Confronting Nam nilstore El ei NW ICPI Iltli low or the les It Ready To Retire gr atoll tuoltltl is EE 32353 til 53 Williams WITHIN Will loltlotelhts Ihoclnhri hlznpf nude um mm bctIten Ad Id II Im not to yet Is Im IIth Imllc Sloto he looks shout IA Ind thI II belle hlla The ceavtrutlon corneI Imlnd InevllIhllt to Ms molt recent Mil the Irma tItII taint IIIII SttIIrt III Spam Ihm tell lhIt knotted out thI rinerrold Toronto lighter In the mettle room are died Ith It linurlllttc horpltIL For Ihlls Iller thsL Spam me he thoulht et nuIIlInI tell ml bod Ihout IIIII tor olilla III land Ilte Ind two kill out not at thrill III toyworeodtllthat lle the more thomt ohent It the more their Guy III like mull in male better ilvlnI nun llIlitInL Althoaph It III In unlartuaItI thltI IhIt lap to 0w It could hm lll me too Itllt lim llth ta lnIke IlIllIap IlIInI tor Iilmull IlltI his IllsInd mm really hlI two you thle oertins been the nuns ol the 1m for rks state he turritsl prolon ultel In id WORK FOR CNN Ilut tor Will when top earner puru nu been looking Ilvlnz involm more than Imlnl The lIII newbies tool ow Ivor II and steward on elm over the ycIrI ha ha Irv Ittady routine at lrnlnnI alilt worlan LO ONLY EVEN llelookvphoxlnllnlml one II that the nitride be It of the late Irene Men min Ind III Ipotted by laeII trIlaIr Iknray John III plded me out on erell ol Ibein too II III Inked ma II III AulIIHJ Thu III In Icon Spam urntd prolry Ilonal Inated hed one It lIrIIhemldIIInImetwr Itin hI Ian the right to no ruenl CIanI In the mo omnpln Iad Iomtme out med he no out Ind rIllc mom to pay tor the trip prolaslonnl lie hII or vlttorltI III all retail only mm loom IrIl hes never been blotted 091 The inltrate III III Ihani he loudll durlnx OI IoriI Ihortvllvrd comeback hid Sports had to quit he nine of Ice ruls While he ceatldcrs Won the lounlell mIa hes lotllht hlI It In pnydsy the 000 toot almlnhlrun Iuecultul no to topple Cool mosnmlth Iltllt heevywclxht ehsrrplon Bah Dvnloptn Mel butane BpIrtI lost by decl Ilon om lI mam WON TITLE lllI IrnIIIeII purre VIII lhetthtla eIpcmetbertlor IIl1 Dull In Itean Illll Lee llordca ol NontreIl Jenn Wit I21 dcclilen took home Ilie In lawdot complete Ind Iorne small this re IIII retained it Ix ceot tor tell mothI lollom MI loss In thatliIrn Nll to Ilene Durelle ot nutty IIIJllLAnnallemtIndIv rlIloriI over lhlrcllo In IuhIe lIuem bolnI In Toronto Ind lIlanlpu tIklnI home purle ol abort 0000 IIKII Throu the yen BpsrtI liu Island ttputItlon II nloe Iuy Ito IIIureI it Is not untamed dont go out to dtIirunlle IIvlIo llooldnplors ll out II dont let that try tor dctIIIon II my hat to Icrlvlclouo Ivny tlme he lIdilI ltI nial to IIIth htxpmontl Allied whether he would do II III alti IIIIn he replies DtIInItolg Wltlt little oil ol llIll llo wort Ion been to arl meld III the Ilnl can III clan that on cull trip with the CNII and Its Ihont work oil lllI dell ell tlIrt toms hoclt Intro and Ilvr ally and Im happy III Ille lo the talent Sports Play Bio Parl In Lite 2L OI llverage Resident OI China IKKINU tltcllleII Spurn nre Will In Gitnn vlrltor ultinI ltuoutn the city rm dime 01 ptrnw litnl plnpponI Intdrs Irwno llIIItIl north at youn INI Iircn wait to play Ilil all Ill nuny no more mm ID nun DIII Illiplny devulntu ion In IwhlIlJtItId lcth liIrIle Monoxide en mi ol TIMI Illlnlt room with II lent one Iona erlInIIInIt to he sun at any time lhmlnl pmllzs rhvtr llrlilnd them Ire the toner lloIlI when time It InvarII swept the llunlll anal took ItrInIIelwld on world tItIlI lllllll INS Then the cultural rtwlvltun Illlnltllltl and Odom ilayr returned to the champion Itllpl tell your or the lint llrm Iloee Jim The Glillono withdrew Irom III IntrrnIlIonaI olrrliple 