gt NEWS iIOIINDBP Bennett Calls On Turner To Establish Controls THE MIMI HAWAII MTIJDAY APPIL trn ieItlrtr and mrmrlallrllblwwu akxaliur ta till Iain II rearrb on scarvme arml and trrnncxaa Canadas cen trounce to Lie unclear It Iota NAT rraI NOILID retained to Iron picket lanes set up by rind to Ontario Ilydm motor the uptown when at local rote Obadiah Union at Polite Enuioyvcs waited ell tbdr It word llmlo pro test Ilydrrar rm ol nonunion WIDOWED AFTER WEEKS Joe Gallor will at three weeks and his rt ughler Lira to leave pa ee station In lower Itrnhrttrn Friday Iitcr Gallo was shot to death Policy Statement Needed lilo Gallo carrier hls hat Glllt shore challenge to brooklyn underworld leader shipsdecadergoledtaadoa rn greased slayings was skin while attaching his Ord birthday lna restaurant early Friday In liluabnttrns Lillie lialy AP Photo By Federal Govtz Davis HAMILTON 1C Procraler William Davis said Friday Ole trawl mtrst rorno up relatively soon with policy rlricrncnt It tho Itlltmnle obicetlyes OI ccenavnle rrrd cultural national tnn III to he achieved hlr Davis on nrvedray visit In Ilnmlllou wanted that no at in province can operate in tap alien to the hind ol toderalcd nation that we ill in The Iedorrl white paper on Iorelpa investment hard on rusty by tcdcesi Revenue lilnlo tcr Ilerb Grey has been prom trod tor several maths Idrbrvi11perking la Ute Goyt Appears To Be licensing StrikeBreakers NDP Leader TORONTO CPI Staphcn Lexis Ontario New Dernocrntlc Party leader told the Icairla lure Friday Uln provincial gov ernment swears oha openly lb ccnstng tirikohreatlng rcvu rlly turns its suggested that Labor Illn Ister Fern Guindon loot Into the licensing oi Candim Security Services and Its possible ties with ansdirn Driver Pool lid lllcltrtd Grangv president Ganadirn Driver Pool WEI tutoI NW Wtdncrdey tor eon Graduale Students Present Petition WATEIIIOO CPI The On Irvin section oi the Ganndtrn Union at Graduate Students do 4th Friday to present the pro vincial government with poll tlun protesting lttvttbm In unl vrrvity tuition ice It tho grqu ate icvcl Iiesnuhile mcmbcra ot the Council ot Onlnrlo Unlmslllu muting elsewhere on the Uni vcrrlly ot Waterloo campus voted to opporo the Increases tor undergraduates both grm wave NECIUILID the Ontario bvdget provision to Increase urvderzroduato tuition leer by strait two and moduaie love by abort lilo next year The grodrtntcs many at whom work as parttime nainlcloca while shrbtrrgusaid It the pclb lion Ith to reduce results they would conti er publicin carn balcn or wotktoruio nwrsum LIGHT COMEDY Cactus to bloom at Central Collegiate APRIL 28 29 AT PM with the Littles HIII Players IIIIITIUIOII Irvd District Clinvlvbcr oi hormone acid decision by Ontario to estabiim Its own criteria toe Canadian owncsrblp hr the investment hxisrlry re amed It rumpus ago Ilnhr no Quebec ra er titan Toronto Ila raid the Investment ltrrn established In Ilonlrunl but doing large oi llv brui rrnea in coins be did not rramn the than and could not mail Its name risen qrrdrtlorrnt or but Ire said this reected the need tor policy on Iorelrn ownership that would Intelli gent torrent moderate and pro xplrlng to top the trlrphone lines pt union lost tall while It was on strike against sugar NMI Canadian Driver Pool otlcra reniccs such as guanh drivers and trucks to cor nlcs whose worlrcrr Ire on etri lllr Innis rnld Olrrldlan So parity Services willy was linked to Canadian Driver Pool Ibrouv James Kevin Ilcllvrrn tbhot Oshawa tanner lbronlc pocernan and schooirnalo oi trance ilr Itemsn heads CI