worrisomerriours Ma WV rim Alimhlnoolmlilnonr President Pernssion rorrrvuiglirzr iron4 Thonotolneilert oi in is g5 Ea 8i 7E ii was ed gi is 51 get eo 325 ii II 3E $5 Linear IiiResouedBy Air luANlulAPiMAMpMdI Forestohorrlm our modern mluaorrth rum vlih oil nlarch rrlurmusu iouniilloI pd olInrarrrlberrl or lpnoieoioplnthonrounlaino who mexpedliloa xalharod data lllr on tho primiilvo ear dweller and mapped their livlnl and Ill into the sAirForu on railed errold lender oi in ex to alter lth expoditionr helkop rm radloed iur asrlrlonco lid the laminatinlntheioonroi nor him sirloinirmrrrrwrlu heldhniiorthornireIamAIl Ca con For End Dividend nwrnirrr ram rrrrslierrn nun loodnl cnhollornxnon inlr Idoaldlhoyorould am alnrt no rim ontohr doiianoa oi Md iehloitairlorrho have ordered tho umprlonrniiat no on on tho MIL lho warren whom all lllrhlo non om blur lnlto IroIroioolod by that Ipiurod aixrhlldren ond llooaliyontrd wooionoiiho Noth will otoui behind thoi moniolhthonlonhehind ihooiroandthaprlronoali and thonreriohn rrocrrrytnp Othersi he liroSlIoi Provirlnnol In hum ioodto Hr fold proioel in the An dontoon or at the continue tloo oi the bombardbillet viol ence and tho ohooilrrp oi liartlin myriad liar Gowiorri it oarold Ortholio er oi ro drop no tilled mliro dinIn otroelahootoirl hoioeon Bil l1 and IRA en in An dorrmluirreo Dublin booed lire stiolrln slipped Into lmiondt Sinl day to rpplri in not all women to Milena boating the Ilio ehmnl to radio lilo North and Ernioh replildir illa womenr truce call lilo dormnoirollotr rrrro ooon or timid rogue thalch on on dlryino desire to In Britainr latest polio Inllnilio In Her rhineo oi ylrlihro reiuiir tour arlulio al hiuhtiriolt near Targets Swrtchod rrrirs rpm the min oIonai orb oi the nlllnrrod irinh Neon Arm hlo do dded mirth Ito prtmo Irrrol in Northern Ireland horn Prot aotarrtr to concentrate hilly oil altar IhoBrIlkh Army lho ilslonala chleloiotail arid interview published hero today In rrlrrirreo lolho Brilloh povetnnrenll takeover oi all and root rule in Northern Ireland Rurir linradripr ioid lilo Part niolprper honronolrr Ulrlcrr proteiianio have horn mil by tho liquidationoi Siornmt they are no Iodine Vii prime tars 11an Dinheiil hIcAllsier oooIoi tho deiendantr in the alleged oorrMidna conspln acy trill team ioderri building In hurl Sunday ed hy Rev Daniel tierde oi iter Phil ip laminar another dolend SAIGDN AP US Mr and detroyen Vimmirrorinn ikinrmunhtodryaalho ant orho Ilumnvicied all sh eternriolp on Iury oar deadlocked on other main IAP Phoin Berrigdnlound Guilty Oif Letter IIARRISEURG Po AP Antiwor mm airlil dome ulna litre out lodoral mm liarrtshurr Solon noted on nine rill eoontar mum dellhoradooa cuspdicyhylhodeienirniolo min or linlxo ll Dixon llmrun lold idoUSIilinlrltitwrllilySln dryiio Iwilnotirtthemoinp dellboroiiiarr heroine oi ohai hound roar ilrr Immune room or miyaiteritheearrrohopelody threatliar orer ior do dgfwel iorrpd Boomer lly My altorhoon at comm Nor rinsorvrm Unresolved IE9 those marlin ialwhlthxiuryoaidltrorrld mmmlm 1ne hey ministry ohnm Iopalmtailmendeioldantaol lilo obtain and mama up limping oiapomnlnthoalinpayrtem Kidnap Victim mum Alo imnnoodlala Pr Sriiuggling in Biblical no in van Mp Emlyn kidnap Milli Iloilso Henry dollzo drail hoard oilleer and other iedrxrl asunder WM tho wintry lltn oounlr that dnai pith Ioilm exdlnnxrd by Berrhon and Shier sinner hicliilron esrriili derlrrllh Io amuulo prloon mall Iim lettoro going out trim iii an pondmdray at letters poiun out Iron din oral penitentiary rt lnlohart Pin when limitn nor incar in into and three oilin hp In imrn Sister Elizabeth liernrnn roecird drirnre motion oi ore odiico hecriuo oi ltro Ipiil verdict at the ram time he ordorod tho lit to orrr limo dell llt la rory dildouil cars to Meadow omit rot in moo to pom moot the you hid the ir moo Still Missing BUENOS arm AP lam Lnnllm Sinday that the tidnoppao oi oilerihn Sailorlro had heenImeaied but the lid Inn orrimhlio riotini oliil inlorhiz mourntrunnion tholicl Women In holiest dorm Ihopotoilod thallho stloialn on no fool halogenairy nor wrrltim Minor mu Camolie Primate oi Ill Ireini nioolhooir tlioiilll mini his and mlderrhla Innuem against tho IRA Why iitiho