Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 11

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mMENWWWWNBad Day For Top HurlersI In Exhibition Contests Inhomhdlnlrwleolesh to my Ind mar IN on the stain run on Dide Lleconhzielsiheserendtbv Iiitrr Druo rot touched tor slxmhnLEELerlnnith Royts their on oil the Look by trial minim 11 lrih in us in the seventh hit the Pirates brute the HI Phil Esposito ShooIn for Third Scoring Title iiomw It 0m Mill Bill oi his area tut salmon oi the iiium up SItnriin mp irtIr Intro Phil rspuuo nit tiirl Ind hmrht his 57m train to lll HIM rr messed lien in put umw Hum Ihen Benton Dtll my to mi mm olw mm letrutt hunt don ohm on ml mid Itnner penny in run roll LWl hm birth Ltd In Iterer orer In WM mu dulull1wwu uh Wu tried to term ItniItt Lu Rollie centre llIrret Dionne in one tune but Mum mm Lt Du lb mum Itihiintlih loan run ol Detroit led Ill 1mm uttres ht rII IV mu 1m ff immAgitMlsEu iium or mood lrnhuoilkor who rrhedix hed still he Whirl imam who it ti titiii tilt mm mm but Dimlivrlmnizoer In It in Mint cu hbmu tut mi tor Kuhn on HrLAtN rrruii nimii mun mm II II stoma mum Mnunemi or sit in the itrlhts chimed in II UL mm III Ime on run third inner titshurrh rr Ith Tens mi ii on Itu best the Roysh l1 Dori oohlinued to he rourhed up He Ln Rit llarlrr Ernith lwkl out it Padres Rdd Speed To Lineup lolmprove Final Standing ttIIIZ EmitTrill tum Iln ner in mi lured tar three rum in the trith tune TIE WIRED Puss Itopptti 5L lads Cud nns the uootnrDei Inowm nnurhs iunlxhl the the Blue rindl tnnesotI North sun plIy ho phi Myers into innidits xImI IlltSi the thu tspoolto ispoint nuntn over lmIHIiB Bobby Orr in the riteill nil to Ho rr Ion then title It In to spoil Blooms it It WNW limi Srrilllr Ind Gerry Des tnr WWII 10 Iii in in hire the rue toe the aim by GUAM Orrin in My virilitlly their on Illh TN Wan theliltthlhnlilriohzshuilt luiulllum NHLW up Mont lord over their FApouito tlos Orr Bu RIlrlte NY llIdReld NY Gilbert NY hlIvtich till it St Hill cut Bittyh Bel mitt ill t4 Bl 40 SB 103 Si IS nulrr Um lit in wt iii irii Ron Taylur WHI httel runner for the rpm tttr Jurgrnsru hit rrInd rlrn home No lrsdirir itris orrr the Red Son YUHA Artn APl Sin Thorns at Diego PIdres hsd hilttnl weer John liter retire tird the Ind nished tIsL Then they had From Bill tor the lust titre good pltdilor Ind still rouldnt hire the hind ot speed to tune escape inst piste in tho NI Ethnittlllhltlitxlthe N11313 eneJusrrer II um mm lenn Ciran lid ElttllttJlll liilhtisntnx up hrutr up worries This Falling in titerl In er in new in omss less rirqurn it Houston in in trade er lrhntr out we Detroit its $6M ipeed to anrorr lr ItIndint der Dive Itorrts litane But the Pidru still mrrt he elnntr rho mirhi llllt tour rItrd loneshotr to IdVInre with better support Jrier sr Irniut that could be the med durinx the rmon rum team tire to their divisionhos the international Unrue when Annie Dod ers Sin lrnnrisoo he side hues not hit Mt Glam 0a ll M1 limo thrrohiinoilnm lhnllttr WM All ml huigh Pint crginiiitinn lrr linklot hit relirter Bah Hitler in in rIIIIIIh all WEI Han rsnmuunreruim not re II hm nlistriiirllilxmlrtihmu ling idol lutethe Visibility PM mm Oiha inst iuniirtr is muniut World Harley AssoKtIllon rIidI Mm my in Im on to the the llsdrrs some on the rotiers shtth romo ttth Mm hm rlnutIs welln good delinte It their tuition trnnrhlso psy all isthmolgr third hair punts It In extent was Both trsrn they hnie had to and DileI Cnmpbel IIIn erd in WI he pm III oily tor the hi inning 5mm tlrldtr Itsu hate on dlptch on IIIIL In 9mm II iiiriiiiiiligrliiignimii urinate islanders are 5de 311 mm mm up rennin lAtll liltpitlt on detrnre 1153 dummy Tiitorcttrally the to Fr dmilmume mm three years inclinllrir