Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1972, p. 3

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crs $7300 Obi Onwer Men lit Deurie II II mm It the KIIIIILI sad pied drlhimil comma Im Ile rum tI Georre oldell Bill Micron In rouge II Itr Int Jerk Botla round the committee IN denim oi thin MAL HELP nmtulorioor lmwmw Iieliihetouimeiwdindoo II Deelrll Pl mug what GMMI aim centre In Trmte end the re minors Is kind In help trip mMnhMdew tut you time wu spent tor ed pelted wires mm In spent trInIportinr ohm IANll HAHN MONDAY APRIL ll rm PITTSBURGH ORCHESTRA MAIOR SERIES ATTRACTION trite eereueenrieg Itnurii the roller Mr Godwin end Mr running In nor poms It must tee utter The IIttehlm lympher Twer ian will he the meter Iitnttien II the mun mm min muted Iy OEctsterl Seal Campaign on met chm ell end Ni um mt ream row ective to the Irer centre In Too note than III sport on epoiieota LII thou Ind Ipllnte unto me Ion on Itentoeirrsheitomo Ieutmt nun mniiio in tor outlook touts ll tempered to moon troupe In Int runend thedilierrmismede upbythelimnitcllhollinr rIe Iir Dreerle eIltl 11m Ietienemmeliedndonllmh LendehoutIJWhm been retrrrnrd 11IIII eth to per eIIL Think whet wed em ii got men it per letter Wed In re 1W The Mien ere sent to harsh holds In Barrie noddisirirt tn chhtinl Anal Ind Base Borden Anyone wining to mete don etion ten Izod tun Inytime to Til IJstei Sent Nod Co The Klnols can at anrrie Box To Bertie Eir Mitts Hid there If It too young people helped by the Euler Seal Fund in Ontario Ind Inyone Iho tools child in Berri Iho could he helped by thin Iund should Ilso contact the EIII Burie Bout wrnpprd beninm event during the yleri up the junior Bowler umn The lunior pieyeti chum Seturdny ellrrooon Iilh In Film LEFT lmrl Door med henquetlllrlmiy lsr lam hell Im llmnl ish Hell Suptnisor Ilerlorin llm Corn nnn Dunn IEr Prtsion Ieid 71 bowler enuner Photo utkipnlzd in the junior Ind Kilenis Club Marine Service Proposals Will Be Accepted Tonight lnr control mommeock trotting In hill to the Kidds Clock II IIIIth all Ii the mice will in nuned II Inter we RueII menthmhtu dill he Irelihle Ii thin Itessee ilnnl mmt ddly III II Cretnl Collegian Auditor lnrn wire the lieIII lilie Ien Trie II New Brien will proseI count eI Iew end all ilmlloe en IIII Iue III rennin hew nmnBrnhipI will In he enileNI hinder III Rennie IiIII nut Is III IM lierrie Community Concert Amrieiin rieteplter Pertrntu dealtt nitutu ultedlied ie Ipptr II Jump Irv tegre II the mestrr saute ICE orvur illliliitils LARGE crown ther Johns two oi the lienh ARM Sehedny elm visionhnulleldenoittehrn the your Itr Pertreleg In Bronze roarom oi the run oquomumumt ior notion no Jene Weiin mu tilt bring intermission progrm oi the lnlottritdlnie division pertneed II In nieler mule St illonicas Student Wins WWW Annual Knights Spelling Bee III II will ploy pngnne It Illrnrm rIIIIteII end Item Buddy oi St IIotitII lemiiloren Idtooi toot El oprize In the St ltnryl and prepare pins in itxhntn from the lite termini Int iurther to no Imnmmjim west oi it that mild We in ior pmchnses oi Interiront The uty her pins to put gum trunk Iewer throom the timid met Illry Io semi lend Sty demioptrent eorrerntiu omit oi Indies Road or worn KOSAR no Sty tourwii tonith will accept in tor merino setviro mm to he insinikd It the oily rnerinn The city expects these pm Will will Inolude hoel in IIcIlItIes Iiong with Isomet ed services like resinurnht ior use oi meters Ootirxiiwiil be Isktsi Io Ip prore expenditure nl 920000 Io thnt1llion Enrlnecnnr ran shitty the SerIdy Hollow inndiIll rile nutter InnIie Combo lotl Iietih lrot St oho third routed II him will teIiIre Anne Godwin Inouni spelling bee hrld lest Thirodny Ctnsorntin Jollan iic III eilu the iotkrongn Ind Iniionel rnIeie It now em on on mood mo Gould Berien Phone at on oi Assumption Idlooi Phelpotoo end lrenk EILllI CLIPS Idmi In It MW tilted Veuuuirom Minolon Greco lie that were pretenied diIIRL lillhwdns contest