for raasromru wr runov worcuuao SenatorMCCOY stocst TOGETHER HE LIKE5 THE FIGHTS RND LIKE vlb Icyeld Street Barrie Ontario Tut SWING cover Robb PublisherOmani Manager II McPherson Managing Editor WAT APRIL am PAGII by son aunts wantinovorv CPI bear President Nixons election chances could seriously allotted by events In Vietnam TbeNortIa Violru snese have hundred what appears to be the turn an abort OlIBISlVO to drive the South mdy been sent home and others are to torcov it they can stop the Invaders and 1throw them back then the Vietnamiza improved But collapse ot the South would be back horns long bctore the pro Vietnam tomes trotn key positions and to stab strategic arcaa orace held by the bit blr Nixons policy Is the gradual with dnwal oi American toms trom South Vietnam and the training ot the Vietnam to withstand attacks lrom the and hm No Thousands ot US troops have ab Ioiiovv during the spring and summer months The president has set no date tor com plete withdrawal but It was grnerally un demood that most oi the US torces Iieanuivite Ildenttal election In November However dim 1i the North Vietnamese oitcnviye could change Ilr Nixons timetable drastically Muda will depend on the training and lighting qualities ot the South Vietnam It again tioh ollcy will have been vindicated and Mr plans tor endl trons election chances will have would prove that the presidents well laid plans have gone tor nwght Wrthout Us resistance the North might overrun the South and estabbsh Communist regime At the moment the Us Air Forcels giving tactical support to the dctenderr and the president tr thing and th United States or even slowed mediate reactions in the US Item the storathewrr proponents This type of ropaganda has been lying domrant late but the present otlcnslve could retire threatening ioealcnd bombing as tar rt lianoi imagine world reaction to such move and the propaganda value to the moose and Russians 0t course there could be purely politi cal reasons tor the North Vietnamese at tack The North wants the US to rename peace talks in Paris which Ilr Nixon had called oil Why the talks mean to much to root is hard to ascertain Cerv tairdy the delegates trom the Northhave obstructed every US peace move In Pr retuscd to depart trom their own peace tormula To Icecp the situation to proper perspective however the US has been equally adamant the US cannot keep to Its troop withdrawal schedule as ion as the ottenrive trom the North Is ms tained at its present Intensity And it the with tor the time being own there will be im top it is Obvious that illr Nixons neat rag U5 participating In the war are being saboiaped by the bad guys trom the North Ie must do some tirst step is lntcnsitied bombing ot the North The merryvgoround keeps turning and election day Is looming In the distance It is an unhappy situation tor man seeking another term tor prcrident ot the DOWN MEMORY LANE at Years see In vown Barrielixaminer April 1W ll RandIIcNaiiy Tbronlo Iddressed iiiwa nis Club IIe declared that It was poor policy to ape Americaru and urged Ca nadians to by their own to tor tour ists benetlt lie raid game one ot Canadas greatest attractions Waiter IlacNuIt organist and choir dir Ohureh resigned to take Cirurcb Toronto ector Trinin position at oly TrInIi In anal recital at tool It will mean ersonnel Istrloi Depot an District ng was district trusle bout itIODDmore pay month tor Allandaie divisional opcroilng lloracc Colts elected Grand Warden tor Geor OOI Kiwanis Club Onorcd Dr William icwir IID CII charter member president Barrie 1924 192MB lieutenantgov ernor 1m and district governor 1930 tamer chict ot rtatt tioyal Victoria Hos pital coroner County ot Slmooe Ai landaie YMCA won Richard TempleItrillrc Trophy tor championship Town Iiocirey eII Nutt ed piano oom ositionr ica Team memben Garry LeGear by 2mm Mildly or antil ntlIL Andigtialzllltatenmmbbivmmndsuwr crews Church bliss ririing artists were Ilrr Olive iiuston mezzon rano and Elisa Ilary Shrubsole Barrie obnlst who played iir Ilaadys lion Reverie Peel iitayor iierb Robertson and oIIce Ohict Atcxander Stewart do not iavor proposnl to raise maximum speed limit In Ontario rtcwns and cities from 20 to 30 mph Oharier tCarli Stewart lteeve ot Bar trie and Warden ot Simone County don tcompoal orence Bitlcliltc