Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1972, p. 10

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JILL DICK I1 one oi be out oI Not through Rope helps another member Nuilytt HUDENE DIRECTOR ktry lib ll middle helps Peter cool It tieltl Ind IIlI Dycl hepreeeat I1ttro members at the cert oi Not Dirndl Ilopo with their linen It rehearsal In Central Odlexlah rtditoriurrt the limit Examiner cm NEWS MTURDAY APRIL am It Mcrss Contrision At Rehearsals No no That doorway betrays on title ride at the Irate Vtlma the entetuho plus he the record plmrl hhoejot my copy oi the rcripti toir more conttalon Lr coin on at three Barrio high schools In eiudnlr rehearre tor the Garden D3 Drama Festival to In Harrie Thunder and Nday At Ocutral Oollcltate Alan It It Pike ataII adviser oI the helm Not anoint none raiddmplledho apparent lack ot eonunurttcrtionthe etudenta were tairly well omniaed and Denney t1 trilh her nipr up better dress mortal Girlllilled Few Accidents In Barrie trio Atkinson it oi Draco died yutcrday aitcmoon when the car rho nee dcivint was inieottlsion with mother car at the intersection oI County Road ltrreo and III In DtiIIcriit County Ontario Provincial Police at district headquarters In Dorrie raid the Atkinson cur war northe DWMGI County Iloed etc when the mishap occuned The rec ood vehiclo Involved war westv hound TIIIIITPICAII CIIAilI Damage hnr been ertimulcd oi rotor in ta lineroar accident on Illrhwoy lot near the Ciilt over Ircad bridge rhout toto om Friday vehicle drlvcn by Richard Forest oI throrrlo received tilt tincture which driven by Iroclericlt Ccnmpp oI Throttle re ccIvcct raw climate The third vchiclo In the ntlahop rrtcltcrl tutti ciantece It was driven by potion police ltlcn tilled ony es ltr Sharpe Det craville IIIOIIWAY CRASII An arcldrnt Thursday oitcr noon on Iilchway too at Anne direct connect tips damage to the three vehicles Involved car driven by Wayno Wat elaIIe Aalocotrt recvrrd tits danraao Donald Powell lletrie war the driver at the recond me which received our damage and Adeline llllier Orlltla we the driver oI the third cor which rccclvod lilo damage EMERGENCY NUMBERS illll 7543 Titill illdill IIre Ueht City lotlce Arnhntanrr OPP would be well rehcueeod by the time oi the Icstival dont believe hr having the rtudents om rehearseso that bL the limo they Ilrrnlly do the they Itld reoily plot at It the raid So we are satiny our Ilnal court at enerry until this weekend when tho atudcnte will he roheeretnr all day Saturday and llortdar The cast at Central proctlccr every day Irom to am and irom too lot in Dclora thte week they tt ed on tho play tor month In their theatre art to Not Borough Rope is die ma on the loneliness and lack oI communication in boarding ltourr Nor The cold the drama Despite Heavy Dcsplto heavier wcctnrd trai tlo In the city Darrin polieo wero ceiiort to Inthstiynle only two acetdcnis yesterday Ono collision occurred at the iniometion oi sunnhirlo Iloed and throttle Road West shout 511 pm Dritooe oi the vehiclendnvolv ed were Bryon tinclilnnon ll Lunatics lid and Itarrcir Ittmct Barc hilsaisxattra The rocord accident occurred nborit inc am Friday morning on Ieirvlew Road near tiro itali dey Inn Drivere lnvoirwd won Thomas humor 11 Mac rhell tit am Paul Itcnry St Clair it Napier St 1hurrdey city police lrrvteu yetod three ntirhope Tho lint occurred ahortly heloro pm In traat oi tit Rose street Drivr ert Involved weroiiary James harden on the theatre at the Absurd brat II etttt roclalconv ment There are only three memb era in the cast leter cool It as tirade Ilaclltrt Dcnrtcy it tin Pierce Itll Jill Dyet as Edith Althovah they all enjoy wart try on the play their uptrattono laty Peter raid he does not have the temperament tor ect int litU tltno them not enorth room