Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1972, p. 9

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on ttnIl the Steve pre Irt the Bid game plet tilt Tro Itur IIMI the ADS GLASSYEYED Vlnreote Roodon ll teolrd by mood on the oor It the rink in lltrrnttleedrtonlyhtattrr be we posted out in the Iec bob Foster Wins LightHeavy Title RIIAIII REACH AP Rhett tulrinl Venemtiea th top nt hiday him and Wmod knockout to war the undtwuted world thmwrdabt boxing title Footer alyeIrold New eetco policerrrIn oored the SotrllIArnerleIairtttulettbook three earlier in the mod end then has RADAR til IN oods romeloiol Itwnsthotldevtrtorytnn RIRIAIbflltlmllnAllllRIJIIRSIDI outcrvrur rrocrm IUNDA leIt the 100 IM FIRST RACE Perl lune 5100 one Nile Doneldr hi Moore liludlily than Home Adios Wm Troy Judy author liltberr Danny ti Spencer ltctllp yrtrrrn Robbie Fox 701am Water iirm Welluood ottoman Duke it SaInrure lAint Andys Delight ltIIc town urn It rm Iunr arr tldllillld Clrttr H000 initw ruck Burdra it000l Storm mm 1000 httNulI narrow Wrmrr t1000l Wm Troy or Plateaus 1th IAch hhcstrnt trrtt t000l tee summit At noon It tholrott rst lrnitor uooor ta iiiu April Iirotlorr tl000 lrwrrrt lTIIHIl HAW it Trot Nurse 3100 Utlt llrie try Clary rrroa liillitl Dorotrd irrk Lou Favorite trail IutRSilR Luring Kat It train titirrtlys lirrrpurrt llttltttl re It Little lilsti lttutlhir Annas titty htrrrIlrtush iturlhy under it luuhlt it Ilrtmlys IJrh irllitutwl All trrsu Lin Inltrlrluvll FOURTH RICH it Part Nurse $150 the title cling mm mtlwr Quinttin Cnnutmhd trawl ll Strait 2k llitl limit Gibbons Brother Noble 1500 tru Hrllr wood Knight to trim toznrisl tarnplightn torn Hoe Arthur 0er hr thrrrlin troooi line Phrr Ttllll tor Ace ttsooi It ltuttort Irtta Worthy ttiool that hum All It Ilrr tnthy i1000l NitIda llllll RAIN ll lntr lttrsr 50 One title Trrtnltirr Brrrrrtrrrr to coin It Givrn Iltltr tinrilairr ll Galbraith ttrrtnio Adin lt Pollard lilirlnirzht Topic Itlehnlrhl Smite thn itno Vttl Fuyrn Homeland Roy ltooro 35mm Dlreri Steward ill lions Tidiul Clay litr rrro smrr rmcr rsr rm lrrno not One lilte Cirug liner to $2200 tallwl Superior litur lltd0l thooht lohnlrod Roy 2000l How oa High Patch 1000 Iollrttd Ill Yankro Girl I000l ilrr All Niyht truool hiat hm lriorse ltir drool trn Well not Gordons Express trlutn tl nme lrnrry Aloe tlml tini lurdy Leafs by In caurorau raw Even tt Itrooto llelI lute ddtlrl MI 33 there may homer thank tn them tor beetle Boston Bruins It least once The lIIlI round the Bum id in overtime in Boston Three lndk themdeem or e1 quart ernal Rt into Toronto tied It III each third me la WIN the mod StuIdIr DIET In Toronto end the filth Tires in Boston The lair now are riding IbIt mntre Jun liIrrisoa cal out ydtolozlrIl upliR Ind event they cant II In other rune theyre euro to an Berton some trouble Now its rest tough mtg ml twat nu Bostm do Ienrrmnn Dallas Smith alter the nylon ml tom urine tor the his means the mtsyoll plrturs that Iatorod than to rornpatltheu totheStIn communal uterus am race and round ot liyht heavy weldtt title mItcb by Bob Fos let Rondon uttered toners Linn AP Photo auoroue who had the World hotter Adetioo um mIldrrd trorn his bad 15 min In tor inadequate tie raters trondoo Won the taunt Willi title Ind detended mtulty tour times betnre runninr Into Foster the slender dadootv powerhouse pram who dime lost to lighthem Il Roradoo rullrrrd WIRE resrtt the knockout He was