Imus1c director Ovenden College barrle viand Angus Rona collegiate teadrer As ach trophy tor competition among hools to generate greater interest In grctorcsiatlon and conservation Stowart Page stated that rate ot Igor tor tarm labor was Showing alight upward tendency now at 31bit per month with board and lodging Lennon acting weltare at lot dcady decline in Barrie relict rolls and expenditure Wage cut restored whlch averted rail rile by it running trades oi CN and CP Settlement ettcct lvo over next It months signed at Mon treat government and union negotiators speaking at Central Tcoh Toronto iiunicr Tom hater Dyler three Cataracts or Ions decided Scott consola son Maurice llenry cer repor man and mu Ab Kirby centre bill Bell Gregg Coub eon wings EnciAGcar Don Blogg Earl Marshall Bill BIOIT alter arrie Colts paced by Jack goals brat Niagara Falls rr OllA Junior li semi tinai barrio Badminton Club cham mens doublet Dr Jack arnlea and Alvin Robinson Irdlei dou bles Lillian Kearnr and bertha Garrtde mixed doubles Robinson and Marion lion Margaret Wallace and Vera Lyons Ted Twist and Bill Italcom Ilanna and Lillian Kearns New lessee ot Clarkxon Hotel Is On car Ileit tormcr umpire tor internation nl Baseball League At imperial lire oirc Gary Cooper In One Sunday Aller noon At boxy Cary Grant and Joan Bennett In Wedding lrcaent Lions Club Easier dance at iOOP Tcm to sue ccss under chairmanship ot John Cole Ic by Bob Powells liclod lien Larry Whitby and belly hia tocks oi barrio Collegian In ilrst lo awards among It contestants In verse W3 c1th untrmmaumnzzurr rvmmmtmshxl THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS This Is Iclcctlon oi cdb turIrir on current topics translated Irena the xrerxhiraruugo press at Canada Montreal La Imer Cana dian editoriailrts have not run great originality in tho IIoIgnIIlnctiuigan report on rciarrn ot the conslvtuuun licrb In Quebec It was cape aIrily noted that somo mem bers dissociated themselves truth the cotnrvdtloe and pub Iislved nvlnorlt reports Iiowevcr principal ve prrt contain some worth while suggestions and cIrIIy has the mall oi Inn on all Canada roltlcch on whatI wouidlva cars is tlueltccpllc domocrntlc with drawal Irom thntodcrntlm thie understanding tbut will document could not have pleased ever not It would be wrong to Isnvlll it without examination the simple that nIliotrrIis ttnd It does not attach enough tru Mtilnco to what they eon tuvcdly call in xocletr queue cairn It It worthwhile to no size the tint recommend or concemlag the chariot oi posersr cceatraltratlon oi natural and social policies and cgolrlrllxntluul 1min Wwers run In in on economic rcurrlon on the national ieve That II In ele IWII WIY ot not taking sinnd between tlrs two lrlvwll In Cunadrvnulonomlaia rnl ccnlrailstr The vtcorttrvvendutlun which carries the mutt reection In the one saying that the exbb core at Canadian society do pooch on the tree consent oi III citizens and thri In the rare at the wlliidrrrwal of and province trrm Contcdcrarlon the matter would lie decided by negotiation rather than by lovers The notorious question oi the eventual reparation ot Artisan ll discussed cnd lcaaly In many quarters There are three hypotheses ltevrAullonrrttr could try in achieve Quubccr tepnrnv Unit by lover to such read the Canadian army woubl have no choice but to Inter vene to aimlanth order democratic vale might rstrrhllah clearly Anti not ill vseally that the crest ma Ity ot uttxccrrlr to layer oi martian In such rose the it provinces would prulra biy grant the necesravy una plrniiy to ask Ionduti Iur pow to enrcrd the constitution AD as to make the reparation legal lt could also happen that alter dunucrutlc vote or alter nunconclusive vote that some Quebec or Jana dlrn eluncntr would use tunn to try to prevent ths prov Incur reparation iicre again the army Llle Intcryruo for the same reason to tMtlIaIr Ibh order it appears that military IIE thus will depend not on litto wrr lmtulxo to prevent xcpa rctlon but on citizens in our camp or ihu other urlng turns to achieve or prevent Quthoer reparation It remains that the recom mendsilon Ix original it states the trotdam ot Canrdla one to belong to Contcdcratlon without grunting them the right to destroy itJvrn lel trrin April It ivrnby LI Valx dc illal Al Ilrue