this oi and no the ear tho that Cl Paper was spec prob conv stream one is in trom to an dbl in the W3 OAK llAIll case uni was vblv Lt the into and DWI innit has been on Finlay road mmmiybnpmrlnglhetoutr houses two modern lira ve gmpa lira protection centres hiclnx one new mutton The tomboy Ore ball treated pamper Ilernbers ot covrneii Rynord Says Trudeau Popularity Is Waning provincially and was elect Ryan native pl liars ed the Commative ping because oi his inability to is his voice heard lie was that one ot the tint to rinse the pro blema LEAVE UDERALI IIAWKESIONE tStlIll De nounclng what he termed ltr Tlrodeaus arrogance Dr it Rynnad MP in report irom Ottawa stated It has been lcies at Air Tkudenu report long time silica there lass bch ed Dr itynsad lie said so mneh dissatislictloa with he had been intensely disillus Parliament as is evident today toned with the ccostomie polio wrongly my lg lea at Air Trudeau and his hand 114 my ling it the imempioyrnent Ilium mm mm uditqmgnqgl tion tlo went on to say that the Iinaweli Iiuadcrsnn by the prime miniatrr and him mm mired In wars Incompetent and itirther my mg mml disclosed that there was lot introduced out ct would at distthistlicn mi tiniest no longer as the old bill did it Will Hutu1 lli its my have permitted the aridllopgen liberal members were tired oi trial to draw attention to mIt lit Trillium ters which he considered rb This was borne out Of littl bobroubtlotlis otice tthe ard suggested by the criticme lioiuooT 00mm pl Erie liieruis tormerminlatee ssh mm he at cornimuileatlons and Paul an mm hlndgywd better Ionner deputy prime Investigation in such things Mllfr ldtmd the Iabulous telltilagoi the tion mm Ivenlure the mullimllllons oliertvt alternatives Phil Olvcns spent on the approach to the eppnayor up Toronpo wnallpeppr Prince Edward island causeway and the mo million which had Wit It drill Will it been spent on tarlil securities to the maouisclurera it notes vehicles and parts which waI direct contravention at the gov ernments own rmtor velveta tarlll order xald Dr Rynavd OUTRAGED CIAIIOR the Ovidcrvalivas Sir Rock stated that he could no longer stomach the pol Cattlemen Press For Tax Changes IItinpi mliflctalpllldttu at The North Slrneo member an In emens 06 added we also may my tattoo IaldtodayinCaigarythat set the in million spent build his association aI recently bnd two meetings with iederat cabin gnglzmll and mm at ministers on the matter at Mum mm mm the new tax iagtalltlpn and its land all mum etieet on lumen and ranchers apli accountant abused the At meeting with lbarnlnls let to be withdrawn The next NW it plon was to hamper arvi hind calilemen again brought up mg wk mth some at the Ineoulttea in the leg eral as tar as possible so that blades and the serious elleet um mm that they would have especially as possible examples oi wsaia on the tamlly lawn and extrnva onensaid Drliy1i mm Fwd IA and in shurp ycritlclilng the pol thetle to some the pro terns iclei oi the Trudeau liberal gov It Inemln Wu ernmcnt eutar It agppcdlto inllcsllgata woyso ma on teaser tor Agingtim tarmera toxwllch irom cub Every government epte pa mp RCCTIIOIAISICM at so ri the tool that lit Henderson was mm Mom mw appointed by Parliament to do agnth lirpo capitapdgatns op all mm is ioblor the people at Canada and to check careless and unneces lhcr incorporated or null and lastly to lurther investigate the my spending Snre he tion appointed to bo Ides oi allowing bag and cattle rodueera to establish Copltal the peoples watchdog this was only pro Certainty rom menied North Simcoe some to lurihcr document these areas rentalive when governments tor study by his department and are caught lpchding money tool the association hopes to submit Ithiy it is embarrassing but this this documentation within the ncvtlcw weeks is what the auditorgenera there to do because It is his dilly Al subsequent meeting with it Olson minister oi IKiIe No previous prime liltnlitrr has culture the Canadian Cotllcmen kicked tboul the work nI his Hyman in lumping gm Association board at directors again asked or assistance Irom careless expenditures no matter how embarrassing lhc lacts and his departmcnt In exA plainlng inrmirig prrsrius to rIv may have been its at Iilr ent hir Dictvnhakcr unrl ltr um II Tim HEW Pam mm ntcnl One oi the motor diiticub my wkg wmuzg ties lured by the caltlemen in discussing lsill C253 had been the DISIILUSIONED inability oi lha lair department The trials at Prime Minister ollleiIis eoneernedtn