hIIteIrrted hellhelped to room SEVENTH RACE thel lret Pram 01200 One litlrr Preferred Qulnotla Glonmornt htinl ll Stcstl Lise ll Sam For Itertan Mike hockhart Gallant tlot GItbntth Ricedrl Oorhrono eltlrnberley ltiuo ltottatt argued RACtI ttl latr tune Orr tile Ctma $2500 to Sim ill Shipper Plrlt it$00l Ilurprr ogimme 1500 War ttclh tKawarthI Babe 7t00l Inw son Spearor tlwtll im Tho Orient Betty 50 IIio ztlltooptettrs ti l10001 It Hot Spanish thee mom Hope NINTH RACE tIIl Iltrr luree 82000 One lllte Invitation tShIrI Jude Moore lltrcror it steal locust Don lnRush Dont Due tile The Flier lltllonl Notne Girl Itrn Troy Meta tm ellwood algoNTIt RACE ll IIer Puree tluu title tlrno tlooo tntltrl llxtretor lullhmltt Hanover Moon Vol Goldrrt Ilerrrst I000 l2 thrown Nit ithOl II Stritnrt Holly ltrrtrrsoa 000 it Dukes honunlu Iitlt troool lilo Guttron tt Stoncy Dillon 1th Ate Nltighl Jennifer truoot Walter Drama Do Attritlte l000l New York Rmyrrs apparent ease In hrndllny Montreal Cans dlrns Ilto mid IIIKI the eventual outcome tor the high By THE CANADIAN PRESS To most observers Pittsbuth Penztrlnl Irtd St lauds Bhree chariots oi otrrtIttoy their op petition In the rst round oi the Stanley up plIyollI look bleak But their player Ind roadie remain optimistic despite the leads hold by Chicago Riark tthks orrr Penrulrrs Ind lilo mote North Star over the Blue In the bestotserta re rice The Hanks IIiI Pittsburgh and the North Stars are In St louh tor Saturday and Sunday encounters oolltbihk we rrlaytxti amt runes III Bobby Letter Our rays Irent down and we know we can but em will hcl Pttsburh nob Red Kelly raid1 Players NEW YORK AP Where does the baseball sirrtro so Irorn here its up to the owners to make tottrrirrproposal so we can start bargaining said Martin littllrr ureNtitr dirtrv Baseball Players Association im polar home said John Expos Maire Second Trade MONTREAL ltli Htrttt reel Expos completed their sec ond trade in two days Friday when they acquired inlieider Hector Rum and that base muaauttirlder ltol Breeders Other NHL Clubs Thanking Them Penguins Chances Appear Bleak me home ire and the end It Up To Owners tor at the striking Major League it try Get pmerrd BruinI that Dirialoo tor mutt year The handles cotltt rally but Raoxm ban the Idrlntm at 14 load In their Ieriee enter Into Ilttlrul It the third and 21 Int ionlrht Ind Din The powernrl Bruin were II rorrd to have In my time mind the tent and Auto Instant the winner ol the httnne Iota North SimSt touts Blues rules in the West have rert betoro meeting red rider annular born the semitint Itemen wianuI at tho NeobeelNew York Ird Orl rIro Sleek IIIwksPltlIburrh Mull rigid road rs pro to Stanley has taken on Iddrd lung It rest ot lIteIeI Ion Inhrtu to Boston layer Illhur melt Tbrn MR and Tomato May that sat were beetiay IItistac DEREK DOURTIUI The only doubtlul stnrtrr tor tonight said Johnson was rcntre Dmk Sanderson who has been ENNIan talth in hot pltIl with In Ihanrnation ol the bowel We were within one poet tiny and we could have come out little better They didnt run us out at the rink RUTHERFORD SAVES The Penguin lost It Thurs day reecting the excellent roalirndinx theyre asttlnr tram Jtm ltuthrrtord ltinntsota noodrd nrrrtime to rot part the Blues on Thursday in wild tooaelyylayrd rm Were always been Ibis to bounce back said St thuts comm lit Arbour An tntrrestlm rideliaht to the rootrontatioa In Pritahurrhs Civic Arena may he Iyrrnewnl ot the troll