0o glee In Illu lrut the made clear Innt yosr the lime II noon lnr rc enlry pravldtvl Union nppllri Ilatlllnnlon Ion ronIIrmtd lJiInsI new stutul or ruler International tonirnllrr tum Irena heath Melon Iln the Wild NI Staph MI Jenn wont be Illh us died last lInuiII but hll me home will ItIIyI be Ilth uI poor ones Ire word truer II no ruudl In the mental me on thin in MI lIyold The yecnI Ire III II lIrIe Ind very Idly Ind tut Well Gotten lend to renicrnhtr IV cry Iliot Natlonnl In lIlI Omelet Goody tBl mittruler with him lioIcI to no lie honeyed Md one and he InyI hIcIn walk to the tram uhltll he hit each oI Ihotl rlplil It lonl II All Ilulen II planet It AuplItI NItImIl the room II llnllIII la Roll hIItor lau mudIIiIthubeenlhulleolI lIrriouI lournIroent every III IIan IBIL Jones and olIer tho cIoIeLV uhIcncd pin and II LocarncatI over Ihn yearn ImI dune mthlru chances nude hm but rmtI It Inor enjoyable and lalr eatsu to ayIndetplIoelorIpec morseethsulloalhe utter II Iellevldeat II IeIIon IlckolI are IlIIrI Iota out nionthr More the not IIIII ls Ilntck Emilent II Irrpl re worded It AquItI NIiloruIInd hed by huntan or Ion putt rnI break were dlllornnti dlreclum belore ll reechullte oreI ol the hole Ihlch Ir IIII IltuIlodoo IthIIdyIsreleot they tIh at human rm Int IlIIys will be able to do to hrllm Iilm In Ill Candy and JIek Nltli lIuI rolled the whole teed It III Knollit how well Joell pt AunMo everyone expedod In to more IIWI the tleld In the loot rou toward III lottth llutore illomlep Ntckltue dxlnt exactly tell sport to the tut mullet hII pt wu someullatolerthodowed yCoo dy Ind John Mlllcr that Ind MIINS MlllOtt noon canines urbendthcthLdseeia InkumthBoIlsllcnsIb anamormmnc The7W Palmer Method IIInprarealobcneotidm thls irar II the Ilnotm loneI tmdtr For It lrlu it III Miller IIIO III II twld Ike Join chore rd Into the Iced Itlli rhipln blrdie an the pad Izlh cod an ultra hlrdte on the pen ltlh At that pnul he III stroke attend Cood1 and two up on llltllnun Alta hltlin the pond lrontod can In the par5 All In two lllller rrilued tire hlnlie by threepulttnx thra MGM 16 mod II III Inch Bum IIIIdIB Ilalthoe are not ilrIuIIIl tor Inyone It Aumte IIih III protein Ntcklm stuck In that hill Iorne IiInt chips end Ippmnrll eedtlhlmln0nlhellthlo everenn IhI with chlp nomtlierlplt thrattIe shot on It and Ipprasehsd poorly $51 That Ietlli Inlfofz 30 gent pI Irecn cool Illh Ill two IhotI noon at title not Illctlnm truth behind In 15th to hkdls and anoth IraIt ohlp on 17 mod par This time the Itlllee dltilt Int to turtle Ily were III ml tIlllin had out rover not any pol to such II lhmo It AquIln NItlonII II dellcatc Irt Those rhlps Inlet be tmlod smelly Illa will Illh much the some map and Itroto Ind eortalnly In toilet Iniourlt ol plaruilnl bad tlilp can coolly cunt you Itrolre Than In two who adhere to on Ide lrurn tin lrlnpe than their that do not hole to clcnr hourdr Onc II tom the ttaItIoliod duh up lhIt will land the hall on the men and the other II to Ian tor onc nuIrtcr bollm Ind three ounrter run mount that thll would elnnIe II on dmihlll dill to last green there you mind mttoute Intlorn tool rr run and MOIOIIOO club to mate the ball Ilop Par Dyan lilll hole It Aurmta ItIllonnl yt laymen we 3183 If In IR In rft tin1 12 115351 lim LJJJI Fillmore Playoff Dates or FlyerSoo Series Are Announced The Barri lIyen Illl oora tlielr DCIIOIIIIO Eutem Can IdI ItmITIlIdI In Allsn Olp pIIy In Soult Ste llnrle IrldIy nlphl It urns unmixed today Alter ware IroaIllal the In ulterian at the Hockey Assodltlun Senior urltl ml Ill SntIllStl Ilsrlo Colindlant the NORA represen Iilm agreed to datu or the militant IIIlite Sotvrolpnelnlllesclerlllhe framed Sadly nldit la the 600 