Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1972, p. 1

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tartar atmorphara in no last Friday or thin boy hur riaa atone Royal Avenue In the NEWS ROUNDUP rrolaeoiih it tbceverpmenIIoldlecear unaware ot ensure our iii Burma ha beada with NI llath cue tAi Pbtol Bomb Explodee Doors or Soft Drink Company TORONTO CF per dynamite erplodcd tn alhercordoora oiaroit drink company here Monday nithlbtdooooewarhurt no hint Ibowrrrd Rim street with late and wooden Iplinlaew The meant Avoi Bar mahea roll drlnb tor and Portoeocae romv mantiica hawthorn Toronto lirarnpton and Georgetown People in the are laid tbcn Ill lull iii bean are the smite hitter iron the all heed doora The explosion lied two truth litth oi the entrance lien Barbe who lived nea arid hie iantlly went onto will be cloned down by completely iv toitneh ertenrlcn oi the Yoopa Street mmth reruit ugh ovuarow aspect liloar htreet lots that the mtarn will not itmction perlylnnahholm alter the hiaat shook the dart trorn the ccllior Eldoriatderrraire another at men who liver three houaee away laid aha thou it we the end oi the Ind nabbed her children with HILTON OnL CPI Arthur Dawn to tormerly at St rdlinr one and new rt hill too who aroicnced thurrday to tile lmprtroruneni alter bainr convicted oi noncnpltal murder the Ihootina death at ti yaerold men that leb it An0ntarlo ti rrrna Court deliberated or iii Mara lorr rclctilnw the dcience contention that Dave war polity th stmornlauydrter becauae ha iorrned no intent te hill llcbaxt Genre Pcwlrcar iawtrcu we shot with It shotgun or he rat in hit the crreturntnl hordra Smith 1t Dawr torrner ti race home term drove Pollution llinee TORONTO CF The liti rpe line or conviction under the Air Pollution Control Act war not in the ilrcrt year mo ii the annual report at the on help dcpartmcnt ol resoluch manapemcntrhowa the report rclcaped Thora day raid thrre were it promu tioot durlnp the year at which it resulted in conviction Total amount oi ilnea war more the report told there were hilt complaintr oi air pollution nndt2tittolatlon naileoI let not thidepartmcni mode tirriitmpcctloyarnd ruxvryr dyrtnr tho year again Retired noltrt erv ttPLAti Em ESlriridry Canadra er ornate it anchortipped role gleehere and AH Nehru ea ottlclaiiy became horropcr etlonnl chirpGm Norrhrn leaonux con Canndaa air dotcnoe arm mandcr riatloned here laid in atatcmcntthaciorio dateon advanced one moo from the orietnal dale rerouted In tho tut whl pnpcrgen detence The two once each equip wltiito aurlacetoiir minted One at the rerroor tor lbair mirrivhraa it that the plane do not provide tor expreu lrriaa thatdonothrvatoaiopal avaryatalion Request Filed wrsrunorou trial the Aaeoey anti Friday that later nathnat ltIrveatce te bra tiled aicamali tlorna okrany hrtton Hittite but the tint Untied stator automaker to do Io Valve ewedirh maartre trrer bar aiao mod toran no GORDON CARTON To hollow Eh TORONTO CPI lintrrtee ban on tire etude will be re viewed It rind can be ehown to beta net ratet hrnetlt erya iranoportldon Carton lla made the Ilatemcni Ilia oominuta meetan Thureday wlihr crcnlaiiru at the tire rlud retry There are two rider to he continuln controveray over riudI Carton raidtheir aatciy value andrnad wcnr cauacd by them ltr Carton said be her bccn tryinrte maintain an open mind on tho quealion but ylnce tnltln on the ministry with the ban rondy tn lorcc hav had nothing hrouoht torwa yet lllltt would chanre my mind or the aorrrnmrntr Controle Blamed WINDSOR Ont CPI saytet pollrnloncontrol rapuia than are to blame lot the pro mard April it chain at the lie tlex Plotlnl to plant hear an oiticiai ol the parent company chirped Friday Ictrr ilcdaewlclr prcxldent at lntcmationnl iool Lid arid the ironed cloalnw can he rttvlhu ed to reputation that prevent the plant irom dumpino even the rmaiicat amount at ettluent into municipal rewrrr lir ilcdtcwirl Iald pollu lioncontrol machinery would coat rtooooo and the rnrinlo nanco alro would be normal Unlcar pollution reputation