It to Id At to the oi by tho to It and cpn Ro the two the At mil grl ol on tor him rt tor ior trutruco it per cent roan rIIDIAIICII persimmon tort ConItruttloepromIloInow Ommrtbmltlkbe Iagiuliwodwlihlnim by raiilllubi the Iron Roxane ooernrrotleu tr Ibrahim tor the Autoimmune rink will have new one Riliit tiT eunrmr my Ihockrnywrelrnra 0ttlralll Rpm be moi cw Roberts Gives Report On Survey Opinions DRADPORD tStatil Pnlltl iitllll hm In aecm Irr picture cl opirton and remit to carrorIIIy ll war tbretr by John Roberta IiP botore ransom rent out When rrrrvry not rectal attituch well rpbdeuu on rpocine policy euro door the Yerkrslrncoe warns her oi the Iodorll Ilbnl goo lrulnerA noted to measure trom Ottawa bred to think poeplo were reluctant to Inrwor uoonrur to enters qucrllonr lbhd the LE thI reaponu and the ill Itgtarkn to tabuirto the to come oi the oer be oi intereat hr believe that tile to toe roii tor your people MAY Ninety per rent believe that immigrant are too werlul sixtyloan pcr rent bolero that lmmigronta rho complain about CInIda Iwuld return to their original with int per con that orme are too tightly dealt with to role reetoty over it per cont teeI there on wet irro are my and dont want to IAN iu tact Do there reaperteeo giro an accurelo picture oi opinion in York Simmer ltr Robert Inked and mountablme re plied Probably in many people printed out to too many at taro Moria Iirnpbty rpm to plicaiod pebbled Ilia wry ovation are worried caubavr Itmlllcaot elioct 5o perbupo we rbould Interpret thI Ilpiiu vcry cautiously INTIRIERENOI Motytivr per cent parity and per cent Itrnng Iy more that the lost govern ment lnterteree with tho econ omy or trlrr to control it the better Ibirtycidrt per cent bi Iytour per eerrl believe that tho iamin one rhoild not pend more than be earn be government you should all wry true do the Ion by bIl Inclng budget Thirtylive per cent rtrorrgli believe that pruiearorr outlets wrttul Irtd Intellectth me have idaoa occasionally but the gutted broinuemae docs more help reoteiy Tweedynine per cent partly grced it per cent otrnngly mound and II per cent erk partly append thI vlev Wrnisrricrs To retareg dirt and to per ml peril Motrin and lake to try to change Port two per rent Ile die and It per MI partly greed wIb the view that We who hm remolding In will be bothered by the collection Ind com tettuthu ot InlmnItlorr on tb rotlvlte by government or btuluorr Ii coder All but cent Irli It up to tho vtdual not the govermnoei to more that hit unity to adequately clothed bottled and no alto think that maturity be my re WWW older they will got over route down Some per cent believe or partly believe that the abolition oi the death beullly Indkatu oi criminrir Sixtytire per real wet along with the Idol that it it mlo WW II thlurl quickly In In govern ment ll Ir bout to move only when we or absoluter one where we are going sixtythree per cent iuiiy groo and mplpurtlyh Irreleuhat peep rorn en en reunion got hurt by police or they never Iecm route about uhlt thI Itudeuta did to the police In con thorn to re tIilIlL Hold spring Meetings Soon FIAYNER tStIlIl Wort Slot eoodlrtrict will hold the but it It Wemra lnatltuto dlrtrict Ipriug meetlnu In Strnnoo Conn ty on loudly lily It was pointed hm Reportr will be given on the run Innlvtrrary bonurtot hcld It Toronto in February at which breve were come too Irturr Sirrr roe Mywuml the root to rice program mar RI tiro commemerItion oi the of mixing oi the tint Women rulttuio at Stoecy crook in lde Simone County will plantr her at the county