Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1972, p. 11

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Vin anAel lt ytltato In In Instrumental servants Iran mt immatureno lo Luminous or Mr Coohnown risk bat and Ir rented Ior My eveninr it mixed dramolatnhip play Bob eooar restores in In the early season lite latter There are not let lotioqu ot Dob Vaders team that Mar would have won the leasile rhamplorsshl Ii home lce had been avsiisbe Curios lthe pntt season now hid the henercr hockey II discussed Brodiotd It cIn almost be tatrnlor canted that the trio in Expruttiw who tiniest ca I1red Intermediate OIIA lInrs thl he mentioned tormer NIIL stIl Dob liIt ltrti wsa plsrin roads It crscit team wttl wILed my wllit MM Day loop honort and then battled their era to the tinsls against Welland irr ithIntIx Net Irwin ant manager at the iteam shown in one oi several hoctey photographs ethlhlted It ithe Drsdiord rtnh Iortotoetlme Coadt Itassttd tioe Orland 2m Glisten Dill Forbid and rHlil Nietth wrre atoms the mIEnl mill or man ho true ng um was tnotiitl tending litht oi that battling crew on no Netiett Damnation liltrratniira yer Veil lividth with the team which unions it ourth Day ensue tnnletltal eventful season The Espmsmcn also had the on torture term tseondndmIIalrIemt Themde wtasthdrth ever llnclry Associatim Lilia by In WIDIGIIIIIMN mindes one It the My hat nan Inlay hint HOCKEY FUTURE Casteth down in me and three at rlllterrnt ttl cs its out We wnulbmlib to play In the yue ruin it torrid have out me more at one new rtnl said Don bell ex pressing Ihat Incest to be general view oI Oro ere This hasn to yet and then other possibth coma np beiora next winter Well hast have to wait sod Ed It it list llrst dirt slon era one at the blpttipstt oi the North himeoe lelytterllt durtn die out teasoo ew ed Iowrl CentenolIlt slid Stay her one here been providing rloIerwagnl Ilhal Ierlu IhiClI also stirred much excitement thong Ita Iotiowrrs EXPRESSMEN STIRRED IRADFORO Itltsiaeilon ot beating out Dill lirGiIit Orlltla Terrier to the Ictrtiilnaia with lioyd Boyer and tilt Eorllttt scoring two or ertime goals In winter the sec ond same to alter hrsdtord struuicdioatlottrlurnohlo the opener The out rear immune Ea prratmeo were both with tooth rr line team and again rlached the oats bciare running into protest lubecetieotly Duodas won the Intermediate the Expressions were In Itlrae tion In limit as elsewhere and newspaper tliee Ihow tome herd Imbt Itrvulee when Dob atr ner was scoring Ice oi the Stir rn pt The liradinrd teem no III wins in row In one site bciorc ped by Battle to Then the xpretxmeo runs back ioIruthanlrsnupIrtot htonbliot ior thI SevapI rt it on liarrit Ire on with Garner Gerry lic bride Ittd Larry lteid were mong top pertormeds tor the hevenUpI with inatrr Crone pod Cocuilrt rising to the heldxts on occasion VICTORS OVER ELMVALE ADVANCE ever Elmvaie llerth Iota in the area Folly toler mediate nIIyo lichen htrn lisrvestrtt are scheduled to visit Peiroils tomorrow Ibsen dtyl night ior the third lIilit oi their provincial semilimit The teams are tied at win each so its carts tcsm winning its home encounter loiirth tune it slated tar Tuesday nldti It linyileId wtscye Orchestch pieys and ilith on Eridt Despite rrportod do cit txtnoo on this seasons opera tions Orliiis Tctrlott executive traded by msnater llill licGlil Vletors Iireedy srs rnattn plant ior another Alton they done car lot ltsne ls expected bot to teeth the team again little time various ways It rIIIin Itihdtwith dencce draws other spooltt promotions are in organised ormer Simeon Willy boxer OraIiartt Jenkins ol Toronto is new teelins better alter re serpentine Iran lung Ilihtent In Qttceruwny hoepltal The uxnertiroe visitor to liedonio ta looidng leeward to