Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1972, p. 22

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12 TINDLAS TENDERS swoon MONTY BOARD OF mclON DAME OAIr ADDITION TO RAWIE DETENTAIIY SGIOOL MIDLAND ONTARIO Baird traders misty Heati ttod to mu It Be II rrltnl by the Tessie Oak oi the SAW Want Band at motion ma DImr Onurlo will DID IT ll HORNY APRIL 17 lm Pinu Ioedtkntiera use trader Iantn Ire suitable Item Weir Gina PIrtom Artbttoeta Ind truism lttl Yam strret Toned Ontario DWI Fitment at devout at ISBN tunouacmms PUILICNOTICES an Atdey ire trntro rr 300 trump an septa o1 tsa Man nvrvvh VUIQVIOVOUOVIIVIIIIItrsttxwviur It latest Wm glad RRHIW la $01 Internist 151 ff wt me Ill min murmur LW put BIRTHS remMunro Irwinmt ndllnw III In Mr Ian Rug oIItI PROPOSALS rott ILttuha snthcz stow PROPOSALS Ill be mind by the Marieed up to an ill ml er the WM at amine Itrrv Ir ItlAwI murmt to be tamed mo share Rent Mum the City ItIrlrtI Ind anlll PIrtL Tba met location LI more partimlulr len mltnbie L1 tho City mrkt Dim rad bu IppmlmItely mutton Rood ran the ntrr llml III ll lbr leullnt sham b1 the drt ID etioedlodwtlmednnI rlI lI the extreme south In nutII than DEATHS II new ll TM III Mlu 21 mt WI DIM at new run It In DIM III term or new II be new In In cram WWI III AM Nil AM Ml Mkl AW mime II mutton In II no Mn rutII Win WI In PI IIIIt wt Irmuy mum It ltIIrmMAiilill UM KM M21 ALAIIKALL XIIAI Ne rlnn Aw WMII Nat In hear Mm rt tm cut me mam st ttutu MIL Ilme ibudrd on mer my mlmnu tht to the duo Ina thrr the Hub Ire la the int iev nth Ibrre hII been slow movement 01 ntr bound nnuIntL 11mm duo Ind not new boot three mu behind tcbedne On Sunday Clitt IIneFIdet mix llIrrlI Dentin Scott IDA molt oi mlth he Lambert Ind any be Iern Its ll dnmrndalignAtctn diet IIIer but It the int ire er tom run 01 III not told 10 them Ir In am an item Ia um and tea mu the Horned min were not rat ygmm Ind lieu Tannettiys We total no Entire south at room WW mm Elm thn sumot Imnd Will ICollege but we were WNW DL The most dramatic Ilthtutl at at Nothltth tteenl D1 rblrIIdt an MTV owl Kutbttrb it On shorter hill on W11 mu IlllTIl Diane CochinE Int return IrrIs In inattnl Im With their they result ltel at the in Mtll bore out 15an berlnl that no 1th In lbern we treated numItrbu In ram mantataunt rum my are not II the IllBly lrtzrt Wu that III men other Inlclra lard liedbrute nruIlly seen rum the trust red It II it rmty icngub melon the rm Mom bIrI in wood DC tur their nest they mil hole In rot round but by the rod ol the any we In somth discour lend IILII inc mum our list IutolTlWlDll in than at Ind It On In concerned Indium Anna Ind lIndreIpin IllI be natured Idiomt to Cmtennill PIrI lbr parking renum menu at ZonIn Briu us Ire to reply DetIliI at these requirnnrntt IrI Ibo Ituhble It the city OrrII Oillre it Lt to be undentnod thIl ymeuIiI will be tar tho Cur trim in ownership oi the had Ind letting it to the developer tar 555 defined period at HIM Ibo proposal lbwld IlIo treetry tbr ml Mosul32a D11 ANNOUNCEMENTS meant by Illth the qum wnertbiy at the building rxnlrltlen at in tour mmwm 53 MEMORIAMS The era rd Open Some Int dependent on ooirrd Lbr Qty in memo to lattlmte In 1AVn2itil 1H 01f It Pinr Ind th MM In It 1mm UM Irnan rat to tel yIv me in an urammodeie the Iueeeuiul prenatal II it it rnnI Sunday III tnIi at Pinon ilIILJnlr little lIIren mm ties the Samoa itIII but Ll murh Irmrr Piston links out through our TIle rub Ipnn IDHllll like many at our budt ll la manta tint tbelr slumberi I15 tutti line no open all BOX REPLlES rm White nary radtttor win III dll llradbnk Ber dds IDI Int Ind nor to tamrd noun to 1m Nru GnerIl Munster any ten trre nturb the tame ma more trndn Itth the Addition to Joorobr be Sdiwl Trnetartalnltrnt mum Tendrrs tor Itrdunlcal rd mania mdu IILI dose at the Burl Bid 119130131111 It eon Thursday April titb Intel or my tender not are usenly rented FISHER mm ID lulu MI