Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 3

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midlth No Tourney Ill Sunmdale ItIli ltd oLucd um to tho Optima in My dbl Io rItionI but thin Ill tialiy ro haud and they udd theyd um hp Aidrrm Jul Iith and David 111nm ruled ItIlI AM Part In tamr ol tho mo Lita AId lacuna nid litiI III Ihotdni Ind hI midat It anythily maul Itmt or In pantiuiou PEOPLE III IIid hI atudird thI put IIatyraronIrInIiIrhuiIaod IIyrrmInotIthIIIIptoplI Intuit at any not time Iicdymontuhibatbiata thI mm path Md to lhoptovilelhurlItqu For mum to IIy ll ahwld baputtIIntquthItlkytady not it to ho laud Munoumt litur Inuyats uuaitlanat being Gaaid 0an pl CyIIhII It thI mob hundxy ml to pruniodapetztiatl Immunme III 6mm my Indltoadovnuptnotlmilntheln to thI mhirhi IrIL dintrhl btxk and III In bx amt 1M property not mim loom II mt expense to lot IIcInl GI MI Btml to prom In mt DID I011 III said hi wont lit thI rod III to to It the hamdary aim this team id In nil am In Int drop ii aIld thI Itandud IiiI in light dtutrlll iota II 00 Mil tool and pulling thI the main mid alhi IravI It lust thin rant IIOILIISON IrIl In tK turd It Ill my MINIW AldJIorrtIon Iidltisnlu mthbmdnryluto tidI urn mm hum lbutIrrthcHihtllhlmM AldJyenIIidlhIcommll In to whmm md mm mjmglmgmm tn oi litI lnduatrlIl property nl true lot war II the 1th nutter In rrlrmdbui Smith hu mo on tho tall at ops c1 get IS th rouncll Idi Intel nut qurrtoi amount to unit ttouooobc artIIido in mt Ior outwit thI thoupttimdmdnlopiui thItIincoIn lilii back Ioteet trorn uy pitta It to loot uthxr to In at Ita wtnyullr mm Ion omnian chIiImII mhprcmuntvtgda nonunion o5 rerun dmt thalrlrrttreid Ito tlha cltmtlriopml wmmit Wax my MN It BIIItiliri POST orncr Iltooday to tlttcun thI iln Intludzd In thI III unitary thLIltem mdIbaitiootbooronstrictur Ilruco hiclltide oi Toronto thr proposed IIpilIl bud rt Imnoabunlopstmttorrm IhI budget Ibo rrouuls ra tor ttoopoo III Issued out maul mov 11 oi IttIplI GMI Ithooldzooll around hrr neck The male took to the uhooi lo visit thI cIiIlnalotdtbtnturtllasuu dai IloId Anne street trom littia Irlahltnod oi thI tour our ona oi thm reptiles thnt children tmmiorr Pbotui yIIr totIiIlu mum tannin Drin to Andie Rood yraxto wrdma land tor III ThI propmd brunet rail tor FundIII lioad north Irom Dun uniilry indtlii aItI and 11 do tut mom to akin to tha laden aormul dotxnlurI lsauu ot nutnoo ln lap Street and an mm tor oto be mum to pay Iur mt atmooo tn mt lml mm undrr the industrinl road aeIrr coutructlun Tho Mint Iler quuIIlI one an by unwary ha mammothurdrrtl omn dooItholtIrIIiIiuliollmmi oootnmsmdtttttootnt intent and Durh Inrot tor new It homlhmilwmum lncludrdlnthahudartlor tbiI mum mono on ten iorlbo nut ycar la 1500000 ior thI not put mm mm mould my tour mm to Irrviu Indva III III pin on Im Ltmil lam Impmmm The In ht cohthn my Mud hm on Wk ii WW wall It IIdIIIlh boom to llrm or I313 to expand tho to whiny rpm in noodtd to Ill who Mame wt mm tnctudcd tor putchm oi hui the mum my be dinnonttm not ttx 1m art It tiniy II upon properties to maid in mommy no run than not mum at my Warm Tm Altmmnk egg th 1hoatudonta It III to GM Until tour cm III bio logical aorlIIiIs Inrltnlinx thI mm 03 mm mm rrnl Street and