grout tremor wrtvrrrrrrauu mu linuwtawarerititnlottheontarto out tor not eouaultlng barrio and other municipalltlu Involved bciore patenting route and the proportion Simem dlr Imp vderure it has been learned that barrio oiddair have been consulted on trIiiio bottlenecks and other technical nation It would also appear nurh made by Mayor or Cooke Ibrt dlrcnrsionc will be held with the city bolore beat decision to made on general tEthic may be tit iotnuvi rroriie aniline mariner the picture One can noderrtand rlreneed tor reo recylu property no attona leading to err will be no ex cure or any tatlure to keep municipal moiod on development and ou the route oi the by powuuruonr LANE Opera Iioure Ethr ltaytou In tier Own Coming roon on at Uncle and Burton region on riottou but will iovruusacoturowu barrio Examiner April rm Julei linnoy 5m monthly meeting uente tor adding Rompeni tougtrwr out idea war top ENOng nt nereaae ciooe b8 hired rpecta elected preat iced ent barrio lth rim Norther popular Toronto entertainer was Tonia Cab ot blackeone ng Iiborrl Clubtn library ball brown reerot MI 400 iorooo Robb Prrbltrhoortionorai Mon Emorliua BOND APRIL rrn neon IkPhomtt Mlnaglrrg Editor Bypass pan barrio through which iltgtrway tilt purer Iireneedtor lr ritall concerned the router bar been Ippareot tor yearn The govern mootirdoroioptn tbeeatrideoiirrko nrotortrtatoiiroeottagg1 eonilweld om bound continue to 11 north Irom re government in ratirOed on Community ell Drive do tou Young bio Sodrty It surrounding municipali ea ottou Ire involved eb McLean tour montha thla reason It bigtmy on to igo country Wayibilwili be iammed with tattle on weekenda Ind rpeclal holidayr by pm It certainly In order to rlpbonott tee iota north and north east oi barrio llgbway 400 would villi be heavilytrareilod artery carrying trattie to pointr along Iilghway barrio grim Iiighrtl 400 within tbedty boundartea may develop more and more as rervlce road comparable to Highway 401 within metropolitan lo ronto boundaries but thb II one port tor the Iuture especially when the mum to creole brarte II he meantime the di Itd the I7pr route retooled Ind private property rigth CoTuIlrboyrottUWulredLon are It Collier St Methodist Church with Walker in charge Barrio CIttrenr it tnatmd oil lith St Band appointed rehrentoi band oi Sim dimple town continued to lobby or one Foreoterr lat logiion orcuy motorist with Virw vi riecourtior ng open rotor midnight WW onielt be Due to exorbitant on charge iatd tr ontu iiobtoy decided Fire damr burineor vbldr tca nadtan Rerervo be Cale lined to ban eiBobKlng edrooirnd ItticotPhIl loner re once Grove St Sterlingur monroou bank Canada branch will liona tor Russian Rolled iund which bedroeurdmr Walter barleant Teacher donated tree to Albert Slnui tor purchase oi hell in be played lily lgo MM modemm co bubbling ktlll aluedom Women hm egrod um um Ckmtatrrtdin iairiy oreadirirtbotorior Durant No good In early April It ha been long roan Dr Ilgoduugrll Ring winter litre II Reel ot baarte diedrrt Denver Colorado lie tr brother war mprried to ill Wormtp broadrr Prime Minister and bi lire Charlton barrio wiie oimanager bett 0rd ii boilrn branch Rebekah tironr Wy to College took over as rec by Hi Bonk oi CoIIIIneree llayor oi Cult Dr Rev Git recently graduated gobble pity misquorade dance at tor oi Anglican parish oi Shani bey ayorloirn llall Minute penile to William Craig oi lta Ie Ave Robert llilbce oi lbi waultee Irote 1Irreaurr inert ruggertiug Moot troop bit photo oi which var lrtiaired recently Among them was sent lulu Little presented bart Oro Members burrie untoer prize whidr included beot 111 Fire Brigade hold ring party at hall with Tim Council or guoalr There was much and musical numberr by Wil liaclaren or burn item and James Keenan also order reunion oi barriev High estra ied by Vivian Simmons Examiner herding