Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 4

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Olin Millie Examiner Published by cantorI Newspapers Company Limited is llyfield itmt Barrie Ontario James Robb vallsharOenarIl Manager KWIiis Editor Emerim McPherson Managing Editor IEDNDOAT MIG 17 Im Old Torn Hughes general nianagec oi the Onttrio Humane Society sdvaooed solid this weekior an Increase In tbaglty grant to the Strip branch at the sodoty The sochy handles the citys pound arguments services tor which ng 50 centr wantli the rate tutti reasonable but thoSOcent rate has be it ior live years Tbebranch lionstart year and It er red lurther Ii addional revenues ra not obtained Its Income last year 345507 and or uses were issuer Included H500 be or eada timer iii ndlecplllg services The socidy receiver other Anselm oi straight donations lrom indie and through fundraising aotivb kid interested Barrie organizations In oil It nonprot group depends almost entire Despite heavy cspita it now to I50 cents to help decits The request Is not uuo espodally in view oi the tacit loit rotor on local rel 733000 irom Colllngwood Wasa and inulriil Coiilugwood and its tI per capita but invisill Is 35 cents per raplla ior on municipal donations Ind good willol the public pressure on the civic iaxdouar the soc ety has good care ior It has been rabies Iiip en maintain to go in com Barrie government ale to spend iron on new pound biliIdIn and budget 0000 ior annual opera it charges Wages pIid employees are much below those paid by liloclty g3 ottersi logidingt labor Evenltluiallg the UN ODIN mom scramcauzsz to atria rapid stall turnover biernwalllle UV guglgeinrryiug on elilcluilly on low revenues in the society Sociely Deserves preierced treatment First it Is carrying out vital civic service and II also mIin tslning Ictira patrols to terrot out clues oi cnieiiy to animus MGM its antinqu campaign to oi longrange Im snee Last year the Ontario society ad 500 cases oi conilrrned cases in ork region alone ll get entrenched in the dog Ind est uia youll never get it out Mr rs told civic lluance committee strictly dollars and cents bssia support oi the society ontlcs tor the city oi Barrie and other municipalities involved The 3500 paid by Barrie last you would hardly cover the cost oi truck and two drivers it lllOWS then thIt It the city were to assume control Igatn oi pnundiieeplng the cost to council would be much great on than the present Under recent regulI edrsbieesnddd Ir sound econ grant to the mist Ions oi the Onta the city would robably 5000 to l00000 the locier DOWN MEMORY LlINE WAR DAYS 30 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner March Board oi Education will require slightly more to operate collcglIte 22 1942 tour public beiore club moves to new Lions Den on recond lIoor Kin Block now Wilton bids Becrui ngeentre tBarrle Armouryrtnnds higliin Dom too It Dont Treat ll Lightly PierreThat Sort 41I3Iiistumfhliim Members0i Cab Poor Communicators Oi Thing CouldSiariN Landslide lum ticsnd Edvard hi oi rncv lulu patriotism ory aortas by death to bob lilsvln exile All at those endless and dill slooa were displayed as Senator Kennedy tDcm Rustaccused by both sides political ulnosrnaoship and opportunitiesgave the musty Listed Ila lint me expo sure in set pt go rerole In around one buIc valued as iodlvldu resent obioetloni to particular war outweighIs matter ot oven riding ilooal duty to light his countrys bslticsl climber ol people consciencebis conitllu ltennedybcilrrea that the directly It lvrled hythosnlver to that caution may be at high as 60 the president on the pa ol nerty which might prolcrring genera IlorI gerath Igrro llllt Pres idrnt Ntron can be no resolution at the Im nccty tsetse rndl Kennedy and come other reo tberIprobIhly hetero the lubtirlg prisoners ot IIr rs Tlross who tolhaw Nenned nkhig likely would part wllh gm ailrred tttltdd diuooai Ivrinetty with no push tire provisions North Ilmericai liy SOB BOWMAN Alexander AIIchenIIs was the tint men to ernos tho mart decision promo Court mile in