ImmiIILt tor tho WM Mimmmhmw idtI to II InmdtItor th School to hurt throo III III Ihltb uhoul acitnco Metropolitan Toronto twng ragglgum mum tumult undagdthla wail nggwu mum venom Iter lu untulul mum on llpnday teacher lnanonto 1hrn boiooi Sorlcty the International IIltrIno or 01m lnr vulIblo tutti oi MM is plural no rhot WI In mtifliidmhh lirfmimwh dihilmihml hndtlguihifwmhzhgotta WI Exiting 13 13 22 lju ffjlzffm Ind Ihho 00000 daurI ll thI mad dog Ind Giulio tho boa onttricior lot since then be but but Ilo it pruidtnt II the CInadIIn Wm to will meet on pop tor Itcond loIrI mIIn Utilities linttilciill totals 1hr anlII bung tinoluira Emmi ulnI Imrdlna to mmmumoymm ilrtttI hlchrhlo no urio Du II luppr Amphlhiln Ind iltptiiI mm mm mm mm pm mm In on mm mm mm utmqwcllylmhn ggmml mmmfpgpi tummymh tnnlIlIon lotho pollution Oll nIIIIIilIItI mainland It be depended no ti mi rhuotmmmromtntomeet IIrJirBridohulno town tlteatudenta hir tlrartda on trolpiml Ammunition Ivornu wound on W41 liralinprdcrlolrtonl IIIImInduI two tortoises not thtm tth In Irirndly wild Ili Illltd 19 ldy mm cgimk at thch to III hittirido hnI loua been turtles two pittatort two cro Ith trot mow crItlerI ertwkmmlm 10 mm mm an in ml Md NEWS 3339 mums qmtrd mm In drtlnv tor Mun yIIrI Inthdo Im ty tmaum II Kin mm mm mm 0mm In my mm mm iillolmthdhtl mm and month ItrrIiIIi in thI northtnt tornrr Inldulh til mudhudatt will Ithoola with his pelt Ior only hourho nht pt IMLW tliltrrrttt mules ImmnhLJI gy VI mum Wm WILD Willa tour ycm Io nlw belowtn man ttoro Iiitaulnra tho IronI South Amrricn III IIIth lIIn chlidmt not to ho pot Ituto aIiiaIiuIa Ia pets rauso mce can lbuytannolnilmlauslttiJndlil JHEQNIHI ml III hIIIiritin CXPRSSN can turn to tho rhIItlren IhIt aliin to my ihdd to host will would lolhtlollnihtiO Ii III Italiatbtrntuethcyhta bclnx mom cp an Iowa 59mm Emmy rum to Int prrdutllort todIy Mon min lul nidtl omitMlahhouoml by hunlttiturthdirahln my mm It mm redmjattumuttonphkttkliltdtwonnrrlemldcm and to WI ml WWI DPIimm WdPIW Toronto dcrciopor Louis Ituc ldrnllui dhirtrt plan nppmvtd III told thtrn to do ood aided Imtt bi propoalna doItrvyod VIt aid imla thI hottltn dopartmrot If 1m Ml luv wnnla the city to Itop hrip and this mhy tltlay Ilr Kotluv dtrd and lrii anyone they III in lxhway hypau nmtutd Gerald Gltort1ypiant mtlml and that Ihohoiliinp dtphil lid MIMI skill or iili Will ttIrrio Illhout WMIIIIIHK the merit not Ity mind 10 MIL 1hr brow Mm or 1M Tm mm SDI 0mm mm mm WM mm that thy are murdcrrrt The cityI circled rtproscntntlrca or home and the mt nrro not MINI by the 00 WW 5km will BM thI northnrrl corntr at IIIy Wh drill lhty Will 1W HIMWWIWW livid Street Ind candles Iloud ruuo tumult or some other motion to this wold he no In rllizcns tho Irziaialura no blast no to lbw them the boildln the vow to it hulldiol YourannthoipinyChu Boil developer They but wont to II uho WWW chinchilla or told Itonday In only and Downturn oi Lnbor oiiitiaia Itie run In Ind thank them tor prottn ptnnlt and Itli to the but of one hit with your rttolutlonr use the hello clubI bit mint cools Mam lhcy lino Stcphrn 1min Now Who rtltol oi the lnttaisaltoh but he raid Lhtm LI no nitration yIt Irvm tom is he with trail Iurty lender loll No II tripgcmi tho explosion