pri ego down Its no secret that advertlslng comes In torn good deal of criticism IsIt insured To inn out LnIrd OBrlon interviewed Professor Poole from the School of Business Queens Unltorolty Professor Poole answered questions about udror listing and how It affects prloes competltlon economic waste and buying Iinblts Hts objectlve comments uro worth rendlng Procron Pools know the butlnrrr norldfmm both the undead and practical rider For numb of pro AI In on rtolni ihc Unlrmliy of Alberta thr tlnMuIIy ofhlenitoba and anr Unhrrriiy III Irlncd Canadian marlrltM malnotlon or mouth may and 1qu out Vkrlrrridrn and Mama lam odirvllrbv many Hi Is now matureMutinyQMmrUntrrrtIiyKIrurion Question WhIt no the under crllldrnu oI IdrortlsIngon ccononrlc pounds PROP POOLEiWcIl rllolllll thinkyourqtttt ilonlitoohrosdMuteconomhumd pocplewhn wrdmlnndlhoworklnlols Ircoentcrprtroinirkci orlcntcd micro do Inocpt thoVIhw Idvcrtltlnr Althoth the cInIdlIn eeonorny Is mixture of Iovcrnmcntsndprinierntcrprlse Ind hothroctlonn use Idvertlslnpl think no out out wltuItI Idicr thlru by Iooklnr Ipocifnlly It Its role in competi tltn innkrtortootcd economy Quclont WhIt do the ride my short ed rcrtlslnal PROP POOLE From on scenario polrtl at View thcre Irc teirrII criticisms Advctiisinr is nislciul Ior one rst It rIIsrs prim That It creates crow lilti prole for tome companion Ind unites ii dim cult for ncw companion to color tho nintkrt Qtrcslloni Your Ilrtt polnt nu ccononilc truthlsldrcrtlslna wtcfull PROP POOLE Ilne Ioccpt that our living in buchlIyIroocntcrprlno coonomy there Is inevitably tome duplicatlon Ind write Olmomtr ll happcns in Idvcrtlslul It Ilsa hIppcris whtn you find four In order It one interaction 0r throo drput merit Iiorca In tho trim rhnpplnr plus or too nutty tom devotcd in winter Any loan at lice ocononry docs hove ill Instr But their is Inorth sldo to ii the mnprriiion lic rmn convent encourqu new profurl dmlop Itirnt Wrovrdqunlliy Amer irrila lice cntcrprlsc mukctoricntcd economy chtrlctrrizxd by growth In other words It Is dynomlc economy It It mukcd by Imitation psr tkutsriy In rirw product devrlopmcttl Advcrdslnr Isrncd to Inform contuntcn nbout macaw prod ucts Ind their hcncttllolltlloductiott Ind Iocept Inoo or ncw products It cotcntlll or Inpsndin marktlt Ind eontinurd onomlo promo Question ctI look It It horn the othu cod hot would happen II III Idrcrtldnz ncrs eliminated PROP POOLE The editors ol the llImrd hool lll Rrvkw Iskcd the urn oration They touted lilll til olhrrsirussmai did ml think lhlldirltl noting Idllililll nould chIripo tho cost oiproo llorer the crux ol the problem Mpoople look It Idvcrtlsln In trolrtion Ind blow It out or pro porllon lhntt minute Adiortlslnr Lo and IIctot lillti Inqucntty rIthtr uiiIlI lIrtorIhIt dctct mincs how product is roll Ruin iooL 1m ulcsnxn store duplry pnchpu the typo oliton lti sold In Ind to forth Now or some produnlnIike cereals dclumu Ind cosmiksIdicrtisinr any be bl pIrr olth rclIinI met Forottrcnitcclrodoollkofttrulmrc Ihip buildinlIdmlltinl Is email put you Illnthch adiaIlththt othrr Jelliu forms nuuld ploy Inryrr Iolr But you probably nvnIrI no chum 1hr mil tirirrtm rhnlronlly Quostlon Some people rIy thIl II no stop Ill Idrrrtlslng pilots will go donn llott Ihotit Ill PROF POOLE Pmpln an look It tclciinion or liitcn to the who Ind my at only theyd mp III tho udrmitlru roulrlpoy Iris Brit It doesnt work that My As told hcrorc Idrv thing In only on factor In nhnt lsullcdihe mItkct in rtilt ll you clirnimle Idrcrrlsinp Isnt It logical thntInunuIIcturcrniIIIiIrI to Iild nrore IIIesmcn or