in Ictlrty to Intean the play In your own way on raid line have to moot IulLv tiro diml rnr vlcwe Peter would like to enter the laid oi dentistry alter modul ltncilyn eald rho was torn between octlnr anti vaitinr Int did not htrow which Ileld she mid like to purrue as can etc the raid the mouth acting vara hcr reuse oi achieve menl though Itli raid rho enjoyed actinn be calm aho could hit hcrscli on store which iound hard to do In evcryda Iiie like pcoplo the said gut Im not my outgoing taste yI She thought the would lilo to enter the utcolro altar hicb echooi TraIIic Parry Pelorwicit and Barry Goddcn zit Ilooe St Delo Sheridan to Essa lived and trained Ourbctt Would Dcach were the drivers Involved In collision It tho corner ol Toronto Street and wincion Street Thursday aItorttoOtt hydro polo was brotrn oil doctor the mishap third accident at tho corner at tielllrryton Strict ortd lieplo Ara lnvoltrci twhiclea driven by times It lieily 1e Gunn 5L and Vtola liciirtle lleplo Avenue Dctotlr oi damttru let all three mishaps were not available irom city police liIiiIl INWAIE income reported on tax to turns Iliad by Albedo rerrrlcntr in tort amouatoi to ti bullan Tenders Are Submitted For Operation Oi Marina Who will nm the city merino title year will he do rd 1th doy evening at the public works crxnnritlcn mccilnl Ton city received tour tcrtdrrr ior titer with oi the marina Irom Aprl to Oct Ian Ilowc Owen Street was one oi the terticrcrt tie root to return it per cent oi re venuo to the city duclrrr the rovcnrnonthporlodmlr Itowe Indicated he would supervise the Operation oIthe marina with the assistance or etudenta Ito rated the rlI Icr rnrno Adlwtmert iot po time rental over the standard lie or boat DECOND TENDER record leader was ettbrnltt ed by it it Brenton and Aaloce totes itr lirereton propoacd plea whetcity to or cent at the nrrrlnee rovcnuo would he re turned to the city iIo oito pro Mad torocclve rr pcc ccn ol the total revenue taunt the opec nllon lo linertco lont canto do relopnrcnt plans in tho marina Mr ltrcrclon eulil tho iirm wouch undertake etud oi the area prior to went on and ehotttcl additional cant be nordcd would Iskthocly apro vldo It llo said he wants the cit to provide additional Ilood lI ir tclrphonet relce tenors ontioihor teats should they be IIKOIIOTI llr Brerclon hullcpicd ho ant his on not would compile do to duty correcrnlnr tho water and air pollution count tempera alurer wind Indother rottin ont Irear Durtnn tho summer the group would plan to drain In cooperation with the city pluth woclu department basin ushlna ayrtcm Pavia Slcssor Iornrcr anlcr monster with Dclnncy ltoai Linc limited also submitted to tender PROPOSED ItETUItN III proposed return at tor per cent oi the nrorinea revcn tree to the city with an addition al one pot cent returned on re vcnucr ovcr tarpon lIr Stresor Indicated he wanta to rcneriotiete the tired rater tor erI II tprovca tho rntca chart cd are not competitive In tho rcnorll business market He has aho rorccvcd the ct tto renegotiate other more it tecnu lIr Slcssor raid ho wouhl op ratio the marina irom eurulrelo eunect duripy the rorcacnonth period DOCKINII FACILITIES Tho Iourtir tcntler was sub mlitcd by Jan llcCucrly Kemp cniolt Drive lto pmpoecd to per cent return on revenues to the elty lie acted that it rut Ilclent demand developed the doctlnn lectlllloe In iront ol the tarmac Delaney uoat Liner bulld Irrr be included in the city mar lna osmium urnlcc the name Sandi one or the marina opera on Durlntr the prime boatin aco eon nltccrdentr would be on duty Irom errtto part rercn darn week hlr licOtady the indicated he would he reeponaibla Ioc adver tlrla the marina lacuttlcr eulcaallidewaymtrunlinch iandenihonleladnhlhn proeeuoidninxeaahcum oieani rtrlren Mr ltFehlrn raid