Prth wantonth IIIIhtn hla htowitdtt Ill city no Im Iatin on to and It In tho Kooloy aald on Irrrrt pet told Mr com would in miniath ior municipni aIIIlIal Aid Al hiriillian shit ihp ihrn uphiiililit to tho rhill Iullntlon on nun mum was mum mtt ahia to procttd Ind Ict him decide city ptomtliny with tho but ran tho proriur wry to hundie rmmmtlldltl in tho Itll port Aid Arttacmilian explained AidFIIotIitm ultdbou mmrurrtotrnotmtm tcr tho Why It thinks it will In turtle cliridr arid turt pt the IomntoContrrd IIIIion thth til that the all had iolrd tho Ion III Coho thlhlto it Icrumoailytobouscdtorrts bandird must quickly ill rtty III thou bohrpt in those Plan but It povrrnntrnt rmntmuhuoondfdonshhnhkh Aid Illtiaaiiilh In th lowdown out bIIIo boon devoluprnfu confirm minut ttlhculguslribtlclnullnt ml Lady hgd ction when gummy mm do to mm In to no pd1l rretc ypmaou to not mean coitrlnlctioncdh yo resentcdtototmcll on April Im be provlttrd loo on nmtlltimtntlo mono trip out It the middle II Ittiti Ito prudttrtd ll map not it to approval Ind alter lhIt Tha city In nrgoitotinp with ayiiriti Slrttt Ioulh ut Cuntiios that lllitits nurd rnourh outer roitucd by tho toactomrnl to hide In Ind anatrsttd putt that rhuued tho that circling ThlareouireIIehangoin thI It is up to tho provincial author anothardetrihpertn riuntdtc Road to biabwuy wlnnlthih oltlclal plIn Ind In Imtndrntnt iiies mtnt up itidda Ctr to put in and Inuthrr mncntimrnt to the In thotu in nihslit Will IMm thI city to the hurt Ind post mrmmmmmno imm ii mtrclmhi1x Intimh Tum WSW runny attics oi thr port ltIia um toomiay llntta uva proptrty to Ml roun Ito I130 tur cs and not munorurr um tom II It Ernr mum my 15 my Mme lInti but is not boring much ho mwm tditmmki liIrrie urca tor tho rtnuintlcr to Iowa tonight to to High 1d IuTuhcubl Pd mmumuh HM am has pprzcduuhn 01 luv dotsnl Illo tho city hhltiiny 153 wmgomsldr tilml3mruu at today and mutt oi tomorrow tittimItlay llalhc low Joy Kollovlltlbdivblon urddlciopI public brhrinu Ibottt his innit bo hShtd tho children govrrnntcnt dopartmtnu and Cloudy ptrloth uro rxpcttrd Min We 121 151 lurnt but he my be nut to 1th hum oro rcoulrui by nutter neoiavarirty pl raw commluion laid lomotroy Temperature MayHT3 $110333 am mm mm Mh ahead acouomicnily and want the pruvinrr mutt aaid It road in port will rcmain mar normal tor this mm Emu 17 mm my mum thaolly tonpproaondrntl pinn III nld lira Koriovs drutl ntiti bringing out thariic Vo Intent to prorent tlnII oi you wil dIn altimiall Mm bum Mleduu mum iorlhowbuioltoucrr Ind or plan oi aubdivision would to N5 cthoatunatriclor It Iic tho Inuit at our study in the towel Istotoln Ihi WI ciecird ontl tcohnioni ruprIsInt nrsday betwch 35 land mm mm mm my dont mm my HD hr to up rd It to the ntlnlatrr Iurwnrdcti to tho minuth lull IIII Glpiulnltll that III he Icrelathertsk IliItIil bulldin in true tor yam ur pm at Addlnplahlsprobicmlslhe lottin the mtt council moot uxtnahrsintatlad Itim oi Iii munitivliiii Ii II II to on Mum 5m Tho rlak in that tho approval bury Icaaon Iltl Ihnl dctoiunrr Jock Stoiihr lny rand rum than he said ho tint on thrir luilt lint that tctlrtl by the Itudy nnti puisihy mm be mm it may tIItI alght It ohioitd to tho city upstna doesnt know hhw long It might