Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1972, p. 17

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is its is as is iii are 35 5s it is rm Warren Denney at Ben rte was ennvied Iaa driv WWM ital Whd rum in the elsargv Inland In their dentuiiituyilhaOmDnn strip can limit at llzld am Iheaaapoiane ultimohaervnla Iteraapoilceolhtesohaarveda vehicle attmvt to hn into service sultan and Imiead go into the rhetlider oi the road aneynstinedtlso RobsonLang Pact Italilied liotsooLanr workers in Bar Eggs Guile Wilson Ibo playa Mandates rents lieieaa ream matey Examer the wishes ol the residential pre xiiihiliiiiaonuoe said at B9rd Number Of Cases In County CourtfSessaon industrial Rood Hearing At City Hall Tomorrow torraoeoret ladauulrirord odesoireaidcatletlndbdani itulyas Road Barnum malt then have to Install road Mira vacantietronttm harndheavyirucr trelliswould hapotoniolherosldcotbirtreet om DEFEAT PURPOSE act the matter waived bdng It would deter the whole Whitnvlnganindabtriei mwmd macreed arldwfdendu with another Olinary Avovsur meet uti Dealsoasidthecrdsoilbe Marina Operator laaa Mandy at cit Drive vaitl he mom to awards as the operator ol the rmnlrlpai marina tor the roar inn year The works rumalttee made mmudnilon last night alter studying the tour tender 2le received by lhr city to age hlr hieOlrdyr propoari calls mamas APRIL ill 11 Capitol Budget Hits Record High record debeohle lease at burrowed la applied against the gate dig and Air hichdy EMT lot tapiiel protects cityrpucnpitn dchlwhchvaD agrees to provide an aBepdnnt var awrovedmbidw corneal be tlmt ii the proposed bud ler the marina tram am to hinterland proweth getkamrovnioytheObih part raven days week our aetvailinwgotntrreoniuto malaria vulhlaprwoaolihOVMMIInlmson Moulded Board for Its apprav edhudxrtvniirmlrat alterations ltLv tender also raid he would IL sun at $10m was heckled Aid Prank Hersey drairnsan erectalarsoaianatthemarina at too Mennonites told that the tender would he Itth dravre ii the bidder did not also minivan to open Ila have ralilled threoyear This larder was relrrred to mumeuhhngw incense the harem mandiiee whine took no action last right or In 11 tilted do ugh any war go Diidiliuitlh 011 Ira $3rwmatmmm lynximmisqu heal ml mess thir tender void and be mmWM 17 Allied Food and Mother ested the it all Ws Workers walked all the lab in alternoon tvvo woehuo to alias and arenas space only In on we more harassed was told that work will go Pi mimsciiliieiiii Form theeit arrartaa Phat manager lkltdb M5 in WWI raid today the walnclatao Nailioxrstdmaierinlsiorlhe mmmmb mtlridnmtheamhaide mammalmadman somehow waldheahultliicct lama 11o ricl oily acgtdatlsns world regain an walnutwide brd ier oi trees betwrrn the road The city riruclod to relate eatery eitort to asth all the palm who sign ed the petiDorl the road way to advise can at tonnnr rvwa meeting this year ior raallrry rewrrs ea antiinto have individuatsern about Drivetllhthltndlld at altos uni he lollid also been appomiiuromt aavia ldtsliill in the but medil eerutructimareattherlte and Men archer swoon was addlrd se its Insetne mine melee garages the low bldd mg in huge ca When erorawasio aging tender the operation at the it eeed today Nill Ill cm m0 mac rraer hrley runrlna it Bren hlr McFadim bid trees which mmpm 11 area and Assodaies oliered it Includu lheptledrtrina andcoo liraanu erararities had proposed Wear olrli rerroua laxnriia attraction at the pleas hir For Killed dustrtrl land owner as well as ostraer the peevtra record was ill million approved by the oath last year and be ratd el lurts ind been roads to vprud itermovaraperlodelyearabo creature nous eta mmmthe AL and lager to the silt annexeare mm mum sored nunMom niieie emulation whlob almanac We torm tumor it MODEM city workmen M53313 roam the ct will mom the octagon this year and the WWW to do obou taboo were along reader here Ilenavlaeele or may reaopoo next year mutation or this leader was the shoreline tauarda like the Public Utilities order to have serviced land Fun services It this nibrlniol at irnbetrt Home In Baaale tor loacvph it loot lhe run and shot me Two panels oi Jurors have been caieaed to hear record areer er claim cases during the mat melon or oolanty court itislhailrattirnata the earmtya history that two pars ela have been chosen Each will all or two weeks The move was made neces sary by the la crinlinal cases on tbedabetludreAALCarter raid It early one panel was and tar ail ll causes these at you here ted might have been re quired to here lor live or his weeks