with one my work What Happened sLsurhlrr After the vale wrote he rouldat believe It had hnpprord the ions ms ysme Thai us reneully the lodinl hid Iy HM HASKITT to pick up plsyers from pue it us series to Onlsrlo rrpresetrlt re ih But tlut us noon the beeSenlor lessor Instill in operation as well Is the erv lnurdianl senior lrsrue The Tenders Ilirr dirposinx oi the Soo two men ego pity lhrwyit this lied and shippiol ed the ktorisville Time the loan at noon partied on the Weber dunno nortlterss shore oi the hloctiasw Sinus in the week previous to the woe speculation us not about has sonny when the Our IdIIns would IlTL tell how bad ly Iauld they be beaten hy the rd last in the fru tesrn Unit Stairs orig lentils and bed Rotten into Sellers CInodI srrnillnsi more or less bydel when the thunder Day to ho had won the LSilL pisyotl ohnmpionshipy deeldtd not to first oiiA ehnrrpionsidp were bolstered by three estnvs irnm their league sell my some more to say shout that Lsteri Ind had been rated by Hill Wylie the mldl oilthd delenrhny Allan OI rhnrrorion Gait Hornets the strenyer loom erer to come out ot the OllArIli1iIWWd iihst answer it really sirloinThe Flyers werent ready They had eIoedv ed to win easily and that my led with lirean trust long ittl III their nodular Thats not meant to iIke Iny thny my into the Canadians Thedescmd in win Prldsy nlrhl They hustled they work ed and they won Irslnsl team lint had expected to win almost on rootllaiion alone lied the Barrie rllrh shown Titth re they maybe mid have won They hsd the Sunday Ii iiiHermie com even lhfvlooestoige reader to ol liar this learn Barrie pm mach Darryl Sty nit about the 500 did Thefts lot 23 And it hustle The ilyrrr Mind out ih would have in work to Deal lg CInIdlans They pulled up their lm Surdaymidld may The Son this is stirelementsde lhe ilyers runny oi waorn Irs zurpros they dont rsie tsleob wise But as Sty points out at gasnbgrrocm ismreruni tint is ptlhlusntie pat the Flier ark Ird they should disposeI oTtho 9m Ind Idysnee to meet the lsryi senior tea lint they let down the hull oi the Boo yourde will carry the Canadians to olher win Ionly hesbotv to or Di mm as Flym Ire GETTING hacktothe hiisboui Wkhm etc Theres rt controversy henan over the Ierlrs The Son Cen adinns have protested lo the Carr ttrlldhAmaietlr llockey AssoclI tion about the playoli serlet ids is rated as In Allan Oto antral Student Wins Gym Title tknlrsi sallerlstos Alien Orti yth won the senior thamplon nip at the Georgian Bay etc try sdlool boys shutouts id mmpetillon at Newmnrhl lurday Owsllenko wills the hldhest errors ever obtained in the Geor nnBny dlsirlrt quaiillrd tar AllOnlhrlo championships to held in Ottawa AHlslonI Drnd Coil nlnud roo in tho nmlor division The jltllislon team was llrst overall Central finished second behind Alilston with both teams quality tor the Alanlnrlo meet at Ilsion next Saturday in the other divisions the mer loam had Oren lluhbert pHelnn fourth in intermediates nnd Dalo liloalrr third in too lllhhan winners tor Conlral wrre Jim Testsr Wa he Alt Dean llloGlrr ttolrhis one YludoMembora Graded Higher Gillian Sruddrr Ind Glen tloi ns oi the Burris iuda iuh Wttd graded lo stern and eliow litlll respectively It the roster llslashlln tournament in March in Toronto At the senior llatIrhlla towns fment lets liulllsr won lirrt Noce hi and Brlsa Wilton Moo toeood plIcI ribbon our runners Spldere have tour pairs at dots and thus on related to but jars not insects in shot was the Eastern Canada Irmlddei rules our Iii sheared now out yesr alter the whee turtle aided it was dilly rotrd upon Ind posted to strata the OiiA NOliA nodes pert oi the Allan playniis north the same In the tianlloha champ plI the Seskstrhewan winner la the RC Beagle Hllists mm Lit Air berta rummlndses The Gait iiorrlrtI mot Thunder lisy lIsl year under this setup The CAllA rot its slice al the pie