vvhcn minimum guaranteed wage Is up have In Quebec It Is not without Inv tcrcrt that we Ice lhn prcrb rlcnl III the United States ric rrvnnri the adoption at bill rc orrnl up social Iltlrtance which all cost ill biliun year The bill woulderrors min lmurn guarantee by granting reduced unemploy rncni bvncills in workers In nutiicicntly remunerated Thlr rnlnlrvvum could reach 500 year Accordion toxins titrlte Ilouvu leader tirlr constitutes an Incentive in work while so clrl assistance at prcxeut masher poor poo In to Inoc tlnn and to dcpcn nm on the slate contrary in their dlgv pity It would rust only on additional II billion and Ir lit Nixon rlulev ILr client would be more poxlilvc Itr Nixon Ia right to want to rtplaco tho Iuclrd assist nuvo ltdmlll by rrrura corr must to prugrtun at bed anonymous PARLIAMENTAIIY 341 WIILLLE Cabinet Ministers Complain Oi Political Strangulctiion By DAVE IIcEvIObli OTTAWA CPI Itorc cubi nct ministers are complaining more or less openly cbovvt being politioIb and bureaucraticslip map by interminable erb nct committee mectin There are manyr commit Icav regular and special As result we cabinet ministers say they have too Ilia tle those to run their depart ment to tItbrk out new peltlea rarelulty or to put such pottder across to thapuhlic when they do materialize because mbvisters scorn tied up nearly all has little In meet Ingr they say senior civil rerv ants nttcn mrke policy tor yar Inur departments Eornn mini Irrr nythely NOTEBOOK partnverrtrl policies and slowly taking than to cabinet once weak tor approval or otherwise Prime Minister Trudeau drangcd the cabinet rystern with the nvowrd rlm ol achiev Ing more monllnalton oi gov ernmtnl policy in all fields OIEIIIIAULED BISIIJII One at Air tirst acts as prime minister was to overhnu the cabinet ryrlcm lie nnnwnccd April so 1965 that this overhaul would result in Increased elliclcncy In deri log with particular Iterva at business and rrrrlt more time and attention be concentrated on planning and policy develop ment Ono mmrtcr rryr delegation to cabinet corrardtteea oi some cabinet lulhorily to make decl ptenr radioth IIIIrrmmt the Dow Jones Index Weighted Measure by JOHN CUNNIFF AP linslnm Analyst NEW YORK AP In the decade oi the tiles the vigor osriy growing United States ac titnut the bow Jena lndurtr at Average to WI points the eryrlvrlant of bvtrxdny young earth hcnylng up the It malayrs New six years later that peak still Ir unconoucrcd No arnnunl ot economic upihntll has been enough to pierce the sky which In this Instance Is the loop Intbarrtcr To out II harder rcJnr trito until you coruldcr that mthow thorn Ix Indeed an ob ainan theroorydtolagieal sta tlttlerl acute or imaginary Since the taco iho economy has grvwn Corporan proliir have continued to rise tlocrnll the Index was above sir lcochtai rovorul times since 19M Icch that Is It rIwrya rrtcrrrd to as one when It LJmallll Ile Barrie Examiner it brylirid Street Iirrrlt Ontario Telephone moor Second Class Mall eglviratlon Nu rber bill Icunv portage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Ilolldovx excepted Subscription relce daily by carrier we weckiy titty year ly Starqu coplcv too by mail IIerrIo tilde yearly Elmcoe County tttoo yearly Balance at Canada tidbit yearly All other counlrrra tutor yearly Motor titrch ell moo yearly National Advcrtlrrng Olilccsv ti Queen St West Tbronlo tot lilo til Celhcxrt St blontrcnl Member oi the Canadian PreIr and Audit bureau el circula ilbIII an Canadian Press is exelur lycly entitled to the use tor rev publication ol alt newr dispatch es In this prpcr credited to it or The Assoc Med Press or Neuter and also the local news publish ed therein The barrio Examiner claims Copyright In Ill original rdyer tIr ng and stitorirl material cro rted by Its employees and re produced In thir newspaper Cooyrltbt Registration Nun Ircr mill regltlcr ti torch are rrgroupcd cnergics replenished It an assault on the top Will It be donel IIIAIIEUI DIIIEIIIINI clue to the curious bcIvntIur oi the index may he totrvd In comparison wills some other IV erager In the last so years tor uxnmie the index has tallrxi to double bill the American Stock Exchange index has more than quadrupled Atricr stocks generally are ot rrrvaIlcr lustre growing compr nIrv The Dow Jones