Show mist Mitt litmus In Tow II In tin twin AIM II It team In III no you II lily our run Mn furlw and Itr nlrmoamt loner oi Mn brain crane Int nothIlrIu In nitric that the term bud it at our minty They breed patina II underway my early in the mean Ind the main my be eraerted to tummente with tbrit itm will over the lam lieldI tiLbItt the nut in rrreb FLIGHT DONG in ran the bird lllllllDll wrtne am Mom was mun Iur Mm ntunbetI to the oditnlter II IL HWY Timur at Ddtltolioa TENDERS 51110011 WUXTV BOARD 01 EDUCATION DAME ONTARIO ADDITION AND ALTERATIOSS 10 FT JOSEIHS PUBLIC SCHOOL PENEIAAOUISHENE Onlnrla Bttlrd terdrrl property idem trad II to tornu will be oetrnt by the Tender am at the 51m may Berni at T214 MIAMI 7e Turin Lute time With until MA MI EST MI MONDAY APRIL 17 ml WM Incarnation Int trntrr tonne Ire nibble tram Vlrlr pm Grim PIrtartI Architects Ind Mann use Your Street Toronto Ontario noon mm at devout at swan hote Graersl CentrIrtors may Iubntll NITbilled tender IllIl the Addition to Blyrlaw Hern eniIry Sdteol Iiidlznd Orrin rte Tendon tor IleehInrIl Int E1 rctriral Trades will date It the DInlI Did WW II too on Mr ll tar mast or any tender not no manly urged rinl Mm Jr 11 RABISAY 1121 but tntetrsu at the City rttrtIrr trilorrrtItlart concerning the my arm other City AUCTION SALE mt ANNUAL nnooKLtN AND DISTRICT NEW AND USED nil MACHINERY ounstnrtitnli AULTION SAID SIiurdIy Btmh 25111 II to In TRALIORI Over $3 Imh to aboou tram All tar mote me with ioIdrrI selling Iith 10 day auto Ind Labor wInIntyl HAVING EQUIPMENT DIlm Itaem nun Condltloarri Rbeiner eta GRAIN EQUIPMENT Seed Dtllll Combines etc MEN EQUIPMENT llInIal arr PlIntarI WIIaru rlr TILIAOE EQUIIIIENI Diane Plettztil liIrreIr eta OTHER EQUIPBIENTI IlIntIrI Spreaders Wlsan am Im lora Srtoerttobtln Ind other Inserted Integrate AUCTION era Titr it your Annual IPIIIII mnrket lt CARDS OF THANKS Imd Nimika our Iimr MN lay at ItInie Ind nrar Eulvierr Ill rIlI we to bet Laurrhud Ebrllta 1111 In mortumturdrtetn lurlbie an arrest Ir liability ln reaped at test or datnue allow to arise through Alter latlttrn or delay in or warding turntroll imam roused ttitethet by negligence or this protest an be obtllnrd tram ttIlJ BIrrit Ontario bTRAUGHAN It Clerk at miter strrrt BARR Onlria HAMILMJI 2593129 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE AntiquesetranSATBtAllCll It Im II DROUGHAAI mititiiNiTY nau he 111w Ind Brock ltd alum mutt Awmdmntiyzwitnru W15 SDVEIIN Manny Alllslon OHIO MILIIMI AIM Minor Ind inn an mm In bird is IrnIllrr terrinn ol the or re II It to ram no mm sfllymmluo by STILL Tlu nutriennumrthnet hmwy TITIulnin om mm allwm Northern Shrikelhalislttrc dur ing the winter mantht our trim Maid in round By my SPRING BIIGRANT we recorded Ipeelu including hie ltnb one The in mud Lt IIorin rnL Ird HYnmgmm mm noT 0d arInt mining here to bleed Itie MN III MI III nnihntebu 5m inbn um Ind Deanna Scott atberwu TRY Extuttnnrt wahi ADS PHONE mettt am rIrrinr rm rm Brena Craven an inning Ill ANNOUNCEMENTS canine Ivartts SPRING NEARLY NEW SALE Friday March 24 6108 Saturday arch 25 10 to pm GrIce United Chureh Hlll Directer at Education pt Mum 71 nrnriy no unite to choose ITOIIL 11in mt plan to Itirnd Int iotatho IvarIrwin turn bar at utlrtitd automate WATIDNL Btooirliah oat Corner Cook dc Grove St BAKE BALD FRED OOPFEI time BINGO Rn nne mom to aroma THE CARLEY MARINA Sealed tenders all be rescind by understood up lot In MIMan 1rd rm iarvtbe laden at the Culty IIIrtnI II mile out at Breeidi earner at lblainatt Raid or any No not tottnterrhmar No II Ibo anomwwsnatn then TIITI IOtWIIII kadttutim anoint IrIllIbie nn groundr Ilutt be minted prior to rate time WEATHER WNDTIIONS Bile under cover time in Lenll IleIiI Ind rItretbmrntI mil HENRY KAIIN AUCTION 155 Ferris Lino THURSDAY MT sttnnn Inn wzttrnqi OPEN HOUSE wth wedding Inalvertuy at Air and tire lilelvlile BItea on Lumen is me epttIIlon rim tb IIII It motion