between llnoks de lunctmno Keith htltnttson and Penguins Iorword Didi Struck Shack Mimi motor pen altyln the Intmelller Irnuron Iultered ttstlltli rut on NI loreheed trorrt Riarkl Itirk Director Guberin rtprcsrntrrtp the riot owners the Latest erriraan oorurmi thdny hi when the It own are unurt mously rejected an utter try the players to start the season while pension nerottn uttl resumed tor up to thrrc wotII with on im Irttal Irbl trutor to be rolled rr it on tel tltment was roadrtd At the same time the players rroup Irurounctd plans to tile untorr labor practice charm against the worry with the uni trorrnl labor relations board but ltoss counsel or the play ers association charred that at least three players have lost their tabs because at their antiv Ittlrls uthwl the lard to name thorn but The Associated Press iramod thIt one was ptirhrr The Shrine then rero likely to lootturtrrr rorently given his trnroadrtlonhl release try Ch euro White Sex CALLED OTFENSIVII Gahcrta called the proposal to trom hitter Grim In exrhnrrrs tor erhnndtd pitrher Dan lthInh Gruornl nraanpor lirn lIrr nlrry oi the National league thrnos said Torres will remain wit the In Imuuo etulr trhlle llrocrlerr trill be assigned to the rLass AAA lrnitrsuln White oi the International them Thursday the Expos sent stub ling ntrttiohter Rusty Stuuh to New York hints in crchanrs Iur shortstop llnt lntt that base All Lucy Diamond 1200l Strains clay Awwouwcruewr Victor is pleased to an rtmoto has joined the stall at Victors Barber Shop lane is very well known In Barrie and area and Is looking for lricrrds and customers in his new location 7T6TTTI Mon BAYFIELD MALL it lastly it Hi trust 1th Heart and outilrldcr Non Sinatoton trounce that lit IAIRD ward to seeing his many uranoutlioldrr into Juracosrn Mene Hairstyling Specialist Up to quarts Quaker State SuporBiend MD or Regular Mon Tues th LENO AMATO thourrnds Ind lhotllentll of eunerrpelieniurecurrd Cancercon be beaten TIRE AUTO CENTRE Hwy 26 27 IBIyIIIld St Barrio Law uselultriend tietu Iuiust GMT New labora torrrr have to be built and equip fled nuills eciehttrts to re all mine loZo paid nu Oall PrIk edeoel downed hlele rore drool In ltd tten death amtlrno thunday Ittrraoon tor the Area one otorrtrntary Iebanl hockey rhoirtpionrtip At one point lilsple Grate In down to but lourbt back to rain its by the end at rendalim time The winnln nIl lay Itowerd llomden ram It at min Irtts Iad to morale in the first overtime period Cost tet trrs IrI Oakley Perk were Jlrn Angus Ind Dan marrow with two For Staple 6M1 Robert Borden netted not while rrrr cauanrrrrr rarss The Ontario Hockey AssooiI tlna Jurdor season ended lor Niagara tatts IlyurI lridny Ind darted tor Tod Potter new coach at lamina Nnirhts Oshan GenerIls disap pointed mart ot the Ztt that in Niarara Falls by dumping the llyrrs li tor tit rdre in the beetoiaevtrr ornrtrriinal se rics Hourerr Dower bceume the only undotoaitd emrh In the league as ler anrhiu stormed to th winorrr Ottawa to tie the series II and lorre ttto deciding come In OttIuI Sunday Puree took over from Bronco Horvnih armor NI onll Hockey Argue star with Boston lllarulru MRO war Rrrd Thun than are quirk put on the wirrrrit the dispute to arbitration partirulnry oilerrslro to the owners He then suggested thst whilothu parties with the es ristenre at such experts as may be accesses to tour to aero tlate in tot wnadegi Theron Our It takes millions to harm the thorI