In Chapel BaseBorden Setting For March Wedding as to mutations 5dqu usn Betti 0th is if gas sis Egg E3 as s5 55 In th boat with bow tour ladrr no dainty dd loom ll from tho brida mtIIL Bridal IttendIoLs werI Carol and Nora boners sbtors It the bride The attendants won run 1mm yms III Irocado crimp tsi it stunt tiled their They rsrriod malahior out has mulls with may or THE STIIRS SIIY JEAN DIXON Aries blurb ltoA tII Rd homo Ila Ill Penance today IIIIur lriends Iod fomlly Ira helpful It you ht then share hirsu ro moors rum yours ellrible IaIru Apriln Ilay it Theres lbe break lor you Iomo extra molt toms put and him It you took thI tinn then Reconsider llnIorlIl Inaotemio Oenlll Shy 2N llii llisslsyer you have been hldlor names into public view parileu lsrly llnu doutoo mueh about It Inow omna sea In temptlnn Shara tote unanimous an it In time lor dhrrret shooter shill Il mdotelopment ol limo Ior styles In betlth III Leo II uAur 22 Thst ltrra tor escape diversion It for places nst be the most healthy reaction Iller I11 indulxo It It you can this run of when you In beloro taklnr oil gt Vim Any Meyt It An overlonp writ can become sudden more Is unelpccled temptations arise drums on pear Plan tborouohly for trips or cbsnyss dry bl decision Lem th post bind no Iuture plans It my on you ran Blliltlrlltl 1N liDet Ill Giro presentation and III reolLv to tho point You can hm almost Irtylhlnl tritbln Egg 125 daisies Ilmmod the Ilsa lutmd do titular irIIn lubleud Ill materili and ink th AND hills IAN MELVIN In Add rerisr sweetheart roses no attendants worn heoblrb bboll DEBT MAN lIn Russel was best man Ior lb Wem Randy Caurneya of Toronto and Pat Cappelto of But Borden wm ushers toms surprisa to your loved ones IorirIII Dee tun III BMMIM lorwa Ind forret Last erences New Inns In order IIIva no he ration In lmyplng outdnled Idru Amrllu III Mob It Seek medical tent or other techalell Idvles today with ilm rtbolvn lo apva It lolly Ono this It limo ls comb Plaera lFeI lblllIrrI lblr ienslsn relaxes and you boys morn level on Ior IIIIIIIIII moves CIll In all ilIosI tuit rerned sell your program so theres no confusion later SERVES COM VY MONTREAL ICE roar rnunily resin or lornter or III patients on been ooentd Douala llooplial in Montrel Tho cent is named the Andrei Crafts Ilter tho bospltIlI ditto for ol dietary srrvlaes tlIrlory Andres who held that position for its last yrIrs Tho centre serves II meeting piano for former patients as well as re dischnrrI patients and provides menb to patients In the hospi lIlI rehabilitation centre LEARN TO SIIOOT EDMONTON lCPI The pork and rerrentloodrpart ment Ls Iponsnrlnx live sale stootlnr courses this yeIr The toitrrr one or women and two ennh for boys and 1111 to do stoned to leach Ialrty rules sun tboollnl posture Ind positions reason now Brio horns met MIDIS REG II PANI COATS CD005 OM ELECTION CANVAJ Will ETC FAMOUS CANIIIAKEILI Bills TO LT 40 mourns tilllittl Still lint Beside tbr barrio City Opel Dotty IDI to not SAVE UP TO SPECIAL GROUP ALL WEATHER coars FAMOUS con room Halt II hlIIttl loom otherness ammunition and tons rotated to run use LENGTHS or NEW Irma routs All RB QUALITY Ionhi not to pnI weddinr fallen doors wIs hed at tho Ojibway Club The ndeslnrnlhreurnmired lbI rues wrartnrn length mo cl orchid double Lnit liar Ir mrles wm blank brown mirth wrap and eorsape oI yels loo yarntl sweetheart roses com pleted brr ensemble Tho bridearomir parents