imitwmedutnantnnt Iiiicouldhavnirappenedtoeny Wernbonoterodmlo the Mediterranean Mintth rredisie Iodbothdcmionendmm Wweiltolntmuaomramtn iioootlnevrsrlwhlchhadhrp band aerrnmhnp tpltln numenreraztnyuro more txernatestivatvhidstr Sirrlbruborttbe Minitallatdnyaioaatl Olydbtnrbodhoymd the Lnuu Whither Minimi mitotbeptayr Ientrst int trim llrre Ilieolaoxo oitbecastprrdieeewm ut retards Inorr mm 54 Iona Wiolatun Irene tier doe Rhonda itchyk ux More Inn our unison Imam Pbotal Wants giiSg For Courtiibuse WOOTrill rand lurr hmthA IL WJIIW that the mixial ureruncnt dietariheriertotmtrrui doeweotnthouteluilltis Irttrtheturiort plenbohsternntt Ionitrndcvurtaewrtnsnu Militith Iryorpurmulentparkinimt itispriutnthaerutimeim mmrnhouse Pumdwmstp lllultngpmctirriiynmexistai mmwmmm hemtrottedanth dretlingadrtaiurthaemtion ertmlalpcunUai iIrI boards in the bosunrsei iieorntxulioraoiihecwt derir oiiice to permit more val nablowpusluboptsudiatha both tiltii lien and altered Hmkim at cuntortnble totpetaitmor dooinmdnuzarrnesinthetoy torn good to Ieitdone lnnislil Council Establishes co We mmumlyCenireAtLeiroy MW Ibiehwurnctmrcmoih on Wall Hid Thelr Elpdes with painttr Juiced that entity thunkereuonshh donh Mao Mu TorontoMen lots Four Months IorMedonteTormship Incident Icheduled to at ton to mild Michael arm Kelly it Crown attorney laid the rotrrt thIl Irotlnd mid lblast Nelly Ind friend It ed at Writers not on IroIstsed window end slots two jouerts oi oil ognnihool lo ririloo re appeared tritrnu ism worthy it ohvohrr on distance down the road their car bro flat tire The Messiah III The tiersleds by liontel will be mated In part It Irirdiy Au death It part Sundry the writ town And tom music oi Marshall Iirndelr only Me at Muslin llrrntdI only Orrinilrn oratorio still be sung by In attornentzd their undu lhe direction oi tin done my Molotorrroisirndeholo mutt ll only am it bill be the third mm lonnrnon oi rtnnie irom the lies Iih Mamied by to my mlwodbrpolicer NW MWMIL RRMORSEFUL Meetv ilmoiu otheroilcnru te had been too lenirnt he up should not be eat salience Iltogether Trinity Sunday lute soloists as um um r33 Dirone Adair Ioprrno Ind Janetlint til rneuo no Hundreds ty it Milli Wallingnot and is hell known mm horde lot My Iorg es litre Adair and tiles llanlr award winning young slog lrumtsnberrotihe liar my Sutton and Trinity Gmsiorgenlstwltl at WoodrowotOrttiiI mu wwwmmmmmnmmnm mm Barrie Region In Deepireeze Retordtresitint Iowa in the Urrrle area are expected to non tleuo over the weekend Shire should be clear with winds northerly is low tonight gain is high Sunday In the ion continulng cold today Ind Son day Winds nottttcriy it today till ncnr the ion tbs iiridsor tendon Lake St their Lake Erie Loire Ontario southern Lotte liurnn hirlniy runny and continutnI cold today nod Sunday rinds northerly ii to til lodny lllzhs today it to ill Lotte lonlti IO to is in the routhnrst end zero to ill obotn in the northeast Nixie bonds in the toy ans tienriilon litryara rotten Mainly sunny and continuing mu today and Sunny wont northerly it today My pt trod with tow tnoniiurrlrs vnalniy over the pcnninsutn inlay lllphn today in the upper 205 tone lonixhl 10 to It Iilzits Sundry in the low tbs Northern intro tturon tooth rrn Gtorrian Roi Iiaiiburton liegtotu linirtiy sunny and son toning sold today and Sundry llllitll northerly l5 todny tibia ltdny in the low to rnld tin Um tonl mo in above will Sun in the tower tor ForRemainderOI The Weekend Duh Btu Sudllly northern will Bu Te rrt Mane east hail mm it till army with ten Wt Ioiennls ton and too lewd titrries continuing cold may minty annoy me not little so cold lilgto today 1y but other com to to With loin orndsy rs to so lilxlr Low litxh Today tuoirht are Windsor SO 15 Sand is It so St Thomas to is 35 tondeo is ill so Kitchener 25 to an llourli loresi at an Iinrhom to yo 0m Sound 25 dd hltnltoko to in