Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 7

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In ln oh Ind AI ub In III the rem rur rennet IIItumor nuohr more In Prom AND PLACES Sunday Coll PdIlY Marks Opening 0i Symphony Drive TheWonIeoI Commute ot the IIurvnII Sym ny0rdteetn marked the openlns at their drive concert of germ ticket Inlet tor the rerun the re es with notice SundIy It the home at Mr Ind the June III ton ht Woodcreet ltd The mod eontert will be April 26 It Ceutnl Collegiate Indttorlnm outermtmtute Itna oneotthn leadln Ilng III the mum III were Ilso mm Ieted tor the wlne Ind cheese hteet tho Condo recepth It the Con tlnentII Inn following the mart Those who Ittended thocome party the opportunlty of In IdrInce meetln with the cons doctor harryI Dovereur nho Ionn Ilme to Ittend the party to Wan the mgr hooyI reheorsal It St Geo eIAngIImn churth no the Ilternoon three young plsnlste en tertelntd Cathy Ind IIurI httghton Xhhyed the 5m ere VIIII Cathy htlzhton plsyed wlth VIrII Ilene and Anne Cameron presented Grtege Nor Weglnn Bridal Processlon The Iluronla Symphony om henderTniulortuoIeth ride nonllnulny opportunlty holldIy recently tor rounI musIeIIIy tIIenled people to eonttnne rnInIcII oueerln hIrrlI It they ehoult Itsh to do In Guests It the caller party In eluded Itr Detereur ltrs thr lot Inner Ills they Amu hlm hlrI hlIry Phllllps llre FrIn Gem hire Dorm IIwr Ird IIrI Terry NIecIrIIo hIIrI um Cooper hIrI III the IIInd htre Jenn Polln Lloyd Midnilltlllktptnhlluhllrv WWW7 Iret Ittnt hlrs Anne IIImln III Ind hIrI IIIrIIrrt Arthur Iloketr the the Imnd nuy In wraitde trom Iny member ot the Women Comrnlt human WIe rIIItIon ulth mullrmlornlyekn tog mm only Store Illll II woulnr tor Item IIII Ilit IIeeVee IIIIh hIIrk Dunlap 51 or by phoning our ne ller models thls hoot complement the Ittlre 12mm ozrtIeulIr Itylo mIdo ol block tIzxnntlner Photot BATTER Iet nonrut hIr III ltre It IIIIinnr llr Ind ltIrI ltoy lllrkllnr Ind hm ll Itmnlck Irn mottlno Deter holldIys In FIorIdI Theth be In FIorhlI lor turn we TQDJIYSBECIPES IIIm rIIIII hreId Item hIm em It euv mm It teIIpm Irutnrd II but rem Blend together butter Ind nhuItIId hrth at Inside nl nInIn bread thII would It In muIIInetIon Ilne Intortte the hIrIeIordu mug tb 1h glly Into mutttn cuter rus kIe eodI one GLOIIIIIED BREAD Punbmo uIIIt renudnlny murlordtrutter hIldellreI dIyeId lllbll Ihlelll reI ll mthloe ll tun butter Ir mlrtlrtne try heron lIIIlll erlep he 911pm more hsoon end all out one IlIlIlns plump Iuky IIIIlIl tlouI Ire ornnd tor eItinI out oI hInd end nonderlul In tlll III III deIIeIotn httee nnd th lrom Coltlomln home It the rIIeIn come trlo It nether tItIt we trled Ind found well north delnI IIopIynu lllL too gt RETURN FROM FIBRle hIr Ind IIrI ErnIIIItuttendm returned to tbelr realm on undies hood tollwdnd to do motlenItPortltteheth They were unto ot hlr ttrs Geld snrlnI oI ltIrrte It their wlntee rutdenoe In north They trIvelledby git lllOlOlt TO TEXAS hon Better Irnl hIs IIrtre IIIIs DennI hItters ttl Sandy Core Arm Icoomornled hy Devtd ItIyerIlI Ind Condch Ilnrltey Gordon Street Illnete Polnl motored to Turner Ind tonn ndlk Im drlptlnos truth lrIIyoons IIhlllI Ihlllet Beat em lightly with mllt enIt ml per Add rnlx tuee tn drloonrs out too over medlunelow htet rtlrrlnt now Butter hrend Ind nrrnttye other In buttered bnklnI dlrh thxlor inthost Ilunt toyother Giving OI Selvee Lenten Project Ind then until our Ire eet but still IoIt ttt dcslred rprlnltle orumhled heron Wet ow lust bolero they IAII done Spoon ens Intn rohln tenet cups Servo IIth hnton Itrips me untl tuner Stir tn milk Ind Iltllll Pour hall at mlxture oter Irreod tot Ituntl until thor oughly molstenrd Peter on re molnlng rnIIk nIIxturo IIIIIn tn Ill degree oven Ibuut onn hour or untll oustnrtl Ir Ilrm Strte told ntth nhlwtd mm It dotlred Seem III to Ittht nlth In enrin prrpnrrd uhulosnrne Ilts lorl SASKATDON ICPl Crude Itudents It St Prulr School here IIy IlI only to glue up undy teIIrIIlon or wearing or Lent So theyre decided to the eumrthlnr oI themsettc In need Three tlmes meet the stu Teal Bake Sale dents IIltn their ohm In the rervlno llnn It llitttdshlp Inn Planned lor Ilpnl reInIe tor the eltyI huntry Ind homeless They we serve Iood PIIIII tor the upeemtn In and bake eIIe ueredlszduseu Io nbnut Int then end women ed It the htnrch It meettnt at The Idea ol htlntn were born