Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 6

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Dittrld Governor tln Ero lyn lintno at man was rst oi honor at pot luck party held It the home bits Dons aldlawr Cotter Street lIst resenting bliss item In purer liNll IIINDERS An his1m will you please tell me what itrir hap lo mannml heard you spenh to Tampa lrw wreiI ho tor the rounty medirnl soci vtyaanirunl hushsndwllo bum rDurinl your apreeh at east III woman Iii trim nl hyaldIns got up with their emrna and foot plrluru oi SontI at them even used births Surh Intir oi tonsld serstion not only for the speaker yd tor tho audience is inexcus IN Dont their purple radius it is minors to hire someone plsnt himself in lront It vrpesherl Not only to It din groans In it river the violin IpIIher tho tmpresaion that wo dipslomdsolclods Ipoloslos in behail oi 1hr gumsJills Wilo Dear Wile rnloyrd that In dlenro innnmsely in spite of IthoranierIclielrlnr No apolo yles Iro nnrussry Saoon Invtcr mar Ins Loaders alter It 1er another lormnl woddlrtn Im nonvincrd that someone Cahouid mtllns low simple In structions to help ruosla leavs 3hr ehurrii moriully is always rmharrosslnr to Match the Indecision and slumsy rnanonlvrlaz at xenllcmah NEWTON ROBINSON lite and Mrs barman Tgltli rrtd lnmlly 01 Or were up dny vlsilurI with ltr Ind lllrs Ilussall Copeland bllas Sandra Colman iiuatr wills is spending lho school nllday with her trandpnrenla hlr and tin Chanilrr Mr and llrs Datld Connch and family of Sarnla spent the weekend of ilnrth 12 with Mr Ind hlrr Vernon Connoll Dnrtd Inlt Monday on business trip Mr and Mrs Earl llcll ard Jllrhurd and Mrs lloughtnn wrrn In Oranncitllo Sunday v19 31nghlrund lrs llnlph llough on Mrs Iilllrcil lirll accomp Illltd thrm and spent the otter hnon with lir and tits liartry Carler llr and ii lion West Ind Jornlly Woodstock nnd Lloyd Wrrt Guelph spvnt the titcit Ind with their parrntt tilt and Hits llarold lnst llrx It Nnhln returned home today Illrr spnnrtln the past two wrclrs with her inmin in loronla Several tram horn attended the 15th Innlrrrsary oi the Ter wlll institute In Daryl IIIIIII Ihnll Inlay IsIflltll it Illr and Mrs Allan llnurhlmr Is IADII and lamtly were In Toronto salv ltrdny evening Ilritiniz htr and Iblra Tod llourhton lion and III lrlcnd llrIIn Sinvonron nllrnd II the hochry error In illoplo Lion Gardens binrvln thunder and lint Iltowc spool the weekend In gunner Ounrsnlaad lo SItlily Front OnIrtIrI ol lirrl 52c ll 62 lb lllnds PROCERBING 56 UI IlAlIlllLlllO lAilllB hlres Ior hours or rettlltllnl DYCIIS FOOD MARKET 75 lb Add Lulum ouont curs nervous GOVERNOR nor Distrlrl ll ol wotn Clnhs Another out was hurt Althea Grme undo nine student lor whom the club prnridrd hearan Iid nce Didnt Take one To ShutterBug Fans who ls uriulalh about olIErlnr his arm to lady Ior irlend awkward that who should be srry Ernsn nifatr urnlrnInHlovrrnr hrIIhI Linroln olN about his hand llhalnver TITO RIDES dad Tnnlyht my brother and ion Isr Collier mom Aborrrronlrtlmrnlrwor hsif oi Barrio Quolorlsns othy Gsrdorr president It BIrrII Iola Club 1th Home receiving all fromJirs Belly Spearolltlxhti on be llIolo Suggest Change llrs Sperm to eorrupoodtns secretory and nation treasurer oItha Ideal chub marina struts 53 Si Nawsdsysucsramlzlnr gr can to Iver you taot best Ibo method to let Iuibenttcvllavor and not onward1mm puddinn comblnu Ibo nod old fashion ed method with In updoted