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decorative Checkmate or Concord pelternt At these low clearance prices better shop early vent ntnczne About more oi the Then lor best relcctton Limited quantities Ouoentitted 60x80 Ouality cheered velvet type cotton terry in your choice ol pretty floral printr or solid colourr or you can mix match Wide colourseiectlon Handtowelihx25ourrIg1hB99eech Free cloth 12x12 our reg 79 65 each Cumin Swim elimi ed the Boxiruttrr Promenade in MN rennin Iltrrie iienh 17 Caller it this iundilied mm are him llay limerr Calhoun Hamlin and lied or the it emu ninth west preterd hen the planning romrnitlec Io rormerrmntc ill observance oi the 75th emivmsnry oi Elfin 10 lor the Slim Kmth Water Institute District arm at nan hold in the amp mort lna room arm 23 him izunoxgnu in pttmiaewc Jenna meeting is dI emit and will he held It shanty Day ilayato Ail brandi nomtll are reminded and erred te toward their report to the do lrlet conrrnrn immediately lollowine the branch Imlhi UITW lNCOOKSTOWN Fourteen Trinity Uni ed Omit Worm ottmded the Goohtewn United Grureh our menu Bein meetm hieth pt to on Prostntulel new hire Etmit Brim Bertie bring an wopiate message hlre Alton Orr ol here lleed Wanted by hire Paul inr tier oonducled lively rinzr ui numbm geared to the Atrlro Par end the our ilymn lines lIIe dooitiotlel mind we con ductcd ctleelieely lay hire Paul itednaelt Ind Ilia lrene hie 1hieeler other nclzbborlnx who alloyed Codestownr Willy were Beeton Vllend iiieati Willi klroy Grliord 1m Neuron iinhlnxon mt lbrrntt and ten were cereal by iilte bottom cmtcludinu worlheiilloe me hlLts Francis iiiettldrrr eptni iihe Eaalo mien rilth her lmslm Norman and iihri the troll in It rm Muirincl Crane en tire George Ilolt recompiled ilrr tctorence Fisher to Wheimn illnltud Clnirrlr Marne llnreh ti titcrl thr tnanse mmmtiec oi did hit out tire rlrlwell end lemlly or name uni and hire liun Gethons irornton owl Sol ilmnrry lire tallrr lriglrt oi llarne UNITED llliUliCli llcv leui Parklne message tor April war Farrier All Trupresi Guaranteed noironfor life or replaced free Allover llullted Pillow 17 25 chip learn tilled ier allergy lrcnlecpirrgcomiort Ouiitedcoverin varietyoletmctivecottonmryonrand blendr Eomond Thermal Blonkot 71 50 60 Polymer 40 Rayon nrdtolllarn binding Ecolourt our 94115 99 neon ourreg599 $499 each Cluernllal 80x108 curioureeeeeench Pillow CesINZxZCI our reg 283 155 pelr All trainee in ellect until clollrrg time thll Saturday iWe reserve the right to limit quantities tilKKMATE let iluality Phentex Yarn Machine washdry Colourlast shrinkrcsistent mothprool Full l202balls colour renge till Printed Crimphnlt 100 Polyester in collection ol rmert Spring patterns Ind vm eolourr Mechlne washable Croeton Fringed Furniture Throws nurrag599 70xh nlillllJ ourrnglJ current ourrIp1lh 70x30 70x120 70xido 47 $947 51247 31447 IIch Colouriul llorel prints loam hacked to 5r Mechinewarhebleinqold orgreen pawn llamelochs Inrnn eiih the their lovely in the timely enthcnu lor the 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limb to they ore located at d5 Collier EL oppoailo the ml each MON an ear UNTIL 10 PM FIIEE PARKING BARRIE BAVFIELD RD IIWYS No 26 and No27 lAVAWAV BABVBONUS CNEOUES CASIIED win tuimauaanIicunndeacaileaenwou