were unabls to Ifirnd bluter nl cern monies In John Whrinsn ol Barrio Kl Holmes ioasttrt the btldo and provided the dance music Irrznorno Torr For wedding trip to Green wood Nova ScotiI viI illusion and mirboc city the bride war my royal Ind yrlow hot pIan outtlt tier axessorles were yellow sad royal bluI crocheted hot and Nut booiI Ind bIndey The noupla will reside It it Elnblh Street Bun Borden Out at rity nests oerI pres ent Irons Quebec City 5th Ste Marie IlImlllon Tor lo litran Ville Oriilla lttllnd Colllnr nrmrrrorsr 13 Id Societys Drive Provides Bibles him households hm my urns Bible but Ior mon It is tiili eluted book TbI Cauld lIn Bi Sorlrty ls attrnrpllnr on arts our promos this year to rearourint peopio with tho scriptures One ot mry lira homes in this tour will receive copy at am gospels durinx rm it tho llIorI Gospel Campaign For Canada realires its obit lirr The lnimlrr drlva us In bounced this month by Dr Ken netb ilcblillsa general lec Irrltsry of the CInodlsn Bible Son ey In expressing timlsm about the outonmI It drive llo liillsn rites iba popullrity and phenomenal distribution ol Good Itth For Modern llut which In the III yInrs IineI its publication has beam the III limo bestselllrir pIpIrhnrh More than in million moles oi tho rnotrrnporIry translation ol titleTi New Testament hIVI been ID la IdtltllOD hI points to tha renewal oi Interest In retirion seen In the growth at the Jesus movement lnnreaslrir enroll ment In relirlon worm to nab trrslties Ind reports at relltloiu revival In western Canada Dsapltn the tort that the Bible bu been around lor rrn luslos he contends tor too many It has brnoma closed book WI hope to chaan iin with thI lliUlon tosle Clin patrol TbI Bible Society ls olleria to provide IltrIetle copies the gospels It nost to pullrlpnb Ina churches and lndlrlduIls Both tha populsr Gnod New For trodrrnirslan luststa Ind the Instill Kin Special Purchase NEW SPRING lllILLINERY II In tr IIII IILIA mluIrzmsanrzrernsmterutttmr President Here On Ofcial Visit Members ol buyer Robebah lodge 154 Monddm Mb Mrs Robinson AWIJ beldalointnteetlorlolballla aetary lttss llnnltnd 0F lllli In Wdey Intuit Twat Put Pluldenl mammal diitlnlrlsillothdlllilt Mg OldFashioned Milk Pudding Brings Back Fond Memories Damnation the nod Ila dua when your Iriotber Iouid boo Is Worth n11 ouur In tho rountrr Ind that to 3M am or rodent to users it put were and and didnt toxin Iaithing shit it EWul nu otlaiic mm or bettIr still Itan th pinpun beam bio ml onions to Its super dessert mar would dim dinner that nith Do you still laor lor that rand Ildlnsbroasd tutor Well dont hit rentimsce shoot it try your blind at creating It today Horns lkonomlsts at tho Cuta dlIn Dairy Foods 5min Bur rasa bun two situations to hrlp you recapurre that special touts They lab IJIIII morn limo lo prrpsrs than ronirnirn its trim but th harm lrlct Hrs Ellnbetb Hills lard North Tannin diIlrlet erI tram and weirdmad Visitors trons Titania OllliI Oraonrtilr Midland lawsu Iberia meItIr Ind Fort Eris was also pruenL NoblI Grands Mrs DIrIIn dark of Beaver lain and Mrs VI lonu nl ldeol todaygrum Id ditto Lb talus ll lull lodu motdin unlit portion busims Under lbI dirsetioa nl bin IeonlI Birth EDD and be learnt lrorn Midland lbI Rrhebab Demo Ill eoolIrred on Mrs inns no of Barrio President bitI Robinson III In intsrutlna and lnsp nr mrsssu to tha lodrs mansberI M3111 In her motto Penna and Unity through Ibo