the ears Ilia Kennedy says there may be Ietioo tht can be taken new in one ll itll In land the US su Welsh rxvlndtd conscientious obIeclor status to FtrliuhncwherolsIbllhom murtiitlkrthla iIatrlsterneni TrrIsurvr DArcy tirlteovdl it is my observation and By nos ollrainiv source oi military strength This week micena IIrk illrtai It more volunteers receivedmedicri yam hilr Eadrldslllrr Janlesibaamil Evesr on out In moot est olrt ills Loan committee IlthelrthomeIBercry tirillnreIId blliiii miter IlrprabnkAS 111 5provided at lea table uvgrvlpllumttllltgblxgl raised be and MonicaFl Mrs Frank Io eomplirnetllned md mmlmm American continent by land its on on tho bailc issue But this does arrived at llelis Tools on the hm ta not munuIlvltnumulvr crouccwtonmymm Iil war hill stir the mwnhvgggmulymllgo ihrr Improvement In the public Iver liiIckonIIs wllul us dpgwhuplnm up mega school Iyrtem the repIrale tits Irtmsntombothcollll raypnniibiiity at government Ind school mom will be let nu ll ot mm This It by my my mg mm will get its lIlr shire know It Sir Frsncls Drake ever ly mg The Weichstotenient Is ball saw the Atlantic coast oi Can IIn Iio wants the overnmtnt Ids durin his voyI as but he mpmum wm bun In did cruise the PIchc II lsr schools and vocational evening ciasser this year tidbit to tolrilllinld tire to Smcoe Foresters bad hriol riay It amp Borden alter year on coast patrol to Nova Srolla tint ordered to asap Niagpaauiglwbamnthsd guard ours bec Dot regiments IIIle unkllht elm PUNlSll nnotsar in other words iermIl reli gua belleis no longer may be Ior IolI leit ol conscientious the Iuhleeti haOrIrlgevtlle Requiem lines will be III espatchcr CNIt AIIandan it hold at St MI Church Fire destroyed Iex Christies hatchery on east side Highwa 27 north or Harris at Paddy Donna ll along baby chlcirs and thousands eggs 0n orders oi Mayor Donald Mao Loren members oi Barrio Fire Brigade were dcspalohed to hot nelgil Presidents Trophy won by erron Nlllllllytlt0ltlrlld er Iiamiilon andsltl Norman ohnsou Runnersup were lib Acton Barney Devlin Tommy Culhbert and skip Dr bore at scene itiwarl Cl St Patricks Day at weekly John Woods as guest speaks duced by Magistrate Compi Trinity Church Barrie an Anglican Shanty Bayc 31000 baquerts irorn esltt Reel oi New Clients ior many years summer resident at Glen Onnond rs tala oil Blake St and Horn entail Dr Announcement was made by tor Rev ii Reginald Howd key season ended locally as Lions Club ialcd players oi both junior and juvenile teams Speaker was Din ty Moore oi Pnr Colbornc native nd lmnlwiicmksdri vision died Barrie with 1400 at hatching observed dinner with Intro ieils illumilhdmlbh on iilIry minim narrlauoomiiioay ior roldlerr In Iinnenrlamliiei Boy Scouts oi Sl Androvisvhad thrill watching NHL game It Maple TASS Gir dcnr between Toronto Maple beats and tlonoilboPresenteirhoralouti Boston Bruins Patrols headed by Tom OConnor and Walter Cerruthera ilnish ed on top In contest so both were given trip Cilrllng searon ended in Barrie rink oi Em barre lIIero Randall Richardson This weeks eu received Victor Greg Canadian inlty recs crl Hoc ron with AF Harrie who is let vleepresldent Ontario Hockey Association this year He told at his trip to Germany in ill ior Canadas Olympic team ldent Bill Garner resided President Bill Bell lntroduce was last dinner meeting in Queens Hotel EXJLALst OUR ECONOMY id as goalie lions Prer Lion Part iivguests ll ronto damage In Barrie are rlivtmentr tor retire service Included Lewis cook with Royal Arthur McLean as rv bandsman with liCAF at Ottawa Howard liranirlln Longhuret with Army Dr Randall itlohardson Canadian Dentsi Co Edward Sironrman RCAF It To Manning Samuel Flula LaveryicNIvy WIiIami lierrlell sirli aircrew Heavy ilood Red Cross lssbel Chit tlcit and bills Wanda Vaiterworth ap peared at Town Council requesting uIe oi old gar works ler salvage depot Erie Hardy awarded Maurice Cody priro in public rpeaklltg at University oi Io Indusirifest iVlay Protest Over Pollution Controls Dy FRANK riausnrv OTTAWA The growing In volvement oi governments in the protection