II the sorts reunolal to Bar rle Itll the uplothrco IcinIlnIril IIrneI The third will all he ple April It IlIrilnI at 30 pm at the Barrie Mean loJrlli lam ll nmeary Iill In April 15 Int ttlIh name It notes Iary Ill be erd April ll The ulnar ol the semifinal Illlrneetlhevlnoerollhe New lourldlnni Senior Lemln the opeolM Inn ol heeloloeven Irries to detainan the 5mm CInIdI re rcstnlIIle tor the Allen on lollowlnx weekend It the home at the OatIrlo tin nee The Icrle then rclurm to Now larndlml lor the mIlnlaI Inrnen sinnon Eliminated Barrillljdgets Tram Tourney ILutw rm um own on Ion urunf dcadeolh olcrtllre pulod me Blrttngtori Ila ovce the Berrle CoOp IIIdxetl IlliI romlfinhl pm at the llurllngtmillvldcn 155th hounarrient laII wret Itle ttnmi cation repltadea play In lit deadlock Ilott lltc Cualpuorcd lor the Col club llartln and nut Sumlcrl drcw Iulrls on lite ml The IlIrrle ItldIeI tum hsl Idvnricod to the Iomlllnnl ol the tourney with to VAT over OIII an and lelory ovar Gmlptl The Cove cluh Ialch two the Ontario lllnor IIOtItl medallion AA lllle In North loam April 11 tor the Buddha Contcnnlnl Toumarmli Alberla Captures Bowling BASKATOON TCII Alberta captured the Canadian ltvepla bowan chomplorun sure tote nlesday try Idan via lory til the mens teem event On llorxdny the Albertt team had plotted up win In the mens lInitItI Ind rolled learn events Ilvl It tool the IImIIlo villh to poIntI llrlilnh Olltnnhln III and with pulnlI lollnwcd lilIaI thNorurwcrtcm Onto Itth Sui SoIItaldlcunn 27 Ind On tnrle ll Alberta llnlshcd liIIh norh lw mornln over BC wllh store at plus to under the lttorron point system ohllo the West Coast haulers had Ill plttl it Manitoba lll thlld with 105 plus Snshttllcnsa hId III VIII II and Ontorlo 101 plus 50 Under the roaring Iylttrn lath IeIm revolved one point tar plnlaII DI no one polrlt tar winnlnp with plan honuI pulnlI tar honilng In oppeelnn Title prelim In both theIr MUM In the lilwa dumplonlhlpe Saskatchewan mode IINIIK llnIIh to late the uomcaI ireln rhnmploiuhlp lotlrlh alter term at the It rrialthu they Ion lhclr lan lhrre KNIICI wlth scorn ol 15M IAII Ind 1m to It them blI margin ever ran her Ontario Sns alumna ttnlsllnl pith Item ot no plin no Ontario hal lot In II to plus nlnr ll tulleNortheastem Ontario II pIuI three Ind AlbertI II Din ll lllClllIIt DIES WINSTONSALEII NC IAPI IIIlIlI Floyd CtrIda tanner malor Icninla lncohnll pilitler lIIttI Illoniday nlpht nllcr hvlnx Ialien III at tile homo atll 55 ii n5 grit E53 lg E35 In 55 It Egg it is El MIIAII County Internal Seminal Doubleheader Goes Thursday hIIl lune Illl kit ollItI ott lulu Moonlight dailhehada Il EnsllicI tec endan nhool BurlI Brass and Glenn Ihkh lirllllled mood In the I000 IIIO hett lhlrdplm Orlllln Cum al Ill iri WoodI Gull Ilurt lcrI captured llrIt plate IIII hat Nthplea Elem llyIlItI it am Strand leewees Advance To Final The Stmd Bandy Care Coll Peetel IdVInmd to meet Oold Iattc In the meat Illaor lloctey league lIaIl IerleI Om Oly by mm mm at so Bony chh Ind Allan Celdl well mad the End tone goals you hp Stmd team the bettolthres setnillael to two Itrslm aria Crusaders Knot Novice Series The Allsn Cook Crawlers nipped the shroud Nov lrel to Sunday to the llar onto lllnor ltoclty league lla nl IrrleI II one rune tech Kevin Guest In Kevin Ptn mod the thunder IoIII llly reviled lor Slruud cannot Wins Bantam Title Goldwater Boalnrra tool the Iluronlt hllaor Ilockcy RIM Ellnlyotlllmlllle Ind the TH All In WIN downllu the Strotld YImlm BInlIlnI In IAbAIII bell atollsre mice In loo IImcI Grant leIzhctl Ind Stern Manor Itored tor Strand In the lost lhehtrnMCouIdyBIIttla Mommies aim ll heIollhtcc Itriel lte reminder tl tho Ichtd nleI leIlre Ilurtlm i1 Ilnllcs