wvwov crov vvvvovcr earv er OllieVittorio Examiner eyitititnInZLtniiee ignition rereemruenoroii ER E3315 35 in it es E33 25 if gig in are themeelvaeofenaiytnpiceieepoolei Georgian bee edded mode to mm Ihecoile pandemic life at Bertie Nowibe cot in the mi in ntifdimi eentrnu eye er ey reticent out hood ecedeintc beer beiore venturing to at Gem the mention eepecte of rducettno iir Crawford end he bopee funde erth pool come from gorertenent end the eluoard th IndItIeetIIyeilIezmey be looked to tor tub Development at eporte irdlitlee it the college begea recently under the tooel initiaIiree paw ibm tiring tiketeanti courts and ehttng rink are tied it will teke lemgood deel ot money rem thou smelly tuneg government not the ethanol end the Simeon ran the public develop itreIcleu eretnuumoetwee fecllities the will benefit both Modern end the community it tr important to note thet htr Crew rein in BE EE is go trotted gig Eng ins 33 hi i3 rionueeoidieliliYWCApooI tiooe root wouldhe conetdereht IIgfttypndereereetdentemider bothered 4Sh Sense Of Humor lritbmuet here highly develop treoted to both Eire end Ulster Pleniiiul font empbreized that nich iecllitlet will tireof humor end nieep lebor wee evetlebie end menu gesturing coeie could thereby be kept Olllli At the present time thou it would be hravemen who woul edvite his compenI to invert eny cult in the din turned and 015i Patrick the BIA gradually destroying the country it wants to recaoture In the meantime it is riding roughdiod over the ri hie of other residents or the island nee beliefs and politics differ from Qnrell rertr herein theirs So disgusted tr hire at the destructive The laminar tactics of this body oimenJeirict min WWII III dd nem end there wont minty And ority that it is even contributing to in nliinm 32 with pmmmymg yIIIgigfup It II pouornant by arresting any lilA eym univerrtty cottage end oher bum WI im mm pathizcr it can lay its hands on WWW WWI entree that there ehonld he ldeeiiy oi evolve the MID As or as the prospmm touristy it won eleoprobbly the one eornc program oi dental care in rent principle eitoutd eppiy to mm WWW $iitt tiil Wot retail in iilttiiiiifn none WI 51 my 5m etidthegovcrnmctit hormone mu all politicians will will here in carrier nuheht to Thefcw who decide to in mi ht not mien viewpoint ie with minor one in em E1 delity Ilto only realistic way In II re ride touriet Bureau is now in sitteitltreee of tdem eteonoo compel to induce or to come to V131 II ettvertieere eelt Pireture And while the buried invites cine tent to come to thee blend the the per sists in blowing up perte oi the lead 1bo6eeretery heerot IMO lire sleuth declared cirrus our College Fee Increase Courageous Action uhdornontrtrnlouinseend waiters amenity it how to there isnt money for new to ward more etcieoozkln cocciI loci or have even spread their eotivtttee to crehot in England iirclf darineg attacking an otrwere moor in title quasi mllitery city Both portion oi lrclend the Republic ad Uleterere endeevortng to attract tietheir idiom id normal times lreland is heautiiui ootheiry it ierodolent with historical fea ttires miles old titles eadeitt build Inge lie history is most exciting toor EEEE oconrrolc development er in cotton Ieleure titan etc 255 at at the timed Felleilvr Up We ache er likely to et lot at etten but hope it wont detract eelbut CANADAS non Cape Breton Scene 0i Notable Events roe soonest which to in In Wt unionmceeetnhrrhev Cope Bretonis only erneli hurts code end pen of Canton hut lilies been ya it bad thorn even hetero tbeeceneoieventgolvorldleth pomp the tint do hiercooteent the ttrnt none on whether the phoaee wireless elmelecraeeiheAtien up more use