Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1972, p. 1

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micron insertions mean some WWMW HWWW room You Ito 1i BPBAIINO beneath haaw nee theater williant Prince ol Oraatl William Ocalx lead er ol the Ulster Vanmisrd ad dresses rally at Orenremca at Beiilst Oty Hall Monday or the massive rearrii strike that biwth Bellasi to halt this declared This will show where the real hover Lies In this country Victory will be eon AP Photo 160000 Protest BREAST CPI then It lam Prateataata scratched on Northern lrelaade Parliament today In an esao tienei protect against Iiiliaiaa leisure oi pom lie the pram iaoe APreteataats trike thawed Ibeeecmuimtdu elm Willem yourleelina at re sentment and bewilderment and the licean oi betrual by taro The merchuefthtirmrimheca British Seizure one or as can some Faulkners ewnI moo parades ter the WI Mr amusements le CAIN ntsna av names herein dominant and and the violence at the seed lrtsh Republican Army Ihide wants to unite Ireland and Northern irelend Hostility Stormers Ill till IONDON CPI Ilostiliy Lt elmmerisa amona number it Tory liPt today as the Conserv ative roverameal seeks com moss approval or Ila decision to dismaalle the nominations at troubled Nostherrs Ireland Prime Minister Edmond lleeth ts virtually assured at solid maturity lor the to trim lion however because oi ck tnx by the Labor and Liberal artlrs hut lory monasere Iva Iniormed him there Is coir aiderabio resentment In some sector oi his own party ayoiiut the arouse lleathe Ooiisrrvalliea have an overall meterit oi to lo the ethical Iiouse La holds trr aorta and the liberals have six IEts percussion Former prime minister John chlrahaker tell TEWIEIIII outside the House at Comr axons Monday that strikies the eight Ulster Unionist hire at Wuuaiastrr are also gener allyoppoetdtothebillandat old least eoina at these may vote eyeirist the ornament llealh Is detenntaed to win approval tor the hill in both the Commons and House oi lords bclore Parliament rises ihure dey tor an Easter break the Commons vote could come late today NAiins himsii Milli2W dip torso Enemies Barrie Ontario suede Tuesday March it rm tutti tutti NetMareThanlDeParCepylan 21000 WORKERS SIR Hussein Meets Nixon WASHINGTON AP tiirssein at lcadsa iaaeta healdeatitlmt loca ptslathealaaidaeace hiaplsn totsaastormhleltiddielasteca llnrdoia laloa repented state mmmhumd toask tor tonttnaedilh ece nomicaadmilitaryaidlerhls ornrtryllldciiatast klaePIdlscieeed his plan laa epeeeh rims II as DIDle ilrlsre declined any comment on rh some nan denunciations al the peopqu at to mini Arab capi measurement an Victims Ransom Deadline 1mm Alissa Renter will 0e neuritis Sellintre pave lhelirm another it boars today to meet condi tion or his late release its extended their deadline tor assertion in charm at economic on and aa rtnnrrm in they warned Eat this eaten lien is dehaitlneaeaaia there wlilbeaoterthrrdelayha carrylax out the tcateaae gt has their latest rimmaaioue Ileath has also earned hi useniiiuand yearold William iihileien pov enrnent leader in the Com monsr In minister responsible tor the administration or Ulster limo ltoman Cathan ie one ol two nger ntieister who will assist HITS NIIBET Nirirr rostrum are held Ins one viewers to Iimom by their rotetlaa Itrtkci tCl Phoiol It although It had nude lai himll statements le ire the inn time to prove its good ialth it has been created an emic it hosts the communique rovincewlde strike appeared Nina hieatraal St Jean dn IsrieII mm tiers ItPe the rornanlzldm deIIWubtmde IKE IN eaeday strike hhthe Prov incea rioooo tenants an paaed new lamiioahoweace monuments em Ia econ as cloned no eh the diver Mainframe tea on poohla aimmt riaihle hire measure which would In aeaia and scrap the present uni versal Iyateni iehrreby every tendly bcaellts rich or poor rmdrrweat ILI second niii day at opposition liltith in the Com mans hioaday The vernmrnt eras accused eI to it luture oppmltten to social we are premier hy dltehlnx universality playing electioatltee politics with the pro aar meddling in lusts dl enal area that belongs to Says Employers To Oppose IBili OTTAWA CPI Labor illn liter Harlin OConnell said Monday he expects employer will continue to oppose legisla tloa talented to encourage collective bargaining over the eilects at technological cheayr Students Protest Ilssaulhlihargos TORONTO CPI la protest yeinst charm oi mankind and ohstnictlnx police Laid ayalnst our students It Univer sity oi iirronta students canted placasda down loan St to corsets at the oil city hall titra day The later Randi Reynolds is Thomas hiaielitshthi1 