nudists Security Services end he said In an interview later Theres absolutely no source lion between my cmny and Richs Altosno Gcnernl Dalton Bales to Air lAwIs such llnns have bcen under Investigation tor sortie time and he expect report soon Meanwhile the United Steel workers at America on strike against two Toronto lanlr lays Itsmncretirlrlcopnv villi mars me rrr mper Canrdlrn Driver Pool WE SPECIALIZE IN ADIIII BOOKS BOGARDIS Corner Essa lid and Titibt 5t UP OPP To titular TIcLII OPEN NOON so PM TV and Nadia tube Ievllnl Flower TICKETS S2 available It Pearson Shots Jruer Elailoaery Jukroll trill IIIkrlunvI Phone 7ZBOI36 vent unilateral action by grove traces TALKED TOURED VICTORIA ID Premier revetment had studied In Ir three birds It less and deer alas pvnebutng one Ir ex pected soon Earlier at tianailton ruidesrta raked blr Davis about All how light to Store Vt prices and tr lEtch reuse tbe brtlIEbuahm rovernrnen would prong Its loll cooperation Charges Probed omws rcrr that the Ontario College or Pity rklrnr end Surgeons trim to Wile with Coroner II Gotham dicing recess tam here are to be Investirat by the Ontario Medical Assoclrr arr Dome the Inquest Into the deth oI Ilrs Denise Seguln lowing In operation dalmed to reduce her vvelgrt pg mm listlhgollreogvhnnhnd to us an medical wttnum Wm The charges have been am by Dr Jueptr bawrovr Irrrottbe college mu Beer Tax Changes orrAth CPI lt chance It lseINn arm bus as MI have said they eh hill Elna MAP roots Into with game all mlelnu rpm ea in Utility SIIIIE In the Tbolooduvidrugrdndnistro toe Nilll holiday nub his lite and In children Mr Davis told them that his In IMHO usendays Ni It and he bad to on call at Ill time lie arid llIr demand Irr rmed government risersll Crops forecast OIIAWA ICPI Canadian tamer Inirnd in plant III rnII lion Icres oi wheat In lm In percent bacmse than last at Statistics Canada reported MI Inrvnera Intern to plant linerer Its barley 31pev tent lass rum liverch lens tin and lbpemnt less 17 The acreage eatrrnrlca are based on survey at iarrnerv Intentions Is ot Ilrrcb it In all blotlntn excva Newtnvnxilarxi The torrent Ilt million acres pt wheat while it per ml alsovr the rm total at sea million acres and rec cent more than the lb million acres oi mo ls still Ii per rent lower LBJ the ISWIO Ivrrrgt To Visit Ontario OTTAWA CPI Opposition Leader Robert Staneld tries tnday log Lanna milio next week mire Kingston and Nutrition in Kingston Iiraadr be will take part In In is CKVIS radio do and news can more II will loin shnilar show on CJBO radio BetteriLe Inter Iblrb III be broadcast born hasten betel Inter Itoaaday II Ioqu In interview in Throttle tar Tim and address marinate Ingneetua gtntberidingoITo min Pauls Isesdry be will hold ques lion period vvith blgb mt stu dents In Etobboke then man to brrnilnni tor news cooler rneI Ind lunch IllB Iorll Coo rervrtlrnr Work Halted DOUGLAS POINT Ont lLlt Onelnvclion hurt at the bruce heavy water plant bere Asked Iridsy Iben tradesmen uvv LOBSTERS Available IvsI rt BARN SEAFOOD RmAURANT Air Mlleled Opel II II Butler we Friday it II I130 CLOSER MON III Indian BL mess NOW PLAYING PM Is PM THE FIRST recorded meters at tbeplaru about IS miles Ioslbml ot OlmSGnI 11 mi customs animating covlpmt at the station StudenISilIn TORONTO ICPI About Id students mostly bitt school are held ailLn on the rech peted eenlne alrirerre It Tourislllliraction TORONJO ICtl Tum miller that late sail ma the Ontario gvsvmmt Lv cm rldoring dramatic Mist gt traction lite Dntztn Place In Lb nonh Ilr bite and Janos Ram uy dalm oi the