in the province are cared they are color to clora lot or people wn Subway Problems TORONTO lLTl Toronto lranrlt Commlaalon biilrlnla tear thecxlcnalon attire north aouth subway line achcdulert tor completion in mt mlrht erea ter Gordon la Weducmmm bi Touch the an rtn CI with mum truck the to out or bar minnow itarverleercouret Property Eroded TORONTO iCPl biciropnllc II Tome prrltacamrnia etooae ra iandtiil operath by the ibronte itarbor Commie lion have coated croallm 0i bcerh property at illaada lallatd which tut out into the harbor ilwmaa litonrpaon raid in In interview Friday that he plane to erlt lictroa parlr committee to an explanation trom the hat comntlatlon oi create that led to tbioot aeolian at the beach btlnl warhed awry enter the winter PM Goes Skiing VANCOUVER it Prime tlinlrter lhudeau rrrlvnd here Frida with tile wlie lirrrrrlt and not eon iurlin tor weekend oi Iiilnl at nearby lhhirtler Motmtain they Ira riaytnp with lira Tntdeaua parrnta Mr and tire iamca shtclrlr oi North Vancouver FORM AHOLiAllON lRLlAlWKNllll tCit An Annotation tor lndr crtdrnt lictls haa been termed In the Northwett lrnltcrier with the oblactlva oi cilia the iletla people involved to today try and barium lilll latterly lonncrly oi lort himpaon and Edmonton la the prexldent more paracnxar prablemr than It will aolve they car that the It llnten when on lNACilVE Pitltillilt urine with MIMI lottoMOO to Iharo In In alirac ilve accelerated capital rp relation program producing propertydevalepmaniJnIclewnlown Toyonloa lnner core Write In Altn Box contldanccr Ruby Y5 The Barrie Examiner one re Truckers umnrm cu mrmmxronm have hanhy tiled mdiaailnlnation charter biblla mega women corn to lance haul torethcc Iver aiace war little lid lwaolad to drira bid leech raid Viralola Barbee tirelbycargoid hermetic They me chance and than they it away lrorn ma ltrr Barnettand pyramid Paulina Blackburn have filed cemptainta with the Serial 0p unit loo aut mum ant lakellhd Company etticlala decree itarchtthatdylverroieppoaite met maid not team up on inlets with to err rnuau they wrxrecwnrarrtqrdm June Election Charge Discrimination 11th lot at bu lore chance oi wary no the read than recited hire Black Ind burn prettydivnceo think Ibould be able to drl lrurl becauum my not became the mar ried added lira Bararea mother oi two who it in the mar ot divorciny her bun iiatlioa pcrronnel dlrcetcr Arthur Fur added that the corn any employe acveral hua vwlle turne lira harder and hire Birch rn both under bloatl and lb actortrailer or we cational Ichool lhcy handled Walllnr rte tor nearly three Emma betora the company rat Not Intended PM WAWA CPI Prim illn later truduu rat two byelecliona tor October and raid be harno pracont Intention ot eealllnrra lateral elegion tor remote or our ca roeetlna ihureday lie rho Innolutccd the polotmrnt or hire Sylvia Ortry Ia Canadra chicl Italiatlclan eiiecltro luna blr lrudeau raid at lint that June election la poaaibtiity but later he added to rephr harem intention rt thin line at rrraouncinr an election tor June ila raid he More that the cur rent parliamentary scarion will run to normal course Thia terr Oct would lake It to the end oi lane at leart The prime minister said he told hia liberal errata ot lira Wednaatayl to loot near uhec alow machine wadont wont have an ateeI lion In June room an chairmen lhc byelectionr will be held unieer nvcrtnitrn by central election in Newtoundlandr vacant alrtca Sept to and To iionavialrTrinity Conception motor Yorlr Wort vacant since ilr Trudeau waited until the tart porrlbla lcaal day to art the byeiectlon date in the New intercom rhltne which war held by rvattva Frank lloom now prcrnirr at hla province on an QUEENS tenor ii IIIE CANADIAN PRU Labor ltlnlstcr remand tialaaon bacltrd timed torpe chairman el eWorlt mm Compensation heard in hit rohuat to name com pnahy needed about 00000 line tor poor lately prac tical ihurtdav Premier William Daria de lended hie aovernmentr dcci alert to charm univerrity and colic rtodrnta an extra our lot leer next tail