stain visit lny erea poll clubs when tetrrrw er wrather comet National Hockey League Sets Stanley Cup Playoii Dates Till Notional lioct league has Innotinted playoi states lrut with Iourthplsce still not Local nun Unit Wins Shullleboatd Slrntiord Unit tot won the euchrt and crlhba titles at the landllth goodt IIJI or rm Ivy Ammee tletcrtna Uni ttlol Darrin held last wcelwrtd to teeth and dcnttles dorte Unit tit oi Toronto walled oil whit the trophies while Angus gait tit captured the stories the Barrie unit retained Its hold on the Atuiilcboard title tied down in either division tome elite rernnln undeter mine in the lnut the ryuutttrtilrtalt will open in liottoo and New Yorix with tlw West uusrtcrrllnc Ill bcrlnoinl In Chicago and Minneapolis Under he rctlxtd plsyoit rules this year the Ielms tin letting liltt to each division ptny two games It home against the learns tnishlot lourtb the the bodplace tetme tay host ior two games to iiillOVilCt team Alter the Initial two games the term switch to the other cities lot too then alerotte gatoweimt tor the filth sixth and Ievenh parties It necrw survivor oI the rules be chectin Ilrtiitiill the deieruIIng MIG rapsdr crud It the Barrie Irma list are the Tim the beatoieeren tini testes tear games to one AIM Barrie trans raptstn BLANK GIILT 40 III IIAIIIIIT Zxatrslser Sport Editor The Dlre Flyers Triday nlrhi captured their tiratevee Ontario liarter Association denier player title bianth the tier nets to before parted house It the battle arm The win we the llycrs the hostelseven Iorict Irur grams to one The llym now nivanre to the lint round ol the Alan Cup melts mtetin the Sault little to lent to the Son nest wetland in the tint two perm at buksiilvr set run it core pinyins In All lirst game since the end at the season got the Firm rolng in the ilrst period teorilll Item the slot on poorer play lie drris ed in the lace oi trtcron Conv nle llnodn the was out with itidn ailment The you broke the game coon in the mod scoring three goals in the tlnal three minutes oi the Ironm Pete Panagabto made Ire meodottt Ihilt past the Gait do lenee to move item the corner and boot hand tired Into the corner oi the net It the mot mart ADAhtl dOOltEl lhlrtyaeren records later Portagebtota the puck btclt to Corby no alter Marni won Iteeoii In the Cell end end the his llyer captain whipt the puck under liornet not minder Sonny Pentxinrion to score Ids rim pityoll OIL irtme John tlcliilisn tel Dad Aooxnb up alone In Iruni oi ennlnetoo and the league scoring champion nude no min tale Is he incited It into the net Throu tthe tame the tint rte exiubiiod determined Aiiao champion Hornets to Its the net Ken Payne it the Dante net handled all the thou cacti to pictr up hit lint shutout the stators What hockey club no es hubeswht Dorrie alsyeroosc DIrryl Slay Isid titer the pane They did It Ill year long then the had to win They pull to cant tIy enounh tor thern OALT OUTPLAVED quieter lllll Wylie the deli roach tail simply Ihcy out Ellit Novices Down Elmvnle The battle Ellis mimetioo Novices downed the boot litm veie club It lhuredaoy sushi in opmlo rourvt action the Elm vale hey Tournament Dean lteavle med pnir oi ttrst period roots tor the limit club In the second the two teams traded eats with Text It err Ind Shawn dIunderI ts tor the Ellis term ten rlfttt and Gary lilnnlnrs lth at or Elmvele Tournament action tontlouer throuyh today It the limb With it terotsds tell to the 21611 Adamo led and Myer nunerrr Jlrrt Short centre am tbt lime Robaum Trophy emblamiic oi the DNA Scour title Irnrn OIIA pre sident Clarence lnbby Scbnulir AIOVS lint Gall Iiorort centremen Dave Om man Ind Its totidusuncd liy rlayed Ind outshnlod tll lie til the turolo point In the urirtrtmewi the two Barrie victories in the Gale riot