the deprie Amhiknntoru rncnt oi tanatrpurintton aerate WW WW abort the barrier postodhurie hid the current driven to indicnta their views The have alerted Hmiaaolthetdah th war we uncanodeauomtnntt lira Id expected to Tho nu undo tor the her clea Ina Waiter Ialehrre nod hienr oi Orillll III Watnrrun oi Thconio They coo Iacted The Ontario blotter tongue tor material and elastic ne nicht ddrine The team consider clan on In rub endooeabide Exhibitibn Is Planned Iii Eastview hLdoricnt exhibition will he held at Eutrteo secondary School tdey between and mu plat The eahlbltbai erratiaed tn retion with tho Simeon ltlrtocical Society will Irrnd dis ya irom coder Indlaiu ishntlmmhlLD school rhidente thrwzttout Star coe County There edit be all categories dirpLayod prehistoric ancient medieval mIli micro and Canadian The inner will to to the provincta IliaioricII exhi hitiott to be Id at llichecl Power him tchool In Toronto April rind The Simcoo County llIsIolluI Association has endorsed the eve hihtilort hy aupplyinl creole or all the participants natd Judson local relation and induItry have donated prices The protect Ins tnltlntrd by Grotto Atonrirrx IrsIoty taachcc at Huttiew who had eorrlo at his eiudcnta participate Ira the exhibition to Toronto teat year No was In impresocd with that exhibition that he do allied to alert an annual exhibi Ilon lrr lirrrle Illa Lr carnation so to too cattl Intr and has Invited the public to Ilicnd Judng wIit bed at 1pm Trldty Cook Firm Plans Major complex Allan Cook limited Is mov In It hnse Ioc conduction matutrl eupon opcrnlions Irom Dunlap Sirect to tuacro tile on Highway to ball mile west oi Dorrie 1ioe new complex currently nnrirr roostnictioo will contain eomo oi the moat rnodcrn work ahops billion and material herni line Iacilitlcs In the Industry InllIaI plans call or the con etrucllon oi retro counter toot olllco and equipment mainten rnco chop new pound mphnii manuioetrnlnc plant It nlto be Inc ecceth with rcalehnuro capable oi tori hlny vehicles up to INNDO hull Ilto site will altold sullicirnt room tor the etocirpllinr ot the marry varieties or pxgrcintu and Iirttcsttino products tr oh the company morkcts in the cen trni Ontario roclon no to mtriim construction equipment lloct which the com pen operates to carry out Ita vIr protects tn the neon wlI also he stored at tho cite when the new complex It corn plcted on Juno runway expocts to employ approximate lid pmplr Allan Ii Coot Lt currently crnploycs too pcoplc it TROIIIIB AND IM presented to GeorKIen Ooliepa athletic trams Thursday night theatre the annual athletic han qurt at the college Fred the Ontario Irotineiat Polk the litter terror and earth acorn mm ve hit telehrve ud IIvn thnraaani oi the Kiln rrpurrtemtetmrenxe 37T Ileurhton was named athlete ol the year FRO LEITI llr ilauphton routers the lore ticr Lrp Irom Robert Crnwe lord collcxrr preeidcm In Law Innerl within ital out too IRLI Ire crxvarernr trer ecrm dciml nuance and III ohcc people Ibo use the route rezubrtly to voice their opinion The Ictlon alrpe Ill be relay ed 5an but aayorae Ilahlhl Io eeeist the campaign is in ritrd to contact lie IAIebrce It Wilbert Street Oniiin at Fred Nets The Martina in NM Wary Orecohe an theshie player on the hock heram Iulei oer IEnmlm IInioi J=wi College Community Centie Is Forecast By President tomrnrnrtty and recreation services complex will he built II the Georgian Colicre currtptir wintr nrmoy Ior courtructron be com available titan at tho that annual ath ctic banonct at tho collepr Thursday night Robert Crow Iord president told miter plan tor the coilepo two yrnee oto outlined the buldlnp but there Is no dclinllo arrangements lot nancing or dale Iuc con alructlprr lb ilwouldatt be Ioolontt thorc heave Ito on the Irorl eon ItIr Crowiord eoicl