the players noon the reasonli RRIIR HOCKEY Robby GIrner nettrd too The tram II RACK ROIY FRO LEFT Dory hitter Kevin Johoatoo lloh Kerr Ilavrerd IIandden Shane Titty Tnl hIcNIhb little Gibb Don Rllly MIDDLE ROW FROM lEFIl Sloth Renoir Wayne Cole Brad IttIrllonIld Don Shannon John Starenor James llehohh Bri In Our Irvin Jitrnrton FRONT ROW IROII LEFT John Ooillnr Jtrn ham Don ltrClolierd and Andy Broad iny iExdmnet Photol TIIE RARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL In Wins First Game As Knights Coach book as the Kalahts took so lead In the tint period It was so IRer two and the name was never In doubt The udanrr ot the OttawaIan don series mchs iNimth in tho mhlinals while Turunln hlurl borne rrrrct ltterborouth lrtrs The trrst game between Tir ronto and Icterborourh is also Sunday TRY HXAHIN WANT ADS PHONE mlttt ltlildPlOtt Togethemess ls Paying Oil For Nova Scotia Voyageurs By THE CHARLIN PRES plnl the first nine 54 Th Torttbrroeu tr phyla all for In SrotiI Tweeters In the American Hockey lorerue plIy olts tor hidd 0m Aitl ItItutlsa show that the dry VeyIrIrIrI travel Springeld tor encounters to night Ind arm and the hip prrs trill plI tonight and They day In Ger Vere had or inrllttdlal stars but II unit they were strong moon to nish In II Iur Iirst place with Boston Braver tn the Eastern Dittslon Friday night they chIt Springeld Ninri another to 0t miTntrny delmt S0 to like 20 trad in the bestoIserrn quarternal They wen the so tiny opener to Itcannhrle Baltimore pars who ended Hist Iur Hrst place in the West with Hershey Eran squared their bcstotr rode by blanking Cleirlaad Batons do Iiter drop loyarrurs placed only thrre phyrn humor the top so reor Irs In the Alli Ind there wIsnt an Individual lender may them but they displIyed lot sound teamwork and bone tried trom stron ymttendiar This was eridrnt mom ltirhcl Ilusse posted ht mm coherently playolt Ihutnut be Clitr tore ital rrryrtd ol 2205 rtrwiay shots despite the tart Spnaylird has on iLr roster the leagues Iradlnz goalscorer Wayne Rivers who had it In the regular season NOW HEAR THIS MONDAY IS CAPTAIN SUBS HEAVE DAY PIy REGULAR Price For Any One Submarine SIndrriIh Ind pet the TND tor HALF Price SoSolloninto CAPTAIN SUBMARINES ON MONDAY AND llEAlE Due North at Ind lllhd StorI Dunlap Economical Insurance Company The Economical road sign In becoming familiar eight alongside Ontario highways And today many home and car owners are cqutdly Inndiiar with ilre service it ndvertisosEconomicnl rrreumrrcr Economical is Conadionowned company with one hundred years ofoaporienceintho general Insrtromo businmEconomlcoln services and protection plans are available through independent agentsmen who can give you the professional unbiased advice you need when buying insurance Ask your independent agent about dependable lowvoosl pro tection for home business or auto from Economical Rru are some etotrrmost earn friends Ind con 51 to to Hell hielnlrnam tor the 21000 mice that Ito one time rum to rm dry may have It Irry An electron mtemo costs from 1000 to $68 Cell rourttert Iro 86500 Arr ulrrI eeatrtture It timid The tollrso on end on But ey re payrny oil NowedIys tor trrlher trriarmotion contort your ItXI Canter Unit CANADIAN CANCII 500 ECtiltloMICA MUTUAL inserttwee GOMPANY Established I87 Home Heart Ollteo Kitchener Ontario BUSINESS AUTO srrveusu co 3A Dump For All Types ot lnIurIn

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