from With Iaerta intuit innr museumr Moor morainesalami was An iiDAG eawealallllllllllllllllwlll aweeasesIaaanllxasisalllllllllall Misses Managing Editor use Fi is $51 To ir EA cream Eig 53 INTERPRETING THE NEWS Ulstennn lire Bret For Tense Easter Season humorous But the tonnes ehici may do cldaa abutbocomlaganlilal lDNDON tCPl With direct role irom Westminster re In Northern inland Ulstansen are bracing ior tense tlrnaa parrth during the Easter season For Northern lrslands Hanan Catholic rnieorily Easier rerlres memories of the antiBritish rebellion oi April 1010 In Dublin That was key event in the establishment oi the present irlsh republic in the serial The same metnoriu Milt wilting but Intilmaliaa Add increosed Tcrx ISpendiIlg Among the in or faclomcrestlngrilre minions tee is the sieadtly rowing to taxes There are er aay Teams of course but taxes often play We role to prices than realised leitlros eenrecriv ssless Tots on taxpayers nera than it baveblon the ntario udgot for cat fiscal year continues the trend greater tax spending The argu arm was given that the add tlonal funds needed have to be raised somewhere So Is rvlao drink or units and car Otto1 will all pay more Earlier the provtn ptai government also announced it had ordered the Inheritance and gift in field Nacated by the federal government in favor of capital gains tax Gseoltne tax has gone up one cent lsom 10 to 10 cents per gallon liotorists alap will pay more ior next years license res The provincial treasurer Darcy lic em forecast provincial government ng oi 0005 million which would 45 percent higher than tor the pre ptous fiscal year Because oi the aisle debt it will cost vlldbl500000 to meet Interest alone Ontarios debt by nest linrelr will amount to the shopping 02773000000 accord Ing lo the forecast Even with the new taxes the proviso ciai budget is not espected to meet all the anticipated government tax spend log deficit oi some 50700DOOOII forecastcdtwtrich meant that the antici oted revenue from all the taxation will short by that amount for which pro vision will are to be made in the future Siroppere and businessmen perha have reason to feel thanqu that the re tall sales its oil per cent was not increased People today look Ior their govern ments to provide more services on ev er before for the general good lovem menis have strived to meet the demand The increased tax spending and burd ens for taxpayers should bring home clearly to all that progress and expan slcn has its price DOWN MEMORY Lire 54o vearrs one in sown Barrie Examiner April 1032 Four 110an marotloldesa of First Coopera tlye Packers Ontario Limited attended especial meeting in Barrie when it waa idarrsed additional financing was needed td troop firm gotn Each of more than 1400 members It be asked ior 025 caotr and demand note for 020 security 3i waslearned that Thomas Olsen general manager is no longer connected with Copaco Held Downey of Phelp mton aecrotarytreasurer for directors 3mmch ilnsncial ttatement Alonso iaciailen manager Barrie brsnclr Bank oi Nova Seotta also oko on current elluatlon Barrio ost of Canadian legion installed llarry Gsrlner as pre agdcnt succeeng lhormr ll hurlon trotted by town toreman Ed Shuier ivorlr began on new sanitary sewer Col ler Sl Klwasris Clubs annual Easier lance st Barrie Armoury was en oyable 2hfisir with music by Wally ertins and George lluhbsrd was ornceo all shops employees of CNN and CPR lumbering some 30000 mechanics sn pounced llrrouh union in Montreal sa reement to la 10 ay cut in view depressed economy twill affect houiib men atAllandala ahop At oay Dou as Fairbanks Sr in Reach ng Poe Noon Fredric iisrotr in Itilr ielr ii and Mr Hyde At Capitol ibuster eston srul Jimmy Drnsnle in The Passionate Plumber liarno lacrosse Club or united for strongm oon with Vista VsnAttor pres dent John Dobson secretary Arthur mlih Bell Telephone manager coach ht Baker brothers of Cookstown isrl Norman and George will be lost this year having been ordered by OLA to play ior Alliston which Is closer to their home than Barrie lions Club hopes to re vivewaicr sports on Kemggnlett Bay this summer At Simooo unty Olympic boxing trials Midland two Barrie fight ere won bouts iorne lied and ill on Angle Ferguson brothers who weret managed by Jim Neill and Gear Cha marsd Dept of Highways ll pave No between ltldhurat and Stayner this year According to Dominion liureau of Statistics Simcoe