Hamilton ill his St Caihnrinte SO to Toronto to is Irenlon 25 All Kingston 25 to Peterhorotrxh so ltitietoe so North Bay in Ordinary so Balloon lit ltnmrrs 80 Keptrltnslnx to Mario is Graple in ttnite itivor so Geraldine so iloooenco 25 Weather forecast brought to you daily by MICHELIHX HEEL BELTED RADIAL TIME rolts corner Change up to Newt PARIIlAND TIRE Muleaeler 5i rasrzzo armmlumr am WWIItryout itmrutbereeot mu redhlnvorol munrumors it mmmarmm in tor his Iettau Iterator to ltnInIed me Is he recommended tn Mslder term oi nu marl pertinent to the time he is It re did not In in irrigation rota that It coo lions MD twoyear period Sen itle on those conviction has its told Mr notation that It comment acn troce because it on diiicr tieuid element tn ourmonlh Ientence mm there in to arm swords HUREI EEEPER Moment The about nostril in WMlAhMoJrewrr mend onolroer ohm or pen on hi to roots Ind Io ANN GIOO llarrie Iiroadtastin Ltd mar oi radio rtrtlon Orton Vi Ck Dominion iron the Guardian RadioTelevision Oom tnirdon to require radio ItI tioo CliOO In Alan The can burials will riart in otth on tiny r1 nuts cross at hutchttl the new hell in teiroy NIH EUNNTDALE Prestons an inlaier soon It AND RUN Demngn to vehicle duped by Walter Permit oi Prinsulck was entirrlatedlat me when it was Itrudr while it one parted on the pIrlIrlu Iol oi service station at BI iietti Street and Ole Ito Tho Iccldcnt oc curred at am Norrie city police Ire Investigation BARRIE OPP barriers was deemed at two to vehicle driven to time Peter Oitt oi norrte morn ing when It rlid oil ttiglrwey so into dttch hut oukido tiIrrIe th rrtlshnp occurred at approx imater tlo Ire there were no inlurios OBITUARY Ailll PEARSON hmcrni mites were held hiaratt it in the Pcitikzk Ritual liorne tor Amy Pearson or who died ill Georgian ltrrlm Ponc lrnrutshrne on March tire Pearson widow oi the III ticnry John Pearson came to CanIde irom Bristol mired in 1911 she had been school teacher In England and tonal In hilneslng until rnorryiny in till he Anglican abs was act has In the Womens quitinry ond trugttt Sunday School at St Peters Glurctr in Minute ior merry years Ere spent some oi he later years Irl Dorrie with Iter dandr tor Ind trot ailrricr moran oi the Womens Auxiliary at St lilies butch here tier drum in still tires in Barrie Ind seat Is in illneslny The Rev Basil Tunis oi St Giles mod the ttuunot Ito Vice Pallbearers were any Foyrton George miter George lilies El hawiord owls Gret os and Wallace Grnrrs burial was in htlncsiny Union Cemetery People never read smell odsl or do they ThoGeorduBeytlrrrnI Tu tint continued last eight with mitten truest Grarooirurrt Nth drool Barrie District North my tortto Inn linde 1mm by Graven NB Arms by hier riii Datum wrs set to North Locnl censure James lmrie ot lirrwrndy Drive war the winner at rel oi all rim donated by the toll ttrren kwtnlry Club lor the South lnnisill Oorrnnunity Cen tro George tiurton innlriil reerc drew the winter ticket IlItmnhimgnglg mom in limit we mm mm Wm 35 chance to disriiitiaie irurvt the end will help delrry the cost ol Damsro totalled mm my it vitamin when two rennet it up were involved in cdiislon near the intersection oi Orndies Road Ind stnntdaie Road the hirer oi the vehicles were James Preston ol Bertie Ind Ctittord lititcr oi Starter Damage to do was nypror by linihy Barrie John tbbtteoo David lilies and Peter Gillan bud directed by lire Inn at In Sparta with eiiretit flue rota were Iyed by and hitters LARGE CAST within it rrteniio to lure years may have CBC and boom arr lndepcod rot broadcaster like Ginnoti II in Hamilton The theatre rnny be possible tower on what he been teamed limitation palace on Front Street in lbronto cctnr tor Ground raid the local station has known let some time that the CDC wants to learn lta irom unmet to annel to threats and put out stronr or signal toward ilnrrtc