junr WEDDING PLANS ssssss SEE locumnitrite unduly Alli VI ieet nothinl It We mweeionnte VI to the needs at nth Ire owns honouhteh up Ithlt he Intern hmNthIGEN or Idthel emu oi perennnt wits end an enloy melt in otlterl hm III then hem Im married to one TUNED IN BeIrAIn tandem Id like to eetxtteot on the letter from the IImtly NIII Rho IlIdo tho Delilah wmwltllonder iIik tt rue you con Ipot queen Ithe lollan the chart PRETTY winltorthrmyoulhlu heIIholdtntIrber In den John Slmt DInIeJhI We IN MI oboe It St MI Anetlrxrt 0min Inll at lily 11 It VIII tIIrorI Studio Photo mu with Imam whole crud time mile or gives you hat it my ltetnl tthrreie name can be ruled AI hr the closet queen who made the ultoh there In two hliillrI Either he niry princess looklnr tor extrI hickr but no queen or hoI op mtlnz on dilierent currente both AC Ind DC in which we on Ikiiled It the who Ind lento wt no IIIttIie Per tintierly II he not limit the ham In the bend because the in thine he need Ll to hm hit utie eeteh himPith With Pnthm Deor Fttltt You lotlrtd II it yourn well wired in in both worlds 11 late your word tor IIIINK POSITIVE Deer Ann boom Im 144 yuemid Iiri with Ierlooe probimt hinrn dial three ytun Itll rind Dad and Emu nun 11th um love thlt twee home to me ever that an re munher lt MIMI me at him 117 edooot ie the cutest The tide on olity meta pod mdu Everytth oil in here toeiudlnr oool boyfriend IIte prohlun Dltt told me patein he to roinnto re rnIrry lhtI mom Itll be moving into hie new wiltI hune lie tI excited Ihottt It ntnz lm Itch It the New not in em with trInderentI who live mind the comer Du and top were erI monotone III III to watt eotrldntehlepteeelordloner Iintrnuneeh DIII 11 ell to ItItt overt look Doll youll thI hett It the new pine How on howl llecIuIe you tore where you Ire WIlch tor totrtormI coltItut Title wtlthIlettuinlhereolm dIi interest to you or mm more lonntlIy Apr Mel Mirth EtAprtl II The motor your nods the hotter II whiny Ihy tom piexity tendI to yet oli the mound Keep my retuIrh null or lIurttI April holler mt lioet oi Ilut ItlrI colltIxueI l4 llIVIlI it you let it pen trouble it you met Ind rel Involved liome hue um but tor now lenan my ltJnne ltlt Be men are tree It mcrltIIInItlott Event hoon oiirr reconclllItion MM men Caterer lone lllnly 1111 EteyInI don to home Int tent in to esuntIIlI Mild llll meet oi Mr Ittention ltlent hrhtn toluene new but needs MRI MIAMI tMy other an lie enicll mntrlvnneet Ind veils ein donteereJoitItIotoyou adhere control Ill Rwy ItI Iee pore tome ow tlmhttnomere ll Au Mop It Your oo etItlen Ind eeocern iot othon teeUntt howlletinno on eothtpttl Ire prere they he one lot nut LlhrI llepl Met n11 Prudence mud tIhe on Ihet en hem on month IN yNmceuery WtIIIItlI Treet nm trorrt iIr ptIeII II inoomoiete BeorpII Oct Mt Iltt In tuition Ind mot tom my limit the true ed Renrv reororuentolech come not em eoette new dIe Ion Ire in IIIII IIItltIrtII tNIv llDee tilt rm meter the dilierm in SAILOR the Atttn It ooonoetion li yo an IDW it th eottreee oi rnIleriIi moon need devel oprmnt CtptleorI lllee lIlItt ttlt ChIIIoIttndtohedetinttI romt lee that you eon the hoth ootteervetlve Ind much your eeoeetty to con IeIIrtoItlII tom to When thIt while otl III zgt 5552 252 25 Engggig ESE go it lhmt tin ll loreter re motor metaryt lire DIV hlte oorr leeretIry placement Itn om dIIlImIn 1m 11m NLoon Idorendrnxnhenhbehetrmtn lire Ted hireiow trouurer momentuunnprmo ideal sum it or sleet Street Ytthlte Will be honored It the imcetin oi the Home Ind Ition in April to garmentin It 730 DJIL llr Smith will re llrIIttheendotJttrle5ttI dontI utll