ilrrltlniolntholaalthrooyoua oilhaNatllohloodlotilnx wt lie all oi oriro tIcrI ainport trloovrr oi tllml ruloei Iiiiiu and out onlmrnodtaloendtoiho Ilil Two Snovrmohilorr Resouod Ill Orillio ORIILIA ICFi Sydrey shinner hi and hla Villa little so oi domain were resound by trooSovern Bidder rrien Salun dogblilnr they drove their new in lion Into roiooideop open channel on lair Onachlrihlnp Rrymood Fox and loroph limo lied on together ond honed out on the mhlln lee rmlli the reached the rou plo and loin lo Inleiy More thin 5000 polite hopiup the notch ior uponold pooorol inane oi llota An Milne relied Aland It hy errlllaa oi voJru diary llo Irina trohhyito IPoopiao Revo whuoahoilllloninolold now interim at the areal henkept hilt Itrrinieieod loanotherEiIP ooupooionihopo dening nunol pdlnlovoiotnilnlhhoou or too thilavert hone atop oiMlhnthfhhodinwhimehgem nomequ commas raid him an oral lniilohorloe DDERDAN BALUSIIW tested but he did not live their menu ooy hovr my van illehod lip lie onid they worry mornhoro oi the Workers Rernlutlorrary Party an lllepal political group otakh rpllt tnlo aililt Mont innnararani tho rhdaclorot iartbnolo raro All ind boon Iricoililod and ar ndlitrnuiormlnoyihonllor Filolioe intonver Deaths with Underworld DrugTrade VANOOUVERiCPi Van tailored an explosion In tho rouin pollen ray they heliovo horde lhdIlllilbl oi monand Shtplltnl alsohnd atrociured ltlin Good Friday In Yoint rtuli and liiro Stoln had not tlroyom hone in linked with horror thouodenrorlddrurlrodo ISll Irinohrdanlmlnol Apdkorteonnnuidsrmp in Conrdaandthe day the lie liernrrd Sh Unted Stall loin hack on herd ll and petty Stein your our olhavo ap In with whom he on tlrinr were proitnclrl eoiri it on lovoirrdtn drupirroo chrrpo oi lineal union oi Their pauod bound and ararirlnrortic pirlo minors in sin no or re aneouverr roo min umth biaro rhlch area Omnnhta waited nrorn hoary upon km the demllltor Iaed In rupport oi their oi Iensivo in Soul Vlotnanrl northernmost proolneo lho Innan North Vietnam as pushed to nriiu below the Bill over the Ieeiend drlrioo lilo South Vietnom irnrn two more Iona ad Min down umir Uiloehmmrieiius am spo helicopter mum our rill ll Ind idem dud other turmoilii loner rt irlthod lire Base Anne elm inier mi oi ernnx hit my piano an artillery him on tho unbodlan border rim tiara Pan and kept up Irtlliiny rt chair in the tailer hldllacair orndu iield min said to Currrmnrirl lnnb acuxrroanird hy Inilllrymon oero rlrhted at road irrnetlon mile and them but mull were rm Int imidaton know The nine reports said that odlproprlild ms were on oemd min the border of tho UlIZ om North Vleurarneso also new reported mortal antialn tron inlodio Inooehero to tho lionlior to blind Aroerimn and Soulhilletnrrrioso plants totloo lilo DliL Doctor rlrrrrr UNITS oincolllolmuilunlni kerh In the heavy olood coirr liloed US tell to who in ME realist cumin gun and troop poolimr below the trailer zone tho henilesl nla In Smith Vletnnnl ainco no in US leis rho trolled loin North Vietnnm to hint anilnir mh missile rile live miles above the Mllurir xono It roar not heron ahni they Claret other no ro limit My or and tho U5 marinlkd ll alt pool lor moralvo shite lilo tho North Vietnam Armyj noolnlinliiihdrrym5ornh Vletnnmharo retreatedl mldhukimntho mull horn Donn Said Doing Well WASHINGTON AP US deirreo omitu no South Vioinarrroao army to dump pretty well arnhrst the new North Vietnam oilerslvmhtrl tilt Ilia animal In pol to tome Hillary and Billion olhclaho hirttd any flat to on the hosts at ocilon on lot say huiho oliiutinra in Md llmvor no Wood any mention ilral lid with viri nomeoo vilng him od phnwlnathwgliswaig lhollhnnlion Another lop oliiclal renni edged that Iilhdmi limo bare had heino Iiiiio nuol out oohi Saudi Vioipanrou troops polled all oi um millennium cinnamon In elriirnro huh lhoIonoerrriIou arrodaiaIhl II halo 0i Swill letnornooo nmm lnthoIht oi tho lonlllllltd Do omission lilo him to battle mind tho North aitir roan oi urn suit onoeenlor nrhy other penned the prion oi item Boyd Bank award ior his rm rah eripplod chitin ind odillt Dr Roger cm redoi or too Uldlenii oi Montreal and number oi relocle corn rnlitee raid in arrooinrdn the hard onhlnrru outstanding loll have