and motor rennin etc tor the in beating mean Iub led inertial condition Tender ravrleoel Ind nondi tionl tor ieulnf may be DDLBTD ed item the Cl ClrrltI title It the City its West or Iii trader not new rarity mated strutuotutn SERVICE SALE IIGIL PM ttiII Btu BTOIPIIITTO1II AT THE BIASONIC HALL BTAYNEII llauI arrest IhlI to your in vltItion Na ItnI Item 1111 RUMMAGE SALE Friday IlIIch It 130 to at TRINITY PARISH HALL COLLIER ST Anselm II ESTATE BALE of romaine Imueheid turniih sarunoittt Lumen It It 11 noon IhIrv II ELIIVALI SALESSIADIES LTD rolls me at ElmrIiI an IllAIlAIY 11 New tinttttl wmblnrtion to irirerator Ind deep ire Apartment IirI IIIytII dryIr new Kitchen nbllt Frigid Iin deep lmze like new LaxyDoy lbntor hair Pilleo televtIlen Eiodrobomr stereo Int reenrdI like new Antique iInyI desk CedIr cite not bean IuitI piece PIIr iIrge tarnna GeIrtIn rlIien Ind unto combiaaiie place bedroom raltc Antlgul enIIr SInyo tape rm In new Polarabi aIrnerI now Be rIIle Ind Ilptl an alt matte when are Calm table amorous Ind Ashlin Oak booiwe TV tI bin Coll clubs ltodln Ind re cord air eonDinItiort btordt ADVERTISING etrot and DIRECT PHONE 72a2414 ALLISTON new LIrIe aosntltier new linen toblrdothl and lets QuIrAily ANGUS my bsodlna bitnlteu etc Thu it yutinl llIi only liuled llli Within INTEN MILLS APTO Am Dtnrit mllIble iernu ARCHER OOLWILL ailment Hartman Tallow Irwinmu whim ram DI In by Into dlyl BOND HEAD BRENTWOOD County Ileenee he row to moan CHURCHILL Whether the rtan mount enunril meeting church rapper or rural sports league The Examiner will print the story Throughout Slmrae County The Ex aminer delivers total new package dolly plitl VIIIINH ad nls and special features mw GROUP WI might at well admit Ill The EI 23 emitter II the biggest storyteller tn RUMMAGE SALE Simeon County With our regular aloft SATURDAY Itancn It vrrtort pluI ourdtttrtctcomtpondentt 5T 10531715 $03an we carry more news item about Sim mataqu mt ammo County than any othermrdlum and we do it slit days week TLNDERS FOR THE RIGHT TO OPERATE THE CITY OWNED MARINA Sealed lrnderr ill be melted by the undmiytrd on to pm liandny BiIrcit Wit tor the tartan ol the city MAM tnrrlnI amnion rtthtt lor the 1m boating mum rublect to err lIin rortdlliorti Irndrr cutthroat Ian renditions lnr 1min may be ebteined irorn the City Clerks alith It the City Illll taunt or any trader not new IIrlly Irrepted ll leIAUGllAi CITY CLERK 1116172912 Alumea St llIryI CW 1122 EXAMINER CORRESPONDENTS COVER THE NEWS IN THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITIES NEW nos NEWTON ROBINSON oao STATION PHELPSTON tuner 51 PAULS STROUD DALSTON EDENVALE ELMVALE GILIORD GUTHRIE HOLLOWS HOLLY Limit tar it WOII rII morn CLAIIIIIO AOVII lllItO was Ninth VII we Inurtinn trim wruttiem Wit BEST RESULT mm INOADIMIN my Emma WM PM aw mum martialt aIIrtt BBIICII NIIIWI Iletli II 1lltlIAn 1911551 silt ctowns th TOTTENHAM COOKSTOWN LEFllOY THORNTON MOVED THE mm SIWWMW caown HILL MT ST LOUIS WAVERLEY OPPCDNTIRI1 IIen Lollllicttl raantsrs NEW PAICIB try our Itnntli to wrrxrno BPICIAL on CARI on near raoM noon FRIDAHO AM Monoav gltgngnugtnt We ECONOMiCAL PBICESOUALITY ssavrcr no itilt ylnltlwiinnnin my WE TRY HARDER ilitltiilllm II In II IIMDNE Manta II will til at Iltl itnI New line CRAIGHURST MIDHURST UTOPIA WI rat lawn rItII Im WI ARI NOW 101 NLOP ST WIST water run onto neuronal ur rtmI 1mm Ina tilllilild AUTOMATIEISPOWER STEIRINO RADIO Ml WI Him the luril umber to Ieu whirl It not iIIIen the too at the uranium Ill not Ill it trl IlHlIlAL1IINITII in Slmroe County Reads The Examiner mm mm urn or TitlltitItl mm use I$31411 lVlItII II warm CROSSLAND MINESINO WASAGA BEACH ttrtr lnumertl mry Ir smut III ii Humbert IR 111 ll IIUII Ovllrlmlnt stzso PL PER Mite aLus one Ironith tor M11 one ineormltt IIOllIIOIIlIY VIII If II III rut of llodnllll GOOOIJUIIOOOI coat uponypvx rrnnm mwMnm3rentarr

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