huiidhlnscriioredliphrror linleMOlhttlyllOmm polo ProthIy the new method wouldnt be It rilcdliu Ind thcy could be mun costly You know uhcn you hmk donrr thc cost tor cIch ilrrrr sold Idrcnislnp ii rcully my imprrniic My totcll products Qutstlon lhIt do you think ol the lch mu Idirrtlslng should be controlled or testrlcted to come my PROF POOLE Rcmcmhcr thlt were tIlklnl Iboui basically lino comprtltlio cconomy II in dont truit hutincu pcople to on their telling tools lnlhn My iircy choorcniihin the lirnitsolthclrrr ihcn no dont turn rice compciitivs cooriomy Iny lonscr And nhy single out Idrcnlslnpl titty not ron trol the nurnhcr otesirrmcn company our hunt or the the otthe Iii conditioninl unlu In rtorrt Ditto Ito trIIlnI costs too In fact it no nurse in the Inn oIIdicriislny Is the next step to icli rompeny how much rcuuch It pool or that it must rcplico wortmrn Ililr bulldounl llrlrllno olthourhtcin lead to loioI problem Ilowcvcr not mu the most Irdcnt Inpporters ol Idvcnlshtn Ind lrco markets will IIy thII thorn IIno some out IhIt nolhittlwl he ltnprovco Itithouplr on rely nullity on compctltlon to rrIuIIte Idvcttln int tome public policy may be W10 cannot the rroItIIImntIhtuuJuitulsdonrlnoihcr molrhrooooonryJhopurcIoodhmnu sample ansdnn rhIt Ihout the Immurt thIt Id rcrtlsln nukes people buy thlnp thcy dont need PROF POOLE How could you dcdno tho nord urdlYoiroInIIythIiIllpcoplsreIDymdln hulc dict clothing Ind Milt Adywtlslnl docmt Ml ownle but It Informs txr Iusdrt Ind hroIdrni th 1Ircnolctiolcciicrioouncca rpcople to rpcnd And It on reoan people to sarc II In lyoii look It the doom on it Idvrrllrln prcndlttircr you will llnd thst nrioun lonm ol min no toch prontotcd throuur ldhtile In good couple in tho urnpilxn Ior CIde Suing Bondt Arid rcmnbor tomclhln allied tho Educ Mli IlotuncrcipcoronIdicrtlsinnbutpeoplortitt chose not to buy trim Mull on the other hnndns pulIuoouIbomtultlkdthencdolthodIy Advcrtltinr unl tooth Into tomcbodyt pocket Ind this the roomy It an only opcn up Iidzr msolcholoeAnd leotthntnhsiourtrccmustcr oricntcd ewnomy tr Ill Ihout In the long run you him to rcly on consumers in mate the rinhi doclxlon you donttntttthrirt Iotrrcndthcir nun money you dont hntIInd um dont Inni Irco morlrt economy Qucstlon What do you upect Iron hilttle Unto In the ycIrI IthdI PROF POOLE hope tht the Indtrrtry by iter an imd out my Idrortisina that it dmptirn or mltldihl myre worklnx on this By Ind hm Its orctiy Godbill there It still Ionic oIlcndcrt And hope lhltrltltcttisirix un ho iich to ac him Is ncll products Thorn Is no doubt that Idllllltlltl In poocrful method coinrnirniu tlon And In cIIIcicnt one In terms or cost Why rnrrt no use IdvcrtloinIitt upcrlcnto Ind proplI tn promote conecpit thst Ire lnrporunt from IodII virwpolntl itli thinklnl thlnp like are drivliip 0r re cruitment oI polIecmcnr numr Ind xocisl norkcrs Eicn undcnundlnr bctwccn nItions rrc min IIlttIeoIthiInow hopc neoconsooddcnl more oIIt El NOTE Protester Poole irri more to tire trrtirtl In of hls comments by the CInsdiIn Adicrtlrlnp Adrimry Board to thc inlucit elmntinr bcttcr undermining oI Idvcttisinr You thorououmcrcln dotomethlng Ibout hIdIdrertlslna Write for your copy of the Industryr CDtll of Atherth Standard The Iddmn Is Adrcnlriiir Strndrrrli Council Bsy Strut Toronto Ontario Hold the hooklct chp lt hindy It you no In Idrnnlment that you think hrcIks or trriously bonds the rulct ll in Ind mailtho complrini notice enclosed with the Code hoohlci dnnadlan Advertlslng Advisory Board we work for better advertising arm itttttttttPr SIMCOICOIINTYREADSIHIIXAMINER