XIIIIOIXJIAIIIIII Dyl 65a Interior in hill reeelred by lsrisrli ratepayers are tor por tion at this years uses Intro wll be on or April so The Lmtdtinbllllehu ed on last years In and ur her tilting wIa adopted boeeuu kltwl requisitions hats to be met on warmly balls The hands melted trom tasty hrilmg wall prove raring to taxpayer In the long run by re during Interest on borrowing as trIlly made trorn the harsh until taxes are rolleeted The nest portion oi the tax trader interim billing will be due in Auztut This wtll based on the budget tor this years es ures The tidal ol three gs will some belorI the end at the year lnrlalil continues as the tug rst contributor to county lasts among Its itmernber Ilirs the rm letles on lento trl oahui 193105 toward nouns ty nude and mum Ior gen eral purposes to MIDIIIM to WI It Ind link year The everIII amount repre sents eereaae oi asserts Innis ualixtd nutrient Ia rm Ill placed it IMO It tor county tax purposes Gale ilngurood in would place had an equsilsed Issusmenl ol Il IIII Ind Midland toroioorr rnourruut sou The planning board has rec ommended the establishing or In lodrstriul area In the south hell out lot 21 In Mutation Irsd rthls was approved by council meeting with the proper aarthorllles to disasss the ma Iso astern Installation in tho Lpsla pellcl areas was author recommendation was made to the department oI works to gate unsightly signs along Woman saxsen which to desired Woodsman or no on April it Is aatlrloamlha in held more elaiim to On outlay Attire urea tlmrnanyoluawbohampmt the avatar to Plorida will be thinking at coding homewd Alr Cansde has Wt Id dttiorul lint tor the two and bait hour hour an new pa had ior each WW sou plane It this port ll WWW ladlitlea It Tarrva Ire record to none and Air Canada II now well located tor good service with driving um Willi noulrlns three days allowing tor stopovers the plans service II Iwa on par to root Dr itoy hiathalorh at Willow Beach late Sirpeoe has been Installed II new president or the Canadian Society or St Peters hurg Pia Ito auceeedzd Iial late It Wotan oi Isilngloa Out The club has membership pl 700 We are looking lorwarrI our selves to returning north to to nlstll township again where we can get our news reports lire rally Iran the scene at events We have been corresponding lor The Examiner tor over to years and columnist almost that long We are glad to acknowledge res crlpt ol number at appreciat rd messages Admitted To Hall Oi Fame NIIONW lCl The Caner News all oI IInrc pros Ieet at the Toronto Ilcos Press Club started In litd has Idmlt rd Its first woman member posthumous rgeognltloa ot ammonites Nomination at not Insofar ultrlcttltural writer tor Winnipeg Irre Press and ot CIIarIrs ill wuds retired general manager not Broadcast NewI Ltd Iteerc veteran Toronto Iposll Iigure and columnist and tor don oindllr Tartaro newspaper laminar Train Crash injures III lUNADASIII Japan tlteutcrl Nearly to persons were no lured when crowded continui er traln rammed Into the rear at another train during the rush hour Tuesday the Japan natlarrsl railways said Nine The Canadian Press perwnl wvro seriouer Inlurcd MAM lililllAL IEAIIED CAILUTIA lndia thriller six bodies were dug up More day lgorn what Is leartd to be rrloss grass at the victims at political violence in the northern Calcutta sulnsrh ol Seith an victims unoovere Iry came state police are estl mated to have died about six Lmonthe ago when clashes ho twcen supporters at the Con gress party anrl the hlarsist Communist treaty were claiming many liven OAS IfIATIONA CLOSE DOIII tli Ihtniihlitls ol irlllng stations In Ilomo Intl other motor llallan tiller were closed hionduy lor luck at gaso line Iollowlnrr series ol strikes lay prlvnlo oil rellncry workers drmanding new labor eon tract The strike has been going to on sporadically tor month on IS regional and national basis EXHIBITION OIENS III IIUCIIIILLE lranuc tLPt Canadian handleralt and hotegrnph exhibition opened Ionday ol the city hall ot this Dordcoux town about not miles southwest at IIrlr Pierre