iottte got to be moon to your own rink It you went wn As lot the UDTVITIiDIAilID nip rounds Wylie predicts rosy ioture tor the Barrie club its color to tale good club to beat this one illerrlrl This II mail good hockey club probably but to come out It this tennue Sly tell the turning point oi the series came when the Ilycrs Ilo BOWLING KEIIPVIISW DOWLIND rnrsdsy Ailernm Irene TEAM ITANDINOII limo Brett to tote White Ouiis ti Iurple anthers it Orange Orioles oi Yellow Nor note it Dlue Dceties ll ttlIcit JIrIrt it Green Giants to High Alnglrsl llctty tlctirldo tit itilllc Calms lit Lyrie Young iti Doris Edlilltlll Aileen llurluhlse tit Nnrmn Vernon hIItlorIo Scott 215 Dorothy liugmxo tit VI Bishop Carol Tannrr tit lelthn Frsntcom ill Nancy Tlleciek TM Vcro licrtrsm till lran llodgeon tot Ortre Graves tot Wilma Durham 201 Doreen Richardson 100 litre Trtplrti illilie Csims Till Aileen Itiirtultiso tdi Dri ty llcilride to ltsrloxie hcolt All Doris Eduction all Normn Vernon All Dorothy ll Iiugmpn IIIIEAA DOWLING Tuesday ladch lastue STANDINOEI Noses It Deities ii Lllnts chIdI Ii Panslrt 53 Penn sure dinrlc hirrulntAclrcr ill Iilrh Triple Iarrralne Aster All lrixe illdtltn Triple lliva biliit Iiirtx tingictl lonoine Arler iii 25 all LillIItt litDtrtitld till 1110 lildne llortin tot Gwen Jthnetoo iii Dctnne Dictcy its too Gertie Dickey 21 tit letlly LIiidiIh iii tot liorg Illchnrdson lit Annette Surette NJ liesioo Kcnnedyltol Illte itobtrtt tut sheila ordelI llil Triplesl Lorraine Acler ID Lilian titDonald lid lolly landlnh Lid Deanna Ditto Md Gertie DIcley shells orrdalt tot Annette burrito lei liitt llolw erts the Gwen Johnattrt bit nrri thltitttlos Ilflll er eomde along the boards north the pine BELOW oxonr Dorrie llycs Itos Frank lilnrts gallium hlrnsrll lorerebamdlnlrmteltlal netnsitsdcr Sonny Pentinrtnn derriiu second period action Iliame Examiner Photos by Peter Nottbrdlt Flyers Capture FirstI mu Senior Series Title Iiiy stopped the strong Itornete rower play which was respons ble Ior tour ol the tint to goals the Gull club scored Out In asit ltrt lursdey night the Fly trs blanket the llorncts ior two minutes while two men short on their way to victory As soon or we Itopptd Gall will log on the powerplay we start ed to win it was hint murdering ue carter he commented retro norm hlnndsla et peeiod hack to the lineup tor the next game lie was scoring leader In the OlIA plant scor Im live goals and log Icvcn saxlttt The game Ives probate ly one oi the Firm Itrongctt team cliat oi the season with oil lorwsrd linoe rhrcltlng ex trcmeiy null and the tunrmsntds tidying prrioctiy Payne rol ecitd the puck alter the tlnal buucr memento othls shut out ml the OIIAtIIIe The ilyer proait hilltop sounds oi lint lion In and Frank lilnrltt and Non Ilobioson end hob Dalrd were very riicctivc inst nltltt Is the Plum drew sis prnoilirt Iiornet dcicocc mn Pm SW in an cmotlunpcchtd moment In the mm mm my mun Barrio liyrr captaln Corby struck irt the on oi the head Mimiwlmiuwtliwimio hills puclt The Firm will WWII the Barrie nrron tceeur hole new The plum lace with the John lion liobert Sunday Irorn to pm It the mnmyrkcymginw bistltne to or II on Bum ii tilloil title Adams nod the tlytrs were given it stands log ovotion item the cunncity Olin president cinrtnco Tub crowd It the teens by Sohmnlts was on hand last For one man on the tee with EU mm mung the club It prohaiti meant little more ilyrr nitntyor Jim mum Short wnt one oi the Ioundere oi DWI mm FNWW the senior cntry irom barrio Ind ii it itidil lit lieroer hiero ni one time hnnditd the coach World the as log reins iiet seen the club tith Titrth It the player vol mm the one who gives it be Vi ii lot In the roller at tholroruestnn crummy ondirlts lutdcst It all mes loll inr tint place out until