Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 9

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ascend reoulrodlarhls It responsibility he said or us was IIII prepmd to enter late other on whether or not it is outlast The choice ot lleherlng Is the site was the mull at too Irritation between Ottawa and the prvrlace We are conth Pickering III the heat allrwod site rearing tba least mtlon he some bound to actor on matter when ll IIIIIL ere Ira asooo acres which will be 0Dfprlelad by the proriaee tor this community which we originally osrmd Ce domed And which we are now caning North Pickering III Davis said Reduction Urged WAWA CPI miraclloo in corporate Income loses an miter measures to ooeorrngu business rxpoosloo particularly tor the esport rusrlet were re to Finance hlinlsler iahn 1irroer Ilooday by the Ca nadian lllanulacturen Assopr tlon In Its annual brlel to the nip later prior to hit preparation the Irrnnrcots budget the ass alien sail the corporation tax rate should he reduced now to to per rent at profits tram the ol to per cent prev ll tng this year under the revised torome Ias Aol The new set all tor mlIICllll the rate pro gressivety until it leashes per rent in mo Suroorylnquiry OTTAWA tCll ll Dr JunPaul Drouin loresow any dittleultlcs In Inilebln to new readers In perlorm bypass operations he did not pass them on to the bend ot the surgery department It iionUort hosy talkedinquest was told Noa uhr lean utramholsenhead til the hoe IlIII surgery depart meat to the Idoqu into the death at Denise Seguia that he and Dr Drouln had Illdtlllml the new procedure Involving the length ol the bowel to be by passed It operations designed to reduce weight In ohesmprrsops Dr lalrombohe said the new procedure only minor clungo and list there was no talk at any expected dllllerrlty lrrtheocwproc use Commuter ltail NIIONIO CPI vent rnuler rail rcrviur serving the area northwest at Toronto is to he sat up late this year or early Gordon calittliwolillilll minis ter oi trussportutlon Ind roar munloailons told the Canadian Club ltonday the earlier wt use the existing Cauudlnn Na tional Itotlwuys llllrs trout To ronlos Union station to George town with stops at llcslon Illao ton Dramslea and Brampton It department ope csmatt later said the decision to Intro since the service lolluws ptolJtlb nary reading at tederai govs emment report about the webs ago Wheal Shipping OIIAlsri iCIl The lcderal moment is trying to resolve wheat shipping problems rather line having Inrmers rollweys Ind elevator companies pe leg Ilnycrs at one another over chayo Otto Lang Iald lint day till Ling minister rcsporrsla bIe tor the wheel board was replying to streak at opposl tlon questions about tieups erhent moveme All Gloave tNDPSaslruloon Digger ssktd whether the gov emment has eomndlmcat trons the rotlways to male enough equipment available so grain will be available at West Coast ports and It Thunder Day to meet Canadas export dolls erIrs Hearing llppeol OIIAWA lCll An appeal hearing again In enter to do Estimate Ilieen student tlum rto la an Ilemandes blonds decision by the lot ndsra on appeal hoard Is tx peottd within two weeks Pagan loyrerelti member ollho Ptterlo nIcIn Independ once movement ls llnltiotl In San Juan In oonntetlon with the shooting at noilreuran last Ipriogaiuring Itudvnt tiisltlll Inca Evidence to that he tied the Corrlbean Island while on bail and entered ConIds lilo gIIIy under an usuntrd name The deportation order wot Ip period on grounds that Pagan said votth loo Tlrusoal harrithip In Ibo Amerim roloomeotIuI and DONALD MarDONALD lo Bellowntowrt TORONTO lCPI The CDC aaaouncad Iloesday It has turned Its bath on the suburbs and will establish its Fulll language headquarters to the heart oi downtown Tomato Al news eootemee rh rd by Energy ltloisler Donehl IIItdtnlid the publiclyewnesl corporation announced Isad exchange Igreement with Cara dlIn National llsllvrnys that will permit construction ot the bead quartrrs building and an adh renl hroachsllng mm In em uoctloa with the tthlllioa iteuv Centre development lust north at the tale Ontario wa terlronl In return tor the hlort oI rail was properly valued at he lween Id and tin million the CDC will turn over lllD places at land tour In the Tororrl rear and one In Vancouver Soviet Ilctivily HALIFAX ICII Itnsslsn submarine edit In the North Atlantic is still Intalor prob Ianr the conuuoader ot North Atlantic Trcsly Organism lions standing eet sol Monday Commodore Freidhuuse at tho Itoyal Navy sold IIargo number ol enemy nabnrarieer operate In tho rurth Atlantic but he would give no Ilgurca lie mode the comments at news cooleran alter the Ir rleI here at the Ileett live warships tor weehiong The Vessels are the Ilrltlsh trig Ito Aurora the American do slroter utorlcs Adams the German Irlgate Iiraunsehwelg the Dutch lrlgsle Evertsear anti the Jonathan hellmptcr deal atroyrt Sheena Prisoners Freed SAINT JDllN eri hloro than to prisoners walked tourt ltunduy laid Claiot Provincial Cortrt Judie Andrew IIIrrIgIn ersmla three appearance notlecs Issued under the nail Itrionn Act and saw that they ordered to cured to appear tor trial at 9am Noting that It was alter to am when the court opened II be dismissed them lie asked the names ol rath ot the other mupunln ol the docket rescaled the name and not recall signing summons lor you arr dis nilssui them Item the eoust Needs Candidates OTTAWA CPI Aztlan can ada must produce at least to