was Ptrcmen Mule Merry Dr William Little eluded esldent on Phnert Drury Premier oi Ou barrio Tortola Club bits Ed in Cree rtorlor lawyer Douglas It Stewart local wicko oonttbuearrr rmntnry lack boyI eeoman John Iiooro Alex var captain lamleaon Charter Camnborden toducedirombddrli ttlor Ambler Alerunder Ilulr to 11 on Ottawa orderr There is allr Air Force ncrronrrel at nent Toronto la er Alerter Plan oi coordinating army navy and air 10m Igritttlturitl at Ross II in one doterrce unit All those relented Io barrter remote mathematicr leather are rktlied mechanteo vibe rhouid have Ind curler Androwllay oi Ito 5t At New Dreamland movie then to Tom III to Route Diamond At Grind age In Canada no dlillculty tinting civilian jebr or pilots who can readily adapt to new air OTHER terrors VIEWS Willi ELEPHANT OF ALL KINDS Ottawa Citizen White elephantr come in varioua Ibup or Ind rlaor amon them monarch 1m Iquruder money ctatorr who con ct costly and monumentally tooitrh Imonumontr Ind loaderr who purchare orpcnrtvr werponr Then there are white elephant which eauro there tantrum land he to plant mutt pairing to are re tow oi thcnt around they are revered In bangkoir one white elephant threw ticntc nd rat down on police car So the ceremony at which II war to be ted the Queen now touring That be cancelled in the cool oi teodtng the while ele be added to the bill oi re uarhed err Explain that to reallyare elephantr and really white be your inrurance agent CANADAS STORY by BOB OOWMAN when John CrIvor them be who the tint Iiwbdliltibgoyn pper Canada in Im no ital Item in there dayr Toronto war lust wooing ground tor ludi Ina and Iurtrrpperr In tact the name meant meeting pirto btnttoo did not like the nodal bovtug Ill Indian name and mud It to York alter the Duke oi York blnrcoo hit to me and It took tho citlrona oi York until rm to It the game citrue lack in orouto when the tiny city tour iocorporrted Tbo next atop war to Thread gyro tlrrt mayor Toronto war lvlded Into ilva wardr each rrtpretoutorl by two oorrnrtilorr mm mm trorn their own rank and ibiackonzlo got the moat voter III we Ibo member the Upper Cured legialaturr libero ho had the tattoo being the moat be but molt applauded man In the place ltorkcntlo woo glveu the honor oi being tho that mayor at Toronto becauro Ira had been one at tho leiderr oi the tree Eugl ill let the norm chanted York In Toronto no choice war also dobbtrlto in rult In tho eoiabltgbamt lilo term war or one your and cherrdwticalh be war rerponrlhlu tor tumult when he railed tam to brrlld drulrri and alderIlka There war riot In which our people were kitted it our hardly LieutenantGovernor Transferred Capital arrd two aidermcrrba April good Itart tor Toronto the rut bray elected the mayor good later oi courro Mackenzie led the Upper Carrud rebellion oi Ind lied to the United State when he won deleated OTHER APRIL WENT IIII Northwort Company men tricked Selkirk reltlcru Into tlou rtvlurup crmrr iliHmpcctcrr began Pyr rcr IIIver geld rurh IntContract were awarded in build CPR irorrr Thunder or imUnlverrlly oi EukItcho wrrr recelvre provincial cbartu rueCanada paid the tilt million tor Atarka lllghway In ehrdlag alrlteldr litilorllamonl errdtd ioni rrt leulorr Ill dry rod to opened April You march right Into centre within the Toronto Region that boihroemnnd wash those hands finish your vegetables or no TV for wee Tut rmsr COLUMN Srotland More Ye Kiwanis Travelogue Intent bholawell Roll RollI elector Inbred dry nl to garden oi tor grided ilolee Next which come down and keoptbo ve ctatton It can Icrelr but am given to unduetond that you were home helping Piorl with in norna tax to that what you have been rtrrdylug accortnteooyi couceur earn atria tuveioguo or per monthly ritual but then war no mi ltort inner were mttcb In ovid eoce The band had no mode and there Itood iiorut Caulborr Irid Gib