mglgyghwptizlitlthli this your the plot oi winnlnp ode hos eluded him on hit club magmas murmur Itt wortdcriul Short com mcnttd last night We slotted oil in last place and now were number one ich eat tort oi the llyrss this season and re ecisliy the work at loy ercoat Darryl Sly and am captain Corb Adams at the ruitns tor clubs succesr Id lite to put Dorrie on the map by winning the Allan on ere Inittod to the picture tnltlog suest Idclcd orvl autograph session There it on charts The Fly iieos tcr on Is pleonlop Dill trip to the Soo next weekend For details contact any tncmbcroi the club thlhlAliYi lltst Period Dorrie st Onye tAllams inouuabkot 1le liennillrt liltillt tcrttrsrchrrlrl terlcrcncot thlsh Itlclri It lltoidt 2000 licenod Period Harris lnrtnrolilto tAd Ims 1st lfashionAdams Ilannyobtol Iltrrrie Aromls illehlllinn Otnolnrhaml ltil Pentitlrs Grit Nlrterson Irourhingl liatric Robinson iroughlngi trit iitrtle lInI gtblo tslnthl oi Gait WIII Inli telbwr Dorrie lllnrits ihiuh tlltlci Third Irriod No Storing Peonltlrt lturrlc hlcCloclriln hold lild Idiots On tioal Spoycr lio Allao Cup motes til the hard not who Stiloolitcetlorltlooi First some oi Western Can lth ytors seem worthwhile lie stressed the great totem ei not tutorsorter urnltiooli SPRING ORDERED BEAVER HOMES IO ll lb For Iniormatlon eontIct Oeorulno kiliryr tot nurtworth Sireti iicrrie Ontario Tri lly litrrie by our ltblb ILERS Tilli KEMINAII PROFITADLE PLANNING CONTROL OF RETAIL OPERATION to be haunted Io Dorrie on to II it April It Ior you FREE BASIC SHELL ERECTION OF EARLY HOME ORDERS PLACED PRIOR TO APRIL 30th19721 Nows the time In blpirt buildinp your cm ytewllriver Meow Ind IIvII Have It shell ertrtcd itII theo intuit It yenrssliorwelt srrsnoe to thI It oomptated Either way youll save thousands oI dollars be shie to attend to own sitteer betssr homal So Ict non Ml llaeveII ttotrie Cataiopus with it hornet Ind optlnrtx tor lull Aldo itornes oi all titre tnr city or country he tltttt TIGmlRil loo Til The Folloytlng Businesses OPEN your CONVENIENCE CLOSED EASTER sunowv Also available at tshront serrice DARRIE SEAFOODS RESTAURANT Air Conditioned UNI II til Build Fri II to Ml Closed Monday It Dradiord EL Shortens DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS DAILY MIL II EVERY SUNDAY suuonv IOR irvliil Two to live brdteoow sinpio twn liorty nipisvot end rrttiilipilllt free basin shell rmtlon ntIereoon until April son lmterdeliveryoriortniuniwth wills unit weeident Grunt Byron movcs Into the Iem ItI II and Stan Atkinson winnlnl the Ignintt the survivor oI the id trophy series Its the opposint division The Search It to tail swing at ORANGEVILLE RACEWAY Orlsyevltic OItIrIa tutorial tuatlme deyrttne HARNESS RACING It RACE EVERY IUNDAY OAtIvseecd lrostatn tale It liyron Crahaht hitters limit Alston dinette lhep Alistoas rostrum 2PM AN go on EitEIINISHINGCOURSE mm AT GEORGIAN COLLEGE WITH ERNEST DONNELL ll AM to It tleiiiastos ll EREDS FLOWERS Illghlly ll Ii Itsbt us to thrill IIAIWEIIJ FOR Youll never Instr itrtter drnl lhonr Grotgr ll Wsrren it Nloysdows tin bouborougts Ont tit TIHMI tor lull iniormailos course ior enlhtltlatte collectors Ind dealers which provides tnonirdge oi toolt nutrrieit and techni ct ior retinithloy vsiutbls old Iurnlturr OWNiii rttrrrt uesdny April it It Too pm root esth TurnThurs Isht our lot consecutive we its at llnlo Collette Campus tut Ductworth Street Barrie it into which includes cost at materials till and DA turm below oiont lth Lynntrime IAhlli ADDIIIM TELEPHONE tiy lpplicniloo tot texturttlon Antique Rriihitltlny Course Tu tlrotgtan Wilt Continulot Notation litttston tot Dttctwotth ttrcrt liartie Ontario BEAVER LUMBER CO LTD llroiiiord It lisrrir Ont litlltt Mu mun

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