at the environ merit and the trellis Ilalrut poi Iutlnn will give rise to clashes with private enterprise There will be times when businesses will he told they cant carry on thelr allolra In what recnu to them to be the moat elllcieni wry Governments may ol covrIe provide coin nIItorlr tor the restrictions ey Impose but on the short run at least the are not apt to bo Impressive to the companies involved The problem was dllcutrbd gt llil recent annual meeting it the Pmspociors and Develope Mmintlon in Toronto In rel lion in the Northwest Territorlrs and the Yukon This is region more vulnernc his to permanent environmental damage Irom the works oi man thin the tart oi Canada by no son oi the harsh climate and llld ricw growth at vegetation The meeting was ngred to the slogan iierirlctinns Irs killing our Industry Tb dictuer thrgrou callcdin repreneaallve ol ho iedcrol government the only govern meat Involved in the North lie was ll litter director at the northern economic development branch oi the department at in dlan and northern Allll AIOIIE RESTRICTIONS lie didnt romIIo any Irrren llig oi rest ctIolu it anything helndlcoled there might more However he argued the Incentives the gnvemcrient pro yider lor exploration and devel opment more than compensate tor the restriction It imposes The proper role It govern mento In the development and exploration oi minerals II to protect the Irltereiis ol the peo pie or owners at there ra aourceI he said The gavem at had been givers incrcued wet in do this under recently enacted Ieuslallon ThII re led ilnm heightened public tunccrn about degradation at ibn environment It also re ilocitd govrrnmental concern tor the protection at the north ern rlsive peoples and their liIlltI to man in the new wealth which resource develop merit will create industry he hInch probably will be laced with more laws and regulolloiir not test They will concern the training and employment ol Indionrand III Iilmor in the short run at least these rules could eon Ilruetl II restrictive The picture was not onesided however The government was bring many things to tncourogl and assist Industry The value oi these measures can be no rerled In the Increase in min cut production which has si ready taken placeit per cent ill the rabbit period in the Yukon and the North west Territories the iederai gov emmeni ml the sole authority It hIti created In Inlraatructure which will enable resource In durlrlra to Iurlctlon and which had made pulsiuio exploration and development to date it Is assisting lvrther in building rvndr Ilrportv IprorlI and towns Iliere lacililloa will re lives the cost oi exploration and development Ouvemment helps developers with icons and III incentivel sometimes direct ubile invest ment It provided ecliriicol help ior prospectors and developers 1eoio icIt mapping geophysi cI an other riirveyr All their reduced the sort oi molar and testing ore In elictl he told the pror ec torr and develngerl oy couldnt logically loci to re Itrlcllonr while ploillltll Irom them and the calorie various idling at government ad amtvsbaronboo going to be big deal riod at can Pm be Li ciehr yet Rollover its urtdcir will be an extensive reorganisa wort oi gnvernmrntiniormallon serv Audit wiu probably mean reeridln icw ml lion du IIra mils all likely be denied but we can etpect it The only certainty Is that itll WEAK SPOT Whatever it Is there It one reason why anyone lamlilar ivllh the scene at Queens Port has to look at It with tongue In chest This Is that It wont be getting at the wrakerl spot In Ontario governmentcommunlcag lions Ii Iii In their worry aboulcommun cations it apparently didnt no cut to the leaders ol the govcml meal to look at themselves Yet thur raonIl communi cation Is is The men who act the policies andmrto tile do clrIonI In the government are poor communicators Apparently they dont realize this ior despite the long concern there liII been no nutlcoIble improvement And In this acme brave new communications mum is huII ding up In oulilcid when thapit thing still II ruhbenarmed Or buying thousand