Wiley with their big brrrr borne Somehow the rlrrhrnurcrtpt war when he err VII lid echoing thde the hallowed hallr oi nod old bCl rahrab rrlr grid In the day of tylveater Protearor lildn or Angelo lorentr lieNeillle and Albert Sugg llro rnurlclrnr didnt need mualc tired to mom orlnr the ocoro on right l00IivAliltb IlIvahgou boliC ed tltoctote rcrom rrco be tween Alderman Alirtal lIn limblan and Alderman lelrn Iiortoortt SCOTLAND ATORE YE That the theme oi tho rirtb and concluding travelogue tor thia reason rportrorcd by the lilwrnir Club bi Iiounptrtlo buy lie on Turrday April It or Control Coiierlrto Ioatnrtu world traveller corneunrrn monitor Jonathon llagar 0t VIII twitter import llagar la tor rrror nonpaperrnan ar Ir hla uiio Mary God wIlIiri the lllrv rte Concert IilIId will Ive mutto ontheltnndrtbotnigleim lonirwtor Al lilch to expect to play role on bagpi tdreuaed In kilial wtrIII rnurvha Ingerl heggir melted down by AC PURilllR NOTE on be hIlI at my rlrter IOwInlrnr you had better take note that tho rublect Scotland In Feb ruary the travelogue war all FLW The Terrie Exotttltnr re lilytieid sum brrrlr bntartn Telephone morn ilccond Ctur IIIR lieglutralton Nutrbtr bill Return portage guaranteed Daily Sunday and statutory IioIIdIyr excepted bubrcriptton ruler daily by carrier ode weekly tilde yoan ly single copier the by mrll barrio titre yeurlyr blmoeo County ttidtt ycIrIy baluuco oi Cantdu lidW ytIrIy All other cuuntno nape yoarl lloior throw all tilde reIr National Advertirtur otiiecrr to Queen It Welt Toronto bit I710 dtb Calhoun EL lioptroul lirmbcr oi the Canadian Pm and Audit bureau oi Circula The Canadian Ireu tr exciuo ivol entitled to the tree torro pub calico at all new ditplicb or In this paper credited to it or The Arroc tied Prola er Router and Ilro lbo local uowr pubilrlv ed therein Ibo aramttm citmr dogyri we in rare editorial mltertrl ero Ited by Ito omployecr and ro produeod tn tblr nmpaper Cop rtrht Raglrtratloo Num bet it rorlrter II bortItobardIrdoretyper by veer warti roe el mum background in the entire County ot stmooo an at bar been In attendance it no Itandlng room only tor telecom red err Now on Tuerday night two week boner chance are every Scot in tho lard wtll turn up at Central to rendnlrco on ll proud roe noble land In all it rugged horn lowland to High and hired IhIII Scottie ll diatlllod tlIlIy Mint We nra ever are Duke during the Ioc Nora merrier IROIIENADE Abbi The In thotitle oil the atrgo comedy Wwdw come lIouo able largely to Emperlyond this time Hi and mantra indent promote adult men and only IA Quebec Policy On Language QUEBEC CPI policy on wobeer orptndra Ion rum Mu regarded by obrcrvorr II on nuke or break the liberal government oi Promkr Robert botrrIIol rrttl probebl bo lorruulotod thtr our to owing pubilcrtlon oi Coudrou cornrrlulm report on tile Raina oi Trentll In Quebec Ibo lJberIla who during the me olec cant piler moire Proud the producer worklnhuwngo ya or ice roe rtrong prearurewlg harp gngo by ruro wore Irrrittn the report poured at Hither one during the put two wrote am urn thIt moot oi the hundred or re barrio tlrealro Iubraiberr will agree there were more laudrl In thlr twohour Ibow than Ill othan oi the tart ind IIig reason at either the Alert or OKecle it title our dount make it In Newiork then it true whrt they aay about ortltrl Canadian llurrta Cronytr Invert torn dbtereut etrcrIIentiy Ilwayr to did rootlire hurbord and wllo Ell Wallodl and Anne intact and re morkabe yottng newcomer named Richard brckur The bad for titled it Anyway We not letelobecomeatmmorm bor oi the iteration br Foun datlotr For the by Art ttorrrterly Crypbonl btorr about that later OUR GERIATRIC curling retiredqu to completh tor are other rcuon when there talk oi holding mixed rerurrr competition Thatr all ridrt too the men but how are they go ing to get chord women