Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 4

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and Municipalities tween all three and tedera Great 9A The discontinuities Publiihsd by Canadian News id Bayllsid Street James Robb Pu Wllll Edtlov Emeritus WHO ILMI 21 am PAGH papers Company Limited Barrie Ontario blisbshGenaval Manager It McPherson Managing Editor Three Levels Of Government ShouldaConier Frequently The Canadian Fedeiadon arguments in Canada in matters ail 1y The tederationa yesterday to Prime federation gave sevvral consultations would pcciall to munidpah cipaiitics aro expmted million on th Corporation to install plants along the lower ederalion agreed objected to system under which Icipslities are callcd to bear the costs but are excluded irom policyrmaking decr tnted out that both Plan was stuns The tcderaiion also the Opportunities For has advanced later at consultations be levels oi government in case was submitted Minister Trudeau by directors at which Bantu member is tighlin or years to impress on both the pro nciai overnmeiiis the special needs oi municipalities it new tests there should be national trirlevel con tcrence soon to discuss lems in its inlet to the prim minister the examples to be bencnal es tles It cited the kcs Agreement by which muni io borrow sass open market and $12 mil lion irom Central liorigage and Housing sollutlonconlia reat niihythe objective but pecailc prob oi ilayors strong them joint Other areas elude tion titicatlon should rctra menu with icde aware oi the agreement tutor in the municipalities runs will have less mun walks and side arbiiran eiai or tcderil Apart from tiles through something to Dita The mun lions coul tag on municipalities without sadslptng itseii that local govemmeni is Ssoodqu Is one oi the own prion es services and give the people be or their tax dollars announced late and didnot give munici palities lime to prepare projects This was an instance would have resulted in later deadline with greater benet to municipalities where consultation ot consultation would in liutlon control and in it ds wITbolus ration eonten irom entering into agree is provinces that are bind ll nature Ind impact oi the underlying icderationa submission have to borrow large pollution control plants they to spend on pitch other es as sewers and watermains ride avements The have their which rhoud not be set ly by edicts lrorn provin governments economics the municipal thcir tedersiion have otter in consultations with the senior governments Such consulta eliminate ovcriappingldt VOUO DOWN MEMORY LINE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Darrlo Examiner iiarcii Town Council sold old Allandalc iirehali on William St ior 50 to Thomas Gray who plans crect 32000 bungalow on in connection with open Storea tine new premises it is interesting to note that Charles Frederick Christie is retail establishment born at Cralphurstin CPR stat beiore retirement lie ip 101 ro eri Ingpot Arcade on Dunlop St East oungest manager it Barrie lie was itill his iatbcr being lor 20 years ed Arcade turn at cits MILAN niansp morn rig am able damage Clappcrton and on were on way near Camp iiorden to church slructor iotmcr star University match Fred Crone dro tea room ior ll nlng in car par irom came out Police are Chici Alex Stewart reported night niiicc breakins at Dorrie Cream OTHER EDITORS Virus ENVIRONMENTAL DISRUPitONV victims at one form at public harard or Japan Times Weekly Over twoihirds oi the citizens oi Tokyo the victims oi disruption or another according to the Interim results ot sur vey undertaken last December in by the National Livelihood Centre the organisation at the Economic Plann regard themselves oi environmental tng Agency On the question oi environment 430 per cont said the were suticrlng irom excessive noise 01 per cent irom air pollution can per cent irom 54 per cent irom water pot eliminating duplications ed til0 per cent conscious oi Woreley Sta Valtcr Sarieant and Donald Jacobs Air crash caused minor Injur tea to Fit Ltd Dave Harding RCAI iootbaiicr at Queens On return irom hockey