dielr Adds Much To Our Resources with phone try Grind ltnisht mnrl lotto amid wes Idioti no Cocteau end will llptulnl not John Turner end lie The Kloenle Club oi Berrle tor Sell end So Ind Iieilsious molzmiepoutzd uric oi IItIh gt leontut IinToorr eight trips Ind protector these IIhrutrlps ere luilnhln Ichedulod tor this Sunday other contestants were Der with the Burt Public Uhrery tor lunior end Inlumedieil Him Service lands Ontario UNICEF Committee honeymoon on me Inuit he lupin on tnoinins to Neil In no Tyson Lenzmnn ot limo ureliglotu educelioltdrusnnd ltd content end record remit out ihih liil Onterio ilnlcei canon wian mo in Inhor out We IteeutIIItoldIeedooelrrweiisu ingrnetniuodlonelresotno em Asmdlilons oi Guelph It the puhlic rrnled Ior norninei iee ol Mnulpm mum Hr NWlmm CIAnIenIIulmnetingln xii six oi the series III trims modeller perdey For eny ln Huh wary to tnlorm the In reps 1c mg with Sun Lite Insurnnre Co dither Lllui Iittimrelipinus ucl wits pleIIe contrt us It III it mo the and no odth Nobel run Printout 330 JENWmW itmlub More loininr Wu with UNICEF United NI ethicternentrtn lnternrllnnel eld redo it one oi miiuco rep In birthday Iirololtfeilfi 1m am immoral Bren tlotn Womrndiinihede end development on heheii oi the and mullyorimi rum mtm mi km 5W PAMELA Sittim ed to his prrsrnt porlttorr wlIiIIr to ennounre the opening oi iIiI medical oiilce tor the prectire of Elie Underwriters Will Meet Eriday lludsteli training torr Iultenl ior Crown Ute will he guest rpcnter III the monthly meetinn oi the Liic Underwrit en Aisociotion ti Simmeilul koh Frill Ii 15 pm It the Broolde Perlr inn Iir ltuclutell spool to years Ferlily Physicien ON APRIL l0 l972 30 Owen Street 2nd Floor hull Ontlrlo OFFICE PHONE new roloplng amine munch We no Benin UNICEFponurdh Delendell oi to ruin Stotlu lee will host the Imitnt From the old Tcsilmcai Re UNICEF helps rountries help Story ol Fordva One termites throudi longrune 0i Illlllnrt WW Oil aEmei wet root or rein this mornin childoriented 1th would be oi Bane man Heads nod min overnight Tuesday metal benoill to children It Prim AssocIaiIon lilhdlilitliidii IRE low 305 the primery lunlor end inter rnedlIte levels Ircs tour to it Dnru In our Society Irr ies Iimed II youth it lilns the thou ol drugs their ecu ow the can be Ivoldrd iu the do Tooecco AI hhowe or ochIionIl rein to nlrht In the Berna region Cloudy wcethtr with no pre clpiletlon is must tor qu titty leouI tonight in this em itx WIyno throttle In It llnrrte wee eloctod pres eot oi the in tnrio Flirts AIIociotion SelterdIy It its Innuel meeting hcre Iuo motion Ilerlo Deon oi tier rie other oitlccrer should hit in the iowuos with hip tomorrow hrtwrcn to end It degrees nynnpnlr The cold lush pres Iuro nrrn ihnl iIIs dominet Onierio ior nevcrli due in giv ing rround Wnnmr Ilr trorn to term tonight out so SmeltSte Iilric Airtime tilt ilertlunnn Ls moiety with snow rndtnn ihit Kim Nnrcotier lh mornlnr Tuesday cloudy litrhs mp todey nod Iltestiey to to This rerles will he oi Iperiel lnlemt tn mnrcrnrd permit Torrinternl Cochran out with prisons Irhooi turhen rm lornu tiny rerionI Ciood Inhool or community ormlu in our with wet arrow or rain lions Ind lo the curious tndivldi Rent tint vlccorrsidcnt tin IIlI Scott 0shanII second vice presldent lemon Terrell lhun oer Bey Ircrctnry Ieen Torn Ilruott Alon trcenner Iilchnr limit Coroweii tho Iouthwcri clIshing with the mid Iir is produan Ions ol rnow over the Great Lllu nren the high presrure re ceden into Webec temper lures will rise into the ion end not new or rein will Ipreed into eastern cenan end North ern Dnterio SIIIIII dislurbonces embcdded in tho lmnlnl tone will more Iouiheutwe throum the lowtr token AI they pass theyle bring tempo rery hell to the preclpltltion Tompcreturrs whlin wermnr Lillll the recordbreaking cold molly experienced III still cooler then nonml end will re main Io tor the next lew dnye Toronto intermittent wet todny Show or nln who by oil lhesdey Iilernoou