durlnr rcIIIIeu ueelon In the Senlor threnr GetTosolh tlCIuh 1110 ten wlll he held Aprll II Irom 130 to nth hthhoAme NIty and Mr IIIM Itnll Dun loo Street Hotels tor the ten they be purchqu trom oluh members or It the door III memhore It the club hove Inn Isktd to donate IrtloleI lut the too Ind hallo sale Intt ore netted to come early Mlth WUNIIIY HANDIHCIIES IIIIeI rolIln hrrnd Ilttltrr ll up Colllornll Irodtrts rIIslns It Iuo yelled peeled the cup omd mttd meat It eon llnely rhonnrrt celery thleeoonet llnrly Ihwoed tern Intro It eun yrIIttt chrddIr Ihrete It toumn neuronrtl II thleeyoonI muynnuIlee Spread rnltIIt bread eIIeoI Ilghlly elth hutttr Coarsely rhun rnlrlns Cornhlne ulth re mulnln Insrnllents mirth ltletnhere Itnln thanked the untll Atll Irntlul Spread yen Intdlrsul umtnrlee Ind Wot emuer between rnIsIn hrentl Club tor donations at eooklos llltfl out In helm ltntes tor tho break durln eIeII tour enndtrlelttt mulllt Ihnnt eonwthln IMIII Int Ileotlnssnredeslgnedlarpeo hrtIkIasI brunch luneIt or eun ple so your and ever end men pert tky emt women Ire urged to loln hlnnt Illornnonn Irn Ipent nlny RAISIN IIIITTEIICUII In enrds Ind enloytnr In nttor tdenn hotter melted noon oI IottortIhlp Fur tenlyr Ili tIhlrInoonI oreplrrd eItIxens It In In excellent way to meet Ind mIkn new Irlendx IIHI holed It the Inn le Iivlng them In oppreclstlon nI uhIt uhderprltlleged people the In on through rtnhl heru In Seek torn eeye Irhoel orineloal Norbert LoeIIrr Attr the etudenu hnre tln tolled Iervtny InyI III Loetter Ilhoy tIt down Ind talk with the 1M ELLIOTT DRAPERY Dunlap mm theIIIIrIne In CUSTOM DMIEIIIE In Sheer ItberItIe AItIoue EIIII Ind tlrItoItI DrIyery IIIrdIIII Deepery lIIIIIIIIloI mt mt munm Imuamm Teens Talents Need Rest 3333 25 IE chlIy new with on Don want In Inlet entree Int know Ihere In hednlneedtolhinhthlnsu Imt routlno but now Im dlr nested Ilth mytell Ind Im heIL Any Idrlee you an yre nII Intbe IIstesed toDnr My menu Den Dru Think ol your duty In thory thrlo In htrroler yoonell out More arr tlne Ind lt lust but Mr II III the Mm dolllee you not rotten Iround to yet The IIIII be denied tour llhtllouy tn enII It Indont reduce the the ol the DWIHth Dru AII laden Itn buy run old My wentI In my nlee to other people but tth In terrthe to ech otherl cant tmdrtstIIII IL when we hIre eomnIny they tIlk very refined to one Inothcr tad Iha nobody ll InIsnd they on WEI mu Dan they be rhIIdIn hm eIrIl Ital com they dont urn IhIt we think It the Ihould Ihlnh Ionld Intruder their When they dont Id deem II Iet uooet Sometime Iben my dad yet It Irlxhtenett It IhIt he might do Alnet ot thI IIrhtInI toes on It the dinner note It Iim me ItonIIoh Itlhh llhlt Ihmlld do Ann Linden Belmul lttuIIrII Irtte tTtI Gndel i1myt mu wm must want ndhmmmwnllm urntdtthemywhwulhq IIII hoeInu thmeI noun thmterthu MIAMI WING Dent Ml Lode llmI thI Iltulthon WM muried In years phn We see nth other IodIIIy every Iuhv end Ind hIee IIIIys enjoyed on unthcrl runnnny While Im not In Intruvert Am not nem Iho domlnIIeI Menuhin Ill to than In null mutt Ilwt seem to do In The ether renews II the type III never net Itnnrer an danrnlc Interestlny Ind IIII tntormed no my wbhu lItIIy my hmhand Ind thn InrnIn hm been directlnI their mnIrhI to each othe Ind meter me Ind the other one It becomes very notleeohll Ihen thy eIII eIrh other by nIrnoerehrdlnI us Now Im herinnlnx to wonder it pertape Ith not ttIlnx these letlo when II In excuse tn eee not other In other nun mmenottnnotloethlthetr helnI lmred Ind honestly hr IlevI It doesnt bother blue but leel redundsht hly quorum ls Ihould IltI he concerned Ihout Ith lull IdmirItlan Iodetyl Should th the relnttomhlor Or should reIIx Ind not worry SeItherI LIdy Dene my hert IV truth II to he plumt It munmm methlnr In Win thetlthIhetIau Scheduled Forllp On My limb l1 Iota one when the home It Quartet lane The rout It honor In Planet II Governor Ilorne It lltIurI Ills Ill how In Impth mun the II elnh Ind omd been to maxi tho Oenrentlnntohehehhlthelll dorIIArtorlI llottl In New YIrl trorn July It to II Another out It the In AllheI Greene hy Jun GIIdI rush mallet tee thIIrmII Ind Inland hyiL Dorothy Guth when that time Is Ihln netted Ituht It Idiom Oh eh pendinc heuInI Ild The ehIhI meet member hln JeIrI Judd hId thI but at hehx Itthehomeothlln Ind bounty Dmtllt vivurlvvtvyuoriudmittun

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