admit being eligible lover to The on pool JIrpeI Playtotr mentor iII rpIel at Toronto Grlulte we rnltylrrg rklp llrrrr Annatron but look Moore did on expo out lob Itr hi place older the pee banto entry got oil the way to the main event remillrrelr bo toro eltmlurtlou by rink trout Waurau erconrln Wauenu we lured out war touted tn the northcontral port at the Itnte with population arotntd 50000 The YInltr ore tIrt davelc lrtg In curing orpeclatly there rum the northenr rtIter Tho Wau rIu retvnd plu had only one Irmbutheenu arddldmero Iwoeplng then have ever been concerned about doing In ac ron ol the Iport well known rklp In barrio tnot liarry tor rurel once raid Dont ever takocurllrrg tborcriourly oritll mIko you titty Then he added but youre Iily enough now In curling wont preaont any new handicap llou gueued right anrIy raid It ONE LIOIIT TOUCH In line game rt the Granite Club we run Itrp rgahrat hoot rink Iklp Id Ialr troph winner About hul Iytbroug Iludyrrrember poked her htud out the door and naked who were the Gun Iler laying Not knowing Owen 5t otrrr could ovaiterr Toltoh replied Pour old guyr rent barrio but theyre boatlo hell out oi ur prcrrro CULTURE have been tntorrnrd that The White orkroi Jrlua will return to TV next Sundry Aprli It up that the marriage rtl Meg and illrrtrlte center Ibout tat long trail at mull oi the Iurprlau eloptment ei PlerlWhlIeoIk Ind Pheasant Vaughan Matricer toonugo daughter who had been the orlglnri route at blelr and lilaitrtcrr Iongutandng ertrouge moutihiu will be plerrorrt charm to get tho rIlIy oeuerr bit the mind but then It It poarlblo thIt hockey game will chore Jain all their rrmo Sundry rvo Irclr Tolton beat year at preared to lot by the Punt Quobecotr and lo llouvernerrl Quebec Proooola llovomont tor much Quebec tortured lilyI the P0 labor and national Mr One or the main trruea In tho hlulgo debate to rtlll controvrrrlni loll IIw vlng gent the right to none girl or French II tho lan oI turtructlou tor their on DPARKIZD PROTEITI introduced largely to atop the branch turtltuyorltut reboot board in the beetroot ruburb at St leopard horn halting Bullet trntructtou the bid we the obtoct otpro tert dcntonetrotlona Ir ltd when it we borer tho legirlI ture AIIerwurdr tho petition to dormant until III on education department rtuiirticr IIIWIDO thut Ml out ut nine ttrlidrrrr oi Immi ntr In the province were int rarrotled tu Euritrb rcbpole Following disclosure ot thoIeIIatluticr thrl gun dl MOM brcoll went on the attack rupporlod by the ilotentout tor Ircrrth Quebec The reparatirt party organ lred Ilimtor In the nu ttonal anemia torotog with drawal ot II to rcorgantto rdtoot board on tlootrent tr lrnd Ind the French ucbec movement organized ra ea In certain pert oi the province our oi tlte language prob loin lo the Iionirnui region to peiurorriI out tho noon on err lrIlotI and where the router pert ot Qucbeer murm rpeuklng minority liver That it where brooch uebec alter prrrtrvlng inguiutie and euturul idculltr tor centurier hr tho rrtldri ot on Eogtirbopcaklng oontt pent roe throat oi utino on Historically the MIDI rurdlan ldenltt bra been clearly Ilrrkcd It the land and In agrarian roctrtr bro been tear or Ute torrcbmno oI Itr corrttnuod erdrtcnco New or uebec rural pop ulaunrt dw Icrrpd urban eertroo take on increasing im rtour the pnulbllity pl routroIia becoming In An glophone city leer throat to FrenchQuebec II whole It PreachQuebec it to ruin II Inylhle but run rtInt In doprear rural back wrtorr lbo threat II twoodged Plrrt FNMMIIIIOIIIII Iro miooerincitnrdtohrvotho largo Inrlltrtr lhII unto ort Iurrd tbdr cerrttuuod tire the maturity in The provincel high ot Ito pcr thounrrd in list murtty Wotitllbtilidt by tho Prerehupcokleg community tan declined in it in me bceond to the tendencyu ovldomti kl last tallr educa tinn department rtotluttaol Imminent to