Dunras Canadian eoneul oval in lrnner launched the ex hit titled Summer Sun whit will run in tiny LUAIIIITIIIII IlliHIS WAIISIIV tllcutsri lire ruler Piotr Iormszcwlta hus promised substantial wage to trustee for Polish workers to Improvement In the supply at lie was ad tnrrsulrrcr enrolls tlrrsslntt tIre ltomon central uornmlttce til the Polish Conr mllnlst party ltunluy rnecllng tor tho that time alncorloetlona Ie the helm iparllsmcntl last park MI IIAN IlKIlI llillOIITA LONDON tIteuIcrI 11$ nrlllsh government has been into Import at all llgrr III ultrard ntlrl clouded leopard Ilrtns at was announced Ion iriay the ban tollowI pressure irom conservation organisations nd the World Wildlife Fund to who Ira Ilrald these rare spec irsmsyaoonlrow out and broadcasting personality was arorouoocd today by th TIM TblI brings to la the number In ol rtona Idmltlod to the Hall at ante Ilearbcrship scrolls will be It Ira no the torture events ol National Press Week In Toronto Illss Illnd nhodld In Iiild was world authority on agri culture and livestock and er torccasta on wheat yields oltsn inuenced prices on tho Winni peg Grain Exchange In the days when the exchange Iunetloaed as the pricesetter tor western grain crops She lntl renown II larm writer mt when their not plague stnlch North Amerlean grain crops United States or pcrts estimated ClrtIdII wheat erop that me It only so million bushels hllss Illnd wrote that it would be close to It million lire ottlclel llgura turned out to to ill million IiilllillED GAI Charlie Eduardo became that general ntraaagrr ol Broadcast News broadcasting allIIIalI ot cooperative new therlng egeac In tilt III as been desert as the man who bridged the gap between news paper men and broadcasters In Canada In rrrrt two months Iltcr his retirement lst August he he carno tho tlrst Canadian to re ceive the Distinguished Service Award trons the ilsdloleicvt slon NovrI Directors Association at their annual convention In Boston Only titre such awards have been made In the previous idrvearl Ted Itcovo grow up In Toron tus east end It lacrosse slick In one hand end Ioothull tn the other In the early mos he started to write occasional newtpsper columns and In tilt was lrcd by Toronto Telegram as regular columnist lie was still with The Tele gram when the paper toldod In October ml He now writes or The Sun new Toronto tabloid Gordon Slnrlalr started hls enter as Iottrnsllst in IVIJ with Toronto Star and lrlllll reputation as ollrbeoi writer Ind cporlc Ile roamed the world as peeial rorretpottd cnt tor The Star and has written several books In till he Hitched to lull Ir limo radio work with radio Ila tlon CIIIII Toronto Ind II regular panelist on the CIICI woolly program Yrent lsge Challrnue People never read small odsl or do they Warn ar 199 MAX FACTOR carat run SKINNY oro uptururrnum Lenoir WINNING I39 lATIt OIL as In or airline rv PIIIIS auooie pant es en Euro Llp 50 sluirmvntp1 tenConlw Sogguatl15 BELGIUM GLASS STEMWIIIIE conuth neuter retreats SUPIRSAVING GIFT SIIS ctrmost zl men SH on so StrapFLlItllohWNF Strap Llsl aoo PERSAVING CITATION AFTER SHAVE SOAP Supp List Add SUPERSAVING NDWIIIIIEE BLlllIll lIlllilli CHOCOLATES Box lupg hill 150 MILES II CHU CKLES WW srarrisss rigillt rrsrrrrrrt utters Chocolates dCarameIo Pa or to lung Ltd Int to nap lug List SUPEIISAVING UPERSAVING SUPERSAVINO SUPERSAVING 19 999199 99 Elli rrrrrrr SUSPENSION Kooacoton II or III willidiomultra SUPIRSAVING tuctuoes rnoceoaruo Inn sonar nevueeueur ruse tIiE sans size 121 IIIPIIINI COUPON GIVEN roe UNPRINIAILI NICATIVIS term IltISE ouanalrreeo For to DA ONE SllE Supg LIII SUPERSAVING it II III Supp List 150 SUPERSAVING TdMPONS Flip pt to 5D ml 111 UPERSAVING FEEL COMPLETELY eonnoenr GILLETTE ran it IllllPEllSPllllllll Is Cool loop List too utrooeioa Supp List an PERSAVINO 9L9 roorrursre SPECIAL OFFERI latent Ilsa Tubes Ivor Llsr no SUPERSAVINO JOHNSON BIBI liiliiiilh srnnroo Migilmzon lIeICoet luphualttt 5UPIRSAVIN SUPERSAVING Iosr aural IIvI onuu ttinls canes All Iatrnllstn rim uullss marsh WE illE THEME BAYFIELD