rIoIIIr overcoat when you hurt patch on your pootr WilATil TITAI AGAIN This can become clear lrom reading some at tho speeches mode by their leaders macaw Nile Norrie Erratum ll Bayllrid Street Suite Ontario Telephone 1mm Second Class lieu Regirlratlon Nuribcr 0W Return postage guaranteed Dally bulilsyr and Statutory Ilolidavs excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 600 will that year ly Single copies the by mail Barrie Otto yelrlyi Simeon County tatoo yearly Balance ol CInIds pinto ychrlyi All athercounlries moo yearly llolor throw oil moo year National Advertising Oiiice at Queen St West Toronto SM I7I0l ltd Caihtlrl St Montreal Iiernbcr oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau at Ctrculn our The Canadian Paul II elicits Ively entitled to the use tor to publication ol all news dlipalciv It In tbir paper credited to it or The Associated Prelg orIleuler and also lhI local um publish etiberrln The Barrio Bxamlaertcialmr yrlght In III original adven ill and editorial mIteriII cro slot by its employees Ind re produced In this newspaper Copyright Iiegirlrollon Num ber Moll lettuce ti hummmlnfl to outside licvevllr trillion rd unco vocally In mud to the lc issue thl by no meInI her Instincts which minister to amino lhIt our responsibilities to the school IyI lent Including those to the It Irlll schools are uncharged II an equitable nunnrr And this Irom lion Robert ftllthopt the devclo meat at Inopetiland ireo dlI gue be tween the government and the people or will never be able to Ich eve that combination or co ordination and decentralization which prerenlly runs through all dlreuti one at government at tho prereuttime TIIiS WHAT THEY MEANT Just what in plain terms would these men he lrylriI to ml with birlioou could It be something likot II This country has developed through private business and capital to lug rich believe with government ttking over to much at the lab oi hurinerr it will begin to nd there Isnt the burincss and capital tell to late the villa we need to continue developing or with Davis ll and the people tobeable to tail me Hill In TI to each other liut the coordin on Ind decentralisation remain log WHAT DIFFERENCE Not all speeches ol lovem ment lenders are iliIr eonluaed or coniusing overawordy or pro tenllously expresIed Somo cabinet ministers most oi the time and III ministers some times malln straight ion ward rpecobcr largely depend log on the subject but there Is great deal at this particular kind olIluIl pIr tIcviIrIywhen new mo Iiv eicI or controversial ecislblna are being discussed And It It such matters at course which call for the sham cit communication the most clarity They are the root oI govern ment and Il peopieare to be close in government there are the topics It is most Impoer they understand There is lit liner Investment or any rommunil than milk into lely mm And this have nothing to alter but olen lull tears and sweat cant really expch our trim to ho Churchilir Woi tdtilIO but they could with prnill dwell while on his use oi Illn pio Engiirh picture words and phrnrlng and clear thought It they 0r their lpdhebiill crIl dill some oi it might rub oi SuSpense Al The Library Euipenrehli llctloii books It The iiorrlo Public library MESSAGE FROM MALAGA it Ilelca liiIclnnes The iires oi many are held In ths balance In this modern novel oi emperor and Intrigue set In Spain Ian Perrier on vacation tor the us Space Agency breather both hunter and hunted IN COUNCIL ROOMS APART by John Craig For those at Sec ond World War vliilIgI who may have wondered why the big con verted liners the uteri Elisa beth and the Queen lary which carried thousands upon their Intis oi troopr across lhr Allan llt were never altarted nuver tor ed never suit The Can adian reltlng oi this story ni In lovertl rtlon ot three unexplain ed kill in plus chose and vs cape iron relentless killer was Interest to the llllpcrltu LAth root niva by John stoert Tile story at one manl rIVIIo hell in the initial oI Nib IdI tariit society on Internal conict that evil In violent action murder pr son and