Serb lion Ontario Place downs it use Ontario to been assigned to suggest another such Illllb liar In the province llwevu III Rhile said it irr too early In ray Ihnt the secondary reboots guitar removalan Ilarrrlton I85 Dunlop FAMILY DINI Monday Queens Park Friday to protest lamented tuition tees tor put The students chanted in not Davis and sang surrga to Premier Withem Davis was in Some students passed out BIIAISED BABY BEEP IIVEII with onions Wild would include Several localize are being romldeml and the possibility at site oat ale borihcrn Onuio still ex TRY EXAMINER RANT ADJ PHONE mltll Zloiucstcuisiuc lakevrew rzosrsr NG our NIGHTS To Thursday 0R lion last December than ed to definition ol beer on lb but at ricerrile select and scented Iiarticruho up and on CKOC radio open no show and answered questions Irorrv stu dent wivesguckrd the audio In MAIN rIum ol mood secondary Under the nor detlntilcn IIdrt school The premier spent the beer contains up to 15 per cent atlcenoon Inspecting theatre UNI Ill Mimi auditorium and marge but Men and per cent and meat plunl both inter eon malt liquor between atriatilt strvactlon III also toured Part Industry Inncu have said brco lnrhntriea Lid rrvnnutnc dust Ihlr may be the start cat ureter ol precision lmtrvvtnenll new system uavder which tederal where he was presented with III taxation Lv changed Irorn gals enxrnycvi not nature at blue Ivnrre basis to an alcohol cm 1b student who questioned km but hbn about the partys election expenses never rrrruio public memory advertising he said but mnarrtllmerrt by thovuuncb oi canvrtercrs tlut the party lead slunabt icnd lhc govern mcnl lie told questioner on the radio show that he did not know the campaign cost and didnt want to Donations to parties were made by lrrdlvlduab and corpornlloru Ito raid and host oi them did not wnrvt Lhclr ren trlbuliorvs to be made Ntllc Anothcr opcndina participant complained that tax articles at all Iovxvnrvvcnt levels are de rtrvrytng the middle eta and loading to totalitarianism Premise Davis said Ontarios Ilry to autumn the tax bad as equitably us panalble UAIIIIII SEXVILLE WITH waleherawill WiltIMO momma it Games Mr Davis admitted that his rtrnteclsls hail cincniruied on television advertising but he raid the ixavlc reason toe his partys mesa which many rd overlooked was the turnout cl volunteer culvvmers which was Illeldrgeal ever In recent This was not the media not To Buy Govl let IIAhlILION ICP Premier William Davis said Irldny the Ontario government Intends to buy an executive Set In tly cubi ttct ministers around Ilo told news centerence the COMING SOON NIGHTS Youre Good Man Charlie Brown The Complete New York Musical Tlekatv Available III Strilo Keenans Music to IUII PICTURE OF THE Ital It mmmnummrrvmmuxnvn HI Pharmacy TRIPLE BILL SATURDAY SUNDAY WINKI Redblooded rm dig the goodly share at buxom bouncing babesA groovy bonaan elective beauties and eutiesl astral scorrupw SUCOEED WITH SEX Mhmlm ABMIIIAN Wiuu MIAIIIN WM Mon Ploy NOW PLAYING TILL SUNDAY Aberntinlvtino to the top and finding no one there NAyIM Wilma lvrv Irunvt dun Stunts AIth raptor SATURDAY SUNDAY ONLY WWW neurons IIINIMIIMI Iiavvearrv Hilbert mineralisation hInDION nusuaurun Mil DIIIIIAIIUAIIII PLUS FACE OFF BEEF SI and dumplings 185 ChlldrIn under IT SLIO CompIIII meal Includes Dessert and BIvIrcrgI atilm oletariling suspense and involvement sternum DUSTIN HUFFMAN lt IWRWMI STRAIN DUES COLOR LAST TIME TONIGHT Mi AND IiI Itllev Drum MGM III WONDERFUL STORY OF BOY AND l3 AlINO UNDERWATER FRIEND MT ANu EUNDAY AI rut not nu scArr no