lie raid tho porcntmcnt is he lnnlnl to look more Intornhiy upon collcgo sport and he thlnta eventually Intuit will he Irrth coming Irom both potrcnmmt and members at tho alumni Ito rold Ibo college rrtimt also look In Industry itrr attpport OLYMPIC EIZII The community Illltl recreation complcx would Incltvio an olyrrt plcvslzt pool two cymnorinrtu wcirhiliitinp room an retool track exercise rooms and oihcr nihiciic ItrrIIiiIcr Ito raid that IacIlIIIcr could ho used yourround by both thc col lege and tho community Ito pointed out romo tacllllicr at various colicch and driven either have brcn ruppwtod hy indlvliunt bcnelactocs such as Ilnri Home at the University oI Toronto which wot adoption by tho IIaseoy Iumily would like to think we can Inspire crouch oniidcnco in the community nod the cotwnmcnt so that they would ho nrrtcrtahlc to ruppoetlnp this Mr Craw ired said Mr uuwloni raid the dctciop rnmt oi sports Iaciiitlrs heron Just recently under tho local Initiative program in which stating rinir tennis coucta cinder track and eventually Inn liilics Iuc caribou will ho torr Itrurlcd This is the beginning at an upward trend Mr Outlined sold over period at time we will love excellent iovltitics at the college rthich will be eharcd with the community he arid INITIAL POLICY Ir Ocowiord redri initial pol icy oi tho tuvornmcnt war to horn collcccs detclop thclr oca dcmic proccnrru heloro bcrirv nine an athletic current They were cncoucn however to overhaul road ptotranrs II possible and stimulate interest When the colic IIrII opened In Itol it had ircy team at well as roll and all Iesrrtr tic newton arid the number 0i sports will continue to row us the colicro crows Ilo pointed out tho Interest shown in the put you will ailrrri utatn new Intranet Tire president colt ho tools it Lt Important to maintain hal nnce between the academic and athletic elements in order to create complcto pcopttm at the college During the hunquct trophies were DNMOIN to top compel ltors in hockey basketball sew ha archery and airline 1M noloxy students took all but one award Im Iluiilriutr oi Dorrie rm pmmltd with tho athlete ol the rear award based on appris mensitlp looticrnhlp and contri bution to team movement III also melted the most valuable pinycr award Inc haalrthall In thc Simeon Coretly lions leo rue hrl scored to point tor third place etnndlny hr the loo player lcozroe hut la accord your tcchnolory student The most valuable player tar hockey wontto Lawrence taxy Gregoire oi Penetraan theme trotyear enpimrtnrt technology etudcnt lie had It ole nnd II assists in It tamer IIrst And second place Ioc mens nevth rtcru proscnltd to Brian Booth otidwntcr otv andyear rurvcy technician IItle ricnrl nrtd Dal Dountcrty Altit cinrilinp tcchaician eludmt The Inn ploco Ice rachre ion IIrsrycac mechanical drnillnx icchrtchan attnlcnt Tho first place Ior Ihtlien archery was awarded to tire Candy Incite hIcnlorrI tint and act on interior tlcdpn atu cm The turn Weider ell trophy woe awanltd Ia Dru Ncilarctr Barrie acwutltttuc clocteonl tututiclan etudrnt Crest wcro pnecnicd to all tcdnt numbers llccb cloullcc siudcnl attain olthcr derisicd with present tons rrrrrrsrtt mate OIFIClliilS av carienorrr Reeve Germ Burton at In nleIll Tormltip turned the ilrrt sod tor the new Allan Coot Ltd complex on High way it halt patio cast oi iiarrte at an olIieiri cerentony lcdneedny Stendhr IechIird Itrovo Burton Sou llor Itas orilhtowart Deputy iteeve Dill Gibbons Township Circle Opel lion lloilatt oI lioitalt Eronrtatw Photo Richard Grotto Jim Rose chairman oI tho tnrhutrlnl committed Joe Ocdlllll viectpccrldcnt oil AttnnO Mercury which Wheel wciybt president oi the con tractlrrlg Item Der hieeran ec It the eontrretinr ilrrn ad

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