mi the lionsels and TB were allowed to use up to five other players lrosn their league titsrries Polo Pannnalslru play rd with Unit in that series rcstly lh ese ehanxrs somr nw didnt liller down to the 5m cluh tilled they lound out the Barrie rlnh was allowed pleknps and the CAHA wee ret ttnz sundhinl like 70 per cent oi the rsle Ilter expenses they tired oil letters at retest to CAtlA prrslhnt Go Jnires and otiApresideut Tuhby Srhmsitx Tishbfl IMP the OM which Includes the Flyers lmt es Irily enamored with the mill to the ChtiA either But those Ire the rules as they stead It the present time Sold Maurie Stone the man Irer ol the Soo club The CA lllt did ltlor one reasonenemy Were not protrstlrll so moth lnr ourselves as tor the team that wilimhegt damn he rom pisiaod We didnt have In op portunity to pick up Pillar trorn tiwlndsr Be ilhe only other NOliA Ititiaied sealer teami 11 We been all states larthm wee Theywmtidbsnoroodto os they should hate made it branch tidal he added which memo that neither team would have been allowed pickups until this series srssoter Unlorturutely those Arent the rules II th stud The Stop club should Ive been lust Is swore oi hw thinss are done now Is the Barrie club is Ind letters oi protest Irent point to make any dillereooe in our estimation ii the Boo ciuhls unhappy bout the situation as it re ardI then it shtilttld wer the money Iyerr then it slsssdd work thron the MM to not the rules blunted instead oi islnlnr and pro lestlnr it show have explored how to use the rules Is lit presently stand ior its best onshore The Firm did Return By Populsr DsmInd Only For quiet relaxed evening loin us in Charlie Browns Cork tsll Lounpe MT CORNER OF HWY Ill situated almost iSrstlnttlI Coststh Soiihall Group Names Olticers NIAGARA iALlA Out at Lloyd Alrulrs 0i Cello Him retired on the werseod as treasurer oi the Ontario Am Iieur Sotthnii Association poslllMi he had held since ms He sees replIred Is treIsnrer hy Leroy Plohard also oi St Catharina retirinr prnsldonl ol the association Elected president It the Itno clIllonr 50th annual casrvenlion wIs Ceo hints at Gait Hosted ilrsl sirepruirient wu Torn Sims oi lirIlord while Vlnra Walker at Port Perry was panned nomad vlorlepmldehl Don ll Prescott oi itio thir rrnt oIs named third viceer Idrnl and Belch oi Belle site was relumui as secretary Winners It Suodnys roiloli It iternptievl Ire seen with Collsurn Hi AND RWY toe 71bit NliinSlil INN Fully licensed dries sonlis oi BIrrie Ilwy ti This Week in our Lounge RAIN Cosmeer itoeosl IssllIhis It Is churns tloodsy rrldsy use pint 10 pen all in lllmltiollt Telephone Nulltilt er Mum NI Milli sponsor Don Hoopmens ilelt SOO CENTRE DON GROSSO ll AND OERRY AlleNAMARA SEARCH FOR PUCK Wilma Harker Wins Silt Prize InKoopmalis Bowling Festival Wilma ilIlker took home show ill June WITH FainI theme tor $500 Sundey otter Kelty rot and Jim Bell noon II lhI his wianer oi the The tournsenent was deslmd final roliotl in tho Kooprnsnr by the myunentntltesnpvlew Bi Milo Testiin st Km Bout and sponsor Duo Boon slew Bowl nuns slid upon only to hirsiinrter won wilhsihreo Till It use hotel at on timely lol Posh bowler ya BUM by codprize handicap smiling to his or her use up up league Iverer with the better mm thm pm bowlers return minds end the bowim plus ma cur was the third prise Pg handicap was added or mo Mm subtrnzted on the tint ram Fourth piste ml or went to Hr Ed moles who had uove oi llo Dennis Motors won the lltlh place too with In BOD snore ve other bowlers won prim at its each They were Laura Thurman one Ooleen Knee Mooe sronrs on once 15 liter prise dsequeswere hand ed out The winners rnosanm iritoorznsns Wilma iisrker that Eric tthlrdl Ed English tlourth Mutiny tlmd ms Cline are 56 eE $5 IF idisnierenlers patriot tho ELy er soaring iohss innrarinl All Ooiettl and Jim Wiley aoirhed the Soo mob hers Allrriridtylii tsloestothe