Action on apccitic iartrirtion INTRODUCED tioepitai private roent berI hilt Frank hm Ive 1hronto arborouth heat to provide tor the canporttian oi the Greater Nireera Gen errl Noepltal hoard FOR MEMORABLE EASTER FEAST SUNDAY APRIL I972 TREAT YOURSELF AND THE ENTIRE TO FABULOUS EASTER BUFFET PM TO PM llayehore motor hotels Port itirtn private men We hit by Fdwnrd Irrrent ibGrer iirucal to iransior certain ants at Port Elrln ailment private men We bill by Morton hhuirnan NDPiororlto Ml Part to rot rattle cerlan error In the province to tho protection oi rocoona to they will not be de pleted thc Ir war re oi the Ontario Trappeea elation Prince Edward Private memberr bill by tantra lay lor PCPrim thnrdlan noel to rice the county at Prince idwnrd power to or guiro roll or lease land or in atrial eporrtlona rnv uxnmuen wnur not PIIONB iiitilt ractiiohutonen hoopla olivine cancer eyesoreasze i=3 egosr g5 it like victory at tea or nii are therawouidbaia lru hemmoman to Navy Aboliehes DailyRum Ration llAldFAX CPI No more will aailoro In the Canadian navy act their daily rum tot the later at all otarcca oi dart rum wrutven Thunday tor the tart time radio nrvri tradi tion that dateo back to lbdi Spillr be main brace la air by the RoyaiNrr and rodtha nun ration The ot daily larva one overproot rum to two plrla wrluthnuph iat terly coil war uaedhar been iollowcd by the hrlllrh navy tor lharrccaiurter and the Cana naya radar uauatly reamed tor it MW line it came into an extremely spacial ocrarioo Mill in it am The Royal liar upheld the well pcriarmed tradition until mm lt brian about adorable lame MIlrmolmcod that more oi tho daily rurn ration to all popular alcoholic betetu ullore oi the eet would replace the non Canada RearAdmiral Wrilmhreli decided writer Coolie Mr Caldwell prealdrat at Mailer lirnikd hernia la pierced la aaaalaca the appoint areal ei binWriter Caatla ta tar new pntttaa tiriarte lairlmmllar My Coaur ta aIattrarilaeBarriaaeerua new trailer Ia hudth iir will be rcapeoathla iIr the promo law no late at all blottch pro heir to nearaaaartat Itraelca are natural retail recreate to lollow commander llrrltlme Gone in mm at the rovernmcnt mend ava the order to rplica WI hear the utters can the brace lhurrdry and WM Incarly MM aritonl an the traditional ceremony went out in the mum eet outlnrtylllnhm urlered Ibo rtieedeclr at the destroyer Kootenay the tr el drrtynrn were drawn tor the teat lime When everyone hot the tradi ilonoi rum luua team the tailor our tab that min theoch obtained tor the occa rlon he he briey at the tra dillon whch la belnx eliminated In tarar ot trrllltira tor wine rplrita and beer on the vaaula DRANK iO QUEEN mm the cuiren learbearlnl the burnished brace tnatvlplion the Queen God bieel her the trade got their record lot and than drank lo the Queenr FOR CHEF AUTOMOBILE TRAO roauemv HORNES RESTAURANT HWY NORTH OFBARRIB ErpenalteLy equipped car bar to bar ideal tor truck atop trucit and automobile rater beat and boner lyrtter hum nil in combination with road rcotaurrnt that have cm Wm Wm term capital owner wlii aarirt rate or tears llnat rurn tot item the tub and with the naval heolt providing 01 music owned it over the Last December tormer de lence mlnieicr Donald linden aid announced that the Cana dian nary would lotion almiiar trnnnunronronouro utetxorla Roast Primeth of heel iortshlre Puddinp Virginia Halted Hum Fruii sauce llot Mistdrd ittoast Tom Turkey Sogobresslng Gllrlet Gravy Moshroam Saute Oven lloaeliotatoea Potato Putt Garden Green Pear liuttomt lreeh Solln rrote losaed ale tabbopo and Raisin Cole Slaw Slleed lhmaloea Cucumberr clery Curls ltadlah Rover Tomatolie to leaplrutt elad liean Salad negar and Oil Dressing lelly Vepctebie5alad AudrtedChecre and Pickles tca Cotter iitilt $ttlthEltPilt50N eon rue youuo lulu at tear owner ti orva Ydrk Stealtdone to tholr choice Onloolilin hiurhroem Seucc Franc lhled Potatoce Cahbape Cole Slaw Coiteeviaaoritiiitt 75 VIII PIRION noun Isoouutoesr Plittltr llQSiZBlili

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