Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 2

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Clearing House Far Information cu counrii donohm wtlt um mood pupa tow mniahtlhm mentmIHhI SodIi Pianist Candi Ind Ixudu lrotn III rity to PM tho pouliiiy cl uttin upIrturluhomiar totm Iron Ibout puhic Ind prlela amid In thI by Iha plIInin Mord Ihkh minvotrrdtnthoiitidoiwnv laiaonlraandlbollppott audaImtn Citizen OI Year ded Aptild admothovnauybalbm think $2322 35 Part III the media will be Ioai rm ohltmhii tho Mnhimtionumnubkh pm thh Oniballospllal NEW ng ootmmthahnm pupal oi mma In run ma non m1 IIrI Ittlly In thI torturoond tEIIminrr laid Month In cannot Indeo lion Ind billion year It mum ll mp my Um up mmmmm Candidalta to more poib to run for ottiu My urrmrt 3mm mg pkImam WI im 0ill or In tomorrow an Arts Bualoao Ind Iedl Otuoiny Praideol Btu DIintI mug Ibo lint ytIr mm condition when III ItIitod thI wontnnyn 33h an idtlhih hmihtw Monmouthn malnutrth hoaaidlodeouid res tree unvoimoowluouonihu at ThI OriiiiI hoIpilIl tattoo anomtcytlhroollo whylnIptovlooI Iithlht Geoiglail 0011698 Silidenls Ian III limits John VlanntyitIii III II In Elect Then Tomorrow mm In III mo Alllht man no mlm lb or IM um mum be room mm tomorrow cannot In all on mu IJmi ctrldoi om wt IIIIII IM Mtl born on tha Mull Admiral IhI SAC conIIalI oittpotl liItI Omit oi Gtordut Coi lltu tncludiila lint mood Main Ilrnhr ll leT l0 orthon Indthirdyurnptouniattyraoi Don ltlilal aid In hiluJIuI hownot anon res 00 mg cur Gtouiua Coiiate Impt thou day and tin moutle will pa tn in their tinIi yur In Iliplhla IIIIIno lbillt EM II pr Mil 7M pItiIntI thIn ll II not mumbilto IIIr IIIrlon In mprvpcrty by moa In Inchu thIItIII Ia ovrr lartniahtIII shII lo aIId neitbbor hId IllI grhlcd andtho bottdtpga III zglluu 1m Ioulde foal thm oi thI Io tom ed th intmto twigth wialiii145531mumbulk raid that iulon mural The dtplrtmuit oi Elma Sago Iiilill number Iain do It 1000 pliulu on tho Ilmt ior Inrh Ibouid priain Ila lny had dotit aothiu it mideuta hm hm tIiul It Iluhwtnw my in UM Wt bgm dalIIuIi Imam are cmdod Into gluten III nt rlrhlttyudt citya Idmlnillrllor ell Effm Kim talnndiny IlitItI oi Gear at CIIitlrtl Ilnh mditr Iln Imam Mb Ind atrium Ind find thlr VI mu Put Itan PI Littr sin OuIIryo will In rmntiud student AIIIirI 0mm III II IlIIrIon Cm outibxd use Ir rum lion and attitude m0ll um or moo Ehuiintn vtaitrd mutiny Illhdlhhnllhthltlic am with thI patentlion mt Ittnta Ihlch tanned bi hqulmheMcmu 1h hxnourt moaned to mill Inn rpm hrr mm It OrlIIII Ira led to top rompttilm atart at In and he in tin hooglhat am dumptdbgdf Etty 15 tlont arng mt 9ft In try hulrthaii lbl uremia roratad In lhI rant lot on are mm my Hi W510 Imp mm mm Meaghanrustling mum Am Ind among tomplirtlI already drab gtnhmgvim him with mm Mum lIyTIIEcANADIAN mat mm mm IntoII tel In ihrdummmb mm momma zdlmhredndmm arzmlnhlthwmzh Ill gidmmlumlf mm mm 133 rrhaulry aint 0H llh dtl rehtemthgnmhgitf on love In In no pro tum mmmpl