candidates to days belore the next Inlch election It It Is to maintain its cltlctal status as politch party spokesmen tor the rlllcl electoral oltlee which last week accorded the organisation party status said IIIornloy lhstAotioh Canadas name would not In as on the ballot beside that al is candidates unless so ottIeiIls nominations were made tour uerlu heiorn the election date The Canadian Press rrro In ntously reported Saturday that Action Canada would require it nominations to preserve lts party registration To Meet Minister IVADUSII Itlld lCPt No workers at lVabosh Mines ltd here were scheduled to meet with labor ltialstcr Dd itay nerd Ilontiny night or Iry todIar to distassure dl ate Si Ilorrcll prosl out at local oral United Steelworkers at America and hill Burgrss ol Labrador It international ed representative at the union tlow to St Johns tor the nesting whlehmhtbr Enroll raid was re quest govern liourly paid employlnrs at the mine lclt wort last Wednesday and have maintained picth line on bronrh road leading to IllUtll lirlllill The East German Ira oi Bad Brombaah near the Czechoslo vahlon border prod ees mil lion bottles at mlnrrl water your rornpaag prdtatin real when by the MM tor releasing to rrsg wort Looking At Pines IOIIONID CPI The gov unmet looking at the pout blltly tor stiller lion ior wrap tales that are ed diaries ol its polluters II hart badges mist have some IItihade Envi rooraeo lllalsier James Autd said oddly Ile told Donald ltaeDoaald lNDPTprrslerorh Southl that he would hair to see sta tutory ralalrnurn line at thuou 39220 that IDlnbLWI Inuit yos worse tcra minor second otleaee Govt Spending theorem rcrr rt no no government ndia lhottsnods pl dolllrllrilospon Irhiy It tlsne when It says It Is attempting to rush spending John Spgnre tLltnrtl told the legislature htonday Spelling maria throne speech debate he sat that the governmen spends thousands ruperty my all that Ontario Is greet plaee to reapeeshl ol Its tin lidloopedth Ontario Place lest you entertainsstac on the Tomato eatcatrvat teat nonhumuansutgur statute Airport Sorvrces TORONIO CPI Ihe 0n tarla govt should II out how and It Is gaepar to Itamlltoaaru mediall lo provide smite lor proposed BSrntIlloe expression ol the Mount Ilooa about In Deans NODWoolworth Iaid Monday LLtNlaN sense were Plea for Class WAWA CPI Whtiell Dorttwalt until alter the rr man to the great middle class post Is brunt he said to hit at Canada was made reply to the throne speech lo the Iestslature And it you going to Air ther harden peoplodlhluu arra with taxes to provide srrv mum he In order than you can do selop some kind at an airport In that location mm It beearua there will be an uprising Ieo pie will not tolerate IL his Deana said the overn mcnt should now is all play tor sewage purrtphsg sis oas tor walw highway and the trIaaportItlan ol passes erl trons tbs Mount Ilope Ilrpo Ale us opening oi the noon to Iliumscar tax bucket sated who the men in the It Is high time we started to total Incentive give the man pa can In Itaadi Now many ham Ila cant get loan III to gel woody on advertising telling people the new Pickering Ilrport sender who said he thapeoplalo middle elutl All Igetsls Aplraior oaalthI to IM Commons bloodey night by llIrliiIton lawyer Atlh ts to the tax hail Alexander Pr Ipeata Io Iy rill carpenter rIras Rubia Hood Ip Io other Iegialatsrra slamsA Alberta will ash with OttoI preach to government to divest am tiradeowl issues lag Maia ot lam which now walla the poor says no nakr Peter tow eod Inna will not led in any noon translational tails unless OltIII lIIea some steps to elastiy prnvtnetal inladetiou the re Commute Index told the pronoeiel legis lam My constitution Iblrh did not dcsl Ilsh this matter is no reduction It all It might be thI in the months ahead Ai berta might income the holdort pavrlaea and II this were so we would not he arena to leeth fresh mandotI on DI Issue Adoration ol income tax reve nues by Others is not even to matchag the III or the provinces Thus provincial and municipal veronith were lorredtnto cIry borrnwtog and lo rely Irar loo hunIy on property and other regtullve taxes As reardt the taxpayer Is act plying tor government Irrr tree in amrdaan wiLh reason able ability to pay The resent Imbllance was prel Ito Canadian routh Ind resulted Is In tnttsr tax system whleh penalised the poor ersIIIaed metrogohtIn areas led waste ydp pIIrIted programs gal the no nl net it tea Idwiad yI horI Stellar sodaits PIuI ItIeEwsn lhDPCI BretonNoni said then vdl no real ehaago as long as gas ernmeuls eoounued to represent Less Talk at ll PM to tour Italy wlndo as III III scandal to liberalruled Nora Still SeboollMt pmal with Ill British OI Opros iron mernhers ridden ram not it or gig hole the orally tetra government does owing he said up or the hrur titles to speed house htnlaess will to trial Lilli 1L Ibe Norwegian nerchalt llert on Jan am oude the national assembly Inrr mm mm 1m ships totalling prortsloo will their the lenlh oi drhate liIIlnllnduslry limhtrr leopard naos as mm tors Idhehasbeen LuurId by Irdrrsl Iramport Ilialster Don Jurieson that no men ol the withdrawal oi Ireltc business loom the lived shipping Ion IIay port olmurehiil are all bulls shipglag tor NeeIain and some communities will be direeted throutlt Churchill Is tn the past last week the Ilsailoha house heard that rumour arctic ship or central mile n5uw can be beaten

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