understand lrudciiu do not end lhvre stat the various operations and even edthaOrlllIa surgeon as he went the terminology used in agrleu on to mention tho decision oi lure hir Olson agreed to In ilayniond Rock member oI Parr create the cooperation between ilisment Ior Luchlnc Rucbee his department and tho deparia who tell the Liberal govern montolllaancelolryandoven merit ho had served tor 10 years come this problem crvls The minister saltch the group The Barrie Examiner CONTEST EASTER HAM THIS WEEKS WINNERS Mr bud Payne Collingwood Mr Ed beottio RR No Stoyner Mr Lloyd Brillingor Stnynor Mr Mnglnn All No Stoynor Mr Len Armngost tion 66 Sinynar Enter at tho participating stores in Sloyner and Elmvnlo you could win your Easter Horst Fron and crossed the floor to Join run ed Ie rts trip gulations slate tha be without loud or water or longer than to hours Saskatchewan ealllc rancher Richard Cos designed the upper Int car to eliminqu the costly tintewasling stopovers With the cooperation ol CPR and government olilclIis the system was installed OItlI used tor the ilrit time this week by United CWpethtllul oi Ontario The bi calves were bought by Oct tor the account ot iohn iloppell pt till Ttverton through UCO shipper George lleDonild The chitin arrived in Toron to in excellent condition says UCO livestock department man ages Don Stinger CARRO in kildbursi are shown standing at been disclosed Pinata base tutors second hail ting tmmhtriotol There Its not bi Ir Trudeau as there are many rtdlngs in which there are trwblesatatcd Dr ttynard as be also mentioned the turn lane It presidents oi the era Association who iolned the Cornervaiiva party and honorlry presidents These two respected Liberals he said reierrlng to Tom Coaalt and George Fulioad iolned the Coorerntives at their snap at Leeds meeting and that the Conservatives would be tiba neat government oi Cana hlr Pollard was member oi both provincial and lederal Puilamentr Dr Ryan site that many oi the siltln Liberal member are not see greet WESTON coubledeck can load at It wealem calves were unloaded horn is special rail car at the Ontario Public Stock Yards by the livestock depart ment at United Coopcratlves ol Ontario only 07 bouris after they had been loaded at Swill Current Saskatchewan Thats twoday normal transit time linking the savln was the special CP rail car equipped with automatic lord era and pvopaneheated water era Without the specialty install ed quipmcnt enltlu have to be unloaded price or twice on the to be led and wotersvl Re Ile added Those that this new system will pro vide beet larmers in Ontario with healthier and stronger col ves to put in their tccslIots Ilyou arent gottin this on your savings deposits you dont nveour Donna For tell Io at little been in Ltwrcnes Aturther oi social Okiest Sinner ts capacity the trials Leeds lib became candidate The bus cia Sound predicted lormer m5 roaninent mentioned up can take said its ecled to candidate the lbye most or Ptehexin various bridging Iilr it saving over 4H possible it April livestock The ipr It innlsit Churchill values In no doubt 051 is years SAVE NOW Savin sAcoounI The untcl ISpvingadeLoanCorporution SS Dunlo on 705T urnmm treat East Darrin 7267200 Please call collect Our hours of business are Monday to Thursday 900 to 500 iiidaymrooitmaooroonmr Saturday 000 am to 300 pm thismunlclpal savings loan corporation subsidiary nt Municipal Danberl Corporation titlii limited IIEAIIIERt CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION mum4 neuron lStaii remain The old tor updating and enlarging con Manor malty boo tor the elder bus realises to receive part at Reeve llarry Cross at eeunueth them oi soeial dial wltbtbearebiteclaJae Eihenand Beekstndinpaovidw nindeiMiilabop edthatlhaneeesuryapprovu eanbaoblhlnedtosiartonthl proleetinlm The eotmty hornu tor the sand the Ontario department and tamuy terriers iotiowlng meeting in Toronto Simeon Manor lion Reps Brie tactic is the pniuvlnciai mInIitrt homes for the elderly Stowe ol land on the eastern entrance to the tillage opposite musty ltsad one it now has Pick Candidate in GreySimeon STATNER 5latil ionncr teacher at llalvern Collegiate Dennis llann oi Ourn been started his campaigning tor elec tion as New Democratic Party tourtia candldatul the nomina tion meeting at iiealord when he was the choice at the galli erlng Stewart Smith Stayner lrochcr Laura Bach oi Duntroon posslbl ties beloro the meet Vit have winning team that Im ready is Born in East York township and