runrtb Carameliso the sour and Enroll llllll mill soldl hi morn out Imolli lipbtpuddlnt Toss in orrroru MID tutors iftitgis It IE it Ed are roristantly Add is it rm sham unison memoir irrinnr 22117 TODAYSBECIPES root over low heat to Into inizumuu it tho ens Return to ssuarpsn Ind cook minutes ion er stirring Ind ler Cover Ind root Drill Whip ersam until willy still but In Eiggi E5 iiii iii ss 325 Es is 555 $553 gs ass 32225 Err ans E35 is is IIcIress Death Natural Cause IDS ANGELS All Toe that llariltn lluwell Ioparonlly died ol risianI eases Ind lhst no Iutopry be rlormesl 3yearold artrest WI found dad in her Berrer Iltlis harm Nontin weIrItIl lb clothes tho had worn to movie tbn Ibt before AIIoctor Ilynttl death terti ficnlo Indicating illss ilorunll Iliad at an apparent hrart It inch The nrtms had been under dodorr our tor Ibout rear but support He doesnt know It lho palm at his hnnd should ho tlal aralrrsl his nbdnmm or II his list should be tlenrhrd llphll Oltrn tho uholn procedure In on joyous Invasion tunu out to be How nbout some Inslnlcilmn Ann LandmlFraak lllIrrh Dear no illnan Will you are llcrna tho is The nentlemunrhould oller Ilady hia elbow and not be warned most nautrnl tor himllat list or lnbotwnrnis llno Althoth this problem has bothered moi many people no ons Ital Ivor uriltrn to Inn about it he lore Thanks tor coming toward lirIr Ann lIndersr am in and uirl My problem is my s4 18 Collier St were argulnt llI Is is yurss we yelled louder than usual and vote up Dad III was very In from Ind whipped us both lbth leather hell hate it when hr um the Itrsp on as so said sootethlnr about being glad could have home to two years when am to lie aald You an toiling lust 11h hlpia and tho trouble to you look is our On Saturday you get hllrnul Ann thI been prowlnp my hair tor one two years it is lust lhI lenrlh like and all my friends tell InI It look nest hop it neat and eleno Ins bud ilIn do use did mILI mu with dulystlloaurhalp InnDieltbiniblmm DelrAaI This PS lrorn Otlrhl llottinr rend he lel ter because rho noted ms to mail it Evnrythlnp the said is true Sno lorgot to rnnnllon gooIver lhnl heritalhcr had Id only one hours Ilrnp when they hroto the lamp and wot Illm up Thanlr Vouflldll Dear think ltycnrold Irl who latruood rare at her hair should be allowed to wear It loan it aho wants to More d1 tuning to me than tho hair problem is the Incl that your dad is hitllnp you and your brother wllh lenlher belt This should IlopII onrr parent is who Itlln rhlldrtn nearly sown admits that ho himsell II out ol eonlrd why didnt you man lion tho lampll This parnrraph ia lnr your rnotlirr the teller carrier ilow mmo you are anooplnir Into your douxhltra corrrs dr urine 5hr asked you to ma the letter not rend ll Parents who want their childrens respect must earn 11 In Programming Tito tliltl Unittd Slnlrs health olllrrr told Courses Tuesdny that file broadcast Industry should change Its programming to rsdncn the adverse allecl tele llsrsl sloirncn has on ohlldren fir Jesse Stolnleld Iurreon rcnrral ol the us public besith srnlro told tho SInIio rom mrrcI ruhnommilloe on corn ill ether rtrtusr tho landlord lot lpplnl press Into dosh unlit loidoo pse mummy mm withI tort Iodsller unit in ol width and rntnrh Deilrhllul the Inmily still be proud oi urn CARAIIIEL CEILING PUDDING halo Males Ios sentpi If to In anter cornstarch Ii milk munlrntlons thtre II Ilrool evl em mm but draw that television violence