71 rmvvw Inertial WWW hum 11R AND MRS RAUII 3W uytbhimillarnlomd Sharron Doulter IIIIIIDAY or room AM monthI holiday Il hill nounuumrr Intlrceilylovttilher Ir Intrdnrin mastery lldnrnn CAIIMEMS rtII BInk oi tommIroI In Idlert working nrnenwihlarl rm M1rrsIrlby Womenl thtt Ilia or Bu dimmin on It rill IJrItod mwerPPIo Stereo tor Ito int to Slit knt lib or hill IheI III tpronoumed Ilki varu any More hymn mu to yellow dml IDA tut enunr Helm Yiorldn llr Ind hie with birth Ircusoriu ItquII IIIioIrt have returned outoidty gneattloclrrdod III to their Dalton street reddenrc Dentin helm Gout management her Idviulhbeltwsytode tlbrI gIIII lInrp Ibsdoi whomdomm wantonunmnnnu duiprod hot pink Icivei Ind rte the mother oi the bride tablcud with hidr radii received pat weerln olCInIdiInIm lIIiIingtothIIdbyCIn Ind long IlocIeI non oi rrrItciIlng pink velvet wer initialed Into budtram or the ItiendIntI Ind they no ried mu oi pink cIIIIIlooI inn Reynold oi Barrie but man DnId lllllcr coro out no tho uther MENTION In doing reception nn muons SiecrdyDiet OI part do sole eoruge oi gmn rIrnItIonI rompieied bu nimble motile solo colt Ind dim eoctume Io rented by corrth ol red urv Indkewmhioollnplnl Aulriin thI briotowrul etc him peIu do Ind min Kemplwillt IIrs 0mm tin IlIryIreI write cornuu Itr Ind Iirc onto III and tin Greg Will enden Purim NIw Yuri III Ind Ilrr Doollnt cottonwood Ind Ilr Ind Iirn HIWINAAH Ilromernan er WIddon Tol eIIlng toabridowort oltleorgetown new Vroience Today didnt hm the needy diet It Ills reputIiion III nude in our violence the tide get IodIy movies end on Ill not to Intro lion livI our to ilvlny color Ivory nldtl on tho not liva ctetthI tortrn toysi III at tho but reilsu llernI Wouldywbollmorrnickn doll that recreImehmpIIeadooItor nIrrr oping coldIIrI In all our the near chr Wren III multimeterer rorlrruunmdmrcbnmrr kcmtetrardDrwlIJot VII Bayview Chapter us on Celebrates tillh hday Blyview am too Order oi Intern StIr ceietmiod it htrthdIy It meeting held lion when my Ironing In the on room Owen Street Worthy Ilatron Ilrl lin LII lrrrer Ind ItIy Latlmer worthy pItron welcomed Innis memberc Distinyulrher poem Ioeiud iiirr GrIydon BIrric II worthy GrInd II you oi the Grand CirIpter oi Do Grandmothers Stage Revolt CHICAGO iAPt Iitr plight til the Amcrlrnn widow hu turned into IrIndmvlhrrI re bciIion tGrIndrnI isnt going in tire with her Ion Inymou Ind bIh Ill Ind keep her mouth rhul IIyI Dr Helen lopItI held at the Ioclolagy dcporrmonl It toonI tiniverriiy Ind Iuthor ol Italy on widouhood For the tint time ever the ArnericIn widow tort be lode rutan Shorrtn be frnIncIIIiy ndependent and the cur remain In her own house She will be lonely but the donut have to move Ind become Wipllll member oi ber childrenr lIrry liy slit probably wont even rook her rneIlI ocluu our on do lor one else not me It Inst hu broken the trIdlIionII chIIrr woman living lint with her lIther then with he huIbInd Ind llnIily with her run Dr IantI raid Ihc inter vad not widowr duriny lorrroyeIr Iiudy Ind iottrrd only oi oi them were living with thtr chiidrerr or had done no cancer can CIhIdiInCIrreIr Society ttth ton Wut Ind tin ml Ion Barrie part dirt elp titan by tho tIrlo Dhlrirt Deputy GrInd oI didtiti it ll CIrrrphcll Stroud Iir ltobiruorr AIIIA Ii my ngnd mItronr and pm worthy ntItronI Ind worthy rorrI oi dillritt CIIARIEII MEMBERS IpodIi wcieorno wII er tended to rhIrIeI Ineme IIrI Spurn Ind llrl IL time who were prerenlod with eorrrrer Irrd Iitu Charter memberl not present were Mil Iirr ii IIoorc IIrI stonehamtirrrie denonr Toronton Twenty live year pint were pretenled to IIrI Armlronx lirl Coir by Mr lipttrn IirI turm IIIIu Ilu New by Iirr Iic Leon Ilrr Taylor by dirt Jory IocIIl hour IoiIovIti with rrlreIhmentI revved IirI Drurdu Irtd her committee In item with the birthday III rIied birthday run outin polrrtootirote Ihie lhI rake wII nude by tho wor thy matron Special loans for homeowners at Associates It youre buylntl your houII yourI eildhie ior rpeclIi Homeowner loon It AmciIieI my time you need rauh That rum we may be all to girl you boiler dcnl rIicI or longer term ii nl or even both The Irnount you can borrow II limited nrrly try thI until you have In your home AM 0000 nurth mood or Irrore So it you have highlntererl new mtetantnr or It you mo and lot wound host or my other good reoron loiit to AIsoclnlu