tie said he is aware ot the ire convenience and tear ot income caused Jurors and raid it La lul Ialr toleqs Iury mentors lay Irena work ior more than twnweehs lodge tartar arid the record nurvabrr oi cases tour taroret drain the last sitting does not aerossaraiy Neale rise in crime in the county lle raid many people are now showing prelereane ler trial by Iury rather than by other means he aka said the availability oi legal aid aisn increased the caseload lha badge raid be ieets certain the cases all late all true weeks piloted and roaae may have to be reruldo to the neat sitting in October table address to the grand which will decide true hills an am at the cases and inspect the Jail and courthouse Judge Cartasr read the iaciliitcs in the mat courthouse are totally quate tie pointed out the Win till your old and It cert about is are it you tale good lookat it it scum ludicrous to me that It an eerie ihh county in am herald The lodge raid the tall stall is hen doing the heat Ida 90815319 hall lander irylel conditions ile raid miles at deal ol pas our ears about thercnslstracy ol iraad lurics reports modulating crisi urg conditions 11c said there has been tails oi braiding new courtholne and the province hrxpurctased the prwerty where the courtbom now stands but nothing more has Ibccar done its said partial rpare near the cabling rite Is llrplorable and there is little iustlllcatlon tor the inconvenience caused people who visit the courthouse Carter raid little has been one about new since there has been some usslon about the construction at rr xinnnl tail arrvang the region reilacr than the calmly lhcroa been talk but nothing but talk or the past Ievr years the Judge raid The lodge raid there Is tacit oi proper writing In the surro gate court attire its also said the amount at All work reward in the south house increased In the past lew years Since the new divorce laws were passed dirarce cases have increased lira Ihnts Witnesses Say Men Shot For No Apparent Reason ruo witnessrr testied In touraty court yesterday Herbert Brett that at David McDonald car as Windsor House hotel partial lot in Atilsien March last year hlctr has been that ad with WWW llama WY gun cave harm to McDonald hthoonld war the rst to test lly lie arid Mia had been la iaghlinrlclelhe hotel earlier ant had approached the table where McDonald and tour other people were villa and asked in chair when he vans told to Mi hinlsrilho a1uagedone oi the men alidog at the ishie Atuhteaosedandhotricdto break it up lthorarid raid hart we asked to leave by the bartender 11E SDDI itlli McDonald said he and triend 1d than allerward and went to the per let its raw Perla sitting in car and went over to assure Putts there were no hard leetiagr about the tithi Uui aaevcr got the words out McDonald said Then be II Ttnrgraon Assistant Drona altorn entered 91 let run as an one li hit me in the breath the Elm waded my two teeth In some out New Dorothisiriouiuqtielhr Allison police and were taken to Stevenson Memorial Hospital alters McDonald was treated Under cross capitalisation tile Donaid raid he had not rulrng at Paris at any time during the tight and did not grab or moire any threatening gestures at Drier Paretr in the parking lot itlrohold Rowen Iloliy silo testillcd yesterday 11o said he had been with McDonald during the incident inside the hole In and when hitDonald was shot the evening lie raid the detent lla said McDonald became in volvad In the light brat he did not know whether he was harsh tag it an lie veried licDoaroidr testim ony that Paaeta stepped one at the men at this table without pro vocation he said they saw iuctz sitting in the car and McDonald an preached him to apologize tor the Mt lie said he raw Parole all revolver and sheet hia Doond when he was about two leet away item the car lie Id Pasta then pointed the it at him and told hlsrr it he didnt leave he would be shot also itawaga read he beat halo the hotel to get help and when he returned rhotily altrrwurd Pue ir was gone tinder eroes exmalnatloa Rew cga arid he had met Pueta he tore when be altered to shove the item car lrovrt anowdrllt New rarr Eve lta raid Pacts held the gun in his dust hand lie iirst noticed the can when he was about loot tram the car Sergeant ihoroas McKay the investigating oilicer said he llrrt knew at the Incident when hlc Donald and timer came to the Atiisbarl police station When he examined McDonald helore tah tag ham to hospital he louaxi one tooUr missing and two other broken After obtaining search war rant and warrant to arrest