fl list ptsyero Ind two fulknperI Nm lhoUOll RUN sensor drollrd by Ill upsns on lesinm it we lisri drum molly lt Jotrr lletnnniler nrul June could deride to tens tour runs in every game lust nroinns ran sit on base ntiriit tltA lrniingthr tum lent we would have non it at Colorrt the theorem ilrst or it money Torrey told the times Instead no Ion ol baseman rrrlrht It his gull llrtrnpolilnn My York lloctry netrornrrx Derrrl PIHL NOSIN min 01 Petrullil Bul Olll tmue Ind It to teens The suit Ills dIrnsm in the millions ol dolim In their to lhsl Knpp his been tuned trnrn prolessionnt toothIli he csuso he reiusrd to elm the Ilindsid NFL ptIynr ontnrt risro um Nitlonit Foot Theismann Says Hes Glad lie Chose Canada For Football tiy BRUCE LEVElt simply Irrnt iisloed Is KetL 01min Pm Bporil Editor thn arerire Cattlle hits been plrrtrll ioothsll tor Elm mm only six years or so whtrh in vellum ier nhoul hell it time the moat Dune who led Toronto Arxo mp1 hummI MW WY Gm So the Amerltnn player is Will in it in htltrr For this reason most ot the Amerirsris tn the CFL pie in your try positions such quarterback running hark Iltie recrlorr Ind nuihu nnlm And ol course on do km hlmmi rtery deep ire ondrry it made up oi Amertl FORMER NFL Ind CFL quIrterbatk Joe Kipp shown here treptnl his Irm tn trim in however nhere he is in votvnd in hoirlrutnursnt op erItlon hIs flied In Intttruit conipimy roll in San Fun Expansion Clubs Face Willi Raids NEW YORK rm The tlonril Hockey Lesruer two 17171 expansion team in edemsors aas===33==u=u==aa=n =3$=3358353532232= =n=nugsuurgu=s=u=u =32E==x==s= lam or MW ll mm FI tinnllliockty innit our Oorsndrnythetro boy nimer Is motl uluible Worsley tlsnhro Gilbert Mt cetrll Johnston Boo ttl Dryden llyre uomiuii icri Ken rydui Montreet Canadians olltender tlld Hoods nr hm only one hlo run the phyilcll mint textures Ittllet chose Canada At lessl lOIlB the title ol the piece in the Unitul Silks multino Sport ohirh up pesri under htr byline with the tiny legendIs told to toil PrIto Blelsmlnn irritu have no regrets nhItsueter shout rotor to mm to play pro teutonsl ioothrtl ihit his chances oi heiltrir nusrterhlrh hllnmt Dolphtm Bob Ottese out pt loh were Iltni Ind Isis Vinsl loot ls hrlnu in the Sliper lloui it youre lilian on the bench timtrr mum on to not using Toronto Itrpplnl stone tint it the op portunlly was pronunttd and In ntlzr woe made that would be suitable would runsldor tuman luck to the Notional Football League roulditt collie hitch right now eirn would to bow entire hate two rnrs ro mslritn on my coltlrntl hot it were to pity out my up tion rind nd in NFL opportu nlly that would rirhnnui Imy future then uuultl poosilily consider returning misth ndrntls ilitlt Ire lew dltierenotr uhirh Luthrr hini interning the Co will prime at tlttttRK in 103 hr riim Association Chances your car lip and SAVE this nil nudr one or more at lhuI ur nervim Wm mun Dry nI vrlue to tho Chill out is rinmonntroied thin uth hy the rlIlIsllrtIOt lilltiiii iliit niyililt illow Bailllng H15 Llle KEN DRYDBN Md neueit rivetslieu Yorh mnmmwwRsnertcittertllteruureendmT Put NY ltr F1 to appear WEE tIIstnrekot the reniliir unto WWI munmliN nail mini rlrrrr Bobby Hll oi fty it llhlls younger hrdizr Girl Chturn stored the tooth Ind Al OABOAII mouth rm ll HT South im an inst toss it Hit iisiot stir iit ll out out its mm till it so out perimertnlutyelrr pitta Pmni Ntundesndldetl thti lotion Pllnle rots ts not Toronto it tiottoo nu mi in it om Even Ehit well Ilwai hm so HI ttorzt ml other dttncetho tilt in In CIron iiti isti rIIrippuu thoprnlenlh woman I333 it aid this ts on rst it porting Itl at out km to BI Iver ptnytd in Ed lieointn Sunni lodlrlduels estIh hlthltI Chi command mono Hobs Must Shake new unlit ll