rtl Mli My inailzd to wild boom on lIII deitiopmrnl lailtrtd under thwouau PrattIt run It tho chum nut Implulll minim dgmm millibifiiihtoihil iii limb tramLy lhliilllt drIinIye II abottn tunninl the Inxoodtaith providtdthI but his deputy mlnIIltr Ind their tut Smith PIIII It too Nor Wm dummy mm implh at tho roptrtlu when It mm mm mm you Itoan to rain Itnmtm prominent aumtt to on and motnut at both that noun am In it Euler mutations Cmotnt moprrtitth loot or Inpinctrln lnlotntallon tboiid hoot bruit Iii that the concept not In IcrurIto and template mummy mum iloraiiod tin irip In Halli Igumtmtttutiom III 11 my IhrI Ipart It 20ml tommtru thI patent 5i ll tlii firm ISlia iiaildnttto onzinccr Inade WNW mm WM hart Iatnt only on da tn amt InIlItutIout but Ia cortt Whirl III Will It In obvious error In bin rrport norlrntd with tho bouru thorn Qlm huh it an out yr pt Iiatlnr that tho vacant lot It ShI Itid rants at her naiahhorl Iih lm now It dumMIIM politic hadtolnataliiumppumpa which my Mm 111 II ll lny nIIn tor runoil brIorI thd tram mum mmonuam oodint bhonltlna one mul tho pond are won ritht ohm th III th hi donyaull on eon rm lpnlllr II pIrII In tho Itudy had axlnt it the hon 10cm now pd If puntth tn Mummy had done an and it they hn 5hr Iilco ttIt rounril ntt urslcd tho city try to thI nIturII Iraourm iront thI ti my memltonhfgmml cuialholuuootnhothorthtrII grnlnotoprobiamrttotrods deptrment at tour1m In Tholhmiidtpttril nrllIlIInntttr Intl whm tho iha ollrrvturrtcrrtdlotho Inmate put or In no promiitd tint the moment rlty mwntibliily 1ch time the public norka tommlttto Ind paniutton otppycmmont would mimic ilaeliortl lMiD iiLLED ally Invited cm to build tr urn Aid not Itrrhpraoldlomoiurl mutton tut protido Improved lmlmtnt in said her luck yard hnd ita and Wm theoptnditch lhcraludyltItIhlreudybttndonol mm pm by Imam InditcuttluiorthnmtntIllylii ticToronto 5t Ind upIrid tbutppI Ind Ivali born iIindtohrinl It up Ibout drailnntte oi tho probiom ilidlaiid will gcrltrner um Inn to am In council mttn era out em vaI Illt other otldi in Wide or ratIh Yuma 91 hm boreltlontd hcr Itl ahp merited ion alrelch oi lilo Pool Slitrt Ilabmcnt oi rIannII mm or hum llo nwnvilhodcputnttonntra trpthutnld ditththatieadalolhm ploprn tIlion Iutborltes to athdy WMIMIUII lion exptmlve lult It It lobcr hum bod born Uterl th ti public trthlporlntlon rIoulro haul In and level III Inrlh to below lhu OIICunltt ietn built ottutttel Ituoylnrl Illtllit or oetlrnned reliant 1an at mt mm mum my II In theirmriotr tornd thI Oilc hoIIIchrrohuiitshoIIld tho lIIld the midtnla think mm lnIIlttlIlaI puny rleto mombcrl on mLBLTEmnlgllhm mu mm palipml In pm IIWill romhlno aovrral IIIIt bin tutu Into It In no um int II re onI av CP mm ran iN rnncn umw co In mm mm or mm um Thur ml mm Clnldlln Cantu SetiIly moo mimltiuhaa cIlch lot Itaylnpaccopteda muttirapo on IIINI thntprovidu ior atuaeatmtnt by PIrIlInIInt min In appenl IIlIa Itootlt in tons prlclorlinCIn mm mm mm Alderman 01Ptrrlrtn Pent In no