lueedny Apr ll It Sterner Welles II Ilnrllrrl Thredny April ll MI pm It ButtIrv Batu Burs II Cum throw Axll II pm It Orillln Park St Caren VI Brut lhunlry Apll It 115 pm It mm LII takers Sweep NBA Ouarterlinal THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jerry Plat cmoltd lot III II In the maid hall Ind Annclu token rallltdto but minoxo Bull 10031 IlII sweep lhclr NIItoaIIBIIkethIIl mum ousrttrItnnl plural tern lair arm to none The Intern new advance mind the Ilantr ol the NO IIutcc llaclI Golden SIIII Wanton IonIts The lluctr now lead that hectolneim Iorlu Iltcr banal Golden State non meson neat In the other two units Tune day rename Bullets look lead over New York llairhi with loom Illa Ind Atlnnlt IIIIII cvtncd their III III Ilaton Grilles It IIO am wtlhl IllITO Won lalhe AmeslnIn ckzthIIl Medallion Mm Ideal Dcn lel IllI20 lo Intro load In thIt hostelmen unterllnIL New York dm Kentuon 10590 tor It It lend IIII Ilr Ilala Iumped to 50 on one the Melon with 1qu MW NBA Ittion roam TIRH dIy nlaht It New York Ind un Inutte Ind Ills Oettloollll midi ea Istla It Boston Irtv day CAR TRUCK RENTAIS HAVE MOVED THEIR LOCATION WE ARE NOW AT IOI DUNLOP ST WEST ROLLS SIMPSON SHELL STN OPP CDN TIRE NEW PREMISES NEW PRICES TRY OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL OR CARS OR DOOR AUTOMATIC POWER STEERING RADIO SIMO PLUS PER MILE PLUS OAS FROM NOON FRIDAY TO AM MONDAY ECONOMICAL PRICES OUALITY SERVICE WE TRY HARDER 7266527 My all homeroom match In prom lit all the III to the mo tun lurk or Inn Isy porno uIII lnton Islonl unwell Illinted It er lilily on that eldth lol hadmlnlon court with INTAl If youre size corner crrolr COURSES 46 or overmyou IN ausmrss AND TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS 0Malrl ellln nulls tlmnnle when rerlltltnto thruth clenlnl court nlllitr per mil IIuIllut ln Altll 5W ulllmulizm JulIoIlrmt rnrcI rrlnilroinentr olTIIhrilrInnor lluIIanImIIlIcala It communlly collcxcl or ill the Ontarln PAST TENSE niloolollon at Ceitllled tin tnccrln IIIIIIIIAIva mm IIIIATIIHI lll ntnnvn Hwy IIEE PETER Inllltlilalll nrlnr their own hm or Mm or relative do them later Ind trll them about our III III Inil Ill Toll lltpL ml mm mm mm thmmunhntlune lvrltirn lllltI tIraI April It nuctlm IIiltsJlIluriJ tlllt cm or II on In lJnInmunrnIloni Wrtiien ltiat II it it lilovllvyen on the lles mm wlnltr momlnlil vllym WWI Amt tI III wells titanWed AplII lo Izlt wlrlu trimWall nrnhuII rIctlIlnI The In minor or Iport II hpilI to no weckt Inletrim artlvnwldls szble tonal II In to my Iv In With nton up Ilinlnm Ilylttnu and Procedure lImm muum In addition III the the Input Ind most complete telcdlon el meal hoyr Ind ItudIatI IcIr lo mu lar IIer MAIL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED MR IlenMr rALL lConvideItIIeIlleoIlItemtool MEL BRASS CLOTHING STORE lnr lull llltnIiI nonloul Georgian tellers Continulnl lulucatlon lltrIIIan tot Dinltth Street lilrrle Tot Miami or tllp Ind mall mnpon below TO tlrorIIIa tnIIuI NAIII Teatlnnlnr lieurnllnn IIIrtllnn Ilnnll oanpthiton ttl lltItIIarlll Illrrtl lohliiilnlmlv mm It Ilwrl lltlI Illtllll anIlTI IMHO mmlon mm mm Heart total the In thinniiunlrnllune IllrMIOOII matting IIl1 lton MIhl Emmanltellonr Il Ftllllml Ir 00 table toanlI chsniTilaiIiIIg mu IIuIInesI him the no ylorllltllrlsltlmllnltlnwr Personnel lIllonI tlolttlml unitIrIInllfflrtwllrrrla ltronIIy and soccer pnrtlru Irrly Molar In the south the enthuolum lur spoils ntte ell marlin IttllltIeI proud to all under ultlolal IIIIILIIITOIII thlrlill the rule Ian Invohlllrn It portlmlnrly IItllllItIIII tor lviurI Interns AIlIIIllth lllmlriin Btylteld MIII maul arIrII ntrlili tra At the Fill Pelntr Downtown moon IIIirrnl ps up