iLazmess Dryden Olsoornlsi mom not limit ms 200 It 31 Deiordy 51 it out Vlrhon to 001100 or mttr oi the ytlrI mud MRIMINWIWI Flllll mm 5281 Inn ream ruin in Gamble no ntrrvlel hut it wont he tickod too it tint on oelori were don to our Wei 1583 to 1339 ltiilherlortl ioooioo issi ll wnsvpieued to so the Blnhley 457 or 0351 guywlywtteit for third wiieri BALANCE 5mm DYNAMIC BALANCE $233 ru llheel fL FRONT END ALIGNMENT $588 lit the it Irrirs he has not grind Montrcst won the Ind eirhl with ten Denis DeJordy Phil in mid lip gotten Vchult helm Vichon wu trndtd to lot Andria Kings Dryden hos rtcnrdrd elrht shutouts Ind in lit roots IrIlnsl rimre it our nltitudo dottitl chnnte tonwlrtcly in the plsyoiii he sold then we an exle In rlrly Hit Montreal conrh Scolty haw man said ot Drydrnr re lSIO it ill $0133 tut 420 00 00 til tut 3001 t5 43 out 011 1551 at INTI lltl list lSltiilii lironn Dct It lielorhl Carlrr Kurt CA St Crotler Drydon till Wilson Gardner our Dyolt 0131 Vol LII Edwards min 61 Vichyn II 1558107 Hot 5m om lii the CH you hire 201 0111 EA ulrtty II imi three OWN in work nitir ttti li Leais Flyers Hold Leads hrro second down and one tiy THE CANADLLN PRES ion pretty well turn nhrt no call noilo downyou have his retorto ttdtnlrnt drtw lt Toronto ttiplo Luis Ind Phil mm IdtlIihll Ftyers our the loud in Precision nttrornrnl by expert mechanics Prloe tor niort North American rurs lltrtro or some rirs wrth nir rondllludriu lurts titre it iirrdrd it tries mm llshzd truths in the Itemdto 3th mptyrm roll hrlrletrd NII Yul 4mm Ilia 01 it Bill It 000 51 etor third pine lIylor no it om it chemo Indlheu ll motto hlcliutI t1 t9 om Pin It iito as no ties rather the trht tor hIrrnt Ion mine since Novembt when could io the Rsnxorr Bostont li there or to unit loll it the otlltilllt we Illll ouldnt it it the gets ivery lime theyd Mr ne tn ruined TIRE ROTATION tell rotate rill tires lnllrito thrni to proper rilr prrssuri iinrl remain nails and other ohlrits that may cause tire latlure REPACK GREASE SEALS Hot rdmoir and clean your root iherl burials rind report and more Well also lntlstl new prom rents lrire lur drum trite cars merits dont blame him int ret ttnr tnlili lloI Iiipl iii in them Ill your tOPOINT BRAKE OVERHAUL includes new lininx rind rihutlding wheel ryltitdert on all WRNLl are llrllngr turn dnims report lronl hearings Ind lMPM tomplotu lnrturtrs new linn on all our whorls llr sdiust hrnhrs and inspect rumplrte hrnte syslrm Drum type hrntoei llDLAHD Art ex lourlrrn tlines he innlrd tlitourli the ropes illTiltitVyr tlirtti till he knoctut lion rh nut in the lith round itro onlI other hltnitsh on 88 Drum Type limes thnncoIotam Thor t1rrieoutsetlhn irrlrlrt ilrtris lint now llint idrriim oi winntnf IItIho world khmlmlll tin no rices tor the list plll llmslllltlmm oll omitting uni iii in JimHlySllSiilRMWtllllll llrmll lioeieytlguuoI lIst ti m1 ntnlnit ItitiiliilllI work ntthe lepton ltintrinltrts onothr llimnlllm Tim The Ants have ihreopolnl rlniI tt nilrrrto llnilny Elder Its iiliio the ltllltl tiiiil soul to pro tlrsilunol opponent rrnihln in tho tllllll roiinut till rturk DISC BRAKE SERVICE We install new $2938 rear butts Discs msrhlmd caliper trout brake pads rdlttili at turn root VOLKSWAGEN RELINE lntlurirs now linin on all uhrtli llr ntliiirl hrnkos mink III root ulicei iituriiixi us crnu rule and it helpul wtn our tlrsl tennis rains Then he instits prrhnpn tho moot dominion rule in the CtL is one thnl husbnothlnirhio hisiywotrht lto dlipoied ot gm rrm mm do with Flatt ll Iloctinhull itl tour rounds llngi ctn thep liaist ltlvlstln With HolmiumPlum mm mm mm Elite control lltri we icons Canniltnn tram in nl illllllrf mlwm Will in lite lliirpiillrs tui town to hire on lit rosin vacuum ml mm In iihillllltttil