tiosaidhohndioohtdrtthe proposed corerrge mop Ind Time the look oi that run theyll be outlier In extremely strong signal up this way it that stars plotides 0th net work protrarrnrtirlg with good Local Smelt Run Expected May Settoit men should start about ltny in take Stmtoc and Georgian tiny recording to re port roteosoti ittursdoy by the department ot natural resources Smelt are nireody bring cautht in Late Eric and the tint bin not at Point Price is rxptcttd in about to days The May this has bocn pro dicted tor Shanty Jackson Point itcnlerton Oollingnood Gtnsana malt and most oi man Rims arr eypectcd in rivers hear Toronto about April 21 and rum tor the Port Stanley Port DOW area on Lake Erie are predicted tor April til Smelt runs in tho hingnrtaurn River and North utenncl should start obout tiny and run In Loire Superior oro predicted alerting hiny it Iced run oi smell is antici pated and the early break up oi ice is credited Willi starting the runs this month NURSE FOR MEN AND WOMEN It you Ire between thel nges oi l1 and 3t Ind have completed grade twelve this is your op pertuntty to prepare tor an en clung new career with the cone lltmlill airlines trrln tor Pro Irngrr Agent Communication lsl Operrtione Agent Station Agcrt iieirei Arcnl ctr Pre liminary instruction need not tntrriero with estht tut lion Oct tutti orrnrtron luthy No obligation Writs gluten your cdtnetion and phone number to AIRLINES TRAINING lthI SION Dent Ohuii Atlantic Seine Oonadr UNI lit Duel tctle Itlrnuo Windsor it On tsrlo em Ontario The rest was in leoterdt than tooth thl modern ores tor the time erl ml HamelWEIR Id Irs now Tilerqu were intro tier lo tin rocket Greek plan Thamnllunoorrry play In to rm log my Bernie Northr listener littl tollowtng the item corn cit roots time op on oo prop to protect the era The lultllons which Ire pmpe eurmlary oi the drum licCIuley lice Stewart Dych hid Annie Steve White and Coaon it thronzrlluaglooluhntr toda ii The cast at the liradiord tiny arrotoree play was oootrrn In thortinoar9mn11ndmr porlrl based upon In ich by time tlrrlsry Omer t1 iitnrtc Store Ooclett Ind cIlItd Simon loo hints Rhonda lielnyk the large cast moot tor the ttrrurrr tiorran Name hie three prrodpola protected the Ewy Don hitledyen Bernie ilhloitm oi IHll mrsts by Pletiirr John Pirilier lien boluUnz their trees while Ind Seotaii Paul Smith lirrn Stev wrrring complete block body an CIroIco Simon Ilraliter CKVR May co Independent Ti CBC Changes Channels signal to the Ircro nowth by Clitit the local station and CEO will Quite tlkciy both me to separate It the Toronto station let not preside rtronI signal to the am now netted by the locni Il tiIIIie Ironan would probab iy couUrruo to carry the network shoes he said muttonch Any change Id the rlntrtt oi CNVR would turn to be Ipprov cd by the Canadian Radio Tote vision Oorrmtisslon which rewi Iies Orwdcost outlets In Grunts Mr iilrney end it the elation gets dance to becom Imic peodeat it mid look at it as droitonge Well have to herirl producing lair Irmrnt oi wreeiucs he said that the station would not likely get any programs that more shown on glitter lilo CEO or tV oct mmmmurueti lie sold rrnarty stations or now too Canadian content ml the local station would likely be able to on some ol this Re sold It was unlikely It could purchase Arncrt once the notion network were carrying Mrs but the local station has Itreedy made start at running some American pro grams bolero the DINOth get hold at them Ind willdo In ramming can pro grams UNCONOITIONAIEY GUARANTEES TO SIRE SO YARD RROADIOOIII WIEN EVERY 50 YARD PURCHASED UNDER OUR UNIQUE lonE OFFER tonne trons hundreds Ii bales All noledrte eaten Deep Inter Pattern Velvet Twists Shy Pint Qualities ttenisr linen Bohr EyedII Denim Etc turtlemitt HIE llTIIAill Willi N0 ONIOATION Mimi real lit IIIIINO CRAIG EDI IV IO DATLOUTOI IDWN All Nll mm Elaine tiny Int