pod Into Riviera ht lunc lelt motor run ed on Dunlop St across post oiiiee it was gone when he still looking tremors and lution Altcr cresulls show iiITERPRETING THE NEWS ery Scott to St Sarean llory St ton ltvc 2a tIlIT mediate hocke at ild son iiogcrson was inana er on agent record at oin 91 Ol Salter bad game In orde sldered better Ice Deciding to began prellml committee SCoutla Sim son ed arriesn tour over tor armera another they were not environmental per cent oi ih one kind Tokyo Further iii sponslblu interesting they being the lites Service Barrio opatos captured New York Americans troplpp Ba repion beating Penelait GT in and Arena in goal with Bill ton on deience Coulson and Ear were Dill Bel rddhl id It m1I Nch Hi It ccomn It won UIIDI SM SOT OPO 92 houvdima Oshawa Arena tered special train ation Day celebration Gordon kingpin is chairman of coin with latest sound equ Louphced elected prcsdent Barrio On the other hand very well become vtc ards in the tuturc veyed blamed the economic growth policies as the elite cause oi environmental disruptions while BOA per cent held industry as socially re those surveyed said Bios iuei iirm tool at Town Co tuel lirm at loot oi gas station Bur lat intdra amp ons eor an lInal Garry be our starre Strachan and lack Pat Ab Kirby centre Ore bISIIIIAIIvWIREl So Bill Blopg Jimmy Simp and honey Rap Green Alltimepiendanco shattered hind Ing ct tans in slowly prio to to save toe locals con than Pelerboto on last match will be played at Barrie tans hhvu chir Town Council nary planning tor Coron May 12 Major lch includes John oys Carl Stewart Richard Garrett open est theatre the imperial lrncnt tiny dun 305 percent said rulierlng irom any sort oi disruption Howovet 77 are people said they could lnia oi pub to has cent at those sur pe governments ht enough 708 per cent ot they were alral would become involved in tratiie ac cldenla sometime in the tutors 41 LLIaAId Protestants Have More To Lose In Ulster Change Iiy IIAlitllill ltOliIiIllIlh LONDON liTl In dlmtln Ulster Protestants at their nirv whelming liOIltltitI wars the Delilah government is to cited attempting to draw nuairvatn Roman Catholics ixnm the inu cnee oi the lrlsh Republican Army The view to Westminster ii that only by narrowing the ranks oi IilA iollowcra can lha security lorees in Northern Ire lnivihopo to contain the bomb throwers and gunmen and rc duca their ability to paraler To those who suggest that Prime lllnlaier tlcath may lie merely replacing one three ll another olllelals respond wt an expression at cuniidrnco thu thelrutertani hockloali Is on likely to be vicious or pro lapgod as the persistent an wdenlng iRA nttnrk Iltler all the Protestants have twice to than They have over it and meetings irolratan the years not only dominated hnrthern ireinnda politics but also its economic structure The iliA drew liI strength largely irom disowned lowpaid Cnthtr Ilel many living on weilarn payments ln destroying hotels that ioelorles and other eitdblli meals the inn may have tell it won destroying xlniclurcs lhlit belonged to the enemy TATIOHTU LIMITED Irnicglonla bent on destruc iiclt would have morn limlttvl targets probably the strong holds In Catholic slums whore an invasion would require welldisciplined and overpow Ing iorce there still ls ionic nutvliun among seasoned observers whether dcxpllo the appearance at large numbers at pkrudei ertrs miils con rally enouh men to corrylout motor ottac Dr ind all there ihrruls oi at lacks mint be the Protestant view that It they go too lsr not only will the invite response lrom Catho extremists but the possibility at new alliance between Catholics and Iirltlsh troops For most modcrule Catholics who teclthey had no hope or sympathy in the Proteilnt Storrnont regime dismsnlig at this haticenlury at power may secrn mains victory It is out kely that many would be ex cited by the loci that British Protestant minister II taking over irom Slarmont but the move may also lm reia them that IL Invoiv person is presiding And utthrlha Drillah decision to rclcltso MllllD oi the Ulster InternreI and the holding ut pitlitkcitcii