Ihout low tnirmt ilrrrrteowrrrr linen heI how moth hcttry oil youll be bottom REED only slum mu SSOCIATE REALTY CREDIT LIMITED no Icy nu suti tan not by menu In bloodvrpiItlercd wbltI coII Tho cottons oi vie ynr clan buy Viet rh pm In grotuorr position with horrible ex their iIcer nglrrg For it Ill he might ho indui In in IT HAPPEN Due AII LIIIerIr Ill throw Worn To look In Im In tho loot ItrIw Titlt Idiot reiero Io hleIIril II hIpptIy rrIrriod mIn tor over It corI Ind uya Ii Inythlrrg evcr hop to his our Into his wing to look lor IIdy or to hyt BeeIure bI cx ililil In ht hoilvhoked wIy wont yril she wont to III wont IonL Shoii he mleiul Is hell 11 bet in IlreIdy hoI his next Ilia pirlrtd mt Ind hope he got wintr coming to him hrothcrirrItw In the HM IdeI only he didnt writ until my drier dad the lntiy he won rncIklnI mil with over to bid rho lied told wweiled Ind Ilmlfil ngIItudI by nIrning blur In plltlnlly lulu Iniowo Imnrlrtior til HMO MANIA lobn Ilriror oi Napier Street motored to form It the week end to via hiI povenll Mr Ind him It It Ilclvor Capei street BAIT HOLIDAYS VlIiIorI II III ruideoes at Mr Ind IirI George Greer Iller that ugly lncdait Ind my litter died nl heart trvdbil II result II it id lilo to know why mm who ductibol hisnrell II hop iy IrrIntod II tlIinItny about wont hed like In tho way oi Iceottd utie Ard II III down IrrdwriilloAmIIndonIbort my music sin ttoo with the mm man were my htntmt Id be timid to IIII uiocp In tho same bed with him Do you moot 0r Irn plr unit IIeIr lIEr receive Iil Ilndo ol IttIerI lrorn all kinds of people Itereiy hccrurs er Ion writes Iiong odd IeI doubt you her pinning Inyihinl do Igrre however rams withhtl thintlng on ere right Ihout worried thliiiIl Ind yelling met It It hIppenr III IIItime DIVE IIIII CREDIT Detr AII undrnt Ily hus hIndI Iatrclary told him lodIy IhIt she 11 neuriy throI monthr pregnant Sho II Iovei young womnu Ind her work In his oltlto tor two ll 5hr WIIItl to sin In her ob uuiii tho you to the hot ltui to deliver Iiy hus and hII Inked me it In all rinirt hm mired leei Inyr told him Id write lor your opinionIIIIIIIIII tinder Delr Iztr ii the Inn do it or thing Iloytd hwy Ind ar ior having Itchd bury Ird Ir tlve throughout hcr prernnncy ll Inyorro Hutu bushaodc ol IieI decent ow how haloch come Into the world ItI time they lcnmcd Ctaurstruisiw lukeview i85 Duniop TIESlit FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday To Thundoy BRAISED SHORT RIBS Natural Gravy op ROAST IIG OI IAMB with Mini lolly 175 children under it lilo Compioto moot inriudac Dunn and leverage wells Variety Of Locke Available In Mens Autumn Fashions nymnumux wmmhpenopeontnttnrenhchcndio tIIhayIrIlr iIctirrl eir erdroou lien Ill title choirs ot Amy my duh tron or no cuttedroodnyduurut mg them II rrvurh excitemcrl tymhdihtm II ever to the III Into some Iuda torult II uric with Ill nutrient towel Add Armor idiom predictan Em no my Lionel wit low drool oI unmonII to the all or morI consovItlve Gunillinll Ihmti mumdmkmmk with wIlcr tor the removal oi uId rebound mm in Win lilo pound i0 illlll WY Jim th Wilma buy wit Art noullhmlIII run at noon Bron II not In ht will In mm IIpeiI hm hm trimontho IIhoIIldeo Interment betnu bI tori mm em to Ihutl III Incheo moved heIorI thisI tinned men do not ml 10 to MI wldlh IIuiIr In Ippurinl sepIrIlciy or repiIc with new the dth look oi yortorrili Wm WritWM will IN PIrIII lieu lrorn Ihortt lrrrrirnlny weekly wiping with In Me opinion men who thI it will mos ItthI hm IdIrrro cloth will keep IbI tunpv had Mo oi tho tuition nd 41 II WM lid bottom For the nude Irtiing dun Never cIternoot oi the put lew mm with red slimline pIntI tIIrI horn It to it to lively or wring inII will never III II Irth moonIllMloemnn tin Europe Lr llmto cloth dunkiwkonlylndruodboth incite ttoro reIIly clever you an chn iolo IIII cloth It will he Irr iter ll ItrimIrimihn epltbiI no lure dIrnIgI Glut cloth cannot IhI II It II will cicIned with hot rinsed Ind blotted dry IIid wtudowpenr MIA All Hi mod wide mortnteni oi rolor nether be warm till for Mother and Grandmother their superior craitsmenship styling with iactoryguarani teal Order now for Mothers Day These cherished keepsakes ore especially styled iorMother and Grandmother to wear proudly so that she may show oil her iamilyi In 10K gold with birthstones oi your choice tliililmlltltli