index Iv made up also companies that already have had great growth and not are huge They repri srnl nearly onethird ol the countrys baduslrtol output mosaics at that site are not tnrxlodonl or dlnorrurr or error tum nhulo Iuturer is dead but they are elephants Strong and healthy or they are they are no match In speod to rural cr com titurr the Index is also wet led rrvcasurc In net II it an ndcx rather than an atomic Tho reb nllvc wright oi stock pro porllonrl in Its market price big decline In high rIced stock but greater ciioct In similar decline in lowpriced stitch Tcndlng also to act or tie prcunnt it the tact that expatri lng companies ottcn vplit their alockx IIIun this happcvrr lire stock then has only traction ot ilr eyiwr weight or Inuence Int roverIll Index John Vrigdrt the statistics minted Insrvdcr ut Wright tnves tors Service notes that In tho lbtMt period the Index tell as or cent irom Oil to III but that the market price at the to component IIOII individually art sled rhovrd an avatar ga oi it per cent Why not preserve what you are creating by good Estate Planning Bur rurrrca Equity and Tan Eva rmpt Pension Plans Nancu cell REG LACIIANCE CLU North American bit to basics 5t brrvII Ncav York Iiryor John beiu Ibo Ittbdm alter getting seven per rent oi the role and sit orchestrated aIr teaser candidates even II they wont admit It yet bu the big boys Iithovem tormer rteeprral tlcnl littlest iI lturrrcdtreyInd the learner trvorIte benrtnr To mend Ituxklr oi Mainethe live war Iar irons clear And the surprising rccood glare tinlrb at Alabama Gov corrr Prelim labouring his recent thmtog victory in the Florida prion leaves him tears to be rectoncd with even thoul pally regulars llnd Itbr conceivable that he could win the baronlint It the July party convention In ltlavvrl The by Tuition mast is the town iuatlr llrnnphreyr tIcIdxulOentlll nrnnlng male In their iorln ares campaign Intuit Pmi oi Nixon and long hailed Irina vvayout Ierd lrvg contender tor the mains marxrua$m iron to nanteat btr November presidential election mrimv none Ite won the unimportant till lm it itll El II margin there In obstruc nfry man its didnt in vvn in Florida but lair hacker IfIlClDllhlbd thucb bet own an plncatlnirlvl mf sic antderu system have rotted wellat level In theorlz that discussion In cabinet and Its corrvrnlttecs reached to drag on and on vrllhout hard do claims This source am that tre ouentiy It Is decided to order another review establish The partIIulrr ethnitlcrnce at the Wisconsin elect II that It is progressive Northern state with good mixture oi urban arrdnnl Itton arid thus was consider Ibriter ovlng mam tor the herdlllaevr among the dcrrxacrrlie carcib tiller IteGovenr at South Dakota had worked tour and hard SENATOR IIeGOVEIIlI liarnphrey item the new boring stale oi turmoil has his toliovrlng among the nvoderl older rnnklr II EDITIIII labor and marry blacks With Wallace representing the partys Iarrlahi triage Ituskir 4texpls changes In style IM lial 23 in cape centre rrd rnnl out ler bim sell meanth crosssection ot nrgoortcrv PLACING sunburst iihlle Wallace svnt expected to do well In the Southern slate at Florida where many are In accord with his rear allonlrl capitation his second on tin tab In Wisconsin not reply in volved In the notional reboot bushvg hole was rumba Proterlrgninst roycrnmerrt spending vvrrtaxrtionnl the working toiks Int school managementdorm the basis at his campaign srlrlis Muskie and Ilovrvphrey bnvo ccnlrcd their attack largely on the Nixon Id rnlnislrrtlonr bandit oi use entrnd Iht OVEN PET If the best clue to Ala recedes ylren he said his cnvpslgrr was crxrvblnatlen ot protest and hope pittiviltnl In rrncrrl encompasses the sentiments ol goalie Humphrey and Web cc Isak tom write white paper or present dralt legtalre nevmuclntrrdod Is the mm Itr ervllrrnldlobsvreu unaltered the represents vs at Ivare oi the dirrdv the bit wing vi the only be his cabinet system Mr mixed the support oi result in more mom Ind yo In relationto Itinr across pol the young um mu unicen as he heads Into the Icieltotbe Ie but so in it Nuns and now IpprrenOy is Anvil is primary to ttusschu has malnta ed that better raining broader support sctlt mom bur yet to he proves to Certainly this rtvetanro Itrs served him well so tar and his