ulioitt tho tho border with the with republic inony oi the maternth ma eon vlnced that LIII lien in develop ing townrda trlaIi unity gun runny lvrvvutiy vnrlutso new tnlormolion that pills bit mu eruled would new to most oi the public them Little attention was given bet roasts register at puttth INNLY that the iederal government THIS WILL BE HARDER T0 INTERPRET riuincuymwiranti QUEENS PARK More Beasdns Given 1ter tookios tarwird treatingbismen remains his ships iuso Ittitdii it is iidesuiiog to note that CIPL Boltons lapdbd tbs Ont IN is now TtIlIHIIaa by BOB ROWAN Willll land in the history at Canadas 0va it was on James WitP although it rial lives oi many seamen Cook apeiit scurry byvmlblll blew it but Saundra mileamcd iii33 irom Indians when he spent mm winierot iivthQuehceJath 009 did not beacons neraiiy knows hiss aired beansabawas NW gyms in rm inland ships which also were called Ruohnion Ind 151 columns they did Illmitnnl and Hans IBITpnty reprised mm gr Britniumhd thepIIwnat nosey CO Discover nte uterus to the Adult III was tilted by nadir liarati while retaining to am Iin but his diary waged We in includes to no to Noun and lulled it led to the development or our pg were latUtsl OTHER IIAICII EVENTS ladlara at Port St laidI alter siege oi dayu trapSpain save exclusive clairns to north Pauli NHL Mobil Illcdoriald on seen too Ont Iinblb cation so min paddled out to the rd whim illiAnlieorurrtption tmls altered gills oi otter and beaver skins and Cook gava them sheets oi corp blankets and lame trinkets eobatoek oil his goldbraided rap and placed or month ricariscuitsrnm showed them how to euro on course For Studded Tire Ban lilh ttoo million year being spent on roads the reaction to studs costing tit million year liy DON OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau at The Examiner or In tor repairs it Recently there bu been ioina lemmas may it they were as impartial to saiety as it gecmtd they were probably worth it CANDID MAN at dltlerrot light on that oh so controversial question oi stud ded tiles The lpiotmpallonucampA naw rain on The ublle reaction would be 6m cm In mm the sabre it is so used in his speech lung spending on roads that law mm mall In nilliiana morewouldbe peanuts ed Iililprvblblyweilidnteveisregv immunity matted isius lbsaversrndriy Ontario cars using Thirst Ully Dill Ills knowledge illnI hI had created still up in manner Mi mid suddenly to out oi inchdeep in drlvln lanes UNI Milli iii liuds would it the number cars tiring Itiiuhim thcm increased to so per cent TM min It the toy very svia rota could have been more than dill itd appreciate this an inch This could mean loss Tilly lllktil toil nI control In changing driving lanes or passing other cars Show removal equipment noon Latest Books At The Library wouldnt clear out sinus dropped there would he dam ger oi hydroplonlng irom icy autlnccs In the rats The studs erased the antlvskld aurtnres oi the roads Minnesota and ions have banned their use and other states and provinces Inland to do so this year REALLY SAFETY In other words and Carton alreiacd this the big obiectlpn to studs was the xalciy taclor Advocated ii asier aid the in not turned out to be ma solely haxard which his minister said could not be tul THE LAST Ol ELLMAN by James Nash gentle look It urban recon dary education as Cilman re tlreii postal clerk coaches liar ahall Berger toward college mission Elhnana ccccntrlcilles annoy the boys arenta are ac cepted by his Ir ends and large ty ignored by linrshalt note about human nature and Ioihles TIIE FEAST OF THE ROLE by Thelma tilarkiioni keenly observed and tell psychological study at the trio coco hidden you below the up bane surlaeo pt newlyappoint nd Protester at English III oh This undoubtedly my union with The Cult oi the all phe emplhrplia by govamrneundt lliilllpnibo horror 0i and comes at clendl banwasnnihadomdgiaioehl DANLFUL ttOiiiNATtoN by we and the cost at repairlng Ill Ftlhlllll Although this background was not actually new the research on which it was based wn modalyubllo some time ago it was to me and suspect our lack oi as national