County was well up among leaders for acreage culti voted during 1001 Glai Guldcre form ed Barrie Assodallon Town Council debated oonstruction ot sidewalk at Not son Square in out end irom Blake St to Kempenioli Iillirrni Lennox woii known ivy lsrmer lrllieri when whecl burst at sawing bee Dr ii ilorton oi Thornton responded to call for modtcei aid but injury to head proved islel Young man from liruoe Count Rudolph Nuts died in ltoyai Victoria lospttai oi injuries sustained When he fell under freight train ho was attempting to board near barrio station Canadas opuia lion set at 1007410ti Towns oi ante Orlllla snd Stayncr in Simeon County showed increases over decade rince last census Orillia leads with 0103 ilarrte second In Simone County with 1170 Vic torts liarbour remains ler est village with 1120 despite large doc ne ice lllpltln won special race on running ma ch ne at Capitol Theatre followed in time by Erna liven Lloyd Dolsrls Charlie Nrwiun llark liarisn the Lawn howling Clulr opened season with social evening at American Hotel worry amoog Northern haired Protestants broodln om the dismantling oi the monsoon Parliament height lntbisst hm erred mutuamplcioofUlstcrs Elihu have pluogadwto rr miniatEr Brian smmnzru cur crrrrnrssronr Inlivialion History prrlo son norrrrsrl Apart irom beln Easter this year and April The Day ovary year April Is an important day in yhiatory of aviation In Canada itoyal Canadian Air Force was born oillelaily on this day in mi and Tune Canada Airliner now Air Canada luau guratod Nonuertvmwver Pd putenger oervlca April lost lillltary ying in Canada it be sr during the First branch oi the in 1011 traloln depots were established Camp liordcn Long Branch laadde Armour Heights ltallr burn blobwk and Beanuvtlio all in Ontario Later inside he the most active alrdrome itecruitlng biilccrs went from coast to coast getting Canadians in in the Noysi Flying Corps cia became the lioyal Air Fares on April brig Oen 00 lioare was the nonl manding oiflcer in Canada Alter the war the Csnadls Air Pores was iormed nor re msnenl bills with stations Camp Borden Vancouver Mor ley Airs and lioberval Que home at tho mosliamoua First World War area were CA tiiyr Dorrie Examine it Baytield direct Barrie Ontario Telephone mean Secondclssabiaii Registration Number WA itanrn portage guaranteed Daily eusdaya and statutory Holidays axrepted Subscription rates daily by carries one weekly tam yaar lav single copies too by mail srrle time yearlyl blnlcoa County tum yearly liaiaoea oi Canada error yearly All whar countries assoc yearly Hdipr throw oil tam year National onerilsrns Olficrsr to Queen St West Toronto IM 10 MO Cathcart 5b Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit bureau oi Orcrrlo tlona The Canadian Press Ii extiub ivel entitled lo the use tor rel pub catiora oi all news dispatch ea lnAllus psdr griditotl taupe soc role or as All Also the local news publish on therein or are ill ed editorial rnalarlai ere sled by Its employees Ind 70 produced in thlr newspspor Copyright itegtstsstltrs Num ber totals rcglricr st ssntlytbeloadoeotaparty withmsta Uasnant lbomuitiathaltoppersoo allttea at tho Protestantoorn nrrsnly find themselves teeter tanor tiles to so unpradltt ab primal situation At alaka is the tutors teeder ship oi Protaatant Ulstarrnco ibrea lerrnidahls tlgrner out as contender for the positioooi prime inilucnce the man with bead start is exprenrler Paulinar Already moves are being mach some members oi the Union party the Westminster Parliament Some observers rodtct that Taulheor will to dim shift to tended to theaseunp tion that Westminster iraabe some the centre oi arr for Northern lreland wt lba lcssttomposary extinction biornrmt rssdlanr bill bishop shot down 71 German planes lily Collin hass score was it lloy Brown shot down the isrmua German lot baron Von IllchIolen Iiiily arler won the Victoria Ones the DOC and bar and the bit with two bars TransCanada Airlines was es to star and made its that in 101 and rriada lta ilrst com mercial Mall to September be tween Vancouver and braille liesaver davalo meat of serv was gradual all being lirrwn lint thande began lta serv ice with lOpamngcr lockbced literati it was pecans to wear osygrn masts when ylng over the Rockies and occasion all elsewhere when lira we or was bad ing time between biontresi encort ver was it hours in tact this writer once took six days to get Irom Vancouver