CIliiornlI Golden new in nu mint mu hurlnis Illtl inspect Will1 ml WA EN liturgiiii tolil tt Jim srui thin twat iron Canadian tnlioeri rolort Ind mm iltlti tut tho Cnnndlun tkis mi ilupitt lirrlr lieltgs in Initltruoinottlit mm mm II In IIIIIII III IIIIII SII IIIIILI III IIIIIIIIII DIIIIII IIIII llllx spring trierth ttorptlol mm be Wm III IIIII III III IIII II ml Id IIIIII lrnilur lot the tile my rim they tire only three polrits lgngllhhgaf rlz snian nun Jlmiuyt wttu in ironlullhiliilrlphli 110 Mb IIYIIIImdwm whunuwuurisosnttgnliie Thom SHOCK ABSORBERS exniyuul in to loot iurit iur Loloilnntl Elli school BUY Bl ll GUARANTEED Irrlrut Wlnnlner Elder llRtl lirolirn tilt hiintl hm the mm Wm limili on the numb ill Amtr would ltxitl iii iiitier itttt your tho iest rim is even more rm int title ltllll lilth ruin Wilma Mm Dllllloln Toronto nuii menu HON hlOUL TITLE Al the rut it tho ittu loot Ill union Elder heron look Iinn inrurinl in his drhut in ilrhlrr ilo non the high sctiool lltllliltt llrtit hurr itlrlnltl title in tliil rrrlonnl Efolder Iloiu htlor tgti school Elder en lured tiiu rertlrn whore he ioro itiu end oi his tint year he ruttd Illnavy and Ill 1ther hirivyntlrht rhirn 1ilnit Nut unit the Nnttontl llAU iuiirnry tn nhlch to won the hunt irclrhtlttlo in MO 33nd run the be nor oi the hunt Status to tie orlet over the rhnmnions oi the Sottrt linlon Germniw Conndl Ind tiny without loss iiu ecord showed it tlttortes ln uniultur bouts ltlltlor bcrnii In mute it home for lilnilclt its pm lllilrrii ihurl tirpyonr unr rr rhowrd ii 12 will Jlnuiry ticrun irrlolts iriln in But in otso begun Itiliorlttl heudtrhts tier to slight but more Ind more irenuent Ind etch rtintrd morn leniui llillt the list Finally in lain Ottohcr Ishnrron convinced ltin till he should no doctor Tho dtrxnosts wni immedi litl rind on Nov Mi hrIln surgery ruintint malignant tumor Thu prornusts trinitnut tlw to le iiiunllis tiy Christmas llm hurl ru npondrd tu rndlstlon therapy enough to RI homo to Texas but rittrr dnir wlth his trinity his condition were Slth LONTHtltTS ltttNlllHltL ltlll llrnii Upstart ri ruutrlo drtiiistro linttbnrt nut piliitroturu llth Dtltull Silt 01511517 Germs llllttlltllllx TORONTO tlurnrllidiiosdny Sntunisy Newllnrt Sunday tlosion llrirolt lionirTlttsdsy ituyltrdnrsdsy New York mutiny Utlthld West Dtvlnlon LT Ft 1151 1013 Phliltklpltil lllllllle Pttlsliutrh 2i 10 Tl trl Culttorn It it it 207 to Onrnrs Remnlulnl 5T EDIHS llinreNesdiy VInroulrr Siturdiiy Chiciiro AnySud tinyI Plitthurphn PHILADELPHIA llonreThuridrly tiultiloi Saturday itthburgh lim ilitsilnl lttniiriutsi hiuidny lliiiiilo PITTSBURGH Huston Ally Sl lnuis Bolton gettingmaiiiiit this heater holds lniorrnitlon and Wotcomo Wooon Phone titstir glii ospeclslly Mlplul tor you Cut your hoslust today USED ROCKET BATTERY Fits most Cheri Ponders bodies Dim 00b llyiiiuutiti rtr it month usrrnter Oiltrl good till ltlsr It 1112 oliywm io hut It 135933105 CASH GDBAVCHAROE 49 Rogulor Prieo Get the 4th FOR ONLY BRAKE ADJUSTMENT elt udiiisllyuur hrntts tor lull dnim contact and inspect oomptrlr syrtcm Prior exrtudri disc hitter and some loreltn rnro 80 DUNLOP 51 WEST BAtlltlE 7266585 in only this crime on spttl tilti ttonlrtnt Aloltntlts list season und Junk Dototn ti tluctilon to Charles Em hIerorl Hints in ii tuulnl vl yrnnolrt Wltlt letiitit uhn colts bout in July 1910 played his rulluuu Ottilldli with HomeWednesday lFORNIA sullorcd broken hunt in im mond round out would Iltl lrl thr tight to sluppnl 1n Ilgncil tilt ionlrnoti lllt Crimi dlirn Football League llttll iri nounccd tlundny nlr SuuteI St touts Snlurduy 4llnrlclptiln tlometr uy itiunrsois Saturday Ilnurlrt tion Am NitiuNiitilgl ote III II

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