identity and consciousness that has led us into mlddlenitheroad post to the raiety laetor TLnxwmmw tion where there is no way on Cover the rlod tiltint Uh Torrie Tiitlltlltitt DEATH ovwrus sex by it Bayiietd Street Grorsa Oarrett splendid blltullehl novel tiarrte Ontario Telephone warm Second Class ilall Registration Number tithe Return postage gupranteed eiry Ind tor lasing bla hend Dally Sundays and Statutory lipiidaya LETTERS TO Subscription rates 39 wanna iltil iiouuv sacs tracing the last tragic days Sir italics llalelgli thu Elisa Imslr Ioc wTuyic it It Dear lllr Editor Barrie limo yearly Slmcoe vwmwhlommmum County tiiso reliin BIN Inhls mil law days III mm mw WT drove down to the port otlice mm Itll tomall lcw letters at titli itolor throw oii moo yaar why my Ulilmll Willi umw Tor the meter walked into the 63 Queen St Welt Toronto yuambuymmummpy mnlmlllll cum Sta three stamp 1wickclr WC ltember oi the Canadian Praia mung All um Cl the stamp wickets are closedi dur had line tlii oi about or Th Cldlln Ill film people III waiting In row like titty lillllvd lit it all lalthtul servants should uhllcalton oi all news displtch was In hurry had to go to eslnthia paperereditnitoltor work to earn my Income tax The Assoc alert Plell it till as decided to get book ti and also till Iocll WI iiiiillllll stamps It the machine outside ed therein got quarter rpm the money The llarrlo Examiner clninu order man who couldnt sell me Copyright In all ortgloui Irivcr any ataiitps its was waiting IllT tls rid und udltorial material ere some too went outside ind dc atod by Its employees and re twisted the quarter out some produced In this newspaper the quarter not the stamps So Copyright Iirgiatrolton Num itrled again and out came the quarter again The macklna up empty no stomps No llnlo in Unit Jla3 tvlavva right searching examination Into bethan noted tor derringdo on At the mist being tiresome by mentioning It this once again illustrates the root oi the be tissue the communications problem about was so wnlelgdlha government will is so can This root Is that the main communication robiem is at the top Tha turns splayI means dont get throng to the pit tic said ammo dont know how to get mi Tbe on transportation nitrates in mid be an catoption In this rule ills Ipeoehea been iaeiual clear to the and notaby ire roan dialogues and other my words that make most government speeches so pretentious lla even has the temerlty to call an automobile rather than motor vehicle DiRiiS Oi AMERICA by billy IicCIrthy pleasant ll tormless novel bout sn eanicrt lbycarold boy and his lively harpsichorth mother From his iunlor year abroad he writer has long re ilcctlva letter nostalgic lor Arn ercha past and curious about his identity as an American ItI TIIE IIEALER by motel htnrinlx novel oi boys experienc in the Pennsylvania Dull coutiiry where he lives in time wltb his coydoga and bll granduncio who router oi nniuro lore and music INDIANS SRETCRINO ODYSSEY by ion hearstissi The condition oi lndlana today in various parts at Canada as raveaiod by while artists realistic and perceptive draw ngs TIIH COLLECTED POEMS at Irving Layton The many locals ot Laytons personality his vitality and ion presslvs poetic pills are well represented In this truly Imv posing gathering at his aardon mi erotic verso POWER SKATING by John Wild The key to better hockey rogram lor boys who want to play better bocksyn THE EDITOR try thaolher machine In drove away No stamps but it still cost nit cents tor the parking met er This is the lua Society us hear about his compialnlagt Not bit All want is my nicho ta bdclt to buy some trash milk Sincerely LOU CAIIPOGNOLO Sod but not alone Liilivva ASSOCIATION MONTREAL lCPl spokesman tor the University pt liontreal said Monday the uni vervlly it lpplllag out pt intercolv legiita site competition at all levels The spokesman sold the decision was made by the athletics deportnyrnr student representative Ilan relused to contribulo money so rnlnority at students can corn pets in inleneollcglala attiiciicl The university la the last to pull out at the noyearold Quebec