Wlmnsln victory can be ex pected to add Inuncnsely to his nationrl stature and prubabl there II he lard hr New Name rhlre and his labors at the succumbed commas STORY Ottawaunless he represents irts hilliihlilflilil Famous Canadian towns or village in their rid Ingr on their borne addresses The oiilciul llrt appears vrcekl In Ibrnnrd the record ot Com mons debates At the moment only it out oltown him who are not cabl nei membe IIrt Ottawa as their home Iddresr They are conservatives licb ert Strnnsld John Dietenbrker Waiter Dlnadlie Ilugh John Flemming and lime Lem bcrtr liberal Greene Andre bullet and Ralph Stew art the NDPr Andrew brewin and lrrdepervient liberal PIuI ilellyer Some ItPr are ex ed to press tor regulation scrum lies on the but oi what the Northwest Territories council has done about this vehicular problem Commons return shows that the Covanttl has passed an anil nanco WHITE municipali ties In the territories to enact bylaws governing the operation ot maymobiles Ride For Help by NO IIOIIIIAN this It the anniversary oi James itovais ride irom bd montun to Calgary In trot It should be as well known to Ca nadians or Paul Ilevrrea ride is to Americans land Canrdlunr irr that matter Early In the Northwest behol llon the Indians cnntptxl outside Edmonton heron boallnrr their war dnurvr day and nlaht The situation not critical because thcro were only to men capable ot datcrailnr the continuity aid their only guns were mttrxlc Ioadlnr muIIeIs made about ilti There was no rrnrrnmltlon so the Moanlrn ivluttietts had to male their our lead balls and gunpowder Apart tram Ironiol attack it was also tenrrd that Uta Indians titers bylaws may cover reg might Ihool aming nrrows lrtrntlon licence tees lpeyd overlhcwrilsrndsetlhecom llrnits limited areas oi use munllyontlre ratety restrictions public Ilablt ilclp hum outside was ur Iiy lntitrnnca and maximum gently needed and It was ltuowu the line tor contravention oi that there was rnllllrry rtei U10 lttlh inchmcnt In Calgary James Dettnce illntttcr Brlvron ltrwu voivntcrrrd try an now is expected to run tor than Wva lament optic his opponent Ito bit early on the morning will be rohcaded Flora line at April It Is raid that an Donbl Iormrr Conservative Indian vlllarc never rlecps tut party steretrry new on the too Itowat made his way so quietly titty at Queens Unlyvtllly lire thxt even the docs did not bark rillnn concerned Ix Kingston Then he began the loomlle ride Irrdthslrllndr to Calgary In bitterly cold weather tie only limpcd to change horses stung is way and grit bit oi loud lTho brlcaplcrrI tripl igollr II curry use we no unto drill rilin mm mldtmlmthl strange about the allurlirn In gainer mum to Edmonton Troops began their posts all the prepared pcditlons mm an AM 70 AlaWE and lint present the need ot yuur heart In brtei tIo understands that Its cares and lie viii crisper 45 your Irerr and Personal IIII Ir rttlr diIIbItlIy Irrxrnae Assurance Company lIloII TIMI had already rclurncd Io Evknan ton carrying copies at the Cub giry IIerald wit news on April When the not learned that troops were cornlnl they rlopped beatin lhclrdrunvs and wenibacblo Inning An old cannon that the lids ntoniun dclendrtr were hoping to use Is on display now Inthe legislative assembly grounds OTIIRR APRIL EVENTS libsIirrquelio loande mir rlon at Suult Sic Ilnrie tillWilliam Ilxuli oI lirll tax txrencd tlrst Englishsprub Inv inn In Canada Imbrvclrl committee was appointed to invcoilguic charges against Sir John IIchonnId In Cltl canvnalcn innd scandal liloGrand Trunk operated Ilrsl passenger train between Port limit and thlcago iIIJOnlnrto crcnicd board to control liquor ivoHiencral clcction re sulted In Ill liberal members Conservatives or Social Credit GLASSES SAME DAY II single Italian only IIIDI CHOICE OF NAMES thASONAIILE PIIICE UUICN COUIITIIOUS SERVICE BAIIIIIE OPTICAL Irpprrlnn at Center TIHIII Work Simplification and Methods Improvement INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Management Training Orioniod experience Would like to help you solve your problems on Ice basis Willing and shit to travel anywhere let me Ivcer train you and we can arrange to meet HAROLD stain MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT COXIIILL lloAtt rrrnavvrcsr ltlt no bastion TELEPHONE Ill7m