death THE RAID by Victor Knlpacoli Account oi commando rsld made by Arabs into enemy tor rllory on In inhuman and almost Imposrillio mission DRRI COVER lay Illtart into hell chilling spy Iloly haicil on an inllltrstlnn pot oi toyesr duration In and around the Ion military convict TMB WARSAW DOCUMENT by Adam IIIll Another Ouiiicr suit mission In the city whore win lcr was Bill only lit the streets EPICENTRR by Basil Jleltson what would ha pen the event at leak at in lonct vo materiel Irom nuclear power station Illvtxlrodiy located just so mlle lrom Toronto Set In the mill itlor this chilling novel It rath er too close in home Tlili ELUSIVF IllltS POLLI FAXby Dorothy ilman Yet another entertaining ynrn nl grandmotherly meddling by the only Inveobie CIA agent around the unexpected twisting and eluiiva lira Poilllrxl Tlll REVOLUTION SCRIPT IlrlIn Moore nonllclinn hlilorlcsl novel about the crisis In Quebec In lilo rcpro duclrig the events nl those to days oi terror by the author vi The luck at linger thliry THE TRUDEAU PAPERS by in Adam Gripping speculative Nation on the consequences nl nuclear accident In Canada ORAIN CARGO llull grain shipmentsll tlmll tonsmade up the larg tat portion or cargo hintlcit mtgh the late Superior port under Bay In Itlt no th as Vancouver Island pep He didnt mm width System energy dun regimen tlm dI gym honor oi being the iirst to see both touts oi Canada 0b MDT to to lost the court sled bad electivl Service not IlbllrIruy IiiIcIi on itrnthv Ilium inr tile tirIlt II nilhmcni int could go In CIpiIIn James pmtcrtr against ewar Cook III was great aromas and guided General Wollar Ir made up the St lawrerlrs to nches it till without loIinl In No also surveyed the coastal waters oi Nervle lIitd Labrador and the livel tlmes irnm not to not in Im the British Admiralty allied hint to try to lllld the NorthwesI PIIIIgs irorn lhI Pseliic shad two ships lie Ivtlori std Discovery and spent year In his iIvorlto South Sea Ilauntr beiore lighting the coast oi Oregon on llIrctii ill outlouIry War had be uh durin Ills voy agobutperIItoo hadnot heard about It any care he continued with his survey of the Pacic rolsl as iIr port as the Bering Sea airport to latitude ll wlhra be was stopped by wall This vongI eonvlnced took that there was my waterway across the North American ron llnonl llliI was disappointing but Cooks exploit mulled in more Important development his description oI iurlrading opportunities with the west coast Indians amused treat to terext in Britain and led eveniuv allyio the establishment oi Vancouver Island as British colony The members at Crooks espo tilliori became lorriqu later One was his navigating nlilcer Captain Bligh and the other was young mldIhlmen George Vancouver Ii lined Illcsily asked theeIuItlcyo doplilment and will ask the Selective Service Syr tem whsl they can do now to remedy what considers past ialuattcer now Inlhv absence oi new legislIllon II that tails legisiIIlon wIIlb considered Remedy old rats Ont witness Dr Willard lam1w tin Columbia UnivcrIlty prov leilor oi psychiatry and low In tiltemenl which ho called britl tor amnesty contended It rva ths entire country as the individth who to cciv Ollc thed nth cor me Nils Servch oliIcIIII contended generI amnesty would demo lish any continued dr encourage derertlorl Irom the army and would let danger our precedent tor the selective choosing at which turn ritlreo lights In and which laws he obeys slur Tuovullr Asa lth they did set Is wI hoped but lIsIl gave their on selves to Ills lard and Into It bytba Iiiloi Ondlcartaih iaas Iii Toll Is Gods order oi service and the only one He will horrorl Once we gve ourselves our mom will loIIow Ye are not yourtown 1T HAPPENED 1N CANADA rlr laoiuo uvotlatutavour IAINttFFdiAI mutt acretow circaMammal wornmeta ie lhlttlllltii automation OMAN tilt Idildi OELRLSIIINANI Iiovlhtunciwiimi ailim4uviioiuve Whine IlliwtrIvadM lavunler comme it lliol Fiitllziolllttll it monomervacating MWMWMWW NWHMMMAAA wad iHWMlVMIN Willi Wig tinloan this vt

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