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buttonorsnapliylronts Strain36 our no 1198 1599 1099 each Polyestercotton cover EI hunting tlannel lining the of acrylic fill lull ell aroundzipper Navyhluo or brown BltllBlrd Leithandwindior lighthmded Wm Zip front Windbiliiteli poll jackets club iecircte Mane Flehlng Con Large and email spools BIIANTIDIID Uni CPI Comic iikh lililel lrnprrsrihe at John Dlelrnhaicre much Iddrre lo the people oi Quebec it till his roostre quested not by Canadian Iridi cores Littler towquivering Ind herdehehleg rendition ol Can IdII intom prime minister on reading bed French lonen in Yum oi Iudrrneo reaction above imprudent oi moat American mantles ilt remit pnmtelion hero by little included Impressions ol Canadian it be rt Stanllrld Prime Minister lnadeou end In other tamer prime minister Lester Pearson 0i these he teld interest in the Trudeu impression on waning llo Ilro lnclrtdrr in lair reper toire impressions oi rueh lentil iar American John Wayne Richerd NLron George Brno Ind Jack Benny lpr the last to years little nature el Otteue has lived in the United States nherc he in nude records Ippund on sev crei television shone and made movies lhrrce more ei everything In thr States he rays The hrltrnlnown become their the more lm asked to appear but in CIneer At least once year he re turn to Ottawa to are hit mother Shee typical mother and shes Ilwoys interested in what wear iio arid that ehllc his career Is comedian and impression ist woe golnr well at the mo ment he still had treat drIl ol ambition cant put my mm on whel linally want to athlete think that lrlually would like my unit television series Lillie rays that it he hadnt made it as comedian he would probably hate turned to broadcasllnl or returned to among illu been singing sinec on is years old lhats hetero Itarted impressions lie recently lllLSilEli his brother Fred resident it To ronto onto the Devtd hmt tele vision show where Fred Ilso nu Icelnirned en imprrttlre rnlrnlr think Fred is my nearest rival II he joined lorros ee noulrl he the Little Bmthrrr byrt we ueuld he tell in the rod de lilberie Teachers dtoi gerrratle Full hale Tuckewey hendle Antireverse Dontlct thisone net awayl slurping Beg were 11 It 30 at 75 Cover and lining at dawn proof poplindownereilcathcr titling lb Assorted colours in wide election at siylesoolounend trims Permanent Press cotton Poplin or all weather Canadian Mist Sites 3645 Water shy Pacer Ny lon in Nevy spruce or beige Full swerthand Sixes Gilaili Sport exert an hunt All prlcu in oiiect until clorlng time We SIturdIy We mom the right to limit quentltl lire ligalnsi Region Bargaining EDthNmN llil to Al icrta lrnrhm Iloeerlalirrn till violently me my proton elnl government more to latte over rrege negotlelroee iittrrry JIrnpolelsy presidcoieleet ol the correlation sold Monday Nr Jmnpolsiy oi Edmonton said in en interview that the escocietion also is opposed to regional bargaining lot new contracts Vinyl Fishing Poncho Heavy neune trauma 99 DoubleknttPente WWW Ich Special ochre hm 5888 Mens Bridle who like 5166 Our own tienante hrandlnillttiiwhitecot ton rih Athletic style tops double seat hriels Sites to XL Troy Techie Box 15 cantilevered compltlmentr yllstlc latch 15 Cotton Trout Not Muirrinllm how Ich eraordain mh Wood itll Viln Ilasrio cord mom2 Irarill 30 Polyethylene Net ll HEW45 Numinumbows cantilevered mi raiztxzt Inch trayr large Md litilNMill itxixiii mid Splncm and end Heel Set 599IIV 52pcesoiidglassPush button line release star drag Practice plug end 85ydsol8bmonolino included Agreothuyior theheginner Alsoevail ablothsolnnlngtodand reel at the same price Fishing liner ourregd I69 uni Fine Mono 810 12 or 15 lb test 200 yards per card Fine BreidedeS 20 or 25 in test 50 yards at black line per card Sru51xb Vinyl cheat Wodore pull Slo It h2l3299 100 poiyutertwillisttrong yynyywimnm Fair and wrintle resident Pleat greed 3M lea hone nonroll waistband Attached sus minioihrrlumteeercailil mdm 42in hiarnshedrr choice Excellent It in regional hareeinlng irr held leadrch and trustee lose control our mnrlllloru uhldt may he Iurluue to their one Ines there Also us threat lint Ieiml boards which prodwd high tenderLII rrlyht he term to reduce lion and to lit OPEN MON Ti UNTIL it PM FREE PARKING BARBIE BAYFIELD RD HWYS No16 end No21 CHARGEX LAYAWAV enevhouus oncouts cheese wmm mum