provided hopa lor many lhonrrnda oi people whore broken or maliormsd hodla lhrorieartd to condemn to Ilidesloiinhelpless de nee pi or Duo to his otporilrr his eon innnor and optlrnLnn two peoplo now lead rompin llvrly normal tires or Gloom do polio roe oi ysicol modem rnd re hnhlhta on at lilo Urivrrnily oi lionherlI Trudeau Family On DC Visit ALTA LAKE Bil itli Prime hilrdrter Tandem and his vile hiarerrot ended day oi rhllnp Sundry oith iii to tho Willa hiorintnhl chapel iir 1ril mrrpo rpen near houro on the rloper and are or fatrd In my ot the an molt or at least another do hlr Imidelrr ed irvm unuoi desire ior privacy ll Whistler ohoro no and lib oriia hoaoyrrrooned ailcr their man rlrro tut year to into port in tho cornmunltyr annual Easter parade Saturday llo lot In In open convertlhlo loading the thumpsrode will route the celebration in lino on onion or rare public om ones it Iulai iiudnluo month Ion IIBlllL lionnedy Hodges On His Candidacy LONDON AP Senator Ede mi IrL Kennedy haired when rated by london newspaper ll no war croildala Ior die ilSI pmidoncy Too ilmaehuirltr Demolrat ropiled dial his ilrrl mpomi llr Is to No lamiiy Daily ror eorrerponderrtio Pii or reporlrd todry irom unins orr II have in tidal oi Ill1 would happen to all oi them ii ooinetirinp happened to rile liarlnedy Id We hlro all ori iered too much in tho tie on hii Illlplln rodeo rel no lo the uroorlnallnn oi loo hi hi broiler and lilo death oi ho othorIbrotlroo dirr In tho Sorond World War rowlion Midpoint and oirpport by the US man that run oi may i1 No Progressls Reported In Ilalilax Bus Drivers Strike HALIFAX CF alriire hy elly lill driven entered It introiii week today with no sign oi satiation tn the loops dis pute between lilo Armllarnntrd Iinnsit Union which represenu the men and tialllair Tmit bop rho idlyowned agency ohluh operates the tour ayrtorrr Gerald liolieih osldent oi locni slid oi the moron raid the union had no intention oi mah pood In any new pliers to lilo city lhero would he no change in Im demand that would In crease drivers averau hnnlylrroloit mllina twyoar poet the lost city olier amoinltnl to an Imenso oi about 00 cent on now over two yearn There in 192 member in the union nleanvrhiie city iirernen hnio voted In inror oi rtrlko action to hack their wage demands oi thl uiy lllo llrcmen members oi local one lntmdoml Assooir lion oi ilrelichlm voted 91 per cent In Iavur oI rlriiro rt meetirlp hLrr Sundry No strike doth wna rel Union oiliclal are to meet itresday with labor donation npresenlalrvor in dime tho altrintiop CAPSULE NEWS Three Die In Illma Iire AIMA Ont CPLA couple and one oi their inur cm bum in death early Sundry when liro nrlplmlin irorra an oil opace heater swept their irnmo home in thin aliiope in miles north oi Kitchener Protest Group Seeks Volunteers WEIJLIGION normm Canadian Greenpeaco rounds lion protest map bored in Vanrourzr to reading volunllmin New Zenlnrot to Into rhlphoard proiest Ipnlnsi tho hone nuclear lutlnp rile In the South Ppelilc Kissinger Plans Visit To Japan TOKYO RetrialUS prin ldentiol adviser Illnri Milli oill mrrice with Prime hllnirleriiilsrhrl Soto end with the ro leading crndldoier to named him during erli to Japan April lSill CharlieChaplinMakesVisitloUISi NEW YORK ARIGlories marlin errdi okioyerr abseonn irom tho United states arrived irom her Monday Ior iourdny visit to New York in in the n1yerrold engrde and silent llnn rlrrr war immoral monitors at tho Ianilll by hia wile our and oihae Police Gonlirnr Discovery 0i Booth umwr CPIPolice tonllrmed today that homemndhi boarmore placed near the residence oi morn arnhundorlvri Ioea Fernanda dothirio last week The device in Iornitilniil hedpo by Rockvliile Villain employee Millhaven Inmateii llelirse lIotMoals KINGSTON CPIAbout oulhlrdoi tho lltuldlll ht lili Irnrrn penitentiary have rehrned to into hot meals since noorr Mirohut Worden Donald Clark uyo lint crnt neeonaidered hunter rtrito heroine they are dill eating permit hirtier oandrr iorIdle lithopolsonrrnloerr TransPacrireliowars Feared lo CANBERRA Australia IIIrutoriilro lodorrl int prrinlerd Sunday oiled rhlpo In tho Coral Sea oatoE ori hitherto nan yva or can one eoul Noinini nu been heard oi the Miltd no to