muroum in obecrvenra oi tho AO ilth anniversary roar It cer emony to be held In hiay ltrr Gordon llutllotr oi lbttenbrm Iiri vice prcddent and one oi tine Womeur lurtltute reoro rentailvoe on the muroum bond will plant the tree llrr It PotItch or Itineting and hire Corrigan oi mureit In the other two memberr THREE IN ORO Second ditirtet rnoetlntule tho county trill be note It wrea lono on iburrdly tiny ll tor the Eert Strrrtoo brancber Tho Kempcrttoli dirtrict branrhu will mootut sireuty boy on Tuesday May 1h end North bhniooohbrrehyorlat lrmtt on in Grotto Sirocco dirtrici which will hurt tho annual ore meet In InOctnbervdllrrIeetItIIlbr qur not on thurrday tray lira ll Poyrtoo it the prurie out The are meeting II to be held on Ilonriuy uni Theodor October it and ti win the do clriorr all to be mode whether ltdriil he at Itinean or Elm Ali roomrown snob Simone brIrtdteI will rend reprorerriativer to Cooko Pooplonovor rood Imoll odrl rordothoy town tor their divuth meeting on Tuerday blry at the are prerldeot lira It Cornpbeb oi Guthrie reported there are now to active hundr oa oi tho Werncna lrrtttut in Storm County area There tired to be tew men but we Ioel tbll it good record laid Rolurrt by Popular Demand Gary culture For quiet rolmd ovonlnp Ioln or In Charlie brownr Cork tall Lounge lire Campbcll reporting at one tlime three were route or inatt utee Cidcrt ocilve brooch In the countyLI It Cockatown which marked it run roolvorrary but year it was organized July tilt Thornton brunch will mark ltI Tub nelvorrrry this Ipring Cockatth AW CORNER OI RWY AND RWY Add Ntllillllllhl INN Philly Iteeneed rurrtra pleurat llmlnute drlro mu oi barrio our tr Thlr Work In our Lounge The Squires Conlcreoco available at no charge Murry hide lrtl pm irll pun cru Irr numbnu Telephone unusual or urrtueor No limit Iolloued not long unu Streud Curlers more honey and Selby are lordqu routendcrt tor the Simon our or club mixed ruling diarnpiontbip with the during night at play rlIt ed lor Theeday April and only one tour to data while tho bwwrnan crow Ilao her only our loan lionm Srnurtbwatte Rod black and Dorie Thorpe are with Denney Ilto bomrn run iimhtbd 1mm Examiner Area Townships om United Long Rgo Iroonsrnvr tsum 4p pnauh to unite biodth Illh neiboribl mkipolltleo Inc are Iar Irorn new It war mm by old recuda AtIte the bulletin Aot name into tom in more to stab llrb rtroug local government or rrtoaor ot trengrheuiog the derrrocntle promo to me blodmto wu trolled with Tiny hy OrtlliI ant lilidlodub with on council in marge About 1169 Tiny Ind Try not rule to term their own more lclpalitter Ind hiatdiedash and To Play Tuesday STROUD Stall Rlnhrklp The Demo rink no the wire lorr Inrludr Doreen Denney lack Lyall and Uni Ayror blurray Spence and Step run or IiI oklp oi rinks with tour teenrinks competed in the up too Deputy Reeve bill nibblnr rklpped Iourxornr which won two and tort tour met while Ikip Richard Cro Iowuattp clerk guided hlr crew to three wine red three Ibilrl With the Spoiled rink are Yvonne Scott Dun Smurthwatlo and Linda Arrrrstmug The Fish er crew IncIrrdeI ioiriur Crone lithe lecturer and laawatne Uttoor ALLLlTON COUNCIL ALLISION tSlIiIt Alllrtrn municipal cornice will hold tir miller meeting It the town hall thinrrdayl ovrnlnr rtrrttng Constitutional Row Discussed By Rynard RHINESTONE tSlrJllDu Iha peopla wish multira that ll urry wrently needed new constitution but alter iiatudng tor romo time you worried what the Money war II after all it III urgent mm quite often talk botlt new constitution until