Osmium Barre ploywooed Darryl Sty had prodded th elrds mid be 50 per ernl bet ter Sunday They were as they stated and checked their wsy in the win but with little help trons the NOltAeppoiobzd relrree Bob Rsssbrek in hlyr estimation They hit as hard as we did the Bends playerrooch said But we not Ill the penalties it will belsnoe out down south hope The re ssld hockey is nose at limits and shtinr not hlttlol Well hiltinn is part ol the same town south The Flyerr were Itilted it puoIllJes to Tour to the Canad Ins SliOTlTIIANDEU COATS The disparity in the penIitles didnt hurt the Barrie club as lionnhen Ind Drsper scored Ihorlhaodod rolls and the Fly trpclteltyvkllll sounds hunted the Soo waxy soloists tion to the Fly Ind Dennis lionro tlitthl ills atttiner Photo nsEndrrs hldsys some the as 353 in 3er immo ii lrreose the Son coed sIhi He pulled oil mote oi his uses shes the soon was or in the retool PLANNED hiettansro started Sande Is ptsnnod Flym Ken Payne us in the not tor the Friday loss and will psdsly siIrl nest Frlv dry when the series returns to lnme tor its co rtlan Sty plans to IllrrnIlI two net third in the series Iiii pat on drrwny at too pm wile the lourtls name Ill be plsyed Sel llrday nidii hills Irne it necessary will no it Iy Tho ELyors veteran line oi Ad Imr iisrxisla Ind Panszsirko were once min the his glans Pantubtn was standout Hie lan Wbcisld olmhis iloernalts scores rs ins one Sol natrrdnder Bill White Hillt lt Bolh oi Hoothans tint pen iod gals moo on brentsuys Ind dlspinrd Imusle shoot in by pickinr eorners on While He came slots to lttHn trick lots in the rune once ruin tremor in alone But the soul wns culled book as Barr rle player had loomed pend ly on the ploy Aeornh scored on deection oi Tim Phililld shot lrorn the point in the DIN Drapers msrtrer with last it seconds romsinlnn in the gorse Ind the ilyers min shorts ended Ilsa come on break Iwa The lormer pro picked up if get tran rpm to sins time The nyas wilpnriicsinenlay Ind Thde nights It cos this week SUMMARY rst Period Berrieilsndhla tPInIrth hi SooJ Mllrlni Vileyi hit Soo Onleitl Wiley BIttieBiooshsrt iDdhssth ed lNBmlI Adons iiioodslsl Barrio Isnnrobto dell Moms 1111 IiBsnietioashan Densities Omnlnthem ash stick 1515 Elm 15 dtook iitnIhIn Bl ionsnrinliSt ltli Rlird till but il1t7 Second Period llsrvis Adam thumb to Smith some Penalties Gmnlnshsrn mistoode 750 Snsith rhIrye ruse Third Period looBiron iAmIdlo ettll iron to Bessietranslate obkol 410 ii BarrieAm Draper Inn lI BIrrloDraper hlmt list Penalties McGotiHn torlererue ttohtlllsn Bl motor Rim yor Wiley Si ndatn iBl mnheek Baird Bl ll Work Simplification oad Methods Improvement INDUSTRIAL NGlNEERING MonogementTrolnlng Oriented AS ysIrs prerisnee Would like to help you solve yourprobienu on lee heels Willins and side to travel anywhere let me heir you and we con errsnre to meet HAROLD SMALL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT rsr costlier nose rsmswrcn out No naruun TELEPHONE rooms now in THEIR srcouo BIG went SECONDTO NONE Dine and Dance from to mm Enloy Our Luncheon BUILD YOUR OWN SALAD llo Varieties OR HOT BUFFET WITH ROAST BEEF $200 BROOKDALE PARK INN TSO Dunlop Barrie TOT norm APPEARlNO THIS WEEK DAVE TODD GOGO DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT Nightly tor the best in Folk and Country Music WELLINGTON HOTEL DIIivp ll Wt itSiiii VISlT rue OUEENS HOTEL rots WEEK or non TERRACE ROOM BILLY JOE BUTTERFTELD TRIO Air Conditioned Nisotly Entertoinrnesl Visit Outl RTDE AWAY lAiUNGR It Dnniop St will The LAMPLTBIITER ROOM lull Unused Businessmen Larch Benedlltlu ilil KENNY tr ANN HEPBURN Pun Ruelsl Nightly INT In Mon thru Set WINDSOR HOUSE votin St Aiilrtos Islam POINTS t0llNGE SIMCOE HOTEL Nlournv monstrous 900 PM so lr00 AM TRY OUR BUFFET ohm FULLY LICENSED UNDER ECHO lN OUR LOUNGE The Dynamic Sounds of THE IN crown BATE3R MOTOR DUNLOP ST Horst rssosse