ltiriu lodey Lnttl end the boil oi lite ItrleI which exnmincs mornilty IIrIr Iii WI tonight lIeIr ill Illrhsluesdeymidite mi presenu the WHO incu White Ripyer Cloudy todsyloi tile with wet mow or rein in rome Topicsincludo uernlngnobot locIllItoI iucsdny cloudy love Ind Sex Growing Up Iilghs todey to to It town to From GIIIdhood to hinturlty night Ii to to Him Tuesday Iinvinn Belay liirIcle ot mid 30o Cmtlort Undenteryding Love 1wa lioniresl end OltewII Fulton Ind Who Iirn Stsrrh runny end htlh oi to mainly EMERGENCY to It low cloudy periods to night with low oi to ELIO Dent will Police mutiny inrrteslnl cloudinest Anhniente le exclusive concentrated Broke Zoning law Barrie Man Fined Benin roan wns lined iloo Friday ottenth oI three chnrg oi permitting two inllllll to live in house in men rorIod Ior single iIIrIily use Lewrence Morrison woe ritIrI nt the owner at house It lot Ind 1M Daphne Court end It thIndlcs lid row or rein endinp this moro the city IuhpotrIsrd the into thin evenlnt Ind tonight Tun liies iivinr in the MINI end this Ivtnlnr Ind otnlght The the court wns told that In each oionty lilrhs loony house two iuniiies iIId pIid rent Why it I0 Mill in Lilo low Illn Windsor Lela St CiIlr intie Erie Cloudy todey with IiIow crr or occeelonel rein by ovrnlrt iueidey cloudy tum todey end IIewlny It to so root end to to to north town ton tilt in the low Ills Ihmllton Ilendnrn Niernre western Lnte Ontnrio Ioulhcrn Willi Bey intro liuron In termliloill wet row or rnln end ing this morning showers or no cuionel rnln this evening end hold nt St Thomnr on Mutt mm mm mm ior Iire Florence Ilerrlrl low the dird In Toronto on Mud In tour tonight in the lower III or utter notion II mm errt nenrcien lley rerlens ligafnmmfl clouding ovoi qur lnirnttitirnl iy Ilri Iicrricit ormiid till now mill to that mmunity or Why yearn Rh lI IliIllhItl by her douch ter llornnrct thtrn Doonid it llulchotonl Toronto Ion tents MurielJones St Thom es xrnndliititlrt Anne Peui Int lrnnlr ilutcheson Toronto eintert IirI Taylor oi 1hr onto lire ltolmt limo nod Mn Snowing with the tumor neither coon upon us how Will you look on the hetch this rorruner or in your new wnrclrohrt ltcrnemher slim rner lrlmtnrr you it ell importnnt to help you put your hrsl look tendon It to It Kitchener to to to iorwerd Dorilwnit my luill rotunshtoe on quietly Inlelr Mount Forest to to to end eeslly with spring Illmming program It the Ieredln lienlth son Just cell or drop in or tumulttn lnlorrnntlon on how WinpiIIm to it In the militia Ind proprlnr ten henclil youi Sound 40 IO torsion on nonr 5er ron LESS THAN smcor TYS nosr comma AND LUXURIOUS HEALTH srn FACILITIES St Catherine in OFFERING YOU Toronto Trenton Kingston new not North Buy Seion Ilelr Dryrrr Snn Itooon Irllele Chenrr Booths Opte Air inning TrIcI IIndlIiIIIIl Prmnel Pro ngrnI supervised try Expert lI Itterse Button 11mins Ietrroltlnnei Iirmhrnhip lhet up he used world IIIII not week dime oi showers It the end oi the day lllfn Thewa to to to Iilgie tow Illnit lodey Tooleht Tim Vtllldtot IA 35 Smith it to to St IIIotIIIs It so It or use oi ports oi the house Tho cherru epccillcd that ronlnn resolutions were hroirn It Justice oi the Pence Ernest Burton Imposed the nuns OBITORRY AIM FLORENCE RI JONES lmily service end buriIl wnI Troplrnl thnInIiIIx Peol Utire Modern Gym Ind Contouring Seton The Most Modern Condition ing llolldlng IIII Reduan Equipment EIdeELPIIN Whirlponi Eutllnittl IIheleler ltoorn Benne Itoonn InlrI IIIr Cell Now tor your Free Fipure Anelyrle 7262i i2 PARADISE Gilli HEALTH SPA 63 COLLIER 5T BARRIE Reouslusing Item thnpineu Gerlltitcn ilooIoneI to It Weather iorneort brought to you daily by MICHELINX BTBEL BELTED RADIAL TIME FORA CHANGE Chenge up to Nowl William Common Fortonion nieces llrt illrnlo nrui lllss BAYFIELD 5T 7TIOPAI ltuthintrStIIIoIIItI5hewes 5MulIIIltrSt mom lint cousin oi this into Ilrl iLJDMSTL Merry Cult oi Bertie

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