Pith tiara Getty and Sold hletl it wereeherred alter stridoate meted Simone itsit atthairatrereltr ii Theecosrpatlori wae drama etratloa rutrlatloaa to be hnpoe on the John Ito barts Renard th11 which is under remunctho the tour were charred lollowlal melee day list that resulted knot the entree this thinII if or es to ear the hallmu Otiicials Conrm Smallpox Cases litmuth AP in eIav ledcral health authoritIee The ii MelIIIEaaIiII cure bed on with Mr OConnell told news eerilereace the business mm Iaualty rennin tmreconclled la the initiation des its chances tooritrtsomeotits cars ile can only hope that time will demonstrate the wisdom at the approech he said The motion Introduced by the min tpr ior routine llrst reading in the Commons bloa dsy contains almost unit the main lesion at Industrial rele tloas lexisiailon proposed in Oliicial Silence omwn err fare llCIlP maintained olliciei silence bloa about aaedne latest sensationti it is spy ion as on The police had no comment on the cue at an alleged Soviet am whose reported Icttvitles eloeely eemllictleael account in timelycirculated document Speculation was into here about why the account had it reived sudden widespread circu islloa alter disclosure oi the II lexed case iiia British Sunday It Ihrcouat in the ilrillih and New at the World hewod clue to detriment entitled the on Anton Sabolka an RCMP treiniu manual distrlbts vernnieat security oltl cereia emberuaprotileot gllhout lllleged Soviet Detector The proposed would to manual It It th or then enter it and use mianiitiot thoeet in ii hit the overnmkmaiimatea settlith re re presto per carats at It or II under the new promise would make income sad the else at lasain the determioiarlsetae tareitilhliliyrt pm prtiea every larnily it rrtiinth Hey child lrornhlrth to are to and from it to to For child still to impel youth ahwaaoe at its amoathtipeidtrotniitothe llih birthday The government estimates dime hit by ioririer labor minth aryce hiackssey key modltlcatlon clariiies the conditions under which em ployers may avoid tnterterrace am the Canada labor relations board In their contract spire meets with their unions it became apparent shaggy alter the bill ens lntrodu that the change will not meet the ehieetlnas oi critics in the business community William Wizhtnian director at industrial relations or the Canadian itaaulacturere Asso rletlon repeated in an interview mint that the biological channel provisions may well lead to more strikes Maintained typical kind oi epy Oilleers who saw the report said they understood it to he aemhtlctional prollle drawn treat number at actual cue histories But reporters who were shown the document were told that real Anton existsthe name is notionaland that he operated in Canada tor to year betor del One new IeIdthe cabinet on the Is at the Sabntkl case wee asked hiarvh it to expel Ila Soviet dhiloenats loi esoleaare activity In the Commas Prime tilin Isirr Trudeau told Opposition nice leaderltobertsuatleid thit viet personnel havent been TBI TIM pickeler in Diet hospital only part at Sign at Ielk says We are as teat as or administra Iiiili tee Pedro lamlltca sssooo wodid hell benefits and the rrmai ti cent would be about and hail between who would rt more antler the new plan and those who wouldnet ess Yosrre It is Industry Paces Cable Imports HARRISON 110T SPRINGS BC CPI Tire Canadian hroadcastlnz Industry is arias problem at massive competlv tloa irom American ptomrru Imported by cable the resident at the Canadian Assoc Ian at Broadcasters eald hionday nisht ileari Audct told about too delegates at the annual conten tion at the British Columbia As sociation ol Broadcasters that the Industry will here to study the problemend Nays ot solv iae ttIn concert With the Cona diua tiadlereievlsioa Commis Camp Blames Banking System NANAISIO BC CPI Can edae banking ayitem ls more to blame tor the present pliiht oi small business than to perem meot policy or the lcderel smut Dalton Camp ald lion er the totem national lresldeal oi the Promeaslv Conservative perty told umiair on column loan and mean meet that the baakinye tern not delay the ioh it hold and weve ptireitd reoeatlythe beet ex pidsio was in early ltlbIa to aloaatII activity centralised it and now only those in the central area beactit hemlt UEBECI QUIET CPI general starts at more public mice empla eea went tota ellev across Hittite today chain hiaainda oi mu hfvftnv dal government olttcu asal atashtna stall at its hospitals In the province Woeken set up picket lines ma betore the strike attldeiiy started at aria ET were taken not overalsht the provincial or erammt to ensure essential services