teaching ile has all to provinces at Canada at various timea The programs will be bed ing the nIternoon starting at 130 oclock YOUNG DANDITS DUENOS AlIIES IAPI ahopowntv told police two rob berx threatened her with re rabbcsi mated tba minimum moniva sum Simone Manor Project union oI Sins which was The lewd it was shown nyare Iervim renoth sloiy has been pro date it requ committee has minimisation with Crawlord director at branch oi tot social poms toe eomtulileaa report In February meeting ls planned at WILL PAY RIOSI2 In at the coimtys three on mm roadaandmdtlit touoa equalised ass initials LONG PASSED Ibttt elected lit tutu has in GreySinicoe litres agent tor an tlrm was surprise Am CORN CLLilC exhith will be Baker ol hlealord were new mentioned as lead us straight to Ottawa Alarm after being IEI represent the party as in the issicral at in go right now gram SETS WORLD RECORD Irold candidate spent mmkl his childhood in Elli tle has worked It including steel work mining ranch hoard lived in Tess the alliciai Soviet agency said Penkavxr broke by lint pounds In Ind his and it Inother Soviet athlete lour children now live on Fourth Avenue in Owen Sound Plan Spring Meetings ALLISTON lStutil hiemhera ol tli lioniemaklng clubs at South Simcoe expert to have their sportswear protect com pleted beiore spring meetings The girls have been working on making ganncnts lrorn knit tabrics since early February while studyidg the dittersnt types at labrlcs littI their care Ing meetings are platt Central School at on Saturday April It dur on armlottd oi ran The woman esti nnren were 10 and ad but wasnt sure whether the weapon they bran dished waa genuine Ontario pm BARRIE DRIVEIN ur4urhsbh nMlvUall trI mmurmum ladle Bmth thaitnbasaburturcsidmta xing RT Comiycoondlhuientatlsely approvedtbvrcpilein ottbeoid scrdonwiiiaanevrn gtoprp vids MM adlttiiIs to in Immmmdmm Trust at All enamels wen his era peeps tibia another addition at Hi ired We have been constantly in touch with the And branch at the said the coime DISTRICT BRIEFS STAYNER lSlaiil Sterner has been asked to pay IIJIM more Oran last year to Stowe Milly WIT lb IIOMIOI or rat The It county lax purpmes raised irom rtassosao ago to COLLIRGWOOD ISIIIII CuLl Iingwood hasnt had represent tattle elected Slrncoe County warden tor i1 ears The hit Collinguood we as was the Isis DEEP CALI BALI COORSTOIIN tstallt Sponsor ed by the Eastem Canada Cltar olais Association All beet call sale will be held at Cooks town sales barn on Saturday ALLISIDR lSiItit Item teal weed controL harvesting and riprlpe syxlrms with sun riing at sum elbilc at lion Reoltlea po tato warehouse on Wan March 29 The Smith Simeoe Soil and Crop improvement As snelatlon is sponsoring the pro J4 MOSCOW tAPI Yevgeny vi hioscow set world we ghlilltlng record in the middle heavyweight division by testing malt pounds Sunday DIRI tilt there were no tutml tor Irlends and acquaintance would met mark hski by Dwvbi Till lMPERlAL viitsilllliillililitltl lth SHADth lsutll Goo lusts or wbdenlng oi It rules oi Highway from Nanak has to own llili are ac rated to be academia this year it was unnamed by Arthur Evens AIPI his latest report mm nuathtmaiari Win Win Tbilwliiliseiudacomtnvction interchange ramps It inact drawing attention to review oi road work by the minister at transportation and eosnmunics lions Gordon Carton correlated last year to widen Iiigiaway to to six tapes Irorn liighway tilt in Nightly distance at it miles Paving elsowaaeomplrted ov er t1 miiclpi Righwa ttt Irran Cartier northerly and emits inc monetion at ibnuin see tlan between iiigbway am Gogama us nastiest that No number tkrmile lildauay 560 Is now in use through the area providing direct highway rotate between Staibury and Tirnnuul iinal contracts tor construc tion at highway nit between Iiornepayne and White River were awarded in itll and it is eapecltd this new road will oprned lo trpinc by late summer monitor or sins non Despite inclement we seven couples oi the To Town and Country Swingers trotted tho hisrch ii dance oi uantlng llemorlal high aetxiot Allislon beginners club in iiantlrtg Memorial high school TORIIER RESIDENTS Belated good wishes are es ppeiredr to Bert and Gladys elswell ilIrrIe who celebrat ed their dish wedding nnniven airy hlarch ii at the Barrie Curling Club They lnrincd on Highway at youth at Thornton twhere Nelson Rants now than and retired irom there to Thorn ton tillage bcIore rooting in Barrie in that FIRE LOSS The beauty lion Salon Clap pcrlon SL