he worst to the drlendantr hoarse lla said Poet was arrested and charged walll wounding All the police arrived at his home Sat ltcltry said he talked with woman at the home and she gave him the pellet gun the gun was leavich at that time Set llcliay raid hart had been dainltin and could be con yiderul tan red Under cross eaaarliuaiioa Sgt McKay raid live pellets are Tired from the gun at the police attire lie Lllll Putts had wound in the palm at his tell hand when he was arrested lie was treated at Royal Victoria Itoopltai Ia Darrin Sgt llrltay auid allrr Poets hall capialrlui how Uae neural happened he went to look tor wataessrs and to search the area at the rhoottoz Delrooe Attorney Wild man then prontrcod another pet loi which had been entered as an ierlrlbll at the pctlralnery been Toc trial continued today wide detrare witnesses lrstllytan Dmnlssiou owers the total ready tar 1m Two City not Oliicers Promoted To Rank OI Detective Constables Itomld Plckard Ind ltohtsl McKenzie oi the Benin city police department are oilioiliw oi detective yesterday alteraooa Dray were presented with their new beads by Jilin it Carter Both men joined the Barrie lama In 155d Detective Plchard alerted as In aonrlabie iir la uremia register course at me Ontario Police Gotten in and idea detocllrn rouse at the collage tie has atirnded drug remin are and his Intrrrsts Dr to the tield ot work he wUI be res poasihte lor investigating dnag ertentrd uisrscs llr Finland is on the martial tun committee at the lice as sociation lie was the tilalor oi minor in Barrie now been taken ever by the Optinr Isl Clubl hlr McKenzie In also grant ete oi the render and detective comes at the Ontrzio Police one its is she groadurte oi the Royal Canadian hlauated Police school at bicaUDtMIoo and unloer iie began wide the city police as civilian clerk and later ho enrna constable ills dutice will tend toward in realization the scenes or calm and arson htrsliciieono has been cola wormiedtoihe teak aid Brown Barday appe DETECTIVE PICliAltD aromeird reeledwith minor hockey and minor interward aatLball both men are married wills two sons Each will he in charge at ornrum intestizalloaas their MW ahilts oral will have one amn subordinate to them they are responsible to Dispocior it Nealhwoy The dcinctivu attained their ranks theorists interdepartment ntlnns earl by writing the Ontario Police Conanassl no es arralahteons Their rank eqaaivaiasat to that at capital Toronto IIIan Convicted Ilere II $2174 In Wellare Fraud Ocarina Arthur Darday as at llmdas Street West Toronto was unaided la prvvimal mart Noisy at tslnstnmm oi Irand manila lie said he was amrriody Barclay ma analysed on charges at demanding utiare ageaclee in it dlliercat cities or loom in Ontario at 311 D6 raven Aug ll and Dre to ma Using the names Charles Har clay Gloria Beckett and Fion ared It the sacral aim alanine AIWIZS oi needing money to pay lor his rent and load lba told ditc Ials that he had lust storth now loll tart would not be ting paycheqne tor another with tour children Barclay is married with two children and was legitimately collection Stud mornlr in viti laae durinr this period Judge Charles Weinberg or dered Beasley married to bus todv until April it when pre acntcaace report could be filed hordny has prerm record at rirrdlra ollrm Receiving Strike Vote Ballots Ontario Ilydro employees are In the process at conducting strike vote by mail and last night ballets were handed east to local rtewm ior distribution in the Barrie area About tat workers in Barrie Allister Suratr Penetrag and Drillin are includrd in the local unit their Ioh classifications vary lrorn clerical duties to op erating and maintaining electri rrat distribution systems The workers are part at the Ontario lide Etholoyces Union drain uirhchIsLotallDtiOoltheCnn adiaa Union of White Bunion ace committee representing all hydro employees across the province has been bargaining with management in Toronto since Jamaaly Carl Mason chiel steward tor the local unit said negotiations broke all week ago and the union has spoiled tor coacllw tton conciliaior has been ap pointed by the rovince had an meetings have been held The button were handing out in each Lollvidurl arenabur will be mailed to the headquarters in Toronto to be counted on April 18 11 Mason raid lie arid strike action It authorised mo ballot would only take when conciliation and all otirer means at rcachlnn aeittemeni had been exhausted llr Mason said the union world Wanton to maintain rustle hydro renlcea it they strike but