participate in the eve Dmlh SPRING TEA ProceedI horn Spring IeI Ind lute SeleI red thI Hana turtle oI the solution Army will he land to Author work in toretrrt lllllll preteen OenerIi convene at the A1216 nlllnl event hire litelor it tlodirey Inhttd by member oi the Norrie Mattie The tee no shit will tehI piece on April It the SIivetion Army utedei Collier Street conneteoeinr It pro lPRth DEBUT The once on the social term in the city eteoe up with the noroenlnr It Sprlttp Ind werrner weIliter the remit ltinette Ciuh Amos our be It the CutI In Mienmil st Vincent Street on it it corn 35 ESE EEx g2 E2 355 s= EE as ii doorel helm 32 mtdueectionotthnhm rtI Ootmtry duh trill comet aging tor the Eermnn It PhrotieoormmMrlhnd 1It7loptrtuhvtlluh we phonon AprillItltlhwrt is oepomo the OntIrlo Ghoul Federa Cdmttlnl Ire Jeane our will he held II WINE street Im mlniconmt IttlItI Ind tinting oi loih lb uiIr Ind emd nettle hy uttered pIrtltbltAI Adnnoe SOto lI LlK Wert Be Rim uni tint on April VII EntroI Irene Emery lieien 5pm the min Harden Aloe timer Ind leatore Iamnstntlau OiIdrI Jensen hy noted guest Ill TRY EXAMINER WANT AN PHONE mot THINK SPRING ttI Iprlnr time Ind Itununent Ire thewlne thtI new now Come to Strlnnnene Ind yott wtttmmnodrmolprettydmute tit every Itu trout petite to hell Iizeetheree me Ind me It epan coIiI Ind velvet eoItI mrte rim Inti roeI ot on well Ind tiW 1n mm mm Iir trout white Stu Ind IepIrIttt trout Perle stIr Ind Pent hlIn itI Ill new Ill Iuitln Ind IlIoIdIhle Sedu ll helievlnl Come to noon we will he delirht to Ierve you It DONNANI UDIEI WEAR SS DUNWP flerrlll lhlI eetnmuolly or In tutor aunt jigure Sliding CAN 31 01 SAT APR 8th 1972 TWO PERFORMANCES PNI AND RM noon PRIZE $2500 AT AFTERNOON AND EVENING PERFORMANCES AT THE BARRIE ARENA Ieeinl thinu in MI UUII other Ire prmupiod oinr throupt their thllllulltly here no ptlime for cure PtmI this ml tilt The outer the rIiItlooIion the lhlrmiit the you It the III II worn with Inllor pint Ind more lihetv II dillpemnt on Neel end June It lon don lethome it wtttt IIllor suit conetuloe It tout tub nutrlped tInlt motor 10 Flow tue oI mIieriIl rewrote held In omen llernIneI you lott th tor th moment 11511115 $125 GUEST SKATERS CHILDREN T5 TICKETS ON SALE AT noon I04IuIAlIIIIAAIuvweuany mu 011 ii 11 Site Msrntuo NunTWMlmlmltl 101111 nuns 5911 rhittruncttots 69 79 lb IIII II URINEII TCIeIJIIIqWILI SPARE RIBS RIB STEAIIS SLIS NJ 69 lb Rtntiless In it II Pip BOLOGN 65 691 N1 Peter eerItueIebeu IENERS 55 lb muralIII 110le NIBLETS BRAND CORN Ator 89 lone Inert In Im WI 11 Or he SUPREME PICKLES menu Mlnmelllhl II lililYS 1111115 liar 59 Duper Inert Utah On Thu CHOICE TOMATOES 29c WE PREMLUNCHEON MEAT him oueu too CF11 TEA BAGS k69e Oren Pride All Purpeu llIl FOUR 69c tor PINEAPPLE 45 Month wm I01 I11 llSTERINE Silt Gillette Inlnlen steel re recur BLADES 571 urn sony on it 11101111 $129 Inner lever Col OI PeetI SHAKE BAKE lior 451 VIII luututttsuttitoutt $115 It II IVORY llOUlD 79c loholl In LI II El DOG FOOD ltouted Come th llII HASERSANBORN 79 PeIoIVeprtIhlI or The 11111111111 sour 2hr Ittln Brent Pment PIehI MARGARINE Mar 891 BtoItIII WI SCOTT TOILET TISSUE trolls 59o FROZENFOODFEATURESI PRODUCE Sen Lee 0L Ply Golden Rlpe Coconut Coke 69 Bononer He Aunt lrminu It Or III USA Treelt Wellies 39c Atporogtte 45elh Supreme IlrInd tlll Ft OI PM 61 USA Ornngeluiee 37o Hood LettueeZPIIo Prod III USA SUthst Ito Banquet Dinnete53e 00 OIDI SUPER SAVE 111111111111 llD IS DUNLOP ST NEAR THE PIVI POINTS DELIVERY SIRVlEI AVAILABLE OPEN TO MON TUE WILL SAT OPLI THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Tlhtt 49c