hiendsblp at Fraternity Sha IpolI on tho may protect ol Rabehbs Ind Oddlellows mentionlnl lbI lo Home in Barrie the United Nations Plighti or Youth Ind the sort of tbs oCbeinist in tha Ontario at Research Program bin Erbium eiorsd with to Commnndments tor Rebekah lltltlnr diultnrlll spots orlelly Ind extruded reotsors lrorn their lodrns vnrmus JEWEL President ilrs Robinson pro rented Mrs Jorco inclines PhG ol hum indn with More letersno MIL tlrs bistrosct Stomp PDDP ilidiand sod lira Allen Don den PDDP Dorrie presented III to lira Robinddb on bIblil of the two lodrer Plsns werI announced he Sprint Tea on his tblh Ind FIll Brno on Nov on both to held It th toor not on re draw on ler ol mes was won by Mn tliel Smith Barrio butIt At tho nonaluainn IIIst toadsvs munI by bus NIdirtI Mosul wan adored by to to persons attending Nisan 0LllAElOED RICE puds IlitlllJ nliobla standby lbst reotures rrry littiI attention Ind II unbeatable tnr Its smooth rrumy texture Combine rire Ind milk in double boilrr and youooirvv bIs been absorbed Season Ilth elnamsn Ind nutmer Ind shill Ill i5 mvluid In Ls rup whipped mam and tin pmnn Id tar maid helping OLDJAMIOXID MICE PLDDIXG sister lenIIut Tflbtbsrds sup mullr nu milk salt sonar vanilla to cinnsmoa nutmen shipme rrurn ltbounml In Id drained In top at double boiler romhtne rlre mill and salt Cover and root over Iimrnrrior water Iu rinn orrnsionslly until rirI tender about hour Mmlottl lrom but add suur rsnilla cinnamon and nutmeg Cool then rhill lrblp main until softly still fold Into rlra mixture In nose few push slim in each sherbet glass and top with rlrr pudding Garnish with push peaches quwwveod gt4rerrwwvdw I1vs4I Stolen Kiss Big Surprise WGBBOROUGR EI lust Ari yum bad rumba th home More lurtnl bl doeldodl stesl 141 from IN item As be withered in umI Ind but over laid lbl ll humus iiI IarIIroId and door UNWANTED HAIR Ramnvnd by ELECTROLYSIS Ii yer hit but it yean Insolence Corrlnl MuIIIoIIInd mom almmrr Inay until all Ibo milk slim Ii desired ERRY New lower prices downstairs and out tba for the highest quality In co or television Yourbestbuy in 17portable color llch hi on our tool you rm itinoswsy II mldlwm hill XIIttib hinderurn Iiitoy In am you tho but vslua In you many youu Ind lrr canons roarum Ineiuna lowland Twill SolldSlItI Color Amnle Autumn rrinqo their Citron lottony Dlwll Into nroI romoltl llqhmnhl Will out can mind Is any room In in house Bi917PortabIe tllROMMOIOR Mm hm ww mommiorln comm Wain muonnants trimton IanrnI PIIII MI Ilmrathat ouleolors oMbriohIm WIMIIII Ind nuipuldfm ovary MW semis its run Inn Ml It costs you inn Until rm 1th Rind nl luxury and quality was Inserted toy in living room More home am urn mu lushIII cow hmIhswunnsnmtroimtsloyllron Eu rns Puts at its on low price at your mum dIIlIr thh0MhtOt0RWllh Space Command Cbmmlcolnr III Itlndlrd It assumes Ian Tvm Ibocorrvlnllnrsol llmoll toan that IIIlrnmlcrbuthIMNL lo rhnnmlaortumsstonrrsn olllusl thonuuonnnrhaconnol illltLIhllIIlInawllulbrdlblblllmi mining balwunyou and the sat but sarcomariotInsureCommodi included tnlM IIIlIImIMIW hilt Inou Chooas him 13 IXCIlInl styles including in romantic Ind mysterious voilId IookIIt prieodwsyholowths usunl priest hlaohbromnswand white so well so this seasons nowast colours in scoliortlon olth ilnootqusiitystrawsl IERRYS RADIO TV rnr nous or soon QUALITY srnvrcr vrsrr our urwtocorion mushy rust or to outrun rv contrast 75 Collier St