tnnhra tonaue should not he to the pcntrni public It Iotar Wm Mm ml loylllld in Mt gmm mammmm mend In mm int land without haunt tuIII tor approval coniutoi with shunt dotr chnesdoy tho dltlutbancol mm 1ch mum mt nnd ImIth oi lho rovlncn mm ml my my hasnt III grind north Inch ion Heron III to icet irorrt tho ndloccnt tutu eisht werkl btioral can may abut to mow In It lot to provide In IdequItI Ildo IIIIH dontparticularly am it Iuitthom wlilbonjorooeatonm Illnh hit up qummm mumpihuhntsilgm not mmnlmwd vo oIurnoror himit mmucilmutdsmhup limitation aoaathwttitrn 0n artmar I5 anbit orllyloiioltormtutdrow upon Importanttduh ua turn at Thuntdt it up In httotrntnt that ahaolyrt lites Ind hId uh that court Toronto Surny with Inn London t0 the alt oi Ill nalhliit and cit ivohlm prrmlaalontottnrt and no Ntthtltlr to to that yapple lglur tyo Iir hill in htlhoul porniil WW Ilviihgfrllhsitdlnih IM mm Fm church might be ulzd to Inzuocommlttmtaotustmtn too to with do to lllnphunt an laptoto 0m Sound It aa to St litiiY Ili Iiuxltnltn i3 it WWW hurl committoI oI Idturlntrnt turn II IIid thI now bulidtn will WM Ln be hum my timll Iuday runny nith tow Iiantlilon at to cloudy periods lrdnesday oc Si Colhatints It to down his proposnl Id ha ha ap one was Ind bI doesnt know oi eulonat cloud periods Ilpha Toronto at to III church iird to committee It Idltltt any other way bu could build Incnt tor the toIoot Ievcronro on tho lot to at tho typo oI boullhdnr lnt plow ton LouI Erltnipn tun it uppcr 20 It im llp rim In htt houth on the hulldinIhIno Ithoutaaidnp nelythortny lot III will ovru iorthI IcvrrIncI oprovido the London Hamilton lnku Erie rrboruutli to 30 nIIb tho 10 itct tnlrn oil thI acquitod aldo yIrd Nlaxank Into Orgiorto alul IllIrrlIutu ill nwumwult lieu Name New hpproach Intollbhuih no lilclu littoraltilted tumult It Ipproncb to inimlnkg respouo loinio Induid It my my sunbury northern Maria to to tho public Iboat IIIIntIl hzoi mltht In time to lattI diilzr alum Gwrlan Bay ChIpIIau It at Ihurton Termsnml Curb lthlto itttrr it bt nth oi lbI Corp in agencies gt Em lie lniirntcdh b6 nu centurion waatlm forocuat brought to you daily by hya were Ixcrlienl and VII STEEL BELTED RADIAL no ovnmtunol in TIME FORACHANGE upoiillon notyctbtrn cur ChInpo up to Nowl It only on mm In EWMWN tumult too Chili PARKIAND liill metals rInzint tromtba trIdI logo lIy thI tuilIrtItIIrio Mum mam ml mm tut which will loot up lba wot Ihop Sotolbllity III lloh Alextp mil tram Sunday Itud avrnlny ol mluic It Eutaiew der or tionoi pinnu to the mom pop hi on thumtnuiho ory Iludy lnatru ulnr uitor and drum Imu tut mu Bl II am Irideploi by iiInIlIton DIyld Itlll It the National Comm aIcondar IchoIIIIutilHlihe whoer raid ho IhompiontlndhrrtleomSout Vllhiy oi lIuIlr Dunlop whatth ll OI mm mm tmt Wist niil ottttnl all may ho In tho oillnt rntIdurIllonII Approach to thI hIIntII lltllllt Barrio lorrnrr field It mental health and too qr mm It rm Su geranium ttitla mentor to prr mum himtat iIrIitb Anocllli In ponibilllymh piturd with III oi the conducllnl worhhopa with illriotll Itrnrira it oh MICI thI Iltld oI aociaiacrtcta potrdlniniol aald adla an attempt to IdutItI prop ed tll dtannoololrd In the public II

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