brattyt Contemporary Plays Popular Simeon loan the ity tirnk In Void The air plan presented Thom day IrIl Friday creators hIrI been quite an monitors and whether It not the Iudlenn in total that is ebtervorr and pro eats and drum eoadru as well whensnppgdudu eluded yI ngxu drama III who Iitrndrd mutt that it us well worth Il helm It 1530 the tint three plays will be patented hiidlami secondary school is 14 Item Romeo and Micl Adap tetIonI Rania Cmiill Oollczlotn oor by Theresas Not Enough it would ultirrutrly mm more rlrriioo Ind prodtutlon in titles on It would um lily We mlinl lump in my herds lie bald ll wwid line be min NW l0 Nuts show thro to NY tom irun other rtatioru but arid ties challenge also me mud us part oi snow the local elation is mad ltniph Stratum TV Ltd which is in turn owned by CW Ltd course tor enthusiasts collector materials and trebniatie tor rtiinit OOURSE STARTS Tuesday April it It 730 pm and runs each These gradu iunlstll Toumlaiphcmua possede Irt lug tnnkttl Comrnily ire Arena on the Lloyd George Put property in IAtroy Peseta or the bylaw mm ill Wigs In allka to ye its at Irrnr irom too mm 0000 undo the 0m nrrruly Centres Act loaned my been under construction tor act orat sects corned also appoint In in tcrtm creel oi tseoo oi the its Williidlxmdlorirelothe murmur centre project tired Georoe Park trtrslzea 31 see the more Is it more and tied at no More in iminti the Vltlilly owned land over to the township Wk Toe itrst phase oi the protect is more cornmeal tilt the help at met tran the todmi local loiuI Gets Five Years Barry ertlr Iiruwniee oi IoImio was sentenced Friday in tire your in penitrotIIry tor the Edi lidonppirtr ol taro ris ten ubo me minty store in the end oi Toronto protein was Irrestcd tn GtAltilltlRSl TRUSTEES one pm ter consecutive weeks It Month Street Barrie FEE 10 Georgian College Continuing mutation Dirisiott tot llrckwerth Street herrte Ontario mo which includes cost oi mslrrlnls CLIP and liAiL Iorm below ITOTII with your oil ADDRESS TMNONE My application tor rotistrahen Antique Renishing Oour Mollbeproledwtllch has mwiim mm Alter mat with Brow In galech meeting tildnudIy milm mm by aim at the hall It lzlil Follow In the election oi trustees other btniness will be attended to nod dmicrs which provides knowlodge hing valuable oitt iurnilrrrr tires Program Ind horde arm power toms nmry Also at yesterdays special Wt cotde gate third road lnr to moire bylaw to more the use oi on at liay Point to auto bans pilotntnnrrdrrirtlrrratwo Indbomtoamiolmrm measure fretIberoIro lotshthepropoerd ITro Barrie lino departmutb mounted in iriso alarm this mornlon It Nelson St The drwrtment mind the cell It ML Man BerrieConstabIe Arrested For Kidnapng Barrie by constable Donald I$1 rnor whoootimt that the Brownies was driving int Ott oidste license plain the pine hecIrno literal It NW Ind Mimi stopped the car to hate man When be me Brownies to term ldrntlltntlon In at the women raised her breeds to show she was bound TRY ExAtlIXER ANT AD PHONE mule ANTIQUE FURNITURE REFINISHING COURSE AT GEORGIAN COLLEGE WITH ERNEST EONNELL othiS urs 730 htein Culley Campus tot NAME Alle MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Mndnoodleom WNW rormruelonaerrmnuut IlyItreoanverlItaroerIrarrinlhe twins or monument PRICES RANGE FROM 495 to TS sq yd corners ill arm IMeeoaeleeeI more et Ina Tt it ts or In so let one nun Flt l0 YB note In Love In KI Otter mum IIIIIMI el ill tsI retry otrrrrncrsrrrtrts rotesssono rrontrntrrrstowts ttr liroadioorrr assures Tau oi the hotel qualities at the lowest prices anywhere Ind uncondiionsliy cuntIntern to re fund double the ditiercoce in cash It you can cover the some area in the sarno carpet tor less during tir llrondv loomr trrnous tor otter GIANT warrnousr rosrrtvrlou Illlllllr IllsTAMI BAiiiiit no Inrutrw on Cell Collect 72674 withlnvttto miles no BAYVIEW on zittill