UniversitiesAthletlc As sociallonv errant to drive to increase ind activity In depressed areas anno tered high to obscured by all sin linens ol risz releases an nouncing more and moransw Wilm During im the department Minced grant otters to in it Willis itinerant lot so the prole Involved would create ttmi yobs but same erllles er morn than WIRES than ioba will DIV IMO Thadrpdvtment does not tune news release to lib solutes nontrivial or cancel lationoi grant otters they are reported only at the end at lengthy monthly report to Parliament and no mention is then mode at the ioaa ol pro spective lobs DliEEa method at evaluat ing grant applications has been strongly criticized by ex perts like Carleton Univer Iltya Prol Tom lirewls the author merous articles on regional development Dr Brewls com lalned that government grants have induced Rims to close and reopen elsewhere some times with net loss or labs Critics said that lirnis in depressed industry have iotdrd because regional Inccn lira grants have created new competition or them An ex nmpa oilen mention pulp and paper industry In January itll dusiry aalei dilllculiy the dc committed tilt mlllon to help the Procter and Gambia Co at Canada Ltd start is bleached kratt mill in Gronda Prairie Alia The department said lid jobs would be are Itod in January rm the de arlment announced lisp Illlon root to itnyonlrr Quebec Inc oi New build tip ruill near Port Cartier New Democrat leader David icwls noting that its because ttoniispilnnaa head lawn British ab pa stayed there and the tndlana in its usisial Que ruin ailment oi Regional astounded mansion has all tailura rata pan work The poses such is ndustry production in the amhla ductlnn ya that firm RELILI ON EXPERT pct the lnlorrriatlcn on tor industryi We have mcnl however said duxlr cont enltn oi two bouts and no dcportment so thclr doors in one town grants on the pro ity in the pulp Industry nadlan lolemstiaaitl nnnuuncod ed Is the with in in considerable rtmtnt In the near iuturo Ono DREI oiiletII other It you are no particularly wInllinI Procter DRiI very intansi mods to utility not being done Were only bei York In AIlDlIIr ITALIAN nuns here does Lbs depart ha Tb rush tags at onset la tell the other elected an akierrnao lac itlaga lndiaiis what they had woman witcbdocior saik said the ships were to chanted salmon Navertbetus Nanai ships and Cook ordered rope ladder to be lowered sailor descended and waved the indi ana to come on boa lmBgertou hymns sub mich important report on eds tillNew Brunswick ap proved building at News and North American Rallwny tutBritish Columbia legis latun sited Governor Seymour to make Victoria the capital riots reports to cabinet opposing the Procter and Gamble and Rayonler HI time although it had been oriented in ParliImcot at Oi ltsoGovetnment Onlarie annotated building oi bilingua university at Sudbuvy Ont Expansion Plons Highly Criticized pprsons were about to loss elr Jobs at Temlscnming mill said la wit that the Iedrrat government is Iiaancbig sort oi cutthroat competition that throws Canadians out Canadian Pulp Paper Association Ilso meat base its estimates at economic iuturo at particu to rely on the pert knowledge oi the people the department oi tnduav try said one senior ottlclnl Sources outside the depart the bmltietl there was already overcapacv When the more at the Co plant In tomlacaming VILOIIEIIOIIII Fienniken said the allon has been plague overcapacity and the lem has been birdies pounded by news capacity xchodulcd to some on sold In looking at an appilcp lion tor an Incentive the critical questions you merely moving ioha one part ot the country cannonlit unaccustomed ulsnucvtahrwvusrc lEiiElNi$tiyiliitiltlttltil FilliEitAiibdliENDIdtg sveuvotriuutciuavw vampuutosnulunpp closet mm ll ENIPIIIEIIIPIDIIIW ORIGINAth wrns CAILED viiAsa Gamble eltort thnt this human WI Elwwmzm 1r HAPPENED Iii cannon tgran But one mothnuns ants will not harm existing since pulp markets will have recovered by time the new plants come Procter nibpy said keis nlnldyultIIttrdiIddmII

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