It uttlilI promotrd Intlsotlsl behntlor Maw thlldrrn partlruIIlIy thoso predisposes to sensitive nrrs As allernoilvrs Dr Slelnleld Isld that tho pronnrna contain Inn violean mold be shown trio at night when children usnnliy are asleep to also ourpeslad rIllnI lyslm Ior programs with Ilol enro so that parents eould know ahead at than which onto their ehlldrm should watch lhwi balm womb la duetlns sorlesvolihosrioss In tho mut oi telIviIloo on to to clot IVIUI our minimum In PHONE lelI hwy 91 erotrm Itill Oohsors IpIcloIty is lost are Dr esreluliy wIt Mons bull Lots noornrsou appletre studio euttomlmndo Odrapsi Olssdrproodo Orllpeovors und the corner Minion APPOINTMENT WITH LINDA on CHERYL $1500 PERM tit 5995 EASTER snncIALs $2500 tutu NOW ONLY BLOW WAVES AND EXPERT HAIR SHAPING NEW OWNER WITH CHERYL LlNDA rorrs THE HAPPY HAIR PEOPLE $1500 ARRICII HAIR SIYL ti rup whlpplns tresm Tllvplclbd brm ourr purpose floor It cochlrt rolled oats 1y shop It tolt butter For the pudding llusurn its ups IrIrIIslIted surIr into heavy lattespan lint rtirrln rvmunlly until mltrd In golden Remove from bent Ind titrtuhhili pccnns rnhlnI enroll and milk add otoramelryntp Oootorrrnieu eorutanily uni smonthly thickened Ind xturo routes to the bolt Cover heIl Ilirrlnl continue to mam courtrion typo vnloneos and lungs HOME CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT rrthIlnr It rrsorustrd out or Fold inlo pinning Chill For the Match Lsyer Preheat arm to 350 degrees Combine brown tutor tlour rolled rosts Ins and butter mix until crumbly Prat mixture ilrhtiy into In binclt take part bole in preheated oven to is minutes Oilltiblo htlo nntsll plms Cool To urvospoon Iliernsie ioytrs ol puddinz and enrich mixture Into sherbet or partatt rinssen ISIS 7284661 tor hlrh blood pressure still with monary disease has ANELFS AF Su perior Court ludrle has denied rnotlon hy the Miami Brood rIsliny Cit Ior new trial In the wow erdirl It lost to It lress inrdln ouim over lashlon clsuse JudrI Boy Bennett denied tho rnotlon Monday lury nwud bliss botnt the trrdirt when shr torus sass Egret haspItIIJ in tho rs on in this day no II III In srtn ol Ibo rostrumant uyt itrs Thorns Gortrammt ltIsds pay tor mudl msdleal and hospllIi rm and the mission hands pry tor extrss These In rludn In llllll thallnz dispensary sessal whirl sail the roast durtn tbo Inmrnrr Iu pitta stops at terriers scholarship ltde for areI resi dents and bousln subsidies Ior prolesslonal ml at the m1s sinn 1an Thomas Itrttlbtrsell wiunteer consultant to tin mlsslonI Muslinploy depnrt meatI lob that emits horns beepinr Ior mo Ilnll members Twenty years at medical work in the AlIIttllt pmimshsis consisted tbelhornases to re the there but when or when still on open question MIC of violation in sound which provided that it her tile vision series were shown on is tons hrr Minolta introduo lions and closlox be cut out lwldthxddlo or 849 awidthrramo pr2599 2wldflrsxddlp pr1699 lAwldrhsxdslp pr 899 Give your windows new outlook tor rprlno 72l Trio advantage oi titers special low prices on IIsyIors Fiberpits drlpeties choose lrorn medalliontypo pattern in gold colour overlay or white or llorni pattern In melon or blue shades lvr SEAMLESS SHEER PANELS 115 63 or 699 ll5r95 99 38 Shear bsruly lor your windowol Easycore button Mrrqulostto tailored panolt torturing ponerous bottom horn Ind Illaon rod poctslr While only

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