by ital thruighiwaend ivrt lite or iii Imtid mm obviate tbll the inndryinl reta Bey Na rec our present poilttctn gdng thtr farlitter dragon entity for WNWllindl user on health Illift enre tint it also would eeent tit eitiobie thre one deiI we will tee new tmd it no ticien ii crnrolciotrerde width PM aibe done it ddmyhinmliie logotteIIII township man mm inl entice the em recent years before all this imuitle erupted many nowIliadurtrlee woreet beagoupoiitChntham Do Eathagl Inmgpdllk It lets oder but ititrnds to OUR ECONOMY DOWN MEMORY Linn Cincinnati 0i wen am as trees too Barrie ships owner liunter Kennedy mm up my Warnsjllgain cop cd Wellington lioth elter exten eurence thie tree the tint tune Bertie deeminer April till 0h MM med mo rive elteretions5peclel train with too an oIIiIrere veto hr FRANK PLtltEitlY OTTAWA John Yintrig tho warhmen phased through Allendeie for WM tore end medianics would be quartered lamp Borden In eugrnent Colonel lowe will mmwmmj at Camp Borden this summer torty construction etaii et new air base mini in it huie will be erected for elrrnen on em Ltcni John llcPhec oi Barrie now one room of it You aint really oraipled last year by little inientry bat 00 tiIth tin promoted to briynd or to tailed Aviation roendr will be located young professor mm Itriiiah Mew rorosoot incuewill lo mAleINll his iectureroem ree leidrindicuine renrldee deli lolli eituoiiilgrgvrilhm lttrel King route XIV reve lie came here lilrtt years in toiletloo lireietrmfttrttbl thian bonuses to into Canadian Imi meesurc otusor Prices Board Of Ination hr hire erratic ptotcd ii lit tle morn responsive but pricte and protlte continued to rise ece enytitlng the toe the Mill heed Second Canadlea Brigede now mumrm Nth nearethleticet on weeteideiteer taming in Torontoltisnotett that Oreeh itllh Simeon County bet most men engaged on Job oi constructing NEW POLITICIANS tnlion won physical training champlud hangars at Camp Borden are from Que is iin Swift sirloin nal ampctltione for Military hoe BIIOTOWlt Hill was rite oi my wfwgfwwfl DistrictNtheidin Toronto also first liy dance sponsored by Sergeante min my in heyonet lighting Randall ttlcherd lost it little on Botrd or Trade We now ere ti or close to the eonotherricauondvyearsludentitUniv eicctod Croce bank manager gre mint Mill Any um that vereity oiloronto enlisted with Canad eldent Thomas Beecroft private inn or in me We inn Army Dental Co with rank of vicepresident George Hubbard secre urgeenttlionrd of ucetloit bought tary Merchant James Vair would ever bonds with collegiate tirelnsurance new spending tie like to know via no war orders have money at 9785 from Bennett Bar come in Barrie Town Council lflle rie brokerage agent Althoth in tem posed fee of tit on ell persone buying porory quarters located in rovernl lece on local market for shipment to outside umltifiimhii tiom students of BC had avmge etten points Loni Bishop oi Toronto dedi in the hotter or God corin dance 223 out of 148 enrolment laet th Berri ColLsdf ted hitch climbowhlo Ilium mil Vlindwlipuilulp mm man eea en eoree ngeen are It or no in first game OllA junior SEmI memory of hire lilurphy Posiiion of on nhet encrns ornrttrot in the their Game at ifemmoth llink did not Court Crier formerly held by Samuel eyre oi men with not sit start until 1140 pm due tolete errivel Wesley titled with tppotntment ofIEdv lithe with Tllolilm special train from Kitchener with re mund Lolly by CountyofSlmcac 1Ih1dl ierce pleyere and fans iletolt nislieil nintotntei Annotation will sponsor big 359 433 51 et 140 am Hamilton Vloto as heat oventloiicel campaign in Barrie laicr this my pint entry but my word out Barrie curlers in