to Ottawa as TOA passenger Some oi the original pilots were George isolhisn iiarbcrt baagrim it ltoot WI barnu AA Jonas Lit mist ra Nolan and are Barclay OTHER APRIL INT rutAcadia wu divldtd into two provinces mun Ngtatbeuaa in can ada was installed at boulaburg Cape lireton Post road opened between Montreal and Outboc liteFood was rallooad at Montreal and mabec lmWbill Stu liner Atlantic wu wrecked sit ilslltas with soo lives lost lassmolars besieged battle lord sin isoMaosdas population was 0711 with MOO DI roehumanoid illDepartth oi snore production was organised under OJ News BIBLE THOUGHT ya all the ilthss lat the may rnlna loose and my new herewith saith the lord at boats It will not apes yea the wtaiaws ai bea Ill soar yea rat liner lsg that there shall set is ssorsa min is receive it Malachi lfora is an invitation to spirit ual physical and material pros portly urat most people have Ig nored choosing rather to scratch out an existence on earth than to draw upon the abundance oi mammal the eternal teens noun you to the nune tor keno There lalitaagreansent ovcr aaudwgm was typing an grsard leader Will making strap lag the giant rally he athtpr mnntlnprorurngarnrtnsrn 11 mill oi direct rule it brit yi gum estedintho clllsaoi bilingual WW to provide him with rest in iiiririr tags hill in six counties Aa aolnrtaieraio bardlleeru Craig rosy at this moment re beet the wood oi Protestant dir gustmora closelythan does Faulkner The Van success in its call for strikes and rallies ladder to the continuingand possibly growerinuence But Stratton ldllis ah iliatrr wlurlimwiniiiifh Asoar insists thatth rosoelrs Wiltch therplit no wluavsntuatly lose out to the former prime nrlnlaler in Northern ire seds popularity atslca Al ilte same time there is powerful third man in tho pic tureliar Ian Paisley Once braided dangerous extremist by his and now praised by tanner one mica as moderating inuence Paisley has denounced Craig as an advocate oi lolly Sucb declarations may have isolated btr Paisl irom the main Protestant guard mm ii somewhat oi Ulrlcr pinion lor the lime iiut he has won increased in license among top hrttlab politi ciansnow ostensibly ley fig ures In formulating Northern lateand ma be pointing on swing oi rotor lent opinion sway irom its presanl anger towards care In the possibly permanent disappearance of Etorrrrorrt do But care alone cant buy la man and enlarged lacll leir lhase la constant lg ireiarsda It as for ibala the CENTRE fie ragE le he lion andtposaibly am that so it div hall miniarlyat the Adminis ve lsrsl bavsbocodio rrrtraainafory le Trencbdpealg Mmlr the council itself goingio run Don aay cosasdi la running to bear timai Nina against one it is for these reasons that Chancellor and many other thath assalullrasa suppers the do hdependcrmons wan bimilrlill ii base or not dug lllhlsnoiwbsllbailigcim municipal oouncil is going to One thing isrertin It is necessary ior groups inler NI it it Gendron co tsmtoreotlnua to examine the problem and piles ltilne tiers to municipal count ii is especially hoccuary pot to Ibut llr bousacsa government lira lIn shorter or hands or in rrrvrrrrrrsrns so rrn person ns Suntan invites coa tributioaaiaJta utterata turret in ihasditoffccliinlanihood should be signed Writers inay was pan unsa if they do silce last year opponents Why not preserve what you ora eraollng by lsIlIrIa sad Personal ran it Ilrarres legally and Tan Es enaP Peerle Ptaes Noneaa ADI ix bliii II are sacwarrcs CIU North American Lita Assurance Company Dollop St In barrio Ploaa rrsasu K001444 dasm aollsddrasrcdonvaiop oas ior our BAVONEBT ERV To provide the us to plus those 7txmsllroa race mmm IOOtlIOliiClllillilnlsenlluumr auraassessoresmrrrorrramunrarmu rr rrys who bocora who try to ilnd them roses in Oh meddle oi boom ing declarstfooa held We drew cala pls dose not live only Io rind ita Iranian ior mm any amltililfndly it turns and nan mm common good car If they do not do it who will but rapier Air boner neeeaaary to wait with sitcoms roe eternitwlU out dela but silica thaOcndrnrl corn was created the trattonalist Union Na onllo ssrna poalso hi choice as it taoguags oi scboo Instruction Quebec And without consolation Geode Grassl CENTRE mutt oar cor Town Counctlhaadacldtdrl build 0000 mcdlral cube with lacllillea ior two doctors this community all nrllea ear oi Sudbury The town has been without medical practitionra good Estate Planning