million more but

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