provincial district month James Scott of Barrie will ehetl not put away iGovcrnorilenereltt their by 32lt 2d rttpply it reil corioede at ice to Camp linrry Hook and Oliver Cameron were Borden to boot up the pnrcs need in No mm sun comes commission whlrh was MM illtl Sydney ee here ice hit Us thine were rotted set up to control irritation Since their initntion bus NnIIIlilmI or Wild grip to the North boanote be inll reached on April trio tor hour in wedlen in lllln Population eel iii mm mm raent ebontdde Iio doesnt otter Mm mm cm hm is ten unmetpin le level mm in mm it was part oi Youngs too to it the tint rellwey end motto en triereese oi tonne Wm MW tiret diet telephonic In Cen in to your motto ryetntteeibscilthccaee mm inviscth pricorcstrninttn nth itiklreetdent Ainioi of Wm Mm time cteiine ere iedh diam the WJlic particularly business an WM 1m mlbhm cum ml end lebor year ago he one II mm mm WI Perilmeat say still rooting optimistic In In mm In mm peneneer railway it eneraIilIy $39 WWILIIMM ciderlith one run el Robert my MI environ speeches llo secreted to think restraint our being uscd or would be Llll in fact irritation has coatin twdmtdneoinownnnnecen ray ulirtlicr Yonnu and the gov ml ectotowledged Io birth sI WI III ett more so nona or WWW luheiirnea Lepreirfo and St nethorn ion on than noun no WtW it in near cy one dniiIIl WIW reiiwey ehwi the Ilme ernrnrm ncrc right or wrong 101 WWW AN and tie locomotives burned cool There we little restraint on the mm Miami That We denitely Iiiill port of either labor or maringc Wu WM be 1hr ilrei dill will in inent although it lseosirr lo mum imam mm Will in tact in North Amer point up the fittings oi labor thin ice ere chinted by Ethnootoo than oi management Appamitly the only thing in Unemployment remains at be FARM ACREAOE Cenedlen ferme occteyy actrly tie million acres according to the Conede Department of Agri culture rmrwwmn the reunion WWWmTm INTERPRETING THE NEWS Opening at Berlin Wait Tactical ureter Weet oerthen lriendil neee Itowerde minutnlei Eula era heroic Ourrrntly II issue Lt the till celton oi two iriendeiiip treeilce orte with the Soviet Union the liner with their rennin in the MI it with citys CominiuaitIrttled WW ll iihetI I1neiyeciIeImtizrtdte very mwodmmw eiter My um um or ugly or The WIII Gemiuii cblri bond eion eiter come elr yeerl oi up of ooeillloo government with oration has however eliteotcd only letiiietivr storm elro oynicel interpretations iroirt letter eteie election soon in em quarters the linden nice of the The httroretlone ennui lie wiitdi will we the in We the north Well range to hie iadorei edml to the ordinarilybanned Influx tionechencee oi eurvttet oi reeldaite learn the cltye thin the cyaiee iret they love Western emu the Beet aer good mean to construe the Moll Irvine to im emiiaerreaibed developments et prmthepeoepecteior porile mentary re the dentin will or political lflcellm ire Ilnnn oi cot licrtnnn Oiniteotior tttity iCoirriwnletet rirntill Oetpiiiiilk At the some Itll thorn nito thle polity provider fordoiiinetoindulretnunoueticd Seen As By CY 10 Cenedltua lieu suit Wetter Easier to time of hope and Babette it nor ev bon re ecttriv title rinrtltne mood Le mnny Wort tier ewcctcnre on the part of the Move enihueteem eheutthe dentin nt tuttlorti point to attire events in East Germany which they mn rider to be indications that oil dell there have no intention oi relinrpdshing cielire to being eavrrelpe entity separate irom the iederet rcptihuc this apparent dctertniaettoii to resist my mom towards Ocimnn rcunlllcotiori extends even into the mini oI rriiylnn For Ineianro en organize iionol epiit between the lrotce tent Ernneeitrel gioirpe