at to medical tastita tinna and hen slrthinz by eooo employees at HydreOelebec Union and ilydroQiebec Iptuinea said the NI ta yaoclioa lllinlt the utility era ployees appeared to be elite tire Day ehiit workers were limits no hit our Early indications the Pride Eepltals was also taklna ellcct it was treated attain today and Is eiieetlre until Shun Thursday ATETN REPORTED Picketiiu aitIas Issi other diminution at hoahltala oc curred betore the Iain start or the strike but some hospital minted deanostratloas dis vlay shortly alter the union members were interment oi the LOMILIOBI Unlarn lairelvrd leaned it her strike but her Iredrra hinted too atsih Ml al low uaspec ed government In teriereaoe lhe strike believed to be the tint at its also in my mm was called by eomnaa heat reeeitlkrarrvaata east Ahout 1w til it SIS workers are mimics hmpi Isl employees TALK TO will Nectatloas were to rune here this morale between gas erameat bamlnrn and repre seatalleae at the minderatloa at National Trade Unless the Quebec isobar Federation and the Quebec Teachers Corp There was government and union agreement aanoraind klonday to maintain amatlai centres drain the suite Marcel Pepin president oi the Oonlnieratioa at National Trade Unions and the on strike bepiaotaa alth day te cut became the common rent at the CNN Quebec Fedora ties at labor and reeeben Coca rm notice at sthorn reaerii strike tot he The intense postponed last irl daya without became oi bile acid that dumped up to it Inches oi snore an the province CALL ILLEGAL JeenPaul LAtller civil serv Iu minister told aewa cooler enceelter the strike amuse meat Monday hlxht the waikorit ls Literal areocdlax to the let irreltheiaw Buthadldnnt modem an mind the on For the mornent our concern L1 to maintain milsi eerrieoe and keep talks he said its Pepin Maa eera ices will be maintained under acreemuat between ha serious casino locals at the common treat and erosion which in rriast men have already been paralleled teachre Ne hereunto Quebec Unease hoard mm NI Troops Police Comb Turkey For Kidnapped Technicians NYE thirkry AP tlsoo saiaisolpoiiceandarmytroo combed ruined terrain and lea today tor the lclilst trrror tits who abducted three British technicians lion this Black Sea term The kian rs said to be members at outlawed Lrh Peoples Liberation Army day night alter eaterlal the apartment at it Britons The bound and hllnioldcd all at them and took away threeOoh don Banner ll haslee ilnacr t5 and John LII it The sir tlms are cllllidit employee at aluhhh air lotto radar base In in Land Rover believed teI were reported to have dehsre been used lathe tidaap maaded the release or three plan was tossed aheadon In comrades whose death sea loan tot aides inland trons team have been approved by lays the president but are pending in Ankara lormer president appeailacourt lsmet Leone eppenhl to all One at the kidnap rs was Ilirtsto aid allicleistntreckin Identied as uhat ptetla down th tidna rs luxitive oceiisedol compilein In none reveal that the kid the aldaapmurder ol Israeli nappera lcltaaote premistoy to ConsulGeneral Ephraim Etrora tree the Britons it the state tastlilay trees their condemned Icltisi Oliiclais and live abductor trtrads But oitcher said they hlitoipprd the technicians Sua kaere at no each note CAPSULE NEWS Car Prices Higher in Canada Hess OTTAWA CPI George llees torriser Ooaicrvotlre trade minister said hieadsy Canadlsa cars are selling at prices eight per cent above Antertcan although Canadian msaitiscturore can hapart parts train the us at American prices Fishing Treaty Signed In Ottawa 01itllVA CPI Canada stoned enremwots with air nirv peen countries ilondoy which will predually terminate their tra ditioool and treely Idling cishle Ia Coastline waters oil the East Coast The agreements with France Britain Partiini and Bennett were negotiated last year but external Attoire Minister tiltshell Sharp made it olilclni by inviting their carbonation to Perinatal ititl to elpn the papers Says Davis May Order in at TORONTO If and teas group or public laundry into the mutiny the Nlutrd escarpment Smoking Study In WINNER BEACH Fla nose men and women says cl rate than nonmicro end the ciparettes Hooked day in addit Incidence oi canceeoi Iii hpco ulcers amour smokers WASIHNGTON AP yolrd mediums approval at proposal Social homily payments toe every elite late theorems tor at least it years to riodcoepiu the Entire would be lines Limitation TalksEi imam Tloiaad Renter mint weoedtheaevedhroimdotihelretrater todayIsoetlmthatlalkdthndmte that tiretetace moment will he readr 3W tar Jesse 1153

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