they ore ti ruuuted the riding member llort oi us recall the NtonFIvreau Iormula Iur re reprtrlotlng the constitution back in Caneda Item Weanriniater be outed Actually Ontario thought that II III turn line idea that they parsed the bill It Pork belore Lester Pearson got Il oklynd It Ottawa Tbla ltr Pearson noun did be came Jean lame then liber Il premier ot Quebec raid on when It came down Him odd too too eocozm It 730 oclock it war announc ed by Whltorlde rIrII Ditto end Dnneo Enloy Cur BUILD YOUR IO Va from 9to om Luncheon OWN SALAD rIIIIoII OR HOT BUFFET WITH ROAST REEF $200 BROOKDALE I50 Dunlop barrio PARK INN i705 norm APPEARING THIS WEEK uruur HEPBIIItN puo GOGO DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT Nightly tor the boot In Folk end Country Movie whenever Horn boring or Tiltill to the but deemed NI tour reaiiani that It would burr put estabtirlment pt presidential ryrtem let me II that to the 15 year bar been member has Prrttarrroent ever been one mired on thin hue nor on any eerarlou ever given the govern ment the right to grant more new or usurp the right oI or nmnhial Iyliilrr oi gorerw uncut pointedly rated Dr Rye ard to meeting What In on Iudoiclammltteobim rtrbrroealirta to take LARGER SENATE Th eornrrrlltoc also bed let thing to ray about Iho renate They did no not It Ibolhhrd oral many did otter what they thought was the Irresporuible lb lion taken or the Roman To Complete ERIII pin red gnu VISIT THE QUEENS HOTEL rnrs neon IN run TERRACE ROOM Air Conditioned Nightly Entertainment VirlI Ollll HIDE AWAY LOUNGE Duulop AL resent IIa LARIPLIGIITER ROOM Iully licenuod Durineumrnl Luaeb boned Ilriu 110 THE DANDWAGON run It Dancing Nightly it um Mon thru Set WINDSOR HOUSE Victoria St AlllrIoI Hill ecurd attention Iberr Iro III the but eoneluriel tho Irdr WI Mud have larger Imiadtctlon II traumatic motion and the traces not ctional rtirtrr Id what Ibo rim tor In above the horde oi political appointment and Wild our Iurdmuiol time our right to dingo governments or right to dissent and on It Own uI election Ind thin uked the North Planter memb er It you behave in the areby lot or crop the anion nottmelunonaattlrtater Iban we think DISTRICT NEWS rm MRRII EXAbNLR IIONDAI APRIL rml SMOKEY BOB Farm Ofci To Retire Soon It Hilliard My In Omit department rullrn and trod be renamed the tenor lllirulilli rem rewind and named their lihhm tmiwltireturibopd re yearn in Elm only Ill ruperrilnultrtnlhyltJioi be Inocedrd it It oldl luck Ibo presently us tire Rectum My ltr borka Iurrerror Wennth III bo annorrnrd later thank bench lrII run mute on My lly we rm Ing it yearn II Igrreuliunl re nmertaillc In Renlreu county rodale agricdtural Romenu live too the past ve pun Irtl Iueeood him In making the announcement dei lir Illliiarri rtated lrarrk bench and Tie Baotou rro tro tried on in at they have rerred to to have been their Nd prior lty It all limos Alwoyr prrgi cal yet Ibrust oi the Inc technology at agricul Ineu have prnvutd atreeg Merrie leorirphip to boot oi cornmunily breather and turn management pf Ind bavr nulmaineda Ind retina Internet In the development oi rural yum Ind Iurrler Farmer rtlil bk their new PLAYING not out GEORGE It SOOTI IHEHIISPIIIII raunrortovrrsvv uuururcn GEORGE SCOTT NOMINATED REST ACTOR ruurs rouuor SIMCOE Horn utnnrrr muramrrm 900 PM To rroo AM TRY OURBUFFET DAILY Fill LICENSED UNDER LCIO IN our LOUNGE The Dynamic Sounds IHESHOWROCIIS puma moron HOTEL reunion or the roamg regeneration llIrI mm lateral rrng II Igrrtult urol murmu limo little bit He Held Over intiWook