Barrie which was by tire along with inlng properties llarch that as unitpvrn as yd workman is auhiect to controls be this is the ttnal Alibiioptbrkigstomort en SL Joesph Island Idh Tim pu Canada lligway it is stated his completion this SUIT LAII Sir Evans also pointed out that consolidated construct sairty act that will bring all asiety requirement in construe tion and tunnelling under one station is now being dRlsi The labor translates Ierli Grain dad said one oi the areas ct scan term is the camel lary munlnpablies the in Ontario ed methodoi localtur grant and tile the grant in many inspection system has work eitectileiy but many Inspsstora have been unable is spent aut ileleisi time on this work became mull oi the at other murdcl psi duties sir Gulpdun agreed that the standards have not been he would like the roostme slimlich At present imposed by the construction ute ty act the trrnch excavatora protection not ml the depart merit nl labor art The proposed change would bring all ronstnrc ilon xstely IJII into one alien compoumg act it was explain ed SCHOOL LINES Trustees have been reminded year that school nUWtdtOlWlA service iult Irons ceilings the new boards it rovide it board will be meals on this itatue Ieldill role In star yew believed played tries PUSSYCAT and send your In Barrie Examiner The the sun cash prise Sherrie Ilrfsmb Danie St The Best ab and Chips Anywhere TISII municiyaitics ru lpaltles udl enjoy their education mill rail and that many others will have the in SLIP tint correct Inswtr drawn nan wreb vi tiara ministertorn Wells leasing the general legislative medicament servi rotation at grants to school boards which operate clem aod secondary with and also set not lb appertionlng boanf squirtmi mating lblt binWells said he expects that at note nt number ill decrease rate as in im Its said that the decreases will re combination iii in creased provumal grant summit and the per pupil expenditure lie indicated that he considers egslaticns to be lair equitable llhlle requiring turthcr belt tightening by some would enable III to satislaclnry level at was cmphas Movie Game inle to match maria star is wellme le ls shown below old the stars name appears in Tl be eligible Tee in eat abowlag lbw mats li tb dmttnm up till otri AND ans Editor elw TV has LAST WEEKS WLNNER Barrie italch Isuusa HENRYS AND CIIIIS wa Dante Plus Mt ii hpd been lornterly opcraird by hrs John lliyacinthl Scott at Thornton At the lime oi tho like she was still doing business there Tortunltply es ier Ibrivupll their regrets in this Iota Iilrn olnlartling suspense and involvement KKIRIWr Dusvnu Hurrivwvi STARTS TOMORROW PI AND Phi no It Cooksluwn school on Sat May April up 5mm cup DUIILOP 51W IIARRIE ONT Iegiala on Saturday Aunt 22 and LAST TIME TONIGHT ONT SIIOIV ONLY PII THE RED TENT AISOIIIURPIIVS WAR lADllLTi now PLAYlNG via on stores it soon lHEHtlSPITlli viuotiilivrrsvt IIIAIIA Rlliti GEORGE scorr NOMINATED sesr across OPENING OOH DRIVEle SHANIY BAY 7285373 DUY LOCAL BOY FRESH Smiths Form Dairy Li Penning 5L MARSH eaiaos srnvrcs 0LL SERVICE Hieur Tawlng Phone titvlbil Hm gt TLC=0 Gasago Repairs Availava Come Try Us At RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Dining Room Ceiiu Shop OPEN DAILY miles North oi Barrie lily It Robert Wagner For Reservation HOOP fI at MMUM Oprll tiny SKIERS AND SNOWMOBILERSI ROP LI FOR ICE CREAM POP AND Darbru Streisand LASTMINUTE GROCERY SHOPPING Days Closed lirsL DALSTON TWIT unseat xeteetloa ol Iirtgnarri Pipes Complete repair IIovten are tor service an all RTERV OCCASION Tit5570 ltdtill MURIELS FLOWERS Tl Dnyileld St makes at plpea MIDWAY Variety and Colin Shop til Iirasitnrd mil UNITED VAN LINES lCInIdal Limited The people who will look alter your moving nerds tit DUNIAJP bl tkthi Joan Iontalne CALL CAL NICHOLS Movers and Storage limited TIMI IJ iinrriea out SELL news HIRE EXAMINER WANT ADS Work Like Maple IIITAM tiny Opus Coming Soon HOT HEROES JOHNS GRILL it COLLIER 51 liurrie Ihnue IiiHSil Duriea liradguartcrs tor COMPLETE IIOIIDTCRAFI SUIILII nvsllablc new It GARNETS HOBBIES liunlop St Id Tidewl Iiiort Fascinating On Sundries BREAD tor SLO Dvuit iuncs DARRIE BURDEN SHELL TitW33 Tam to it pass Expnrt Service enable Price tenant Lnkeview Fried Chicken lleatnurani Yoer rFov aatlnphouse ldr rv Black Whlls AOS Starso complete line BARRIE TV SALES SERVI lunar cs csurrtr NAPIER scorer Plans To Widen Rood NEWS Announced By Evans run AIME BUILT TLTJDAT MARCH am Continue Feasibility Study miw 93 dragon33x13 gs