would only repair breakdowns and not provide annual meantenance oi the ease tern The union Is asking ll per cent Increases inc all workers it re prwcots and ior improvements to vacation scheduler and pea eaon plans its said so trainer ilrvru la the contract have been traced laser but no progress has been made on these ulster In scars ireeaotielharrirwbedledu resu at an erxident Satan tundra his ttrobireson aretiredtlttt employee was struck by and abuheerossedhrntonhvenur ueathsharne lie has no waivers nuclei will be at the Barrie Upton Written Ilis me am withheld by pair Ice who were atturartrng ta db terrains it he had any rurvivors Shoplilting Costs Each $3b Four person were convicted in provincial com ttresda on separate drarges oi rhop and eaaia was ned iii Donald Copeland was charg ed rutside the Allied Toners store In Vegan Townshto on March 29 alter readily guard in the atora had ohservcd him table tape valued at tars Deattei Bowie ll oi blistering was cleargod on March II we ride the Allied ibuers store alter he was observed taking cgoetta tape valued at mu John Buchanan ll oi Midland was charged outside the heart rtnra an Bayiield SL on March ll alter ho was ohsarvod like the hood lock aei lam the earl omotiva department valued at 3529 lamcr Guthrie 20 at Bar rie was charged on March at orrislda the Kmart alore alter be was observed taking com pass valued at are tram the automotive department All our pleaded guilty to the charger Dr Ross Turnbull Is CitizenOfYecar Dr Ross iluvthuli oi lop Surat East division urgeon oi the St John Amhtllnnce act IVo Owltil ddor at St Arab mr Omit and board mean btl ct tho Victorian Order at Nurses was chosen Barrter ht trol at the year listsday night Dr Mbaii the oou person to he re honored was chosen by panel at swat hedges tor outstanding service to the city at Barrie outside his normal or cuoaiion wilimi monetary on member Despite Dr harnhulil alerare our contributions to the Dxrle mentally aims his return lrern overseas to till his Iniilrt nae tton to the ward was that it was iooildl MORE SERVING Not the award com he laidilttitltlaklhcnnrtotller people more deeming than am aetl Dr itnnblril native oi Docs rie rtudied science and nitrite due at the University at iiin Gill and dist internship in blonhrrl tarepltals with special work In obstetrics Following his narration in Montreal be practiced medicine tor short period at time with his lather the late Dr Enrcsl lluabuii to iterate than caUetrd in the llnyal martian biodi culture while DIEIlitdl ollacer uliyuith the Calgaryle era inhuropr Dr itlmhutl was an an as 11m nth 7yUroland on Canadian Decoration GIANT MEMBER llIseentesunllyeervtcotnllm Dr Nauruwas aside at rte began at Me time at his re tina tram overseas in lsli lie was dentist membra oi the Barrie Rotary Club In 1N9 and varied as president in toasts lie was chairrm oi the cone mlottv Mice eerannitlee cor lng the planning stages at the Itoyal Victoria Hospital expan nan lio helped with the organism lieu oi as Jean mom will which be Is shit actively to rtlvvl tn the early sos he was elect rd an elder oi St Andrews Church and lo 19M he was elaq ted to the Council oi the Oaue at Physicians and Storms Malaria From lath unlit lose or serv ed as secretary at the Corrnly Serving Bruiherin the order olSlelrrAmbrdsmteinlBoi lie was rho elected president at the Ontario College oi Physi ciern and Sanguine this year and clarion the out years has undertaken chairmanship oi review committee that examined total patient can In all Mallets in Ontario reporter stations in Iinmrlvrmcnt ol care Danny the past five years ire has also been elected board when 01 the Victorian Unit at Names in addition to his cap medical adviser ltnntnul tr uneasily an alon warren ol St John Ambul ance March at his client In Wit has been devoted to the tounlanz oi Ilienisochnlred aatrabycorn rattler exnnainlaaa and relating mnmrendnllom re moterm ashram term ronvalescents and levnah 1er The committee haa prr sa ed hrlet to the medical vis ory runnnlllee containing recent rneaalellons or general maro lhe study carmdltee wot init tried by subcommittee at the medical advisory eoanrraitlee ei Tt111 lAan eldcr at St Arnlrwa lam he chaired realunda abon mariner in urn that taint ly restructured ihacongrrrallon can Ii administration Dr ltrnhalivalho odIiththeVaIlilnnlli hledlcat Association and or ran an Asociutlon called Amati linorinl new at the legion torn cornmiltecs Association thee altuiy midr beenredraw Dmitri 31 Law

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