in iloet end Weet Berlin homer tore me fort Jeri Titil followe the reveria oi the test inetiiutioaei link ween ndhcrenis oi Evan toilcellem in rcrlotu oi East Enid Walt Oenenv outelde lice Yet tutti events coincide with signs oi on rating oi liommum leisetylc resirttiione In other new of Elli Gonna lite Ii dip tlonte Examiner it he held direct it Onttrto Telephone limit second Class iiletl rdttreiioe Norther Wt lieturn potiete guerentecd Daily Seniors and Statutory Iiotideye exceptedy huhetntption titer deity by eerrtrri we weekly tttno rite Iy single roptte too By melt lierric tilde yrerly Simcoe County little yearly Balance at Cenede tidbit yearly All other Iilttfliilth wide yearly lioior throw nit limo rerly Netitetel Advortltini otnrrti es Ounce St West Toronto Odi 1710 did Cothcert 5le iiontrcel Member of the Crnedlen Pietl end Audit Eurenu oi Circule none the Cenetilen ireie II eioiuo tvcly entitled to the use Ier re ubllcntion oi all news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or the Assoc rAcd Press or iieuler and also the local newt pubileb ed therein The Bride Extentlncr rlelrrte CoKIyrIXht in eil original edieo tie lendoditnrlnirnnleriei re men by Itl employees produred In tblr newspaper Copyright Registration Nomi her rulett irtliier it fairly high level although not as high in ollicr comparable countries in merit smh Young appears to deplore chat in eonshicrs an rxrtnsive com com about uncrnpioomcnt which let to increasing govern mpitt spending iiIitI hereto more ination INFLATION ACCEPTED llo nierdiicrl no iilclen od iocaicd ination or its own retire but rooms to feel they are the ready to accept It during period at high unemployment but people he suggests trad III thinh unpleasant mulls can be nvoidrvi try halting lnliidion bolero it rains too much mo menlurm if to be hope they rl that believe in miracles or want ination to continue ISuefi politics he rolls shorb stghtcd and futile in feel umb its out oi his Joli he mqu many epccelios on the ini portnnic in iriirriixrs in pnrcs wagon and Allldrlis Iiu uryrti lhnt turmoil in virgin salu rire or priorr be hltflititltl only when they nro eloar less than the reinvent rule OI Increase Irt coeie litu commission has looked ni various increase end pronounced some oi them ct rosette In innit eases nothlnv in period partltulnrly In the ease oi Increases demanded by crlui lebor unique hiunulerlup title intuition eitLbe tithe Yet be decent My how the can he done thort oi teteiiterinn mcih eds such he hive been epplied in the post thirties wartime To Receive Help With Tuition Fees TORONTO CPI fbe execs utive director at me tterlstercd Niirrcs depreciation of Ontario llys that many student nurses fired with paying tuition tree In tho ilrsi limo ncet Sepiam ber might receive iinoaclal help from the undetlon Laure llarr Ield to on later eipwi Wedncedey that the asso cleuone board will he asked It the ionnuei meeting in tiny whether euocltiion money can be scienlth to help needy stu dent ravines Attic llorr raid that etivlcnts YW Vim WW lT HAPPENED iii critter trillilil WWII Fillyl HBOIM trotv5 t7 WWW unionr WW1 elm mi in uteri oi help wmtki be those now in their lint year one uid the Mill Ni ii the belief that they would not have to pay tuition tees Mott eiudent name like tethrI here not eld etich free In the poet with lion afuent Ileid eon yteciinlc iinrnbcr Commth College and the Nighttime School at mung cisutecncbllcngrti on particu titers eei etlilvel el rietitvte Willieth mornmitneect DOMINIO SCOT hunting viirnats FIRE EllilO serrate itttictuteutboi weer muttonqu inter lilttliihoiiibiodiiitbhhtt iii rumination airtime more trinity monomeric WMWIMMr