Intogrple om wholitsrntngly Into llth Eugllrhr eomrn upe iny liontreel grouse oi the mobility that howled oi anltdr provider In No Anterior blLb WITHDRAWN do tarme the PIrtl Que bccoir be proposed roiu tiou it brought an monument to the Nontrqu rcttool bonrdu blil int December which would have riled the treeoholce provta no oi the tier lowtermed type oi icgtrinve bunny by party if ggg Tho laauIry tIgurrI erred by the goremmentr bureau ti labor SiItIrtlrI mowed the urr employment rrioylor dut women to be live per out For ioeurgrn it wu ruuarlro III cent by eouirrrt In Inrr per cent lorail curl among married men lirt tIo gmpo cvrraidcrod by man its be the onrutryr prlnro work LABOR NRC CHANGE The unemployment rate motr women and mum high the entire lure tore oi the American labor iorce boo chilled In the loot gem The teenage labor tree or grown by million and women in the labor tercr have Incurred loven million tho unto mo the adult male labor lotto dotreerod by tour million labor department economlato ray the latter oi your worker rctlrrtr thI portva World War baby boom Teal boom In part giro ruponrlbla tor lotion oi womentho motion ttrooo pouter brbiu who are no Ion tied to the horrid their lldren woman roeuterin labor lotto raiuugg or In uurktliod teenager look ing tor parttime work will Into nnro trouble than the rrrIgI adult men Au wrul tot ol the your to looking tor work are rcbool raid Herbert stein chairman ot the prertdent Cornell oi Emuomlc Advleera They have higher unemploy ment rate then kldr the numb Whmiliimrmm are out oi reboot The government returrl to accept rhh nrnendmeri led to tho tilibrutor whlrir iorcod withhyral oi the bill The amendment would kayo required all nhlIdrm to go to lmrdr rcbooir unlesu their mother tongue ta Eogllrh or they hour already begun rdtoollng in Englirh rcboor Though Parit Quobecols rpokornrcn omptraalto that their lormulo would reign the education rtgtrtr oi lbhrponlrtng Qoebocerry rend living in Quebec end or Eng drrpeakkrg immigrant i1 criteulmioamen trig other pa ea yaw any rolutton which onrId uro com pluirien to check the limit on oi immigranto hrlo tho Ertdlstr milieu boulder tho education Ilill the Cendron cummiliiun will harm nd on Queboor wet grrgr Parttaunr oi Prth corn plain that biltrrguallnrr it re tor advancement even to Iurornon loveIr In meet Quebecu new it tho unto me rr tr ment touch an eiten unan guIIly Engllah lNCOrllE lb LOW They point to urtreloared ilgum compiled by the led oral billugrollrm and btcultu railrm oommbriorr and leaked to the reel in me or ovI dence the economic moth Tito Iiguror iildbl that FrenchCanadian In Quebec hid the lowest Ivernge In come oi an ethnic group ex cept tor lie tea and minor IT HAPPENED III intqgh urnmum WlTlSAIIHNORI arr bettertrained and more marble In whatlobr they PubGolan second To TV Iniilbertit EDMONTON CPI Walelb Ing television to tho man point In Iparettroo tctlrtty IorAlr berte an out on the out My ot ilto by tho Hurnld roruoea Research CouneIinv Every evening about roopou people approximater halt mutton etch Ipend beloro televioton acid report raid Pubgrtng and tho eonrurrrp llonrul alcohol probably rant awed odda the report rt drinking Ipota whore Iloeg with Intake in private homer rtrllllon allono oi beer ll lion grionr oi wine 15pm lon oi liquor and IT grilcor rider Ire ceruurnerl BIBLE THOUGHT Ito IbIt rpIred not III Toe but delivered kirn pp all how rirril be not with alto trteiy giro ur on tblrgrt lioqu Itit bIIvrtlon II the be inning morryblerrio riled Irtotrcb ly gvr ur rr exchano rtnrple trim to Ilia or through Ill Sou All thqu are your CINIID MWTERI or ATOMBSTOIIE from by snort PIMEEADOCIDW vurrrneorr tutlrtwrrovru GilliMWIDRWI WW broom TClYuothlolibtg motorlimb go ii Ii it It it arru opxa ===ugtlmI zzoogtqu AltoIliAbItV oboe birthratr ANN orth tillil GUTIAAI RICH hrr toe um public