dtIInIII piano In whclhtr rehwinitttrfWodKlnamm Club or pendhl the mm but employee Ibould ht permuted qu her oaltlhn II or to the public Irtvlto commis wmi hmummmmm ChIldPmoi Wmmmmlmm litilivg tnlnlmbtrloh ththilidiiiihiium Barrio Community Con IA rheque lrorrt Andrew itcir ahort vacation around Coriol hiltditlilll WI unto tor doylodhy lnlelprtll Iniiinathniheirloom WNW at 5mth mu timt Iir Ptrrt won itt Dm onlatnels IIIn in unloitnottt report It ltt Itm iii ytyydyyttpym troymht um It IonIa Conan SIrIoI lollfllmtnl Ijtlitu lo mIIo mmlzm mm mum pow New pm mu mm mm by The winch CommlltII cinnnIn John mm Th0 worldl nut Alli buy or Ipotoamcn or III three parties with at Ann mm mm km It yIItlrtIl think and whito lrlevltlon III ItuIIItnntttnltn rIn no Ill till it ilihl only oi inltllIEICIiVul IIIIIJSI Tilly Emnofbingrtnm mm by WW DROP IN TONIGHT Iiaugblry oatllo ichlnt lop rnrdlum Ilockon and with II bill it pId mm hmm III Pillahtrrih Symphony quaillynndtlnltIIIttbntJnlnrio mo itrtuiinopth npretrialthiutdmtho ohtItihtmlIIherlmthdnhh mm mm Wafllifirgttalzrh InIIcr toytltlvclthllho whiting him IIiclhlomrdMIghttlb tilNip mam mm mm Wk mm Ind hon ptcel lawtr Ihnto otlor toad Itti medium iota IIIIIII HM tho hi Di and ronlillurncy In the next we no IIIly iaica on Ibtrp rommon MI bonm my nItrIIIry lithqu tho auvrmv my mm mm Iphtr IIrthII Wm loll hill IIIII priro tild mm mm mmm Iha Imlllta laid it loll muleI lultarlat IWI partly tale hold thlI nilrrnoon 3m mm Ir Tamra mo inIndIlory by Itaulntlon under It the procedum under IUDb alan Ind boara tut IM llmdi which the public main two staurhttr lliI diII ChoIcI httrrp Ind Larnhtlll mltalnn hull with lIIII Iloolia tltcra ammo too am iinlllililtldly mo nclrd medium 31mm common mom 1mm oils in no lvtnlio ot Ipprai some low tubsalpilon In open or Iltlllllo $1000 Students 0500 ml cholro itrltrrl IlII good Hymn 1mm to rctIll urton tyl Ivan The committee Irrommtnda 23 133 WT WW any mpnllnrgflrbyutgo mle chm whim mth nuzynootns my amt to Fume gt ulnlilhucceptod rm Md fad NW mm um lIlrtattlir go but Iihay redid lollul NIlIuhurlhm InIyIltond thinmhMNmm NDIICMII ulllt Good lrttltflitlrtprlmt GInIdlan roiuotbgy ItiztilndubW unit It uoionma Mmmhlwml Wm WM IiiloiiliilllhitlintiBill munnu or Itat mo Illitk nu tnlldlrorotdulilnldh IVPPIl mm Imm rtlonotbolohovtyawlr hlillllt ItIIlIm Wllly ml WI ILOCKIliltI rum NOT CE PARTNER WANTED wilh $251000 $100000Iotbm inIn IIIII BAKER STEWART LTD llllllmldrlltd pll appIIIIItlon program pt mm vmt Ind up to annuIi lnrorno produtinp WIIhto odvitolo albuainm litmth III itlll Ioiiocl my mm mm In mm mm par not II quII by innlr Ion Writ In ronildonni thrnmmmmmmm trial man It Int In Mr pl My punter turaanrnn PLIAMNI ltLVll WWK Box YII titlttt would tilt all it lmmkwn Gill RUSS BAKER rt Bull llnIr MON 10 Pl Ar Ch El II TI in Oil litra ouot nit ml uti may MW 101 him my Wmg Ilrluraa nle ma Mcmmi ll TOWER CMWENI llAItlllE ONTAIlioI No AIIOINIIIENI Itcu

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